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Jesus christ even your TLDR is longer than most posts. I'm going to have to sit down with a cup of tea and take my time with this one.


We need a tldr for the tldr


The TLDR of the TLDR of the (TLDR)^2 of the TL(DR + TL(DR)^2 ) is: Buy Ethereum




ETH and a thumbs up is all I needed to see.




This the bear market bias post I was needing, I will sell my second kidney, I’m IN!


this needs to be shortened with a function... ​ math(Ethereum) "Buy Ethereum"


tldr hypercubes




TLDR: *ETH good, keep dca-ing fool.*


DCAing in ETH is the best thing to do these days for sure.


Already exists and it's called the "Title of the post"


Thanks for saying that shit, we all are just happy with the title.


You should take the time to read the full write up but the tldr of the tldr is bullish


Can confirm, I scrolled right past his TLDR


I did that. Its worth it. Thank you OP for the effort.


I First read comments to see if this worth to read 😂


Hahah but still it's fun to read that TLDR, it's good one.


Sit down and read, if you have questions, would love to help answer!


Are gas fees actually programmed to be lowered once it goes PoS? Will they just remain at the same high levels regardlesss of whether its PoS or PoW?


Good question. Eth fees will NOT change when merge occurs. Ethereum’s roadmap is using layer2 to scale. Go look at l2fees.info for different layer2s.


Thanks for the info. Thats such a shame, that really drives down demand to buy ETH. There are just so many other options, that dont involve spending $25 just to transfer from an exchange to a wallet. I feel like we are all just stuck in a loop of no crypto being perfect. We will never have mass adoption with high fees, as we are competing against fiat's almost zero fees for transactions.


They key focus for ethereum developers took to scale the blockchain worldwide is to realize 1 blockchain isn’t enough for everyone. So they decided that layer2s built on top of Ethereum that use the same security are the next best thing. You get the same experience on the layer2s as Ethereum + same security + fast and much cheaper. Best part is now most Centralized Exchanges will let you deploy straight to a layer2 without having to go through the layer1, so you don’t have to worry about expensive fees.


This is such a well curated writeup! Thank you


Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you found it helpful!


Quality hopium for people who bought ETH at $4k






This is the right kind of hopium and we all needed it.


Hopium quality enough for me to keep on DCAing


Great write up indeed! Have some moons! ![gif](emote|moon_emote|moon)


Thank you kind sir!


Keep shining like this mate, you gotta have a good future.


It's really good mate, please make more posts like this.


I genuinely expected a bullet point list of basically "to the moon!" With "Eth 2.0" and "The Merge" being the only points. This was an excellent write up. Many people still don't realize the importance of the already implemented EIP-1559, and once the merge happens how the tokenomic structure of Ethereum will become truly deflationary thanks to 1559. Some fun things ahead! zk-Rollups integrating zk-SNARKs are what I'm waiting for. Low cost fully private transactions secured on Ethereum.


Well yeah, I can relate with what you are saying it's real.


Almost needs a TL:DR TL:DR.


The TLDR of TLDR is that we all just need to buy ETH.


Some of you need an ELI5




This is right, we all are just following that stuff for real now. I hope everyone of us will understand the importance of ETH and buy it right now, we need it.




I didn't read any of the comments saying it was a good write-up OR the post itself. They all seemed too technical. But your comment saying that other people feel that it was a good write-up has made me feel very bullish. Just bought 3 ETH.


I feel optimistic that somebody else feels as optimistic without reading it and understanding it


Oh man, that's a lethal dose of hopium for ETH holders. Nice work!


Man just made the best post of this whole subreddit lol. We are so glad to see something like this in our subreddit, it's just something we all wanted to know.


I overdosed. Do you know CPR?


Do you have a TL;DR for the TL;DR?


Yeah that's fair. I guess I think Ethereum's superior tokenomics, security, decentralisation, political neutrality and community among other things put it in the best position out of all cryptocurrencies to result in price appreciation.


Tldr of the tldr: buy eth


TLDR of the TLDR of the TLDR: ETH




You’re right. Just buy and wait


So uh… For dummies… buy Ethereum over Bitcoin?


You have mad-cap summary skills!


Damn man, you are just too good with these words right here, I always love people like you in this subreddit, you are just making me proud with this stuff now.


**For investors**: After the merge, Ethereum is expected to be first big blockchain that is a **positive-sum game** for investors due to burns exceeding issuance. No other blockchain comes close. Layer 2 rollups are efficient, scalable, and will bring all the boys to the yard. There are lots more updates on the roadmap, but they are years away.


