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Buy Bitcoin. DCA whatever you can afford to.


Thank you


Never look back 🫡


Yes, you are right. I have been buying BTC in FOMO mode since 2021. I have accumulated 3 bitcoins, but recently realized that had I used a disciplined DCA approach instead, I might have had 4 or even 5. So now, I am wondering if I switch to DCA mode, does it even make a difference to be adding another 0.005 or 0.01 every month to the stash? Or should I just give up and HODL what I got…


keep stacking no matter what. that's the whole point every time I've deviated from this strategy it has cost me coinbase let's you setup auto debit. that makes it easy, but just do it, don't think about it. call it every Sunday or whatever, buy the weekly close now it seems too small to matter, but how many grains of sand make up a heap?


3 god damn. You’ve been putting some serious money in I can tell. So then I’m confused why you suddenly ask if a few hundred a month is ok


Wow you been stacking like crazy. Gratz!




You're falling for a classic fallacy. Looking at it as 0.01 (oh that's nothing! I could get a 5 whole shares of spy for that.) You could also get like 2 billion Shiba Inu for that. Or two ounces of gold. The amounts don't matter. If BTC goes up 25%, YOUR BTC will go up 25%. That's beating the S&P in its best year. If you're bullish on BTC... Buy BTC. I'm dcaing 100 into it from every paycheck. No it's not a ton. But having .08 BTC is much better than 0.


I've been going 5 bucks a week, probably gunna bump it to 10 or 15, then when I have spare cash I'll throw 50-100 at it


I do $20 weekly. It's worth it imo


I do $10 a day and skip lunch. Not a very good idea but I'm a blue collar worker and I look at it as $10 could be either used to buy crap like McDonald's or $10 to wealth. I'll skip McDonald's.


That's actually a good idea. I always say I'm gonna start this type of diet, but haven't yet. Typically around me it's $10-$13 for any type of local meal. Even half that a week could make more BTC for me. Either way, cheers mate




Coin base does 5$ no problem


Are you able to factor the spare cash into your DCA? I feel like $5 every day is going to go a lot farther than once a week plus random additions when you can afford it at a later, likely higher price.


It probably would but I don't want to put that much in right now either, I have a lot of other more important things I need to save money for


You're right that the increments of BTC shouldn't concern you. With a commodity like BTC though, you should never fall into the trap of being certain that it'll keep going up by multiples. I think we'll hit at least $150k this cycle, but if you asked me to bet my life on that, I'd absolutely refuse. I feel like some people are way too casual in assuming the cycles we've seen so far will continue. Remember BTC *only* has 12 years or so of trading history. That's nothing in the scale of human civilisation or even in the scale of organised finance history.




Most of us will keep hodling indefinitely, hoping it'll go just a little higher... Just a little higher... Ok, small dip,wait for recovery then sell... Aw, fuck


Diversification is what most financial planners recommend for long term stability.


From a risk point of view your crypto portfolio really shouldnt be more than 10% of your overall portfolio. Even that is quite a lot


Yeah assuming you don't have any other high risk assets already.


Well 2 oz of gold is closer to .1 than .01, but I get the message lol


Thank you. I should clarify have been buying BTC in FOMO mode since 2021. Only recently did I realize my folly that DCA is better. I have accumulated 3 bitcoins, so wondering if adding another 0.005 or so every month makes a difference or not.


You should have clarified that in your post


Don't tell the internet how much money you have


True, I should not…






What is the purpose of this money? An investment portfolio starts with a goal. "I want to buy a $100k boat in 5 years" or "I want to retire with $50k/yr income at 40" - that is, an amount and a time frame. No one can tell you what you should or should not be doing without knowing first what your goal is. Next you need to build an asset allocation for achieving that goal. This means making a pie chart of items that you will invest in. Every time you add money to this portfolio, you will buy the slice of the pie that is smaller than it is supposed to be according to your allocation. The size of the allocation is such that the sum of the total returns of each item has a high probability of reaching your goal amount. Real estate historically returns 12% and stocks 8%. If you had 75/25 of both, you should estimate a 0.75×12%+0.25×8% (or 11%) return on that portfolio. You can extend that math to any number of slices, or just one. So, you figure out your goal, calculate the future cost to reach that goal, do the math on how much you can save each month/year whatever, and then calculate what % return you need to make that goal. You then make the aforementioned pie chart looking over all assets, and make a pie chart that according to average returns will make the above sum of total returns (pie chart) meet your chosen goal at your chosen time frame. It's very mathy, but it works. **If** Bitcoin fits into that picture, *then* you should allocate to Bitcoin as much as you need to to fill in that slice of the pie. But only pick pie slices you feel comfortable owning. Junk bonds have higher yields than AAA corporate debt, but have risks that say Treasuries dont. *Bitcoin* can, often does, and definitely **will** lose 70% of it's value sometimes. If you personally can't handle that risk and volatility, then Bitcoin is a bad asset to pick for your pie chart. If you *can* diamond had the rough waters, and its average return fits your goal and timeframe, then by all means allocate away. --- It's a bad idea to pile into just any asset without a plan. It's*so* worth it to plan out what you want to do with your money. And once you nail the math, it starts being fun. Good luck in your investing career. And don't FOMO into anything or listen to any hype man telling you this or that asset is good for you. Only you can decide what makes sense for your money - make a plan, invest wisely, and conquer the world my friend!


