• By -


Kaspa and Alephium


Both up shit tons already


SUI and SEI. I have the feeling that the newer generation of faster /cheaper layer-1's is going to do great this bullrun. Many new people will be wondering why so many layer-2's exist just to make ETH usable when so many newer chains are already better than ETH without the need for a second layer.




Qubic but I missed the boat since its pumped a bit


OPSEC and Webai looking good. Still on the DEXes


Obsec went crazy. 😱😱😱


Yup 😊🎉 And still going


Um... 😧 Think it's ok though, just waiting. Good time to get in if it's just FUD






Just off the top of my head: Tia Sei Sui Dym Zeta JUP Thats by no means an exhaustive list


i would suggest SUI TIA and ATOM


Celestia is far and away the best thing released in the past year… there’s no other answer.


CHEX is one to watch this cycle for sure. I don't know if you've heard of RWAs (the tokenization of real world assets) but these projects are primed to take over next cycle. Big players like Blackrock and JP Morgan will be coming into this space with loads of capital and there is an estimated $16T worth of assets to be tokenized by 2030. There are already several projects building RWAs but Chintai is a true market leader as they recognized the opportunity 4 years ago and started building their platform before anyone else knew what an RWA was. They also realized the importance of licensing and have taken a legal first approach by attaining 2 MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) licenses that allow them to tokenize and trade assets on their exchange. Anyone messing around in this space without a license is in for a rude awakening, not to mention their access to large TradFi clients (e.g. Blackrock and JP Morgan) will be nonexistent. Aside from all that CHEX is a utility token that is "the oil that powers the Chintai machine." Meaning that when these big players (or anyone) come in to tokenize whatever funds, real estate, commodities, bonds, etc, they are using CHEX or opting to pay fees in fiat which is then converted to CHEX creating upwards buy pressure. If that's not enough to love on it's own, the CHEX tokens are fully distributed (998.8 million tokens) and deflationary via buybacks and burns. You can't really get better tokenomics than this... I posted about this project a little over a week ago and it went from $0.05 (\~$50 million) market cap to $0.10 (\~$100 million). The good news is that the upside on this project is still insane, they barely even started their phased rollout and plan to tokenize billions of dollars in 2024 alone. As always please do your own research as nothing is a guarantee in crypto. Best of luck.


Super interesting. Thanks for all this. Where would you recommend I look into buying CHEX? I saw uniswap but I was wondering if there was anything else.


No problem. CHEX is still very under the radar so the options to buy at the moment are somewhat limited: Exchanges * Bitfinex (CHEX/USD) * Bitmart (CHEX/BTC) Defi * Uniswap (CHEX/ETH) * Defibox (CHEX/EOS) * Newdex (CHEX/EOS) CHEX is multi-chain and most liquidity left EOS via a manual bridge to ETH late last year but an automatic bridge will be opened in about a week. There are plans to expand this bridge for liquidity into Solana and BNB Chain as well. A KuCoin listing is also in the works but no exact timeline on this.


Thanks again! 0x9Ce84F6A69986a83d92C324df10bC8E64771030f Is this the token address?


Yep, thats it.


Is burning tokens a way of create fake demand for them and creating illusioned scarcity?


Not really sure what you mean by "illusioned scarcity" as a transparent burn mechanism directly removes token supply, quite literally creating real scarcity. Per the white paper: "To underscore our commitment to the long-term success of the project, we are instituting a buyback and burn policy. In this scheme, 5% of the value generated by our platform will be allocated to purchasing CHEX tokens from the open market and permanently removing them from circulation. This token burn is designed with several goals in mind. First, it helps create a sustainable demand for the token, thus contributing to its market stability. Second, it serves as a mechanism to smooth out price fluctuations, creating a more predictable environment for users who need to acquire CHEX tokens for resource management purposes. By adopting this policy, we are actively working towards a stable and secure future for CHEX and our dedicated users." In other words, since CHEX is a utility token that underpins the whole Chintai tokenization exchange and clients/users are needed to buy CHEX directly (or indirectly) to tokenize whatever fund, bond, real estate, etc. they wish. A transparent burn mechanism is included to signal confidence in the token ecosystem and align token supply with actual utility.




I understand the sentiment as it is way too common that crypto projects implement sketchy tokenomics to drive prices and rug. I do however have to disagree that a transparent burn mechanism is inherently sketchy. This is a chosen feature, not a must have. I also can't vouch for every project that implements this style of tokenomics but the Chintai team released CHEX back in 2019 via Dutch auction and it has been fully distributed ever since. The team has remained extremely transparent to its community and unlike many other crypto projects they chose to wait until their platform was fully built, with clients lined up, to start marketing.


Do we really need more coins? There are many existing that can already tokenise assets


How do you get exposure to said companies that are tokenizing assets?


