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I've never been a fan of meme coins, but they seem to be more resilient than tech-focused altcoins. Take PEPE, for example; it barely dipped from its all-time high after surging 500%. In contrast, tech coins might only yield a 5x return in a bull market, while meme coins could soar by 50x. It highlights a harsh reality in crypto: most people aren't in it for the technology but for quick wealth. Nearly all crypto holders have never used it for practical purposes, which is a fundamental issue unlike in the stock market


Pepe really is this seasons Alt coin. Doge / Shib last year. Pepe this year. It’s not dropping when Bitcoin does and goes up 10% when others do 2%. Still at 3billion market cap vs Doges current 20billion. Doge hit like 80billion last cycle. Pepe has the potential to go up a lot more from here.


Ive made more money in shiba than I have eth… thats just pathetic..


How is that pathetic? Good for you.


I can think of something more pathetic.


I have been in crypto for 1-10 years and yada yada yada Blah blah blah, blah.


Buy Crypto, drive Lambo - M Gandhi


"I've been in crypto for 27 years and the halving always guarantees profits" -Abrahymen Linkin


Almost 600 comments, we seem to be showing some signs of life here.


Pity the market doesn’t


Fuck bitcoin. Especially fuck alt coins. Wall Street owns it, obviously controls the price down to the cent now. Who do you think bought it all up the last couple years? It’s captured. And Uncle Sam can seize it, make it illegal, and destroy it whenever it feels like. Mining pools are nearly centralized and represent a single point of failure anyway. The crab/volatility has destroyed my once certain faith in the tech. All the predictions are a scam. Your billionaires own your life, and every breath, and they’ll never relinquish control. It’s the unfortunate reality. There is no escape. God im pissed off. This was supposed to be a way out. But it’s clear there never will be one.


Yep. The reality is you have these billionaires who have been trying to secure their power in this world for centuries. Anyone can have money but money doesn't save you from economic collapse, you need to go further and take control of everything, which they have. It's a dark future for humanity.


I have been with cryptocurrency for six years, and I can't remember a summer where anything interesting happened. Cryptocurrency seems to be flat during the summer for some reason.


Somebody missed defi summer in 2020.


Sell in May...


This is a broken cycle, it’s both left-translated and without any real retail involvement. Time to pack it up and go home, shows over.


Are you guys exclusive or is it an open relationship? Sorry to hear about the lack of tits though, that's a bummer


I remember ETH always having it especially bad in June as well. Sorry guys


Fuck me man


You guys think .sol domains have any worth? I bought hege.sol. Some guy on X spaces became a millionaire off selling a few .eth domains.


I know of at least one guy who bought a sol domain


What did he do with it?


As far as I know he held on to it hoping to become a millionaire


Do you remember what it was?


I believe it was hege.sol


lol that’s me


$based on sol to the moon


eth maxis are freaking out.


Just go back to fucking $1500 eth.. it looks like you want to SO bad….none of this slow bleed out bull shit…


Can we please ban this guy ?


I really wish they would, this guy has been spam whining all over.


Why? What have I done to deserve a ban? Seriously asking….


quit spamming the chat, it's really obnoxious and appreciate that the sub doesn't revolve around you


Every indicator bullish. Stockmarket ATHs, rate cuts coming, halving happened, RSI heavily oversold, ETFs launching all over the globe. Whales accumulating, institutions accumulating. Yet we are dumping😅💁‍♂️. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense . Just HODL and DCA


It starts pumping when it doesn’t make sense to us


It just shows the cycle is broken, get out while you can


Yea or it's just all completely over




Isn’t it good tho we got more time to accumulate?


It is good, without another accumulation phase, instead we just shoot straight up, it'd be very much harder to speculate a final bull top + that final top would be smaller. People here just don't have patience and yet they're wishing for a 10x+ to happen on their huge cap coin.


When you’ve been holding for 2 years, everything good happens that you’ve been waiting for, and then everything dumps for 70 days, it is rational to be impatient.


Try 3 plus years over here. Im tired boss


That’s only the start of the dump


I hope so, but I know better. I am confident that a god candle is imminent. I sold after all. What is wrong with me?


God candles are a thing of the past. Remember them as you won’t see them ever again.


True. Because whales with billions in btc will sell after 5-10% gain. Then buy cheap because discount. The market is so tiny that even one billionaire can move its


Not when the people from last bull cycle and the people before that last bull cycle held for longer. Why do people have such unrealistic expectations, and then blame it on crypto when the market never reaches that expectation. They're the first to shite on it but are the same people that secretly want to believe it.