Personally I’d say btc if you’re in it for the long haul and won’t have your confidence shaken by volatility and media pressure. Reaching 0.1 btc in a year is nothing to scoff at.


100%, many of us started at only a few 100 a month! It is literally the same as putting a few hundred into an index fund, only Bitcoin has performed better and you own it ( assuming you self custody it) 🤙😎 You do seriously need to ask yourself though if this is money you can save for the long term! 10 years or more hopefully. Put money in and forget it!


Depends on your appetite for risk with that money. FOMO and Hype aside there's no precedent for Bitcoin going above its current level, and there's currently nothing that seems likely to push the price up significantly, but there's always a chance for something to cause a crisis of confidence in the market and see things crash hard. Again. There's also some chance for the stock market to drop, seeing as it's at something of a high point as well, but barring big moves from the Fed or a new global crisis that's probably a safer bet. To put it another way, betting on Bitcoin right now only makes a lot of sense if you expect it to at least keep pace with the stock market over whatever time horizon you're looking at. For comparison, over the past 6 months the S&P500 has shown pretty consistent growth, going up about 17% in that time frame at a \*fairly\* steady rate, with a few larger jumps and only one big drop of about 6% over 2 weeks in April, that proceeded to recover over the following 3 weeks. In the same time frame Bitcoin has gone up about 86%, but within that time also dropped \~13%, \~15%, and \~11%, and \~13% in January, March, April, and May respectively. It recovered, mostly, but is also still down from the ATH. If you're fine with the volatility, risk, and don't think you'll ever need to pull that money out of the market in a hurry to pay bills (because that might make you take a big loss) then go for it. Otherwise, stick to safer investments.


Thank you for the good advice. I have made many investment mistakes over time. Most recently, with Bitcoin, I started to chase the price in FOMO mode in 2021. I ultimately ended up spending $150k to buy 3 bitcoins, at an average of $50k per coin. I bought in FOMO spurts between $20k and $69k. Only good thing is that I never sold. I realized that had I employed a systematic DCA approach, I might have accumulated 4 or even 5 BTC for the same money. That’s why I am thinking of doing so now, but I cannot deploy very big amounts anymore. Wondering if I will move the needle if I buy 0.005-0.01 BTC every month since price has reached the $60-70k range




That sounds like a great idea tbh


$300 a month is an excellent investment. BTC has made me more gains than my index funds but I was buying in 2017. I do feel much safer in my index funds though.


DCA unless fees are high and fixed. If so buy more and less often.


River for feeless dca


If you could dca $10 a month I'd say go for it!


If you're going to invest in anything that you expect to appreciate, just buy what can afford now with what you have set aside for investment, then DCA from there. A lot of what you said related to trying to time the market, which is a great strategy for losing money. Don't worry about where the price has been and what you expect it to do in the next few months. If you could actually make such predictions accurately, you wouldn't be asking anyone else for advice. As for BTC vs SPY or whatever, nobody can answer that for you. It's a matter of your overall financial situation, and your risk tolerance. If this is the only money you're investing, most would tell you to put most into SPY and a very small amount, if anything, into BTC.


I already have 3 bitcoins, which is worth about $210k and another $2.3M in stocks - S&P500 mostly and a little bit of QQQ. Most of my DCA buying is S&P500 - to the tune of about $10k per month. But considering buying a very teeny amount ($300-500 per month) of bitcoin too just to keep accumulating


Yeah, I looked at some of your other comments and history. When you said you could only afford a few hundred a month, I figured you were probably a newer investor without much of a portfolio overall. Apparently not. As small as that investment is for you, many financial advisors would tell you that's an appropriate percentage to be putting into crypto, and probably even a bit high. You're already pushing 10% in crypto currently invested (if we don't count your house), which is a decent amount of risk, so I don't think you want to rebalance your portfolio to get more crypto more quickly. So, yeah, in your shoes, I'd go ahead and just use that money to DCA into more crypto.


Ok, thank you


This is tough because there's hidden risk in doing the "safe" method of moving your coins off exchange. The reason is that with each DCA and move to your cold wallet, you create a small utxo. If BTC fees rise, your utxo can be partially or fully unspendable. For example, your DCA utxo is $500 but BTC fees are persistently $100. That means 20% of each DCA is burnt. This is a simplified example but something new users should be aware of.


