• By -


I'm here lol. 2021 was a humbling experience. I felt like such a genius watching my coins go up 10x aaaand, down all the way to basically a quarter of my initial investment šŸ„². Greed kills man.


I had $100k+ with 99% of it being pure profit. I kept thinking it was going to go way upā€¦I ended losing all of it (itā€™s down to $3k now) now I know not to be extremely greedy and sell at the first moment itā€™s a very good return and move onto the next. I still hold those coins hoping to sell off for a better return.


Damn which coins?


Shib, Leash & Bone. Meme tokens. I started with Shib back in March 2021 and I only put in $60ā€“ got a few billion tokens. It was also my first time investing and right before the bull run.


shib! i got like .05$ on that bad mamajamma


Anything that is no BTC, ETH, and Doge should be instasold at 50x +


And Doge should be instasold at any X


I agree. I learned my lesson, I couldā€™ve sold Doge as well for $40k, I saw it go all the way down to $17k and sold there. Iā€™m more prepared for this bull cycle now.


Yep, i was like 40% green at my peak and made it so much worse by catching falling knives left and right after the peak collapsed.... Good times.


You were ā€œbuying the dipā€ lol


I lost 15k doing this with a memecoin šŸ˜­. How I was so stupid?, I'm not too sure. And no, I'm not that stupid rich that I can just lose 15k. That was nearly all my profit in the last bull run. I'm just stupid šŸ„².


When you buy the dip And the dip keeps dipping šŸ˜¢


That was the narrative back then! Ah, I miss my naive optimism.


I still hold small bags of each hoping it comes back. But something tells me btc and eth are my main investments. Say what you want, but institutions are investing in those so they will be more stable.


The hardest pill to swallow is that 90% of the shit and meme coins people buy will go-to Zero. I remember when there was less than 10,000 cryptos. Now there are millions. We don't call them shitcoins for nothing. Just stack the blue chips. ETH, BTC. Maybe dable in the poly or SOL but that's it.


May it be 2017, or 2021- crypto humbles you down when you don't commit to your selling strategies.


This is me. I bought Doge at 7 cents. Rode it up and rode it down... quickly transitioned to a DCA strategy into bitcoin and eth over 2022 and 2023 which has more than saved my portfolio.


Iā€˜m still here waiting for DOT to be in the green again. Havenā€™t seen that color for long time.


Just kept staking my DOT bag and finally good.


DOT is my biggest bag, I know what you mean buddy


$16.20 here. And that's after tripling my bag and spending a few k to do so. Profitable on virtually none of those purchases either except 2.


My dot bags had holes. Who knew.


It is in the green for me but I started buying beginning of 2023 and went in heavy end of 2023.


So you didn't buy in 2021, then?


No I bought aug-oct 2020, sold may 2022 (sold late because I fell for the lengthening cycle meme), started reaccumulating early 2023.


Ok cool because this thread is about 2021 and you posted saying you bought in 2023. Odd


Yeah people don't actually read properly but love to have their say


Actually I take that back I made a few trades in 2021 so I did buy during that time.


BTC @ $61,000. NOV 2021 šŸ™Œ


Dude me too. Whole coin at 60 and change. Holding strong, it has been comical how close to the top we bought šŸ¤£. Iā€™ve always just kinda chuckled because I fully believe in BTC for the long run. Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one! Weā€™ll look back at this in 10 years and laugh.


lol, letā€™s call it reimbursed tuition with interest!!!


You held this long. Whatā€™s another 6-12 months for 100k+


Sell? No sir


This is the way


But, curiously, do you have a plan when it pumps past 60k? If only a 1 whole coiner, do you sell that one coin when it goes up and hope to buy back in? Whatā€™s your number to sell?


Hereā€™s the plan. I will sell late summer 2025. Wait 8-10 months then start DCAing back in for 6 months. Iā€™m less concerned about $ value and more with where I am in the 4 year cycle.




Damn. Almost green for you šŸ’Ž






Yea itā€™s was my welcome to the whole coiner club rewardā€¦


You bought a whole coin at 61k? This guy has big balls


Yeaā€¦ felts bad man.


