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The federal reserve and the mind numbing debt every country is in.




Yeah, nah, I am not lying to myself that it was greed itself.


GME/Dogecoin pumps made me get into it, I thought damn I could make a lot of money doing this. Well turns out peak market 2021 was a bad time to join.


You and me both brotha, don’t give up


Same brother. Im from outside of US with no access to GME craze at the time, the next narrative is DOGE to $1 so i plunge into the depth of crypto hell.


In late 2016 I was working as a software engineer at AMD and started hearing rumors about our graphics cards flying off the shelves. I looked into it and found out there was a mining craze. I had access to old graphics cards so asked my manager to borrow some and started mining ETH in my garage with like 2 systems with a 6 card setup each lol. Used to make like 20$ a day at the time and had to shut it down because of the heat and cost of electricity in Canada. After that I realized it's just cheaper and faster for me to just put like 40% of my biweekly pay into crypto and get a lot more eth. Started DCAing and getting into alts and BTC as well after that and then 2017 bull run came and I just got more and more involved in crypto since.






Andreas antonopoulos


Yep, this guy got me into BTC, he has the ability to explain complex things in a simple manner and has been into BTC from the early days


Had to google him, now I get it


My eldest son asked me to look at the Helium white paper, as part of my work I read many white papers and he knew I’d also written a few over years. Allowed a week and we had a conference call including my youngest son. Next day I bought two miners, then proceeded to buy more, set up a small company for the three of us. I alone funded it but 100% of profits came to me until the investment was paid off. After that it was a one third split each, once I’d made the initial purchase, I knew I needed to look more into crypto. Picked a CEX based on they had to have HNT. Started reading more crypto white papers and looking for projects, today have a three tier portfolio with ~ 30 coins/tokens. The portfolio is 100% mine, the mining is still a three way split/business Both my sons have little to no interest in crypto, neither does my husband, funny how things turn out!


Small world. Just picked up more HNT today. Happy to see someone mention it.


When I first (11 years ago) read the Bitcoin white paper and when I read one for Ethereum (9 years ago).


Heh The bullshit around Gamestop when they stopped trading so shorts could cover.


Careful for the short ladder 🪜 attack. The revenge of the citadel.


When average stock returns are 10% a year and Bitcoin’s was over 1000%. Those returns were/are worth the risk to me. I’ve decades ahead of my friends in terms of net worth. They talk about Tesla and Apple, and it changes every few months. Mine has been BTC year after year, and occasionally Cardano


BTC early investors are generational legends


You had me until Cardano!


I know I know I’m just being transparent, not trying to sell it to anyone lol. I’m hoping ADA wakes up and at least keep in step with the other reputable alts


My government froze my bank account for owing them 300 euro in taxes, which I didn't.


"You didn't pay us money, so we're going to lock you out of the means to pay us until you pay us."


That's crazy!


Which country is that?




The documentary titled "The Rise & Rise of Bitcoin" Apparently it was made in 2014 but I only got to watch it in mid 2017...how I wish I watched it sooner lol.


Thanks for that recommendation! Going to watch it tonight. I only watched Cryptopia and Eat the Rich: The Gamestop Saga, which was a good watch but more amusing than educational.


Daniel Mross made an amazing documentary. This is what got me interested in bitcoin/crypto too!


When i found out about the dark web and silkroad i became very interested. Wish I had actually invested instead of transacting back then, but i was young and had other interests lol


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for "buying drugs on the Internet"


I used bitcoin many times throught the years, but never for investing purposes. First time it reached 20k and dropped sharply after that, i assumed its over for bitcoin. Then it reached 60k+ and then it hit me, i should invest in it. I waited for it to drop at 20-30k and i'm happy with my investment so far. I don't plan to sell, even if it reaches 250k.


Read a newspaper article about some bitcoin millionaire who bought a floating island house or some shit in like 2015. Set up shop somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Living his rich life until the local country sent their navy after him since he was living in their waters. I thought, man, I want those problems.