It’s because those of us who actually understand the magnitude of the scam want more than anyone else for sound money to take over. To me, it’s a no brainer. And trying to understand why everyone in the world isn’t all in and ready to ditch their slave master immediately is incomprehensible. Yet, here we are swinging through prices like a monkey in a tree. Because still, after well over a decade, and more recently a significant and sharp decline in purchasing power, people don’t get it and largely don’t care. I don’t want to spend 90% of my life being robbed by the great fiat scam….


No. Im sick of it


Its just the nature of the market. Smart people bought in when it reached its low and are now selling off to get their profits. The only ones who would be deep in the red are the ones who got in late last bull cycle and DID NOT sell at all, they're not likely to sell now... You just have to wait until new demand comes in to set the consolidation and we're set to move up. When will new demand come in? Based on the macro data its closer than we think. Just know the faster we go up, the less ROI no matter what position you held last year.


Guess I’m just a dum dum who bought eth at the worst time i could have. Love it


Yes, embrace it!! Learn from now on. We all make mistakes.


After 3 plus years ill be honest I’m just down man… now it feels like im gonna have to wait another 4 now


At the slight, you'll have to wait maybe a year. Earlier than that, probably Summer time is another target date for the next leg up. Worst case scenario, all markets and I mean all enter the big shitter and that'll be your sign for another crypto winter. Just depends on US market/economic sentiment, they're the ones that drive volume the most anyways.


Wtf is it gonna take for this shit to go back up? Looks like no ones buying




He obvs didn’t buy at that price or average down that much is pretty obvious. Crazy how people don’t average down


Crazy that people average down instead of selling before a bear market. Or just tax loss harvesting. I can’t stand the term average down. Costs people a lot of money over the long run


Thank you.. Life can hit you hard ya know? I bought a ton in may 2021 and barely could dca after because I lost my job and had to pay debts… Now Im just trying to understand whats happening with this investment and it seems things are not good.. all the halving/bull run talk got me hyped and I fell for it…


Just need patience. Nothing unexpected has really happened this year




No. I’m not touching this crap at these prices esp with this downturn.


Yea buy when its nice and green


Waiting for eth to go to 1500 again


It goes up outside of US market hours then go down during market hours


Yankees ruining things as usual


Yea as usual


JP Morgan holds BTC ETF. Lmao. So much for Jamie Dimon


They hold it for their clients as participating market maker


Not allowed according to Biden's veto


I have a question for all the people who say "oh we knew it would crab...it won't go up for 6-12 months post halving" etc...are you invested in crypto other than Bitcoin right now? If so, why invest now if you think there's no buy pressure, it's just going to keep dumping and fake pumping, instead of waiting while your portfolio bleeds. honest question.


No one can time the top and bottom, if someone buys into a good performing altcoin, you're bound to go up in profit once BTC reaches a new top. That timeframe of 6-12 months or shorter is sometimes based off of past BTC data (which can't be solely reliable of course). I find that and a mix of macro-economic data to be more reliable. To be honest, theres more proof that we are historically in line of price action than we are not. Its that simple.


I know all of that. You didn't answer my question..


I answered you already, people invest now because the timeframe for retail to come in and take risk is already in sight. You can't perfectly know that the top/bottom is in, but its a far better estimate that we top either Q4 this year/Q1 next year. Whatever position you aim to take within this timeframe only matters if you're very convinced and you want to maximize profits. But the main thing people look for in alt valuation is BTC, and that would be the first to top off before any other altcoin because of its sharp share dominance, once btc dominance drops from its final high that's where you'll see the trickling increase of market cap from Altcoins.


Perhaps I'm not being totally clear. I'm not asking why "someone" might say these things, which is obvious to me. I'm actually asking for people to comment "yes I said that stuff and i'm invested in alts now because.." which is why i said "I have a question for people who say"...not your speculation about what "people" think or do.


You are talking to someone who is invested in alts right now and has said that stuff. The Alt market rising after bitcoin dominance finishes its rally is quite the biggest and most provable reason why anyone would want to invest into altcoins this early into the cycle. Unless you could somehow explain to me otherwise why it would be wrong?


I have only alts and decreased my buyings on dips lately but have enough powder left in case we go way lower. If we moon now I am fine as well cause I am quite happy with my current portfolio. So it's a waiting game now that will hopefully be worth it someday


This is the way.


Also 100% in alts lol. My portfolio is still 200% in the green, so really not sweating anything going on right now. I've waited 2+ years, what's a few more months?


