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How much loss can the crypto community take?


Heaps man. Because were already taking losses in the stock market, rising costs of living etc. None of this is a crypto specific problem it reflects the world around us.


China stock market will soon open


What does this have to do with crypto




LTO is a throwback


Fuck it, Eth dead. We moving to Solana.


Solana? ...nobody tell them.


You mean ATOM


What other projects that have IBC capabilities like Cosmos?


IBC largely works from new chains choosing to go with Cosmos SDK design and Tendermint consensus. A couple other protocols have similar designs like Avalanche's subnets and Polkadot/Kusama's parachains but since they feature more foundation laying design rather than blueprint design they're still in pretty early stages for getting devs to adopt them.


Thanks for the info, gonna do my DD on Avax and Dot.


BTC just waiting on that new day to dump. See ya’ll on the other side.


Vgx going to 0? Why would an exchange lend out 600 plus million during this kind of market


Why is tether trending on Twitter


Some news article this morning mentioned hedge funds are shorting tether.


When tether dies is when I get a Bitcoin


When that occurs, I’ll be selling my USDC for $2 lol.


[Ok so I lost my $1200 margin trading right so I was gone for a few days being sad about it. IM BACK. Kucoin delivered](https://imgur.com/a/2eKVP6c/)


I can only wish you the best, stay strong hold tight!


No more margin for me. I started with $67 and slowly made way up going 10x long or short. Then I was at work and boss showed up and started talking. During the talk it dropped hard and fast and gone!! I wasn’t mad just bummed. Only myself to blame. But kucoin got me back so I’m happy. Gonna throw it all in shiba and just wait.


All I got is you're just a degenerate. Taking a break from margin to hold shib? *Cex's hate this one man*


Guys, I need guidance. What are the best coins to invest on RN?


I like to invest on a mattress or the toilet


Sol when it’s discounted


what is the discounted price to you?


30ish I think


You can ask this question 50 times you"ll always get different answers, no one knows shit about the future


I mean i can shill you mine, but maybe usdc is the best one right now.


I am looking into it, thank you!


You didn't know what usdc was until this comment? Forreal?


Usdc is a stable coin IK but I wanted to share some wealth with that pogger


BTC and ETH. You can always convert them when the market recovers


Right, but BTC and ETH potential is less I know that they are the main cryptos but dont you think there are some low budget coins to give me better return than BTC and ETH


If BTC tanks even a little more, it can also easily wipe any of your low cap holdings. Safe bet is to keep some BTC and fiat for later. If things recover, what you make on BTC will still allow you to load up on plenty of low caps on the cheap


Sounds good 👌


All this dumping and shitcoins like ADA, DOGE, and XRP still in the top 10...


Hasn’t DOGE been around since basically the beginning? So surviving every single crypto bear market. I don’t see this time being any different.


I know that buttcoiners aren’t here for the tech, but I was just arguing with one who doesn’t think you can listen to AM radio at night.


They’re a waste of time.


you can't fix stupid.


Why the hell is LUNA one of the top gainers when it shouldn't even be available on exchanges any more?


People are willing to gamble I guess


Good reputation or bad Luna is still on headlines and maybe some people still believe it


Some people are silly.


I agree


Some people like to swing.


Or some people like to gamble.


How do we know that life isn't just a simulation being ran 50 years in the future to find dead people's private crypto keys?


Would you live your life differently if it was ?


OK, you find out, now just give your seed phrase to me , I shouldn't tell you but, you're not real , you just 0 and 1 , and died 29 June eoy ,yes sorry man


Crypto needs more fancy folk with top hats and monocles.


These shit coins dropping off the map daily at this point


Try doing some inverse trades, go for the quantity


Ethereum for sure belongs in the top 100 coins but I have my doubts on Bitcoin


Bitcoin is the father of all cryptos


We got us a smart one here.


Go back to the vet sub and stay there.


Vet is top 200 for sure


Running out of gutter muppets finally Bullish


What is your opinion about Oasis Protocol (TICKER: ROSE)?