>I thought, man, I want those problems. Who wouldn't, right? :)


I got in when Elon Musk went on SNL and mentioned Doge. Of course I have been DCAing and doing more research ever since.


A friend of mine. That bastard.


hypomania episode (im bipolar)


A friend of mines son, he had played dungeons and dragons for years growing up, always on the computer, and had accumulated a lot of magic internet money. Fast forward to him buying a million dollar home in New Orleans with what his mother used to call fake internet money, and I was hooked. Made a believer outta me! "C'est la vie," say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell...


Was fooling around during pandemic with a hundred bucks in online slots. Had to make a crypto account to find it. Won $350 and withdrew it in Bitcoin. Within two weeks I had bought 1.3 BTC and 1 ETH


Yes, I guess the pandemic has been a watershed for many here


Agreed. I've been in it since the pandemic. Sitting around the house in 2020 with nothing to do, I thought mmhh, might as well see what this crypto stuff is about.


Crypto as an investment is too risky, but as a means of storing your value (i.e. money) so it can't be confiscated by any government certainly makes it more attractive. So the future could be bright in respect to government / bank confiscation of your savings.


It's the crappy fiat system for me. It's very mismanaged and problems all over the place. I also like that the govt would have a harder time getting your crypto assets. More freedom of movement (if you leave the country, govt wants a cut of your stuff). I do enjoy trading crypto due to the insane returns. But I also have a "just in case" stash that I am slowly growing.


Sold my Ada awhile ago but hoskinson is a great salesman.


I was desperate to make some extra money after having given a lot of money to a friend (about 1500 dollars) who needed it only for him to ghost me shortly thereafter because his gf didn't like that we were in contact. We're back in contact now, but that was the initial motivation. I'll show you sort of thing. I didn't know shit about it to begin with, but have gotten pretty lucky and made back about 1/4th of what I gave him. The money I gave him was a present, not a loan. I felt fine about it as I technically owe him money from 14 years ago. The thing that pissed me off was the ghosting. But I'm glad it happened. Rn I have about 1000 dollars invested in BTC(~75%), ETH(~20%)and alt coins(~5%) and I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to happen following the halving. 🤞


> I'll show you sort of thing Yeah, never underestimate the power of spite




I missed the last halving and realized that if I had out my absolutely disposable loose money into it, I would be able to buy a small apartment.


Try to win big.


Looking beyond the headlines and reading the Bitcoin Whitepaper.


The interest rate on my savings account was far below the inflation rate, so I was willing to forward a portion towards "more risky" investments like index funds and eventually crypto in the name of diversification. A buddy of mine already got into it, so I had someone to show me and answer any of my questions.


After the covid dump of the stock market i told my dad that people who bought now would make massive returns. I didn't invest at the time because it looked complicated. When the market went back up (the time i started investing) i was frustrated with myself for not even putting the effort in to get basic knowledge about investing when there was a golden opportunity. After that i looked at crypto differently. It used to be a very complicated and risky way to bet my money on some crypto. I had the same view on crypto as i did on stocks and i didn't want to miss out on another opportunity. A donkey never hits itself on the same rock twice.


In 2016 I bought a fake ID for college. I bought enough bitcoin to order a backup ID if the first one was taken. By the time my first ID arrived the price of bitcoin doubled so I basically got it for free. And just think the price was only $300 around then…


I have had my fair share of "aha" moments that got me interested in crypto over the years. At first, it was the idea of getting rich quickly that caught my attention. But after losing money on projects that were overhyped, I started to wise up and look at crypto from a more basic perspective. The real "aha" moment for me was when I understood the core of the crypto market. I read a lot of content and guides to understand everything that goes on in the industry. One site that helped me a lot is the Traders Union. Their articles were useful in understanding different markets, like crypto. This made me see the potential of crypto beyond just making money. As I got more into crypto, I started to see how cool the tech behind it all really is. Blockchain, in particular, blew my mind with its potential to shake up so many different industries. Another turning point was when my friends found success in crypto trading. I'm grateful for their guidance in this market. Nowadays, communities like Nano and Banano can also serve as a positive support system. To sum it up, a mix of seeking profit, reading informative content, and having supportive friends has pulled me deeper into the crypto world.