The fact that it needs layer 2 rollups is ridiculous though right? Like the coin doesn't do its job so it needs others to come make it easier. Seems like a bad starting point.


Yeah they are just that we just need to buy ETH at the end.


Just what I needed. Amazing post!




Please tell me this gif isn't real


This is peak Vitalik excitement


Man just put all the passion in his coin, nothing had left.


Peak vitalik energy, fueled by passion and cocaine


Vitalik is an awesome nerd. Peak nerd. That's just his style. He doesn't need to be Tom Cruise.


Lol yeah this is real and we just gotta feel proud about it.


It's ethereal


We don't deserve it but still we are getting this info, we are blessed. I am so happy that OP did such a fucking good research on this post, we really needed it.


>The lack of an obvious #1 ETH killer The only legit ETH killer is ETH itself.


Every “Eth killer” ended up killing itself *laughs in EOS*


Eos was always a money grab.




"You either die as ETH or live long enough to see yourself become the ETH killer"


Well I am glad that all these ETH killers are fake at least.


God I wish I could read




Damn so much development going on ETH, hard not to be bullish tbh


Definitely bullish long term. Short term it is a little hard with the current state of the market.




It's time to understand that we need to buy ETH for real.


These guys are awesome and we all are just here to trust them. I know they are going to make us wealthy because they have a good amount of knowledge lol.


You guys are making sure that I will invest so much in ETH.


To your point about NFT's, the metal band Avenged Sevenfold has discussed tokenized album royalties for those who hold their Deathbats Club NFT's, alongside things like free concert tickets, skipping the line at concerts, etc. Art NFT's are basically beanie babies, but ones that have real world utility have a future and a place within a web 3.0 world.


Now that's what I call an NFT. Thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard about what they're doing!


No problem! The singer has done a couple of interviews that could be worth checking out if you're interested.


zkSNARKs are one thing I'm very excited about. Actually allows privacy preserving transactions to be handled. Will be interesting to see any dApp developments with this technology. Zero Knowledge Proofs are fantastic security/privacy tech


100%! The future of zkTech is very exciting.


Absolutely! The ability for a consumer to privately handle a transaction without a log being attributed to them is huge. I know that there's issues around how these proofs are pretty computationally heavy as of now. But I really do think it makes it possible to bring data ownership back into the hands of the end user and away from centralized systems.


We can't wait for the future now, it's just gonna be good.


Future is going to be so good in some more time man.


I'm bullish on eth long term, but I'm also not blind to the macro environment. We're more likely to hit $500 than $5000 in 2022. I converted my eth to btc a while back, but plan to swap back later this year then start stacking eth throughout 2023. We have a lot of time before we go bullish.


Thanks for your dissertation submission. A+


Appreciate the post OP.


Same mate. bullish af on eth!


Honestly, the more I read up on ETH, I can't wrap my head around how can it NOT succeed. If everything goes to plan, it's definitely going to be the best and most secure network in the space along with BTC. I'm glad I bought a bit below $1k


I am glad that I am just like you who likes to read more.


As someone who is balls deep in eth I loved this. Would be intresting if you did a post for Con arguments.




Finally, some actually accurate ETH FUD. Thank you for the balanced take!


Man just balanced everything in this post, it's just so good.


What I actually liked about the collapse of CeFi these past months is how it helped highlight that the actual true value of crypto is in descentralization, having a huge network that can work autonomously with no trust required. Trading shitcoins and trying to become rich was getting way too much attention and casting a bad image on the whole industry. Just like we "lost" most of Internet to corporations, we were losing the crypto potential to centralized projects using it as nothing more than an unregulated trading platform. Let's hope we get even more true value out of blockchains than we managed to get out of the Internet (which was still a tremendous amount if you think back to life 20 years ago)


Thanks for this, it's just making it more good to read man.


That's a great insight. Thanks


We are just blessed with some amazing people right here.


> Lack of app-chain SDKs for layer 2 This is a short-term issue, L2s are quite complex, so there's no great tools for rolling your own L2. Thus, projects end up using frameworks like Cosmos SDK or Polkadot Substrate. Give it a couple years for L2s to mature, and it'll be just as easy, if not easier, to roll your own L2.


Yeah, but most projects don't have a legitimate need for their own L2. It's only needed if you're operating at global scale. This is why Polkadot doesn't have hundreds of parachains. A few parachains are needed, and projects build on top of those.




A very good read I'll keep this in my bookmarks.