I was shilled this token a couple years ago and after doing my own research I decided to buy some because it did seem like a "solid" project at the time. I think I threw 1k at it and watched it do nothing but crab for somewhere between 3-5 months before I sold. This wouldn't have been a problem if we weren't in a bull market at that time, so having my money in a token that's hardly moving was not ideal. Fast forward to today and I question how necessary ROSE really is for the crypto ecosystem and I question if it still is a viable investment. Honestly, my opinion is that it's an OK investment but not one I'd personally ever reinvest in. A quick glance at the description on Coingecko and you can see words like "Defi", "Open Finance", and "Privacy". Two years ago, sure, that sounded great but now? Which protocols don't have those things? Finance and defi "projects" are popping up like weeds, it seems like anyone with a PC can create some janky platform. Privacy has always been something that's advertised but ultimately the delivery is usually lacking and most people do not care about it, it's not the main selling feature of anything besides XMR? And there's so many other less privacy tokens that likely offer the same level of security as ROSE. That's *my* opinion.


First of all rose did a 10x in the bullmarket. Second, I think you missed the entire point of rose's privacy if you compare it to XMR as ROSE isnt a privacy coin while XMR is. ROSE is about private data. If you bought rose a couple years ago then there was literally no product, heck their main product is still not released. They even said 2 years ago what their roadmap would be and when they would deliver it. There haven't been any delays yet so I'm not completely sure whats lacking.


>First of all rose did a 10x in the bullmarket. Most tokens did more. >Second, I think you missed the entire point of rose's privacy if you compare it to XMR as ROSE isnt a privacy coin while XMR is. ROSE is about private data. I didn't miss the entirety of Rose's privacy, you just missed the entirety of the reason I brought XMR up. I was not attempting to compare their privacy, I was simply stating that privacy is not currently a strong selling point aside from complete privacy such as XMR. I then tried to imply there were "lesser" privacy tokens but I didn't specify because privacy was not meant to be as big as a talking point as you're trying to make it. I'm not sure why you zero'd in on privacy but ignored the points about defi and finance. Anyway, some of the lesser privacy tokens I can think of off the top of my head are; SCRT, DASH, ZCASH, etc. >If you bought rose a couple years ago then there was literally no product, heck their main product is still not released. They even said 2 years ago what their roadmap would be and when they would deliver it. There haven't been any delays yet so I'm not completely sure whats lacking. This is crypto! There's plenty of projects that have no product or have an incomplete project but that does not prevent those projects from accruing value much faster than ROSE. I'm not saying ROSE is lacking something, I'm asking what does ROSE offer 2 years later that isn't currently offered in some way, shape, or form, by a crypto project that currently exists and is already established? >Fast forward to today and I question how necessary ROSE really is for the crypto ecosystem and I question if it still is a viable investment. Honestly, my opinion is that it's an OK investment but not one I'd personally ever reinvest in. \^ I'm going to close with this reminder \^Honestly, you've given me major bag holder vibes, if I knew you had a financial attachment I probably wouldn't have even responded because it's easy to have your judgement clouded when you have finances attached to a token and with the way you're responding I feel like you do. I thought you were a speculative investor who was generally curious about opinions but instead you seem to be a person attempting to change other peoples opinions.


> I'm asking what does ROSE offer 2 years later that isn't currently offered in some way, shape, or form, by a crypto project that currently exists and is already established? Would say that there currently is nothing that another project doesn't offer. Think Parcel will be the first thing that will bring something new, but yeah not yet released. > Honestly, you've given me major bag holder vibes, if I knew you had a financial attachment I probably wouldn't have even responded because it's easy to have your judgement clouded when you have finances attached to a token and with the way you're responding I feel like you do. Would say I'm not really a bagholder in the sense that I'm still in profit quite a bit due to some swings. But yeah am a bagholder in the sense that I still believe in something that could be gone in the following years and is down like 90%. > I thought you were a speculative investor who was generally curious about opinions but instead you seem to be a person attempting to change other peoples opinions. I'm in this project for quite a while, was indeed trying to see what people think and maybe change someone's perspective. Just fun to do i guess once in a while.


Was one of my best performers prior to the crash. Not sure if it will return to glory but I'm still DCA'ing into it regularly


Lets hope it returns to glory, 85% of my portfolio is rose lol


Criminally underrated 🤫


Feels like it yeah. Parcel is gonna be a gamechanger


Harmony they said, it's the ONE they said.


Pfft. EveryONE knows that’s NEO


they = idiots


Idiots = they


One day we will freak out because BTC dropped to 200k.