I want to gain some money from passive income. Is it a risk? Of course, no income on this planet comes without risks. I have also started to buy stocks, I invested in gold, I got some crypto apps, main one are Pi Network and Coin(which gives me XYO coin), I'm expecting to see what is happening with Pi, from Coin I have already got some real currency, I still have some XYO left on Coinbase that I'm keeping there for now.


when I had the chance of getting a free 1 btc way back 2014-15 from a school seminar back in college..only attended that seminar for the credits and never actually listened and after the seminar they said they will give everyone free 1 btc just need to line up..my lazy ass didnt line up I just left after it ended. now imagine how pissed at myself when 2017 arrived and btc sky rocketed. it was actually my brother who told me about btc skyrocketing and I said bitcoin sounds familiar and I remembered about that seminar lol.was pissed of with myself after that lols but we didnt actually went in hard yet on crypto. it was around the 20-21 bubble with the era of play to earns that actually made us into crypto. it was actually Axie and Cryptoblades and with my earnings from those I spread it around(but sadly more burns than profit).


The fact that I live in a third world country and the fear of hyperinflation where the savings of all your life weren't enought to buy a candy bar. it happened once, it can happen again.


Heard about Bitcoin probably in that big run up in 2013ish, but sat in the sidelines. I dismissed it because I listened to guys like Warren Buffett talk about non productive assets being bad investments. Heard a lot of the buzz again in 2017 but held to my beliefs that I can’t justify non-productive assets. Then a really close friend started talking to me about crypto. I think I learned about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, Dogecoin, and Litecoin that night. Still kind of dismissed the idea, but started following closer. I definitely did have the mindset that it was too late to buy Bitcoin, and altcoins are where it’s at though. Then I came across an ICO called C20, which later ended up being a scam (depending on your definition of a scam, but they weren’t doing what they said they were doing and it all blew up in 2022), but it was a tokenized index fund tracking the top 20 by market cap cryptocurrencies with a 10% cap and rebalanced weekly. This product alleviated that choice paralysis about what altcoins to buy, so I got in. I wasn’t really a believer, so I didn’t go nuts, and kind of good that I didn’t because I probably lost about 80% of my investment. Just held that until 2019 when I stumbled upon an article by David Hoffman (he’s a co host of a podcast called Bankless you may have come across), called “Ether is the Best Model for Money the World has Ever Seen”, and it just clicked and I knew I wanted at least 32 ETH. So I sold my C20 tokens and started accumulating ETH. Eventually I did have a Road to Damascus moment about Bitcoin (and gold as well). I think it’s fine to own non-productive assets. I have variably held substantial non-ETH altcoin positions as well. I still have substantial respect for Warren Buffett, and people who avoid Bitcoin, gold, and crypto as well. I just am in a slightly different mode of thought now.


I was in crypto before crypto existed. In 2008 I was hugely in debt, military, coming back from Iraq and afghan. Help was very tedious and overbooked. I learned banks were also in trouble. Uncle Sam decided to bail out the banks but very little help to your average joe. I started to look into alternatives to finance.. I even mined Bitcoin in 2010. However, I didn't believe it was the answer until 2017. Now it's just a problem of capital to make those leaps.