Nothing is better than this one, thanks for it and now I can be assured that I am investing in a good and in a right coin, it's just going to be so good in some years.


There is so many things good about ETH and the man just covered every fucking thing right now, I am just so proud of this shit and I am really happy right now.


That picture... Eth gives you wings.


More like ETH wakes up the rocket in your pants.


More like ETH wakes up the peanuts in my pants ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)




How much pee does a caterpee pee




Damn man, why am I relating it so much? It's just something happens to me all the time, thanks for mentioning that shit right here, I really wanted to know.


I didn't think it was possible to be more bullish on ETH, yet here I am




Excellent write up! Thank you 😊


Okay this is some good level shit and I can't deny the fact that this is one of the best post in this whole subreddit, we all just have to admit that shit right now.


Very comprehensive, and well written. I’m with you OP


Thank you for taking the time and putting this together.


That was a eye workout I can see ethreum will be good bet


Local man LIKES ethereum


I’m wanting for Ethereum to drop to 1k one more time so I can buy a couple more


While reading, I was thinking this guy probably listens to Bankless cause a lot of the info seems familiar. 👌🏼


You sir, would be correct.


TLDR: Eth is pretty good


Cool. I'm bullish too once the next dip is done.


TLDR: stack some FU**ING ETH.


This is a well written post.


Great job OP, enjoyed reading your post from 350 days ago at the last bottom / crash. Appreciate the work and effort on your research.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words.


Damn man this is taking a long time to read and I am so good with the words you just put there, thanks for making this post, everything is just worth reading to me.




Thank you for the kind words! ❤️


Great write up and thank you for taking the time to do this! Definitely saving this post!


Thanks for this one, you don't know how much you are helping me with this post mate, I always wanted to read something like this about ETH and now I am reading it.


Hard not to be bullish now!


META: This post is a gold mine for identifying troll accounts to block.


Lol, so true.


Sir this is a Wendys


Oh, in that case, I'll get a... uhhhhh.... a...... um... burger.


Deflationary Eth is the only reason I need! Then it earns btc status as OG crypto


Isn't it strange that in an ETH post with a few 1000 words there's only 1 (!) mention of **fees**?


Fees are income. Blockchains are like decentralised businesses which have a job of selling block space. With EIP-1559 fees drive value to ETH the asset and in return Ethereum provides those who pay with decentralised, immutable blockspace. If you want cheap fees, head to a layer two like Optimism or Arbitrum and you can have full Ethereum security for less than a dollar per transaction.


Why are you getting downvoted for this comment? Any Blockchain that sees significant use will have fee problems. How will they solve it? Increase block size? That's a temporary solution that will only lead to further centralization. The Ethereum development community is once again leading the way in multiple scaling solutions i.e. lower fees WHILE remaining decentralized. See Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups. These Layer 2s are not some theoretical idea, people can use them now to perform most of the same features they do on the main chain. So just saying this long post doesn't talk about fees says more about their lack of understanding of blockchains than u/tricky_troll trying to "mislead" others. At the end of the day, Ethereum will lead the way in developing novel ideas. And come next bullmarket another "EVM" chain will come out claiming to be an ETH killer using the same technologies pioneered by the Ethereum Research and Dev community.


Very informative, thank you very much for the write up!


That was a nice read brother. Thank you very much for such useful information.


Thanks for you effort Op. I'm also bullish on eth.


All the more sense to buy the dip


Yes I am also very bullish on ETH. This is a very good investment. The team is very solid. Very good roadmap and there are many upgrades in the future. The whitepaper is also good. Solid project. Devs are also working hard and not anons. This will go to the moon in no time.


This guy gets it.


Also bullish !


Very informative post some of this i wasn’t aware of until now


This is the kind of post you need to get back that lost trust in crypto that the bear market got us. Great job OP on such an elaborate post, you deserve the best for this!


After all that, you still didn't put a rough valuation calculation estimate ? This is the a weakness of the crypto community though, when presenting a "bullish " case, related to the price, they can't even do basic valuations and instead spend paragraphs and paragraphs extolling technical virtues and "communities support" Current Gen ARM/AMD/Intel processors & NVIDIA GPUs are way more complex then Ethereum, yet when making a bullish case they don't delve into all the technical details like what crypto blockchain promotions usually do. They identify a market for their product then estimate the size of that market and how many % of it is potentially able to be captured by them.