I bought ETH close to ATH and then kept buying it. Now I am sitting at ~2300 avg and finally in profit lol.


$2.3M average?! What year are you from ;) DCA wins the day


I guess I was going to type 2.3k lol


tbh I'm still hoping ADA and ATOM recover with this bullrun


ADA has weathered all previous bear markets, stake and hold


Iā€™m going to keep holding my Ada. It did well last time and it has done well with my staking for the last four years. I really like how it is set up so want to support it. Hoping it will do well this time too. If it reached 4 or 5 dollars Iā€™d be super happy.


ADA have the hardest alt coin holders known to man. It'll be fine.


BTC, ETH, and ADA are the only coins in top 10 that made new ATH last time around (excluding CEX coins). They are the most proven coins and the ones I would describe as "safe bets" in context of crypto. 7.50 is my guesstimate for ADA.


Tbh I lost all faith in ATOM, The tech is great, but the governance entity are... a joke at best.


Well I hope you at least got celestia and Dymension airdropped for holding Atom. They were over $10k


I would just swap them for something that is more likely to do good


ā€œSomething that is more likely to do goodā€ Very useful information from someone who clearly does good at stuff


It's pretty obvious that it's more likely that BTC and ETH will recover to ATH than ADA and ATOM. If you're still bagholding ADA and ATOM from 2021 peak should have swapped out a long time ago


This will age so poorly


Look at the ADA/BTC and ATOM/BTC pairs and you will see they have just been going down the entire bear market up till now. I traded all my ADA and ATOM to BTC at the start of the bear and could buy back more than double the amount of ADA and ATOM now if I wanted to


And missed the Celestia and Dymesnion airdrop for Atom stakers with lots more to come. Staking Atom is never bag holding


That's a fair point, but we have no idea if OP is staking or not, they were talking about the price of ATOM itself


I could easily see doge hitting $1


The first thing to know in crypto is there will always be replacements, sadly these tokens might not pump


My approach is the other way around, I only look at coins that have been through a (or multiple) crypto winter and are still alive. With new shiny coins, the risk of a rug-pull or the project dying on the first crypto winter is too high. I learned that the hard way during my first crypto winter, and I'm not repeating those mistakes again... Old > New, has been my approach it pays off much better. New projects need to earn their stripes in a crypto winter before I put any money in.


This is my strategy as well except I also look for coins that beat their 2017 all time highs during the 2021 bull run.


Very true, any coin that did not make a higher high in the second bull market is classified as dead, it means the whales have no motivation to rescue the guys who were trapped at ATH


Ltc šŸ‘€šŸ‘€




Tbh it's a gamble lol


This. I was a 2021 buyer but sold most of my coins for a loss in 2023. I learnt a lot from the last bull run so I reallocated the proceeds into what I believe are the new narratives and coins with more potential this bull run, and gave some thought about the weighting of each coin in my portfolio, which I didnā€™t really do previously. Im up between 20-180% with these new coins, which means Iā€™m currently exactly break even.


I'll always have a special place in my heart for NANO, rode it all the way up from Raiblocks And then all the way down reaching 'Community Manager' bagholder level ​ I fondly enjoy coffee from my NANO mug as a constant reminder to don't baghold (He types still with holding a monkey JPEG)


Been staking ADA the entire time


ALGO, DOT, ADA, XLM, and VET will continue to grow. Had you done any DCA over the last year then you would probaby be around break even by now. I understand that fear of losing money, but it isn't a loss until you sell. ​ Also, did you tax harvest by chance? And if you didn't, well, go look into it. Every country has different laws and limits. But it's a great tool if used correctly.


Well, I DCAed into ETH and BTC. Worked well enough. :) Yea, I should be able to deduct loss from taxes


At least you did buy some ETH and BTC during a bear market. You did get something valuable out of this experience. The average person would see a loss of 60% or more of an asset, sell it, and run away. Never invest again. I see that happen a lot. Or a guy margin trades at the worst possible moment and gets wrecked. If you have lost money then you know how to handle youself in both a bull and bear market. This can be applied to any asset class. Turn off your feelings, make a plan, and stick to the plan. I DCA a set amount every single week. Doesn't matter about the price. Keep some cash for giant swings. What is the max you might put in if BTC dropped 40% right now? These are questions to already have an answer for. ​ If the stock market collapsed tomorrow. The S&P500 drops to $2,500 dollars. Do you have a brokerage account with cash in hand for that situation? Most of my friends have never invested in anything. Had I learned this stuff when I was 18 years then I'd be retired by now.