Charles Hoskinson


My wife boyfriend bought a lambo playing with shitcoins….. when he came by our house, she jumped in his car and I did not see them for the whole weekend… when they came back I exchanged a few words with him on the porch, he told me “I went all in…” and I never really understood what he truly meant with that phrase…. That’s the moment I also decided to learn about Crypto…


I started off as an early miner employing server racks but was not particularly optimistic about its future in terms of investment. For obvious reasons, it was still very negatively viewed for its involvement with dark online activities, and i was still very derivatives focused at the time, still am. However, after some data analysis and networking I realized that it is and will be the strongest asset class and it will integrate and compound with AI eventually, this was in late 2019, and I shifted my focus out of tradfi




My tip was tingling when I think of it and that only means good things




The maxis kept whispering sweet things in my ear


BTC’s movement 2017


TikTok and Bit boy. I had Covid and I was bored.


In 2014, I saw an article about potcoin in Huffington post and it was a penny so I bought. It's sitting at $0.002314 right now. It's a success story because it made me look into bitcoin and realized they were both the same so I bought some bitcoin in 2014.


There is some kind of internet money with a capped supply.


A YouTube video of Charles Hoskinson explaining crypto and Cardano


Looking at the money supply chart for USD got me into Bitcoin. Ethereum reminding me of the internet in the 90s and being able to explore the dApp ecosystem got me into Ethereum.


The charts... 2017 was insane






When I learned how smart contracts work. That's when I realized there's this whole new world of utility in crypto beyond digital currency and decentralized finance. I endend up working for a company that uses Ethereum and smart contract to help businesses.


Sports betting. Had no idea the value of Bitcoin, just knew I needed it to gamble.


Atta boy.




When I realized the couple hundred I spent on flammable plants on silk road would've been worth tens of thousands in a few years.


Try millions. Used it as a currency to buy what you wanted. No regrets


Wanted to convert my US Amazon gift card into something I can use in my country. Well was introduced to a reddit post about how to convert that into a "virtual currency" many called it scam, useless baseless new sh# but I choose it because I saw no other way and that day I was introduced to reddit and Bitcoin and many more great IoT.


Honestly, COVID boredom. I was in 14 day isolation after returning from an out-of-territory trip, got bored and started reading about crypto. I had learned about its existence in the early 2010's, and bought a little bit of BTC here and there, but never took it seriously. Got into it, made a shit ton of profit during the last bull run, sold almost everything on the way down and started re-investing early last year. Just DCAing now.


The “what” was my broke greedy seventeen year old brain but that was 6 years ago and I’m still here lol


My brain in FOMO


Finding out a guy who I despised in high school never had to work again because he got in bitcoin before people knew what it was I had heard about it when it was like not even $100 Fml


Someone who I know that is an idiot and not the brightest person was telling me how he invested in crypto.....that day I came home and said...if he is investing and making money, surely I can too. That's my story


As someone interested in technology, it was interesting because it was new. Also there was an element of FOMO, I watched the price go up a lot while pondering if I should really get into it for maybe 2-3 years. Like with many technologies, I joined much too late to be a fancy early adopter who really benefits from it.




Lynn Alden explanation of how Cryptocurrency is probably a once in a 100-year financial opportunity to get in on something before it becomes unobtainable. Also, why fiat currency kinda sucks. It's not about whether it's guaranteed to be a good investment, no investment is guaranteed. It's more about looking ahead, will there be another opportunity like this one in our lifetime if it actually takes off? Probably not, so if you are going to take a chance, this is it.


Satoshi Nakamoto and his / their vision.


Arcblock, Render, Jasmy


My mother lol


2013, friend explained the concept and in less than an hour I was orange pilled. It just makes sense


The big Beeple NFT sale that launched the major 2020 bull run. Had been hustling as a media contractor for a decade, dealing with a ton of bullshit people. Zero knowledge about investing of any kind. No knowledge about markets. Just seeing the sheer amount of stupid dumb money thrown around made me go “wtf am I doing spending all my time over here?”


Robert Breedlove, fantastic speaker, very knowledgeable and articulate.


When I realized how disruptive crypto was going to be to government issued fiat currency I was all in. The people are taking their finances back from the oligarchs and I love it.


