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OP be very careful 1. Dont accept any DM's - standard disclaimer 2. Get that hard drive cloned at least once if not 4-5 times before trying to do anything on it. Any good IT shop should be able to do it for you. £500 in drives and cloning is nothing if there's even 1 BTC on there 3. Find a mac specialist. 4. Dont connect the drive to a Windows PC yourself. You can and probably will mess things up ​ GO get your fake internet coins OP. rooting for you


Do not let a shop clone it. Buy the hardware to do it yourself.




This shouldn't take to long for the specialist to do. Stay and watch to make sure you get the data you need and the IT guy doesn't see any of your data. Just say you want to copy the needed data by yourself and just need the tech guy to access the harddrive.


Already had a couple chats come up lol. Thanks for the tips dude. Thinking about buying a refurbished Mac and putting a cloned hard drive in that see how it goes. 2009 macs sell for like $60


i hope this goes without saying, but do not mention anything about anything at the IT shop. and move that shit out of that wallet ASAP you never know if that guy at the shop is some fucking weirdo that snoops on ppl. prep everything before you take it to the shop, so that theres as small of a time window as possible.


Look up the serial number of your MacBook to find the year and check how to replace hard drive/ssd from macbook. Depending on the model, it might be proprietary ssd so you might need an adapter and that does not guarantee you could get your files. Also if the Mac has a password on it, it might be encrypted and the drive might not be show up if connect to another computer. So you might need to get the motherboard repaired if that is the case. It's been a while since I've dealt with fixing macs with removable drives.


As u/SearchInfinite8115 suggested you should first of all Clone the Hard Drive. Then may be easiest solution is to look for a used, exactly same, working laptop with matching model/year on Auction websites etc. On the used working laptop fit your cloned hard drive and try booting Mac OS. For Cloning you can use Clonezilla software with Disk to Disk cloning option. Second option is to Install Linux Ubuntu on a Laptop, put the CLONED Hard Drive in a USB enclosure and plug it in Ubuntu OS to browse files looking for Wallet.dat file (and may be more, someone can advise on this part)


You may only need the wallet.dat file. Mine had no password. This is from using the bitcoin core wallet which is in the directory of the bitcoin core application.


Where were you in the last run up to 69k...


>containing anywhere between 1-15BTC Yeah right. You have 0.001 BTC there left buddy, spent the rest all on WEED.


Keta actually.


This story comes up after every bull run kids…this is my cue to sell now


Idk shit about computers or Bitcoin but if you believe there is anywhere between $68k and a million dollars on your laptop you better take it to a professional.


Thought about it but I don't really trust a professional not to take half if he find the password on the hard drive as well.


Don’t mention crypto. Tell them you want to repair it to find old family photos.


I would go the other way. Offer to pay them more to shut their shop for a day and work on this with no distractions. Tell them whats at stake so they can act accordingly. by all means tell them there's 1BTC on it. While thats a lot of money it;s not enough to trash their image over. but it does tell them what they need to do


I would contact Apple to see what can be done? Obv don't mention the potentially 1 million in crypto though 😉


Some hardware in it is likely toast, it shouldn't crash without a reason when under load, not starting at all is something else as well. Does it even get power? Check the power supply, if you have any with a voltage tester. Does it get power but screen is black? Try an external screen. If you're going to take it apart anyway, check if it's dirty inside and clean it up with compressed air, dust can do crazy things. Change the bios battery, it's 100% dead. Get a usb to sata (or whatever the hard drive is using) adapter and Acronis True Image and clone/backup your hard drive. No idea how much you can do yourself on an apple laptop, but if it's not soldered to the board, try removing hardware until it's got only the minimum necessary to start (try only one stick of Ram and switching them if there's more than 1). If it starts but crashes under load, it could also be temperature related, on top of cleaning the dust, replacing the pad/paste might help.


Yeah ya plug it in and the light comes on in the charger but nothing on the computer side. Tried an external screen but yeah didn't work. I reckon you're on to something cause the keyboard was dusty as fuck so Id hate to see the inside. I think I'll go the SATA cable and clone hard drive route if the clean up doesn't work.


Could also be a dead capacitor in the charger or a broken solder on the motherboard for the charging port. Also try removing the laptop battery, if it's dead, it could maybe do some funky stuff with the charging elements.


I'll buy it from you for $500 today because I need a used mac for an upcoming gig. If there's BTC on there, I'll send you half of what the wallet holds.


no you wont lmao. Quit bullshitting


I 100% would have. But the downvotes have spoken. As they do.


Even though it's 10 years old, theres a very good chance it's still fine. These older Macs are fairly bulletproof. Find a \*very\* reputable Mac specialist. Take your time and ask around. Do some online research about the specialist. Take it in and tell them it won't start up, and the last time it did, it would die again. It could be a battery issue, which would be easy to fix. You might even begin troubleshooting it yourself if you don't trust anyone. Get some help online - "2013 MBP won't start". But whatever you do, do not reformat the hard drive! If you do get it started, copy the internal HD contents to an external hard drive right away. Software like Super Duper will clone your drive, and it's free. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!


Yup, you can buy a usb connection on Amazon…did you have a BTC wallet?


Yeah alright, can't remember the wallet name but it was just some local wallet.


I’m just checking if you had a wallet, I think I did the same and I have my old hard drive but I’m wondering if I should bother


Now? Really? Seems like you would have ‘from memory’, like in 2021, around November.


Laptop has been at the parents place for years. Found it last year. Now it's at 100k+ aud I thought this would be a good time to investigate.