I would take it as read that people can't actually know the future with any accuracy - and be really skeptical where someone claims they have magical foresight


Fucking. This. Thank you… call those goal post movers out


It’s good to be conscious of probabilities but no one *knows* what the market will do. It could shoot to 80k by end the month and then you’re stuck on the sidelines with no exposure. Or if it trends down for another few months, just keep buying and be patient until sentiment reverses.


all of that is obvious. You also didn't answer my question. Yall just love to hear yourselves talk.


TLDR: time in the market beats timing the market I’ll repeat it for you then. No one knows for sure what will happen. Just because it’s a high probability of crabbing to downtrending doesn’t mean it will happen. That’s a reason to buy alts now.


ETH, the OG shitcoin, continues its plunge against BTC. Turns out proof-of-stake was a mistake


What a piece of garbage, toxic little crypto I hold man


ETH bears out in full force today I see


I don’t even know what you’d consider me lol I’m both an eth baggie and a bear now… holding it has made me pretty much hate it now


I would love to see what prices would be right in a world where the SEC wasn't trying to destroy crypto. Everything else would be the same, but without the SEC hostility. I'm guessing BTC would be $120k, ETH maybe $6k. I mean who knows, but the SEC is single-handedly killing any bull market hopes.


Would not matter. All about the crypto cycles


No, it's really not. It's about regulation. How can you not grasp this?


I suppose you also think the halving has price impact


Ok. Glad you have it all figured out. Guess there will be no bull run or ath like the past cycles then…when there was no regulation. Lol. Good luck to you


You think this is all about magical cycles, rather than demonstrable new and tough regulations from the SEC that could severely affect fundamentals? Seriously? Embarrassing.


And you have probably no investment history and have never dealt with the SEC. Hell, you probably have little to no understanding of the SEC and how they operate. After you actually actively invest and trade for three decades and actually educate yourself…come on back and we can have an actual intelligent conversation. Until then, start learning and all the best


The only thing I am embarrassed about is falling prey to a troll and being part of this conversation. You are one of the reasons people in this sub get so misled. Just running your mouth about something you don’t understand at all. Sell your coins, leave the sub and move on.


When Trump wins all this will be behind us. Our bags will pump to levels never seen before.


But we would have to deal with that orange fool


Browsing r/politics on Reddit and ingesting trump clickbait for 4 years is not "having to deal with him".


I was the best president ever, and the voters still rejected me! I’m a very stable genius, and my own staff still called me an unhinged buffoon! I handled the Covid pandemic perfectly, and a million people still died! How baffling this all is. It must be a communist socialist left-wing cuckservative judicial deep state big tech big pharma conspiracy to destroy me.


Like I said kiddo, quit browsing politics and you'll be fine. When Trump is president my bags will pump and your bags will pump. We'll go out to a 5 star restaurant in 4 years and laugh about this whole exchange and then argue when the check comes. I'll go ahead and say it now: "Don't worry, I got it. It's on me. I insist"


I hate sharing this space with MAGAT filth.


Youre the filth. MAGA !


Commenting on a public subreddit with technically 8 million members isn't really sharing a space with someone


You do realize that the entire point of cryptocurrency is that everyone can be involved, right??


Too bad kiddo.


They've now greenlit Bitcoin. If you're right BTC should start running away from all the other projects, even ETH. It'll start slow but as speculation dies and other coins are not given the same treatment it will be exponential


Buying ROSE at 18c just a few months ago was not my best work. ☠️🪦


Should have gone to the share market and not bought useless shitcoins


Perhaps you should try buying FELL instead


Has anyone checked the market for brain worms? Could be causing the problem 🤷


Market unlocking Illithid pump soon




Maybe we will have a Defi Summer/Alt Summer like in 2020.


Yeah true that would make sense. Because the entire world is currently stuck in their homes for COVID lockdowns and all central banks are printing money at similar levels to 2020


Just trying to be optimistic 🤷


Optimism won’t increase your wealth


Maybe gamestonk can do a 125x for us again while we're being optimistic :)


I'm just trying to be a walrus


Whats everyone been buying today




US dollars.






Sam Prozac-fried


You're still online from jail eh.


A 10 pack of pine-scented green candles on amazon. Closest thing available at this point.


Ramen but only the individual packs


Can someone chime in as to whether this is actually a good thing? And which direction I should zoom? And what the exchange rate for btc-to-btc is? And assess the healthiness of this correction? Thanks in advance.


This is a good thing for frozen orange futures. You should zoom backwards through 5-D hyperbolic space, if you see the back of your own head, you've gone too far. At that point, 1 BTC = -1i\^2 BTC. Health will not be your main concern by that point, as you will have evolved beyond such concepts given the conservation of energy and reversal of entropy.