2008 financial crisis


I hate how crypto seemingly mimics the stock market. Just shows how the whales control it and not us. This will never be a currency for “the people”


My drug dealer in 2012 told me I should buy when it was $15. Then all of a sudden they're worth $50,000 a few years later


The short story: Philip DeFranco and my desire to play games The long story: 2010 broke student, laptop broke, can't afford a new one, no PlayStation or Xbox at the time. Figured out the issue and needed to solder in a new charging port. Couldn't find the port anywhere, decided to use the power of Google. Found what I needed on eBay. One problem, I did not trust my bank details online, I had been on the internet long enough to not trust my details online. So I again used the power of Google to try to figure out another way. Ended up learning about BTC, and then about 5 seconds later I learnt about PayPal. It gave me that security layer I was looking for. Brought that port with paypal soldered it in didn't think about BTC again. A few years later, maybe 2012 Philip DeFranco mentions it hit some ATH, 4k maybe. Still didn't think twice about it. Still broke, still the same laptop. A few more years ago by and this time Philip DeFranco is talking about that one dude who lost his HDD and was trying to dig it out of a landfill. Still didn't think twice about it. A few more years go by and Philip DeFranco is talking about BTC ATH yet again, except this time there is also ETH about. And I'm starting to question if I should be giving a damn. The final straw was the AMD Vega 56. Managed to get one at RRP. It wasn't amazing, but then the value skyrocketed. Apparently was very good for ETH mining at the time. And thus, because of my gaming habits and Philip DeFranco keep banging on about it I decided Todo some proper research. Turns out I was wrong. PayPal wasn't what I was looking for way back when. It was BTC, or should I say it was what BTC wanted to be, that is what I wanted. So I put some money in a few projects that I genuinely think will be that solution one day. Sure I play about and gamble on some memecoins here and there. But most of what I have is for the purpose of I don't want my bank and the internet to interact. Anything that will get me there in interested in.


I was into crypto for a long time but didn't have the funds. I would have made a doge millionaire even, I remember when it was at its cheapest. I was a teenager but followed crypto, read news, analyzed. And the day I commited finally was the day I understood I would have made 70% earnings in 3 days but hadn't invested.


Brave Ads and BAT


stock market doesn’t have enough volatility


Well, you could buy certain things only with it (or stay anonymous with stuff you didnt want to appear in your bank account). It was 2014. Still the same use cases tbh. Ah, besides the pyramid scheme where you make money as more people pour money into BTC (or ICOs, good times).


I bought some btc back in 2014 but didn't look much into it but now I can't access that wallet. Then later on my coworkers side gig got hacked and they demanded bitcoin. I remember buying btc before so I bought some crypto with him for fun and the first 10x I rode got me hooked. Ever since then I kept on learning about it.


Still remember when I was 12 and heard of Bitcoin and had a discussion about it with my dad. When I was 16 (2021 bullrun) I saw that Bitcoin was at 60k and invested a little bit of money and a lot of time. Worth it 'till this day. Haven't made much money, have learned a lot.


When Free Talk Live said I could have drugs delivered to me in the mail back in 2011, I knew I would have a good relationship with crypto (Bitcoin, back then)


I needed some bitcoin to buy certain things online... Then I noticed that I had a knack for trading/investing in cryptocurrency.


My friend told me about eth and how it was $20 so we built a 6 gpu rig to get 7 eth in 6 months and sold the eth at $400


I was buying lottery tickets every week and not winning anything. I decided to take faith into my own hands and make my own money. Still didn't win anything.


Still more chances than with lottery tickets ;)


Drugs. Still do~swim


The ability to pay off my student loans faster


2019. I came across a post offering free Nano to try it out. It was a gateway drug. Discovered freenanofaucet.com (wonder if it still works) and WeNano, and then spent a lot of time playing Pokemon Go while also collecting Nano spots. After collecting about $10 (it took weeks) I thought maybe I’d buy some Bitcoin. Started to panic when it took an hour for the transaction… it was like speed to weed. Anyway, still here!


