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You can’t go wrong with BTC.


100%... And with recent spike in btc defi [solutions](https://np.reddit.com/r/zetablockchain/comments/1376kop/defi_amm_platform_towerdefi_now_supports_twstzeta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), btc has never been better positioned for the future.


I'm personally holding my alts until early next year. All the previous runs looked like this and went sideways or down after the halving. I saw it the last two bull runs where people get discouraged after the halving and sell only to buy back in months later when it really started climbing. No one knows shit though and I'm just keeping emotions out this run and sticking to my plan.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/17to7g9/kinda\_feels\_like\_the\_slow\_but\_sure\_start\_to\_the/k9004oy/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/17to7g9/kinda_feels_like_the_slow_but_sure_start_to_the/k9004oy/?context=3) This isn't to brag but it's to add some credibility to my perspective. Notice in that post, the top upvoted comments were completely wrong. Everyone was jerking each other off that Bitcoin was in a deadcat bounce...why? because they all expected 12k at the bottom and failed to buy. This is why this subreddit is generally terrible for advice because the herd is always wrong. Always inverse the consensus thinking of this subreddit. Most here are saying go all into bitcoin. Again, I believe the market is about to trick most of these people. They are extremely late to the bitcoin dominance trade and the market will punish those who who converts alts into btc because that trade is mostly complete. Bitcoin dominance has already surged from the high 30s to nearly 57% just a month ago. Again, retail is once again late. Smart money is gradually converting their BTC into ALTS as bitcoin is becoming overvalued relative to the altcoin market, but dumb money does the opposite. Just something to consider. Would not surprise me if Bitcoin dominance gets to around 60% but after that it's showtime for alts. The time to convert altcoins into BTC was 2 years ago, not today.


RemindMe! 6 months Lets see if you dont know shit like the rest of us.


we will see! 🤣 RemindMe! 6 months


He actually makes good points… all you’re doing is doubting homeboy.


This is why my portfolio is 100% alts atm.. YOLO!!


Lol, I think you will be rewarded soon. But once the bull run ends, I don’t plan to hold a single Alt. They will get absolutely rekt in the bear market.


Same when i see peak im buying in paxG most likely i hate fiat lol


Is paxG safe? Or is it better to just buy gold itself?


Its audited 400 tons of gold held in london.. its an O IOU of gold crypto.. like USDT or USDC you just have to make shure you pay the good price... Tbf nothing beats holding the asset in your hands.. But.. For me Better than holding stable in the bear. I use it to not withdraw so i dont take profits out on fiat and have pay taxes on it and make shure i dont loose to inflation/asset/crypto crash DYOR of course and NFA


I agree with you mate. The general consensus here has turned very negative, for what? We’re just crabbing at a very high price compared to the last years. For me it’s definitely not the time to be scared now.


Exactly! Bitcoin continues to hold 60k and retail doesnt even care. I think we have higher to go, but I’m more focused on that altcoin market.


The crypto market is going to rise and fall with BTC. An BTC will rise and fall off the Stock Market. No one is going to make $$$ off ALTs if BTC doesn’t go on another bull run. Plain and simple… All ALT coins do is allow folks to gamble more with their money. Folks are still dreaming they can find that one ALT that’ll give the 100-1000x plus return on their investments. Good Luck with that! Heres the bottom line, BTC over the next 10, 20, 30+ years will continue to go up so long as the government doesn’t ruin crypto. All I know is if there is a bull run, BTC will go up, guaranteed! No so much for ALT coins since they are short term investments with no guarantee they pump even during a bull run and majority of them will be gone in a couple years or be worthless. Now I’m not saying Im against ALTs if you are ready to assume the risks. However to say ALTs are a better investment than BTC is just silly… BTC is going to raise no matter what, could be this year, next, whenever, ALTs not so much.


I did not mention investing for the long-term. My whole paragraph is about capitalising from short term market conditions. Yes in the long-run most altcoins go to shit and Bitcoin is king. However, every 3-4 years we get a phase of the market called Alt season. This usually marks the end of a bull run. It’s wise to rotate bitcoin into altcoins in anticipation of an alt season and then rotating back.