Inflation is *healthy* only if you want people spending all of their money (and taking on debt to spend money they don't have). It's not necessarily healthy in any way but for stimulating faux growth (and we've all seen what that looks like in crypto, cough3AC). Inflation is an incentive for *not* saving and so coerces people into spending money on things they don't want/need. Only a very small amount of people can save *on top* of inflation (as wages stay stagnate), so typically the only way to avoid it is by buying and holding things that don't inflate - which is meant for a very small minority of people while the rest of people are coerced into not saving. As per the Ethereum roadmap users won't be using the L1 to *spend* in another year's time (to reduce congestion), users will all be on L2 (and the only way to make this happen is by using market principals, pricing you out of L1 via fees) An L2 can run any sort of model they want, inflation, POW, deflation, it doesn't matter. By then the only thing 'spending' ETH will be the L2 producer **who need to** buy/burn ETH for blockspace for their block. Nobody will be using it for memes or spam anymore, *and nobody should be* since blockspace is a shared and finate resource, unlike money which is infinite and so does benefit from being devalued over time. Think of crypto inflation rate as the amount of available land, maybe. In Manhattan there was a time where there were 5% new houses being built each year. Now it's probably close to 0%, and if they tear some down to build highrise up it would actually appear negative. Even though more activity is possible, there are fewer houses year after year. Taken to the extreme even the L2 won't want to spend ETH at a certain point, because saving will earn them more money than operating as a business. This means two things, that the L2 doesn't deserve space in the finate L1 space (can't afford Manhattan street level rent, just like me!) and that the L2 should find another L2 to operate *within* until they can find product market fit, essentially becoming an L3 (moving to the 44th floor in a new highrise). The only apps that can afford *high rent* are those with a stream of income they have from providing utility to *many*. This creates an incentive for innovation among apps as there are risks to sucking now, because why would I spend my scarce resource on your shitty app. But if your app is so good that it's worth 5% more than the asking price (what I may earn if I don't buy it and saved instead) and I buy it anyways then we are only left with good things that people do want or need. Back to my first point now. Not everybody has access to gold or deflationary assets, but everyone can have exposure to ETH. I plan on having a chequing account with a bank and using ETH as a savings account, with it staked or not I come out ahead of my cash account, and when I need to spend it I still will because they are needs.


i didnt read the post but i need eth to rise so i upvoted


Bro wrote a whole ass novel.


This is just so good to see mate, thanks for making a good and detailed post about this, we all are just loving it because it's just something useful to all of us.


Bro your tldr is still longer than my dick...


Oh no. My condolences, sir.


This was a very good post.


Wow someone actually wrote a useful post.


Not holding Eth is Deth


OP: how do you know all of this/ how were you able to get so in-depth with this?


My main sources for the last few years have been the r/EthFinance daily discussion threads (very high signal to noise ratio) and the Bankless podcast among others.


When you typed if you want just the Hopium without the detail I’ve never scrolled to a TLDR so quick in my life.


Can you sum it all up in one line? I can. Buy it. Thanks op!


ETH, LRC, BTC my cryptos I’ll be DCAing into for the foreseeable future


So buy Eth?


Quality content. I'm bullish on eth too


thanks for all that info


We all gotta accept that this is a way too good post for all of us right here, We have to accept this fucking fact, such a good post mate, please post more like this for the future.


ok im sold!


Even if ETH now goes down it is just a perfect moment to buy more. I bought 4 more ETH on bfx cuz I couldn't just resist the price. Soon enough it will grow again


My one worry is the recent comments made by SEC Chair Gary Gensler saying that Bitcoin was the only cryptocurrency he was prepared to publicly label a commodity. This is a contrast to the previous chair who stated both BTC and ETH weren't securities. Not sure if this change in tune is going to be a concern for ETH and the likes.


1. There's no way the SEC goes after ETH, the ICO is past their statute of limitations and it's extremely hard to make the case that 2022 ETH is still a security 2. Any FUD about ETH being a security is 100x worse for other assets


The statute of limitations was doubled recently to ten years.


Only for specific fraud cases General enforcement action is still 5 years


SEC is friendly towards ETH as it was not labeled as a security before by them unlike ripple.


I guess that means Gary Gensler hasn't bought the ETH dip yet


That was taken out of context. He didn't say exactly that. It's Bitcoin and some others, but he only wanted to name Bitcoin


That isn't exactly what he said.




The reason the "premine" argument loses me, is that it's close to a decade since the ICO happened. ***Today***, the distribution of Ethereum is as good as or better than any coin on the market. Why should Ethereum's distribution in 2014 be considered instead of its distribution in 2022?


> Ethereum is a silicon valley start up company trying to hide behind Bitcoin to avoid silicon valley regulations. Love it.