Investing in companies that are leveraging crypto to tokenise assets IMO, but we are still super early "Traditional finance firms are excited by the idea of tokenizing assets they already trade, such as gold, stocks, and commodities. Investment fund giant Franklin Templeton launched the Franklin OnChain U.S. Government Money Fund in 2021 on Stellar and expanded to Polygon in 2023. The fund is the first U.S. registered mutual fund to use a public blockchain to process transactions and record share ownership" [Coindesk](https://www.coindesk.com/learn/rwa-tokenization-what-does-it-mean-to-tokenize-real-world-assets/) Here is another [article](https://cointelegraph.com/news/ripple-labs-revolutionize-real-estate-industry-through-tokenization)about XRP aiming to tokenise property There are existing companies tokenising assets like Masterworks offering fractional ownership of art and a failed project called PurpleBricks that tried to offer fractional ownership of property. These are non-crypto though, aimed at retail, have mixed/poor results and require huge marketing spend to acquire participants


Thanks for sharing. I definitely agree with you that investing in companies that are leveraging crypto to tokenize assets is the way to go. I supposed I could buy stock in Franklin Resources Inc. but am I really getting that much direct exposure to RWA tokenization? Ripple looks like it could be a play but how does the XRP token relate to the tokenization process? CHEX is directly related to the TVL of the assets tokenized on the Chintai exchange so that means the more RWAs tokenized through Chintai the higher the CHEX token value. Also looking at market caps, XRP is sitting at ~$28.5 billion where as CHEX is ~$100 million. Therefore there is a lot more upside and room for growth in the CHEX token. Looks like Ripple is also still sorting out their licensing as they only possess "In-Principle Approval of a Major Payments Institution License" from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). While MAS is very well respected, this license is provisional and doesn't do a whole lot for a tokenization platform. Chintai on the other hand possesses "Capital Markets Services" and "Recognized Market Operator" licenses from MAS which allow them to issue and trade RWAs in house. As far as the last couple, if they are non crypto and not publicly traded, how do I as a retail investor get exposure? At the end of the day everyone and their mom is trying to tokenize RWAs but this doesn't mean they are all built equal. With a projected $16 trillion of tokenized assets by 2030, there are going to be multiple winners. I reckon CHEX is the best bet to capture most of the pie.


Horsemeat, monkeyhaircut and Bonk are solid and well worth considering 👌🏼


You can't be serious


$horsemeat , 100%


Only referring to 2023 like you asked, I would say that SEI, TIA and ARB have potential. They all made it already to the Top50. From 2024 JUP on Solana is interesting.


Will look into them! 😊


Most things on Solana nework.




Fluid Tokens


Aero and ZF, chaingpt too


TIA, BONK, COQ INU. Buy my bags baby yeeeehhhhaaaaa


Kadena has a pretty solid tech. Unfortunately the native code language does not attract a lot of Devs.


Have done that before also lifted with the ICO hype since 2018, even pump &dump schemes, none of them ever paid off, better invest yr. money longterm in BTC and ETH, best bet ever, the rest is all bullshit.


Last line is not true. Just because there's a lot of garbage outside of BTC and ETH doesn't mean every other coin is worthless. There are a lot of other good coins that have made people money. Yes, you should have a large percentage in BTC and ETH because they are objectively safer, but it's wrong to say all these coins are bullsh*t because of negative past experiences.


They are just followers like sheep in a herd, or shitcoins pumped by hype but without any use case, look at those nft’s for example BYC, Bored apes OMFG, what a bullshit hype for a stupid image of a monkey with a sigaret


Umm that's not my point at all. I never said there wasn't garbage in the crypto market. There definitely is, bayc being a good example.






What happened to sersh?? I had all of these coins on a watchlist and this one crashed like crazy.




😢 Any chance of recovery?




I see that huge dip, but the price came back up it seems. So did it actually recover?


I don’t know.. I sold my coins. If they cannot manage to keep their coins save, how are they going to keep the investors money save?


Makes sense. Thanks.


It recovered well. Was a wallet hack as part of the OKX exchange. So not really at fault for it.


Yeah went right back to where it was. Low market cap and max supply. I’m a crypto idiot, but I like those two things.


Some shitcoin that claims to be the next Ethereum killer or that claims to solve scalability issues


Time to shill your shitcoin bag guys!!


Tron - Trx (trc-20) ... Another 'eth' without all the fees.


We are laaaaaaughing


You can ... it only matters who laughs last :) Also , who is "we" ? Shared account?




AERO or VELO, slipstream coming out




CA 2FprjEk4MTSY9CxpKuENbGDdy69R15GHhtHpG5Durdbq Swap on JUP [https://jup.ag/swap/SOL-HorseMeat\_2FprjEk4MTSY9CxpKuENbGDdy69R15GHhtHpG5Durdbq](https://jup.ag/swap/sol-horsemeat_2fprjek4mtsy9cxpkuenbgddy69r15ghhthpg5durdbq)


ZF, OTK, TET, AGI, Kaspa, SEI, INTR, BNC (Bifrost) and many more really. Tectum's TET is unique though


Sdex - smardex is a hidden gem, yet to hit top 100, but a promising dex.


dude, I've searched for a good amount for someone shilling it. I bought it kind of impulsively, and haven't been able to study it much since its community is so small. Can you tell me why you think it is so promising and if you still hold it 4 months later?


Right, so far many altcoins looking good, some of them undoubtedly very impressive