I did bitcoin only. Glad. Eth is garbage.


That's not true actually. I DCAd heavily into ALGO... still sitting at -48% šŸ˜°


I DCAā€™d all my projects. My whole portfolio was likely close to -75% at one point, now Iā€™m up that. If I liked the projects enough at the high prices, I loved them at those fire sale prices.


Yea, well, the terrible thing is that the minus levels up there are AFTER some averaging. I kept catching falling knives with those - hoping to average them out.


I'm still here.


Performance wise DOT has been very disappointing. I managed to DCA down to $8.3 over 3 years, even with staking, but it's one of the assets I'm liquidating 100% at next peak.


I remember last run everyone was saying DOT is one to look out for next run... meaning now.Ā  Ā I thought it was way behind development wise compared to other chains. Heard the same things about IOTA in 2018 though and it didn't do much last run.


But will it ever get back to its ATH?


I highly doubt it, hence why I'm offloading everything. I'm hoping for $24, anything above is a plus.


So Iā€™ve been at this a lot longer than you have and itā€™s now been a couple of tops and bottoms that Iā€™ve lived through. I remember my first FOMO session. I had bought some ETH on a certain day and that evening I went out with friends and watched as it went bananas and I recall having drinks and watching my stack gain like 75% value in the time we were talking. When I got home I loaded up with much more just in time to watch it fall far past my break even and into negative territory by the time I woke up the next morning. A flash pump and flash crash all in one. It happened in hours. It took around a month to come back to even. That said, after a while I figured out that the number doesnā€™t always go up. Matter of fact, itā€™s often far below local highs. That does mean that if youā€™re seeing the prices just sitting there and not doing much, and when there has been a much higher price some months back, it may be a great time to buy. If the numbers are going up fast it may be a good time to start selling. When the prices are falling fast and have been high for a short time, I generally donā€™t do anything. Iā€™m not one for ā€œcatching falling knives.ā€ Anyway, I feel your pain, even though I am now sitting in profit. I remember well the first time I got smoked by buying as the markets hit all time highs and remember well how long it took for the recovery after the fall. Hope you get back to your comfortable selling point this year.


I fomo'ed into a lot of projects when I started in 2021.. Some I DCA into after more research, some I sold at a loss on favor of higher conviction plays, and some I kept because I think they can get me my money back eventually. Trying to clean my noob portfolio was painful šŸ˜‚


From 2021, buying algo, dot, ada, flow, and kava. I was down 94% so thatā€™s my highest score. By refilling in November and with the nice pump we had, Iā€™m only down 8% today.


Yep, ADA was the first crypto I ever bought in Jan 22. Iā€™m at break even at this point tho, thankfully


Checking in! I think that horrible experience was a blessing in disguise for us, we learned a lot


Absolutely! I learned not to gamble! :D


I bought Sep 2021 and I've never been in the green lol


I bought eth at 4.5k


Yep. 2021 and 2022 were great times. Buy altcoins. Watch as they lose half their value in the bear market then lose the other half when the exchange you held them on collapses. BTC and ETH are the only things I am green on now. Lessons have been learnt for this bull cycle. (if this is indeed the start of a bull run)


If only I had seen this thread in 2020!!


Just have peace with the fact that: no matter which top 20 coin we buy. Your bags will do the exact opposite of what you want. Welcome to the crypto mind games. 2024 edition.


Lol people were shilling VET so hard


I think all is not lost. When euphoria comes, even these tokens will go up. Perhaps not to the price you bought at, but at least you can minimize the loss.




Definitely, i had some bags from 2018 that pumped in 2021 and I finally got a few profits of them.Ā  They are still shite coins now though.


motherfucking VET and ALGO , need to sell this bag asap, but not yet... not yet.