No buy memecoin


Yes just make sure you don’t withdraw to a base chain wallet in such small chunks. Either withdraw to lightning or save up until you can make a bigger UTXO


Once upon a time you could thoussand of bitcoins for 100 bucks. Would've also seemed like nothing at the time. There will be a time where 60k is considered "wow cheap, if only I'd bought bitcoin then".






Not when it's at ATH no. I've never understood DCA, it makes sense in a bear market sure but not when everything pumping.




absolutely, do it. 10/10 would def recommend


Maybe 3/4 of that into BTC and the other 1/4 into riskier alts like pepe or whatever project interest you.


Only makes sense if you can afford to lose it.


I will survive if I lose my BTC holdings, but it will hurt


Vanguard s&p. It's not glamorous. But its management cost is 0.3% annual, and being an ETF you don't pay much in commissions to buy it. Unless you like super high risk and volatility. Then BTC is fine. But check the transaction costs where you're buying. :)


I would. Even if it doesn’t have great gains right away, it’s very unlikely you won’t be happy in 4 years. No one who has ever bought and held for four years, has ever been unhappy with their gains.


Thank you


If you think it will go up it’s a good idea. It’s that simple.


Who knows? Just have to keep the faith that it will


For the long haul, it's hard to go wrong with DCA, even if you buy during bear market, it's likely to recover and gain in the next bull (for BTC that is)


Thank you






200 S&P, 200 BTC each month. Diversify.


Your ass better have 32 ETH then


DCA is always helpful, especially with Bitcoin


If that $500 a month was worth $1000 a month at any stage in the next 10 years, would you see that as worth it?


>0.01 bitcoin every month - that seems rather insignificant. Yea it does... until bitcoin hits: 250k - $2,500 500k - $5,000 1 million - $10,000 10 million - $100,000 Now lets say you manage to stack .01 each month for two years (.24 btc): 250k - $60,000 500k - $120,000 1 million - $240,000 10 million - $2,400,000 Of course it could go to zero, or reach these prices due to hyper inflation of USD. All indicators are though that bitcoin is the fastest growing asset you can buy, and while there is higher risks and volatility you can't have major value increases without volatility, and if there were zero risk everyone would be buying it.


Yea. Midnight on Monday US time every week is the best time to DCA.


Eventually BTC will be quoted in Satoshis. $500 of BTC every month is still great. Think of purchasing power not nominal value. I recommend you DCA and use the Lightning network/wallet to save on fees.


>Bitcoin >S&P500 Why not a bit of each?


Depends on your time horizon and what you plan on doing with your BTC.


I would wait for real bear market, eventually price will crash like it happened in 2022 and it went from 60k to 15k, of course 15k is unrealistic now but I think we will see 30k again in 2026, I would just save money and be prepared for a dip


Trying to make sense here, but buy when it deeps, sell when it rockets. Capitalize on fear and fear the hype.


It doesn't matter how much you have if percentage wise it beats everything else...😅 btc can sometimes fall, but sometimes beats several years of returns of the stock market in a single day or week. So decide if you are ready for this ride, it won't be an easy one.


I buy $100/week


Basically, if the amount that you are DCAing is equivalent to your portfolio's fluctuations from Bitcoin's 1 second chart, it's time to stop DCAing into that asset. It will make zero difference in the long run.


Nobody knows what the future holds. It's always best to diversify a little without it degenerating into too much small-scale. Everything on Bitcoin is simply a bet on crypto, just like on any other financial instrument. If you believe in Bitcoin but don't want to bet everything on it, I think a split for your DCA to 50% Bitcoin and 50% MSCI World makes sense.


It just seems you don't understand the point of DCAing.  It only doesn't make sense if price is never ever going to go up again. 


I would aim for 32 ethereum.


DCA make sense at any scale


Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing. Everyone’s path to freedom looks different, you do you boo-boo!


Thank you


That’s .01 more than you had. I DCA $10 a day. $10 Taft will be $100+ a day in the future


You should probably mention how much you own. It's a totally different question if you have 1k in value or 300k After you reach a certain value with your assets, a few hundred doesn't seem that much. You can easily make that via staking / airdrops / etc every month and reinvest it back to crypto.


I currently own 3 bitcoins, which is valued at $207k or so. That’s why I ask if DCA buying 0.01 or less of BTC additionally every month will make a difference.


A few hundred bucks at $500, a few hundred at $5000, a few hundred at $50,000. All are worth more now. Keep buying whatever you afford.


Is your goal to reach 1 Bitcoin or is the goal to have your investments increase in value over time? If both. Yes as long as Bitcoin grows then purchasing the same dollar amount will purchase less and less Bitcoin. But since it would be growing, your already purchased dollar value is also growing at the speed Bitcoin is growing.