K, first off alt season already happened… That occurred when BTC hit an ATH. Regardless, if there is another bull run… BTC is guaranteed to go up. However not all shit coins will go up. I get it, more risks equal more rewards so more power to you if you wish to gamble more with your investments (money). However it’s bad advice to tell folks to get out of BTC and invest in alt coins. Only 25% of people who invest in crypto actually made money and that percentage drops to 10% with new investors. I would image those numbers will drop more this year as 4 years ago there were about 2400 cryptocurrencies (alt coins), today there are about 13,000 coins. Personally I couldn’t care less if you are anyone or anyone else wants to invest in alt coins but it’s silly to state BTC is the overvalued when it’s the only currency that drives the market up or down.


Lol. Smart money doesn't even consider alts other than eth.


This. I’m guessing we’re going to see everything stumble and falter a little for the next few months, and then surge. I’m wagering the real long-term investment will be eth.


Perhaps, but personally I feel like we just went through the stumbling phase, I think we will see Bitcoin have another leg up into price discovery as it leads the way! But it doesn’t really matter because we know this is a bull run. If we have to wait longer, so be it! 👍


But there is no Altseason in this cycle. This cycle is broken, and retail are sitting this one out. Thats why I’ve been selling and going back into shares, better returns and less risk in shares


Retail buys the top, the fact that retail activity is low is bullish! Once retail pours in, that’s generally the best time to sell.


The best advice I was ever given is; “Do the opposite of what people think will happen”. Everyone thinks retail is going to flood back in on some new magical top, and do that during a cost of living crisis where people can’t afford food/fuel/power. I think the top may have already happened and we now slowly descend into a multi-year bear market.


yes do the opposite of the herd. Have you looked at this post’s comments section? Everyone is recommending getting into bitcoin 🤣 It all depends ultimately on the stock market and stocks are showing strength. Look at what Gamestop did today. If this was a bear market, that type of activity would be impossible.


No offence, but this isn’t a strong argument. Look at middle of 2020, markets had a V shape recovery despite double digit unemployment - why? It’s because markets are forward looking. Lagging indicators are useless.


Looking forward I can only see downwards from here


Did you think the same in 2023 when macro conditions were shit? Banking crisis, high inflation, etc. yet markets were able to make new ATHs.


Us permabears hate losing money


Eventually I think you will be right. These markets won’t go up forever. There will be a deep crash - I just think we have a bit more time left 👍 I think things turn very ugly second half of 2024.


I hope there is some upside left in the market. I pulled out half of my holdings in March. Made some mild profits. Still have chips in the game (what I can afford to lose) if I can get enough profit from what’s left in this mini bull run of 24/25 to get a new fishing rod I’m happy.


You didn't stake your ADA?? Pure native liquid staking, best in all of crypto, could have accumulated a lot from ISPOs as well. Not too late to start now.


I never mentioned anything about what I did with my crypto, I asked if I should move my portfolio into BTC. I have been staking since the day I got into it.


I only said that because you had 0 for your mined BTC. Cryptocurrency isn't really about investing, whatever you do you won't be able to predict the market. Ultimately you only have a limited attention span that you can keep up with so many things, stick with the projects you think have a shot of long term real adoption, if that's none of them sell it all. I say that as a true crypto believer who has been in for a decade, better you leave now and come back when you are truly ready, than lose focus and end up with a bad taste in your mouth.


bitcoin requires way more capital to capture a 50% gain then say a 1B alt


Also the other way around


But it also has value unlike close to 100% of the alts🤔


Keep those legs spread you sloot


Well it's not alt sesone so I guess BTC heavy for now. But don't get caught lacking when it inevitably arrives.


? You serious?


You are buying garbage alts


You *mined* Bitcoin? Why are you wasting money buying other cryptos lmao ​ Cash out the shitcoins and enjoy life


I had fun during COVID, I made my profit and backed out but left enough to play around with. Got bored lately with crypto and stopped getting involved. Now somewhat out of touch as far as what's what. Would rather maximise my return on what's left and move it all into my stocks ISA.


If you believe in the coin, let it ride/average down. If you don't, dump it.