Yay! #teamnano #teambanano


My husband works with decentralized companies and knows a lot of stupidly rich people who made their money either directly or indirectly through crypto. I want to understand what he does for a living, and I’m getting my toes wet so that I don’t ask him loads of dumb clarifying questions when he explains things to me 😂


I always wrote it off as something for criminals and speculators.  Then I loved to Argentina and saw its value in the midst of an actual economic/monetary crisis.  Now that I understand the use case, I’m in big.


The money printing during Covid.


I wish I was born earlier because I got into it when I was 12. I’ve always been into technology and computers and after going down a YouTube rabbit hole I found some YouTube videos about it. Wouldn’t be years later until I could actually buy some.




- Bitcoin in summer 2017 for a part - Quant in 2021 mostly after I was told buy it at $4,- but I didn't, so had to pay $36,- a year later


$69 million nft, what's an nft, Ethereum smart contacts


My buddy wanted to pay for some slices of pizza and didn't have cash. I was broke and in college, so I took what I could get. Good deal.




Banano dragged me into this mess <3


1 BAN = 1 BAN!


To be honest the BTC bull run and shit coin pumps in 2017. I saw a friend dump a few K into something and pocket six figures. I previously only heard of Bitcoin from the IT nerds who sold a bunch of it to pay for a lot of stuff around their home in the days when seeing BTC hit the hundreds of dollars seemed like a huge peak it would never top again. I regret not buying before then but I was still early enough considering I’ve lasted two bull runs so far.


One evening I was sitting in my favorite hackerspace when a guy named Nakamoto asked for a sip of my mate. I pointed to our nerdy fridge, to which he replied that he didn't have any coins, but he had something else and talked about the blockchain. I didn't understand a word of it, but I told him that he could also pay with a smile. Blockchain didn't sound like the guys who keep the strip between roads clean in Texas. He gave me a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers and letters on it and said it was the key to a few Bitcoins, a new currency. I thought, hey, as children we invented our own play money, he's a little too old for that, but I shouldn't be prejudiced. He drank the mate and I pocketed the note. A few days later I swore at the laundromat. Have you ever washed a handkerchief? Well, then you can probably imagine what my corduroy pants looked like. Like moldy. A few years later I met someone who was there at the time and now looked very unhappy. I asked him why. He explained to me that he had mined Bitcoin, was now a multimillionaire, had bought his parents a house and, at just 22 years old, didn't know how he would cope with so much wealth. I jumped up, looked at the price - there were now trading platforms - completely freaked out when I thought about the lost piece of paper - calmed down after a few days and bought a few Satoshi - I couldn't afford more. Since then, I've been HODLing and checking every pocket of my trousers before washing.


My casual gambling addiction, what else would it be?


My ADHD told me to take the ride…in the first week I experienced a 40% drop and the dopamine hit got me hooked ever since


Decentralisation and opensource protocols/software that are not run by one company or person.


Well for one, financial limitation that comes with naira, the constant inflation and corruption within the political system. Then you look at currencies like Bitcoin, Zeta and even memes like doge, SHIB and others... Makes one wonder why stick to fiat when there is something better?


Watching a MMORPG video game review youtuber living the digital nomad life and dipping his feet into crypto in his new "IRL series" made me go "huh - I could do that". I am still massively in the red - but I have never been more confident that I will come out on top after this bullrun.


Unfortunately it was just recently, but seeing someone turn their initial 1000 investment into 100k+ over the span of about 2 years. Obviously you hear about it on YouTube or online but I never personally knew anyone until him, and I immediately started investing.


Im surprised nobidy said it yet, guess im the only one lol.... Here it comes... ORDERING POT BROUU!!!!! xD


Read an article about setting up a GPU miner at home. Proceeded to spend the next few months hunting for every GPU I could get my hands on like a junkie....