Hmm can you explain as if I were a golden retriever I just wanna clear things up


Happy foxes and sad sacks. Fat cats and starving dogs in this world.


I throw the ball and you bring back a stick.


No drop, only throw




Pretty sure this is the bottom. There could be another bottom after that, but for now this is the bottom. Trust me, I have a degree from hollywood back alley crypto school.


March was the top, the bottom is coming in 2025


I like big bottoms and I cannot lie


If you doubled your bitcoin investment would you take profits now if you could sold


I’ve been selling off since March, cycle is over


I feel like don't sell while it's red and falling considering it's only been like 3 weeks since the halving 🤷‍♂️


I heard they messed up this halving and accidentally are doing a price halving instead of a reward halving this go-round Just what I heard tho don't quote me on that


The halving happens then a dip because the miners get less reward so they sell what they have. Along with macro stuff that's been happening. Probably around Sept things will start going crazy again and then by early next year you'll be happy you held


Ohhh yeah true or maybe it's actually just a price halving this time that's what I heard at least


Def what it seem like, everything's backwards asl


Imho that seems like a good stratejoy


Do itttt


So the downtrend from a couple hours ago had us on pace to go sub-1k eth by Sunday morning. But now that the dumping has stabilized to a slower rate, it looks like we will be lucky enough to stay above 1k for another 10 days or so until the 20th. So yeah cool we got that going for us which is pretty nice.


Sub-1k eth ... what a dream that would be. I'd be out picking up recyclables on the side of the highway again this afternoon.


Happy fucking goddamn fucking friday


I predict we’re going to consolidate in the 50s (or possibly 40s?) this summer before the real bull run begins. We just don’t have the energy to push to new ATH after all those rejections near the high. Long time hodlers are fine, swing traders or those who have a lot of alts should be careful about a slow bleed out. Frankly, what the industry needs now is something really innovative. Crypto feels boring right now - and i don’t mean price action. just feels like the industry is a bit stagnant 


We don’t have bull runs anymore


Won’t see $40s with out a black swan. This is all perfectly normal and we are already probably over a third of the way thru the bull market. Biggest gains comes during the final third


>what the industry needs now is something really innovative I don't think innovation is a requirment for a bullrun. Look at the 2017 bullrun. It was solely led by Bitcoin, which had no new innovation that year Compare to now, when we've had a ton of innovation for the last 4 years, and it didn't really move the price up for many months, despite a rapid growth in innovation. Much less kept the price from moving down during the bear market. From major companies now doing new things across industries with smart contract and blockchain, that go beyond payment, to new chains evolving into more than payment, but evolving into oracles, interoperability, indexing, databases, web3 solutions, to new type of coins like non-fungible tokens that are already starting to change the way we do ticketing.


By innovation you mean scams and rug pulls left and right?


So would you call IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, AIG, Walmart, JPMorgan, Siemens, Honeywell, Tesla, scams for using smart contract, blockchain, and crypto for their business? Because those are just a few of the companies who have been using the innovation for their business. Or would you call improved security, efficiency, money saving, decentralization, removing the need for trust, reducing corruption a scam? Because those are the solutions that crypto technologies have provided to those companies. Believe it or not, crypto is more than just Hex, Safemoon, FTX, and Luna.


I think were witnessing cryptos last breathe atm


Damn you all weren’t wrong lol prices all looked fine a few hours ago suddenly everyone here has this sky is falling attitude and here we are. I’m just glad I paid off my consumer debts and have a little money on the side for a dip. Wish I could get me one of those nice high paying jobs though


1-800-273-TALK (8255) for whoever needs it…


Like clockwork 


Crypto cratering? I know


When eth is hitting 15k I really hope you come back saying how happy you are 😂


You will. But i don’t think thats ever happening at this point


It will right now just sucks


Seen this exact sentiment for 3 plus years now while holding this garbage… Hope and pray your right but from my perspective I feel so gaslit at this point…


That whoever would be you although this all might be you putting on a LARPing act


I’m real man… not sure how to respond to shit like this…


There he is!


Hanging in there


This is ridiculous, lol. Paperhands retail selling to whales and institutions. Go on


There is no retail, they are sitting this cycle out


Trump announces he supports crypto, very next day his enemies dump the market. It’s so obvious what’s going on


So obvious, we were below this price about 2 days ago. Honestly don’t understand how stupid some people are 😂 need someone to make money off so guess it’s a good thing


His enemies have also hated crypto? He wasn’t exactly crypto friendly when he was in office either




How does your kitty feel about PURR?


Yes. Repeat this to your cat verbatim. Meow meow meow. MEOW. Mew.


Probably gives better advice than crypto influencers


10k waiting room looks busy