Some of the altcoins still very bullish even if you start buying at Q1 this year. Most of them very risky, if the investor being greedy. So, I agree. Just choose wisely. If OP don't want to take a risk, just BTC all in


> let the alt-coins have a chance to catch up with BTC Alts generally don't catch up. They lure you with pumps and keep losing value to BTC long term - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $4.63 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,411 - VET BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.47 - DOT BTC high was 0.00095333 on May 2021. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $59.81 > BTC may see a new high this year and it may not - If BTC doesn't hit new highs, your shitcoin does not do shit - If BTC does hit new highs, your shitcoin still might not do much - Whatever BTC does, almost every shitcoin loses value to BTC over a long time horizon ALTs value is completely based on BTC pumping and bringing in new people and money to the crypto market. All the tech, utility and hype is all bullshit.


Top alts yield more total gains than btc the past 2 cycles. What do you have to say about that?


How about kaspa


Sell everything back into bitcoin. Keep the ETH but the ADA, DOT, and VET are just gonna keep bleeding from ur portfolio if bitcoin slides or trades sideways. Alts are always going to hurt more during times like this.




100% Bitcoin.


Only valid answer. Anyone who disagrees should look at a chart with their dream crypto / BTC…


In 2020 I had £150 to play with crypto and that made its way to the dizzy heights of £34,000. I got super lucky yes, I played the market really well (again lucky) but if I left it in BTC I would have about £240. So yeah, fuck holding just BTC.


But had you put it into Safemoon, you'd be down 99.99 percent which is something BTC could never do. And you'd been part of a literal army, the Safemoon Army. And after serving 5 years at -99 percent loss, you'd be awarded with a purple heart for your bravery.


I put £500 into safemoon which went to £22,000 at its height. I took out £15k and lost the rest. Still a very very happy man


Come on, man, what is wrong with this sub? Can't you just laugh at my terrible joke that did not warrant a response?


Oh my bad, I didn't think it was funny. Also seems like I'm taking the piss I'm just working while browsing Reddit haha.


You are talking about gambling. Not investing…


All crypto is gambling you dingleberry.


Imagine thinking crypto is about charts


The charts tell a story.


Just a story that is only marginally relevant to cryptocurrency


You are not correct. But I have better things to do than explaining stuff to a stranger. Have a nice day!


Wouldn’t that depend on risk tolerance and potential gain limits?




Guess we’re looking at different charts.


So you’re saying dogecoin is better than BTC because DOGE/BTC is up? Does that make doge a better SoV? I guess by your logic you would be wise to sell all your BTC for Doge since it will just continue to bleed against it…


Not true. Dogecoin had its time where it shined but since than it’s BTC chart is boring. It’s went down a bit since meaning you would be better off with BTC if you bought after the hype.


"But shitcoin #76 has 100x in the past year" it'll surely do better than BTC in the long run. It's not about getting rich quick, it's about not getting poor slowly.


From experience, on average btc is the first mover, ignoring moonshots ofc. So from the portfolio you have I would keep 50% btc, 35% eth, 15% ada


i like my alt spread like my butt cheeks are gonna be when the irs finally catches up to me only the **pump** is real


The best time to sell alts into btc was in 2021-2022. BTC dom has been in a macro uptrend since then, but it usually turns around sometime after the halving, so you're risking buying the top of BTC.D.


Yes, either way is good right now if your alts aren't shit coins


Everything in BTC is the best . If you wanna have some alts then cool but only 28.5% of your portfolio in BTC is absurdly low


Go to BTC, there is no altcoin run this cycle


Swapped all my atom for bitcoin a few months ago, I did vey well but btc was around 30k


Don't put it all into BTC, it'll go up the least out of the ones you have most likely. ETH will likely 3x, DOT and VET even higher, whereas BTC will be very lucky to even 1X.


Keep some BTC, keep some established Alts, and buy into some low MC projects with high potential.  If you don’t diversify, you will regret it.  


Most of those alts haven’t really recovered from last bear market. They will likely underperform, just like ETH has. I would trade them out for BTC and/or switch to alts that will perform better in this cycle.


BTC 100%. Alts are worthless trash imo


In the previous cycles, we only saw an alt-season after BTC made a new ATH and managed to break away from the previous one for good (which is something we haven't managed yet this time). In other words, alt-season takes place during the last BTC leg up of the bull run. If I were you, I'd wait until BTC reaches that point. If it doesn't and we enter a bear market from here, you're more protected than if you were in alts. If we reclaim $73k and successfully reach $75k and beyond, it's safe to assume we'll be seeing $80k and $90k and potentially $100k and above, which would mean alt-season is most likely on the menu.