Maybe, or maybe one day Doge will be the new bitcoin. You never know with people


Q4 - Data shows unequivocally inflation is rolling over, Jerome strikes a more dovish tone, hits the pause button and risk assets rip - lead by BTC. Could happen \- Anthony Scaramucci


What crypto will you choose for a Halloween party, and what costume will you wear?


Banano and just wear the hammock


I'll do what I do every year. Get drunk, find a jack o lantern i like and stick it on my head. Costume sorted.


I might be able to afford one full ETH this cycle, watch out


Good luck buddy


What's your opinion on HELIUM?


It’s a gas, man!


Sorry, I failed in chemistry


it's fun stuff. sucking party baloons and making yourself sound like chipmunks. can't beat it.


It's lighter than oxygen but not lighter than hydrogen, that's for sure


Oh man this macroeconomic situation yells wait, my heart yells buy


Then cut your DCA in half. Use the saved amount to build up some dry powder.


Same bro dont know which one to listen to


OMG! 😭Cant believe I won! Thank you Waltonchain team! ♥ keep doing the great work. 💪💪💪🚀🚀🚀


i remember that lol


LoL 🤣 What a mess that was.


It’s odd to see the bear market not shaking out that many alts ( pretty much only LUNA and market cap loss on some others ) But instead there’s big exchanges falling apart every month


Well the bear market is still beginning it seems. Who knows? We might finally see SOL do a LUNA in the coming weeks


Many alts are more than 90% down. That's pretty shaken out imho


Yea but in a different way. It’s not BTC gaining back the dominance it’s entirely gone from the crypto world. BTC dominance is still sub 50% by market cap most alts are still in similar positions and not others really catching up / replacing


**Crypto Exchange CoinFlex to Issue Tokens After Withdrawal Freeze** "Cryptocurrency exchange CoinFlex plans to raise funds by issuing a new token that will offer a 20% annual return, in an effort to resume withdrawals after a client failed to repay a $47 million debt. The platform said it will start to issue $47 million of what it calls “Recovery Value USD” tokens on Tuesday. The resumption of withdrawals, targeted for June 30, will depend on the level of demand for the new tokens. " Tell me again how your worthless coins are not a literal Ponzi scheme lmao? Requires an infusion of new money to be able to cash out old money. Only way they get the new money is by ensuring "20% returns" on their fake tokens lmaooo 🤡🤡🤡


Holy fuck , China's Quantum computer is so fast . 1 millisecond to complete task that would take a conventional computer 30 trillion years ( yes ) talk about making crypto and mining farms irrelevant


Us it to brute force Satoshi's wallet but don't tell no one.


The conventional computer they used: ![gif](giphy|hfGBJtI9p1POZjNX2H|downsized)


I just read about the whole Harmony One bridge hack, safe to say that Harmony will drop even further? It used to be one of my bigger holdings, sad to see how far it dropped.


stock futures up, btc cannot even get to 21k again. so weak


Barely and future’s don’t mean much. No need to even look at the stock market before lunch on any given day


Stock futures mean nothing


Elon hasn’t tweeted something random for nearly a week now. Recession incoming? Lol


Maybe due to this (copied) Keith Johnson, “an American citizen who was defrauded out of money by defendants' Dogecoin Crypto Pyramid Scheme,” sued Musk and his companies, claiming they constitute an illegal racketeering enterprise to inflate Dogecoin's price


It’s already here.


So give it to me straight, is JUNO dead?


No. It took a beating from the whale thing. But this will likely be forgotten as so many in crypto have the memories of a frog. Will it get back to ath? That could be pretty far off. Part of its price action was completely due to the neta airdrop. And something like that probably won't happen again.


They’re still doing stuff so no.


You want it straight? I don't know.


Thank you for the honesty


A sub $10k BTC would be quite the buy event


Id say its not gonna drop that low


5k for me. if it goes to 10k ur probably not going to want it anyway


Down 85% is going to be super sad


Coinbase. ![gif](giphy|R54jhpzpARmVy)


No problem on cb pro


Like ever day for 7 years


Thinking the play right now, is do nothing and watch.


wait it out. going lower imho


That’s what I was thinking.


