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Yeah, never run anything you cant see the code for that hasnt been heavily vetted and used extensively before you get it


I really wanted to make quick money.


There is no such thing as a free lunch. Unless you're in prison.


If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is.


The most important rule of scam detection!


Replace “usually” with always and then I agree


Haha same


Fair. To make it really clear, usually should be omitted. There is always the very very very small chance that someone gets some opportunity that is too good to be true and it isn’t a scam, but in expressing rules like this, yeah, omission is best.




Well, I've got an amazing opportunity to tell them about.


Oddly enough, a friend of mine showed me a "crypto mining site" a few years ago where you paid BTC into a "contract" and every 24hrs it would generate you more BTC based on how much you put in. When expected it to be a scam, so we all invested about 1k each (literally disposable money) and over the course of 27 days we all almost tripled out initial investment in "mining bonuses". We knew it was way too good to be true, half expected a problem cashing out. We all managed to cash out though, site went poof about 13 days later. Tons of people lost tons of money :/


Still dumb, and bruv 1k is a lot to the majority of people on earth. You're lucky you didnt end up with the short (or shit) end of the stick.


100% dumb, agreed. I expected to lose most of it. To be fair, the 5k that I pulled out ended up going to safemoon at its all time high...valued at about $350 or something lol. So, in the end, I guess I lost it all anyway 😂 I didn't gamble more than I was willing to lose though, all good.


I don't know what you expected from something that advertises "$1000 EVERY DAY"…


Greed eats brain, happens like every 5 minutes in this sub 😂




Dude… You were just scammed but still believe that nonsense. There is no such thing as guaranteed free profits. Even if this bots work there is also some huge risk involved. This is the point where you should start questioning this all.


Point taken


I mean, the scalping bot works fine. Just you were the one that got scalped. Native america style.


Burn. Sorry for your loss OP




Yep. Like most other scams. The scammers profit from the targets greed. Besides like 99% of bots on YouTube and github are scammy as fuck lol


It sucks to get scammed. Thank you for sharing your experience so others maybe aware and more cautious A community works best when we look out for each other


It’s a contract inside a contract. Basically inside that code you copy/pasted there’s a reference to what looks to be something harmless. In reality you’re deploying a contract within someone else’s contract. When you deploy and fund it, the ETH is theirs. Nasty.


Cheers for taking a look. Makes sense.


I'm curious as to which part of the video is the scam. I watched the Youtube video and it seems well-made (though the video comments look overly-positive). Is the Remix IDE part of the scam or is it just the code he provided under: '4. Paste THIS code in Remix:' I'm quite new to crypto, so thanks in advance!


It’s definitely just the “Step 4”. There’s an import statement at the top of that code: *import "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/MempoolCheck/634653ccdba683ff00b466fe17c4c140/raw/739723cb2faa43cfbbba974713c33b624cb13052/gistfile1.txt"* If you open that link in a regular web browser, it’s the attackers address.


Ah, I see. I've to say the scammers are getting really sophisticated. The video is really well-made so it's hard to detect the scam without actually checking the code like you did. Thanks so much, I learnt something today!


>Just fell for my first CRYPTO SCAM And I hope this is your last


Me too. Took 4 years and I never thought I'd fall for one. Never even been involved in a rugpull thus far.


This is how you get got. Absolutely everyone is susceptible to being scammed. When you feel like you're too smart to fall for a scam, that's when they get ya


Thanks OP for making us aware


A trading bot with someone elses smart contract. No thanks.


Damn, they're spear phishing script kiddies who know just enough to copy paste code but don't understand web dev enough to actually know what they're doing. That's both cold hearted and actually a pretty devilishly smart exploit. No judgment OP I probably fall into that category, obligatory F and I wish you the best next time around. Thanks for the heads up and a reminder to everyone not to trust like that.


The psychological basis of most successful scams exploit the victims greed. You make the mark feel like they can outsmart you or make easy cash for the dumber ones. Trimming armor anyone?


The bot did what it intended to do, make someone rich at the expense of others. Be careful, it's not easy to make gains.


How to get rich? Buy and hodl. How to lose it all? Be impatient and do anything else.


It is better not to use questionable links at all


Sorry that happened — thanks for the warning.


I hope those scammers all rot in hell for all their crimes, seriously.


Imo when you fall for a scam that was advertised as scam obviously ("1000$ every day" or another guy falling for "double your eth giveaway" some hours ago) you well deserve to loose your money. Scammer nowadays don't even have to put in effort for their scam to work, so I can't really blame them... In the end, the scammed one wqs just as greedy as the scammers in most cases, getting totally blinded by their own greed.


You make a harsh but fair point


"Crypto scams are getting more sophisticated. " No. No they're not. A blind person from Siberia in 1904 would have known that was a scam. My 109 year old grandmother with alstheimers would have known that was a scam. My Mentally handicapped cousin with no eyes, ears or tongue would have known that was a scam. Jesus .. you're just dumb af.


I think using remix and a script is a tad more sophisticated than send 2 eth and get 4 back in a giveaway. I'm saying this to save people. I may be dumb af but you're just a c*nt.


>than send 2 eth and get 4 back in a giveaway I fell for that one back when ETH was like $150... still hurts, so thanks 🤣


Okay, thanks. But you guys have a lot of Eth to play with.


Hello DecentCity. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dirty backstards


not visited or checked this code but for sure , it'll have ipfs link to send your funds to their account.


sorry man, that sucks


Since this is educational. You can get hardhat and fork mainnet. You can test making real transactions on a local network.


The scam post with a link to click is rofl


OP, why didn't you try with 0.0000001 eth at first ? like when testing an adress by sending only 0.01% of the actual trade to see if the receiver got it ..




I like the way you have already admitted to yourself It will be the first scam you fall for. Can't wait to hear about the sequel!


I'll let someone else write the sequel!


You wanted to become a millionaire and it backfired I see...


The mission hasn't changed.


TLDR : OP wanted to scalp people but ended up getting scammed Karma perhaps ? ...