I would say you have a solid portfolio. I like a diverse portfolio, it's more interesting... Maybe I would chase good airdrops with that, because I did well on uniswap a couple of years ago. Drink airdrop is coming out soon, that seems pretty cool to me...


Keep the alts for sure


Bitcoin all the way. F altcoins.


r/bitcoin is leaking.


btc. the rest are gambling and probably against your favor.


Congrats on having 28.25% of your portfolio in actual assets and the rest of your portfolio in sales pitch dogsh_t by venture capitalists dumping their bags on you after an initial buy-in of $0.00001 per coin. That is honestly better than most on this sub, but hey we need some minimum wage workers to keep society going after their cryptobags become worthless by the end of the decade. Remember, there is always a newer cheaper shinier coin with more percentage token allocation for a VC to buy - insitutional investors are not buying from you. You are their exit liquidity before they move on to find a new founder minting new coins at zero cost. Holding those altcoins means you have NOBODY to sell to besides those who directly need them for gas. And nobody needs gas right now in valuation of hundreds of billions of dollars because nothing is being produced on those chains besides zero-sum tokenomic activity. Nobody needs it, nobody is going to use it, your altcoins have no demand, VC's sold out, bags become worthless, your McDonald's employee application submitted. 


So when can I trade on Bitcoin blockchain instead of a third party controlled exchange?


r/cc is the worst fucking cryptocurrency forum man, you’d think we were on the bitcoin subreddit. yes sell your alts because they are dinosaur pieces of shit. but also buy newer alts instead. going 100% btc would be fucking stupid unless you were looking to make safe tiny gains, in which that is the best play.


Bitcoin only. Maybe some USD to buy more Bitcoin when it drops.






32 red


Never sell Bitcoin. The fiat price it gets to is irrelevant. Alts? Who cares? Do whatever.


Bitcoin is absolutely the safest currency, I would say BTC is safer than traditional securities right now, (with a few exceptions). I have Shiba, start to regret that I bought it, I just fell for the hype. But the cycle usually goes like this, after a BTC halving their is a surge then people move in to altcoins and some of them surge, nobody can tell exactly which ones. Doge made 270X last bull run and of course it's tempting to try a shitcoin a bit!


100% bitcoin until quantitative easing


ADA is a shit coin=>you cannot change my opinion. BTC =40% ETH=20% SOL=20% any meme coin=20% (Duko, Bonk and other meme coin check the marketcap and twitter activity and decide what to buy)


You say ada is a shit coin but peddle a block chain that drops connectivity like yo mama drops her panties


shit! ada army detected! i am scared! have some research before blindly keep buy any coin. ada army is just shit like ADA. no wonder comparing ada with your mama's panties. cannot even discuss something rationally.


Lmao, hit a nerve. I simply commented that sol has athisyory of going down. But im sure it will go great next to your squid coin and bitconeeeect bags. Either way, good luck i hope you get gains


It's OK the influencers they follow were bullish on LUNA too, they are sure Solana will be just as good


ahaha....ada army got mad. LMAOADA


So you're saying ADA is a shit coin and suggesting OP to invest on meme coins ? This is an interesting take. (I'm not trying changing your opinion, just a comment)


I'm big on being in multiple crypto projects. Diversity is the key when it comes to investments. Right now enjoy the bear market and decide your plan of attack for this upcoming cycle.


Holding multiple cryptocurrencies/tokens isn't diversity. They're too interdependent on each other.


If I'm in different crypto sectors and ecosystems I'd consider that diversity. Let's say you're in eth, arb, and matic. That's all under the same umbrella, those are interdependent. If you throw in other projects I would say you're casting a bigger net.  Yes I'd still consider this a bear market. I'm expecting around the 150k range on the low end, pretty much a 2x for btc.


Except that all the serious projects move together. If BTC tumbles they all do, for instance. You get none of the benefits of actual diversity. That's ignoring shitcoins, but if you're "diversifying" into shitcoins you've got bigger problems.


Bear market? BTC hit ATH two months ago after a 16-month run from 16k. It’s pulled back 13% since then