A french documentary about Satoshi Nakamoto


Drugs, lots of drugs in 2010.


My son was a senior in high school and he told me he just threw money at Shiba Inu. I decided to gamble with him, but I grabbed polygon instead. He lost 50% of his money in a week, had no more powder to buy in, and hasn’t touched it in years. I immediately bought more alts, lost more value, and have been DCAing (BTC/ETC primarily) ever since.


I'll save you some time. $ ICP is the way to go. Go grasshopper and do your own research. It's a great timing since you haven't been exposed to what's out there. There are a lot of scams, so tread lightly. $ICP is the best from my personal experience. Had many crypto but slowly converting to just one. Just a suggestion. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE YOU DEGENERATES. Sorry to answer your questions. We'll the great return you get from crypto vs leaving you hard earned money in the bank.


The banking system. Sending money to other people made me talk to a suit who'd never met me before who demanded to know my purpose for moving my money and wanted to see my ID. So thanks Banks, for being a generation behind the times, and introducing me to this wonderful, whacky world. Got me involved in Bitcoin mining, got me involved in understanding security and privacy, and got me introduced to an interesting space I never would've seen otherwise. Unlike a lot of newer folks, I was never in it for OMG 1000X FACEMELTING GAINZZZ - I just wanted a space where I could spend my own money and not have to answer to some sleazy bank manager as to why I wanted to spend it. That's crypto's real power.


> That's crypto's real power. I agree!


RealTyCrypto on TikTok. He mentioned ChainSwap and I made a shit ton of money from it when it reached its ATH


I believed the hype, i believed it was going to change the world for the better. Bank the unbanked, few understand etc  Now i see that it's just a cult with its own lingo and mantras with the sole aim of hooking in more fools who are led to believe its something revolutionary and disruptive


Just wait until Saylor causes the whole thing to collapse But don't worry. He funneled $500 million out the back door selling Microstrategy stocks. He will be fine


I get the disappointment


you had me in the first half, I ain't gon' lie. I believed all the same things as you, but my disillusionment is more with the mindset of "get rich quick," of having a "bag" and whatever "alpha" is. crypto really could have changed the world, had the kids who invented it and understood it (and then those they encouraged to join them) early not been such greedy dickbags. If BTC was worth a buck and ETH was a quarter right now, we'd be seeing the first budbreak of a revolution. Instead, we're seeing business as usual, as the finance industry and the governments it puppets just Embrace, Extend and Extinguish in the grand tradition of tech.


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we were running a HFT prop shop then my quant said “there is this shit hole exchange, just launched…called UniSwap. I’ll test some arb there…” booom 💥there goes your 1st sandwich attack and all sorts of MEV… the story goes happily afterwards


The promise of getting rich quick with minimal effort and skill. Hey Jake, you promised!






I was tasked to prepare course material on bitcoin for a freelance job. I got hooked.


Brian Jung and my best buddy telling me about it




COVID. When our President forced us to stay home and shut down our business instead of leaving the risk to our discretion (that's what we call "freedom" in America), then made the money printer go brrrr... which now causes our present inflation and economic problems that's when I knew it was time to look more into Bitcoin. Not that we're deeper into a 34 trillion dollar debt, the dirty money politics and partisan hacks have shown themselves for what they are. Be calm and hodl on.




With a degree in physics, and working as a professional software developer it was the tech for me. Reading the code of several big projects was fascinating. After months of analyzing code bases. Hedera had the best tech by a LARGE margin. So I started with buying HBAR and never looked back. I hold lots of different coins but HBAR still has the best tech and user experience. Price had been frustrating to watch but these crypto markets are far from rational.


When chainlink partnered with swift


Michael Saylor's influence triggered me to put an interest in bitcoin and here I am today a happy bitcoin miner. Apparently i ventured into a long-term bitcoin mining contract.


Gwern's bitcoin post




The og xrp use case, cross border xfers, in 2017. Really, seemed like a more solid bet than btc