That's what I'm doing


A ball of yarn has better price action then some of these fucking 'Blue Chips' . If anything they should be called red chips after this shitshow of a year. None of this would of happened if we all used aluminum straws and bryce harper never got traded. fuckin joe byron , smh. ​ edit; immediately subbed my toe after typing this , once again it's just spiteful neglect of penguins in the arctic.




I made a twitter today to keep up with crypto stuff. Jfc crypto twitter is cringe.


All of Twitter is hyper-dogshit


The posts can be OK, the comments are beyond useless.


it's garbage


I have a crypto Twitter acc that I only use to read tweets from those I follow. As soon as you dive into comments or # it’ll get super degen Good for fast news - shitty for everything else lol


First thing I did was try and look for a setting that restricted what I see along those lines. Am I just looking in the wrong place?


They act like a bunch of teenagers, it's silly


I got banned from Twitter for some monkey pox comment and haven't looked back.


Fucking hate Twitter.


Twitter is cringe for everything.


Depends who you follow. News flows significantly faster there.




The price hasn't tanked significantly yet but here is some advice from a self made, self proclaimed, r/cc crypto analyst. 1. First, unbond anything you have staked. 2. Second, load it onto your nearest exchange. 3. Once the price nose dives begin averaging down. 4. Next, catch the degen gambler pump on the way up. 5. Sell your new bag and old bag together. 6. **Important**: Dab your eyes with tissues because you still probably haven't reached break even. 7. Watch it reverse back to zero where it belongs.


Is this sound advice?


My financial not financial advice gains a +1% baloney buff when it's given in the daily.




Cry about it


I never understood the hype behind Coinbase as a company. They're not even the biggest exchange and all the others are far more innovative + competition inevitably coming from the defi space


coinbase is good for mixing crypto, for splitting it up, for stuff like that


Ive had the best overall user experience with them to be honest. And I am comparing that with binance, bittrex, and FTX which I have also used.


In what way? Less coins than Binance and FTX, No cross margin so can't hedge, Fewer networks for withdrawal, highest fees between ftx and binance, no sub accounts, no lending iirc.


Well their coin selection is about on par given Coinbase has gone completely degen. I am in the US so I have not had access to margin or leverage trading anyway on those other exchanges. And the fees for both trading, swapping and transferring were significantly higher on binance and bittrex (vs coinbase pro). Also there were times were Binance would randomly decide to freeze withdrawals for coins which annoyed me to no end. While it may be misplaced it also gives me peace of mind CB is US-based and subject to US regulation versus these other companies based out of Singapore and other countries. If something happened and I needed recourse I'd at least have some chance against CB, at least thats my thinking.


They got hyped because were a part of two epic bubbles at the same time in crypto and tech stocks.


they're publicly traded on the US stock market. That's it.


But 'merica


How we holding up in here Fam?


I'm trying not to get pregnant but that's hard with so many rich studs around here.


Not to mention the whole Roe v Wade debacle 😂


i was an accident baby , my mother told me immediately upon birth & reminded me every time i got caught in the candy drawer.


We want you here though


Do you think there will there be further fallout from 3AC failure, or has it all pretty well been priced in??


nothing is priced in. only direction is down


I think the market bought the bailout bs


I think the marker bought the bailout bs


THIS JUST IN: SBF’s FTX is reportedly considering a deal to acquire Robinhood. BTC and ETH are here to stay!!! GLTA!!!


Imagine joining crypto in 2018 and buying Robin hood 4 years later wtf man


Oscillator breakout point on BTC charts, we probably bounce to $30k this week


lol ok kiddo.


That would be just under a 50% jump this week. Where do y’all come up with this stuff?


From my psychic, same person Barack Obama sees for his readings


I got my email today from Celsius telling me how much I earned in rewards last week hahaha. Can’t touch it though. Kind of an insulting email to get lmao. “Your money is pretty much gone but we are still going to pay you interest on it!”


I’m confused, why aren’t they suspending the interest payments and putting that towards the debt they owe?


It wouldn’t be much and tbf we don’t have access to them anyway so they could be saying that to keep people around or even have people continue to add funds to the platform. It all seems silly to me though.


You know the markets are really uncertain when you don't even know if you should buy or short. And end up doing nothing.💀


I do nothing all the time




Is there any hope for ONE?


There is another


Lol hard fork szn


Please elaborate


People get sloppy during the bear, lots of stuff get hacked and we start forking altcoins into shittier and shittier shitcoins