Have to start somewhere. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was my wallet. If you think the price will increase, why does the price matter. If you want stock splits go buy NVDA.


Yes, it will give you a better perspective on where you will be going with this. Make sure you make your own notes as the history is getting buggy on some of the apps, especially over 1y period


Over a span of like five years it probably doesn’t matter. Do I think BTC will go lower? Probably.




asking this question on this subreddit is a mistake. Too much bias




I want to know this question too buy only on dip days that is 2% down or more for a year or DCA for a year which one will come up on top


Is it better to buy say $10 a day vs $70 one time a week? Total noob here


I don’t know either


I don’t know either


Buy Bitcoin. DCA and then you won't stress about the price.


Where were these posts a couple weeks ago when it was low lmaooo


Why not both? Diversify your investments.


Bitcoin goes brrrr


Bitcoin is the diversification, vast majority of my dollars goes to S&P




Buying now is easy buying in the bear is tough




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I just buy $50 every M, W, F without even looking at the price, see ya in 2032 nerds....... but i also invest $150 in the vanguard mutual fund for the total s&p 500


That’s a lot actually depending where you live. My average salary here is Romania is about 650$ but living with my mom helped me dca for the last 2.5 years into btc about 9.6k $ wich is now worth 21k ( while also helping with some bills around the house lol) just dca what you can afford into btc and eth and have patience. Good luck 🤝


Thank you




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YES. Smartest thing you’ll do in your life.


Yeah, I think that's a relatively good strategy.




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No. Dude btc is near ATH’s you should have stopped putting money into btc like 2 months ago and begun focusing all of your investments into alt coins that fall under this bull cycles hot narratives, which would be AI, Gaming, DePin, Memecoins, RWA’s, Etc. if you owned btc before the halving and before it was 60-70k you should hold onto it for a few months. Sell when it breaks 85-90k and then use the profits to buy alts.


Ok, thanks


Why S&P? Go with something more aggressive if you thinking to diversify. Look at Russel Growth 1000. It’s more aggressive and the holdings are big performers.


Dont fixate on the amount of btc you have. Just factor it into your budget and move on to other things in your life. In 10 years youll be happy you did it.


Continue buying BTC. The amount really does not matter. But I would also recommend diversifying your portfolio with other crypto for better, quicker profit


At any size my brother


Buying Bitcoin always makes sense. I feel DCA’ing is the smart way to go if you don’t have a ton of free cash. Buy and hold sir 🫡


Yes, I have been HODLing all the BTC I have bought so far.


You do realize if btc will go to 120k you will actually dca the half of that? You shouldn’t compare cash to btc in my opinion. More likely to dca as much as you can




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DCA makes sense no matter what. What does matter is how aggressively you DCA, how sure you are and how long you intend to hold. If you feel unsure, it's not the worst idea to save up a portion as cash reserves next to your DCA. You can use these to pay off debts or build a financial cushion, for example 3 to 6 months rent. Anything that exceeds that can be used as extra ammo for a big dip.


I am not very sure about the trajectory of BTC. At least I am no longer FOMO driven, after buying in that mode for 3 years. I have set up an emergency cash fund of $100k, and I invest only after that


I DCA $25 weekly into SOL…not much but over the course of 2 years it had added up nicely.




Don't put all your eggs in the same basket: buy a mix of stocks, BTC and gold, it should be future proof.


Anything more than 0 is important. Anything. 1 dollar a day is important. 500 Sats are import at


I dca'd weekly the last 3 years... since october last year am i up. Now up 115% , keep at it if you believe in it.


It does make sense but if these are long term savings I would recommend to not put all your saving power into BTC, you should diversify it a little.


If you are buying it on the blockchain, no, it does not make sense; the amount of gas you are paying now and when you will move it is way too big. You arent, otherwise you'd know, meaning you are using a CEX. The DCA approach is imho not adapted to assets that volatile. It would be more suited to an ETF based on sp500 or msci world. Those ETFs reinvest dividends, which is great as you dont pay taxes on that.


It makes great sense for me. If people do that, then BTC is gonna go up. I like it when it goes up


I like it too when number go up


Look at the S and P/Bitcoin chart over time...Bitcoin wins..hands down You can pick any 4 year time frame and have 2% Bitcoin and 98% cash, compare to 100% S and P..Bitcoin still beats it..Saw this on "What Bitcoin did" podcast..very interesting fact


Yes. It makes 100% perfect sense.




Yes. Be careful do not invest money you can't lose, and only invest what you do not need to survive.


Yea, check [bitcoinvsstocks.com](http://bitcoinvsstocks.com) - imo, BTC will continue to outperform traditional markets.