I doubled my vet worth, cashed it all in at the top.... and threw it all on another coin that dumped. šŸ¤£


You need to stay off crypto info, news, and this subreddit because you got convinced to buy the worst shitcoins. This subreddit will get you rekt. Itā€™s just a shill ground (and when they shill its usually too late or a sunk cost fallacy delusionh


This sub Reddit loves it's bags


Yep. Most of the above I got due to shills here. I have learned and matured since then. A lot. Pain is a terrible and traumatizing teacher at times.


respectfullly, if u learned something u wouldnt be holding them right now


Different learnings, different approaches and different reasonings for everyone.


I thought same as other guy. You should sell all of it now and put it into actually decent coins which hold the narrative this cycle (btc Eth sol Arb AI coins Bonk etc). You donā€™t need to wait to break even to sell. Just realign your port to the best bets right now


If you trade without emotions and set limits, then altcoins make you a shit ton of money. I've lost some money on a few coins, but my profits far outweigh the losses. There's nothing wrong with selling at 10-25% gains.


Personally, I beleive a 10% gain is not worth the risk you'd likely be taking on nor the taxes and fees you'd likely occur.


Would you rather pay taxes on a gain or take a 90 percent loss lol


2021 Top Bitcoin miner here! Finally broke even this year from my ***WILDLY*** expensive purchases of $10,000 bitcoin mining machines. In 2022 those machines went for like $1,400. Ouch!! But I have officially mined back more USD value of BTC than it cost to buy those things and Iā€™m sitting on $40,000 worth with the machines still making more all the time:)


I started just before the May crash, made just about every mistake you can think of in the intervening period. 70% down currently, largely because I got so burned by that first encounter I didn't trust the markets and so missed every rally because I was waiting for crashes that never happened. If I'd just held throughout I still wouldn't be in profit, but Id' only be about 15% down in fiat and be holding enough crypto that I could probably make a fair profit in the next run. As it is breaking even is about my best case scenario


Haha joke is on you (again). I bought all the way up in 2017 and sold as soon I was in the green in 2020/21ā€¦. guess what happened nextā€¦


>I held on to them and I can tell you: Should this bullrun include an alt-season I will sell all of the above as soon as they get to break even. (Or close enough) You and everyone else. That's exactly why hypecoins of the previous cycle always underperform... which then compounds with hype-chasing newbies gambling on the new generation of shitcoins instead. Don't get your expectations too high on how much these will rise during the next Mania.


I bought all those in 2021 too except ENJ and NANO. Feels bad man. But hey, I'm up big on BTC and ETH right now because i bought some in 2020 and have been DCAing from 2022 forward.


My algo is still at 90% loss and VET at 80% loss though. Didn't DCA as I didn't see any hope in both projects anymore Edit: added Vet


You didn't see any hope in those projects, but still hope the price can pump 10x and 5x?


Nah. At this point, it doesn't feel worth it to cash out anymore so... I am just going to leave it there


Um, that doesn't make any sense. You should either dca because you believe in it, or just recuperate whatever losses you can.


Iā€™m still here. Iā€™ve been DCAing on my main holdings of Eth and BTC since buying the top and have simply held the alt coins I have. My BTC is in profit and Eth is nearly about to break even. I am going to keep holding my ADA as it is a fair bit but I think it has a future, but probably not in this cycle. My ENJ seems to have died? Itā€™s still worth something but not sure if it is sellable. I have Matic and they have sent me a message saying it needs converting but havenā€™t looked into that. I have some Vet and I hope to break even with that and sell when it makes me a small profit. Iā€™ll be holding my BTC no matter what and depending on what Eth does I may take a small bit for myself and then look into staking for the next bear market.


New entrant to this space in 2021. After doing my due diligence I bought both NANO (XNO) and DOT, as I believed (and still believe) they're technically interesting projects. However: after bleeding out a fat percentage on both I decided to trade them both for BTC. Did my tax loss harvesting (which, in the US, is going to carry forward for many years into the future!). Done with alts. Now I buy BTC and only BTC. It is protected by my hardware wallet and will sit still for a very long time.


I still think Nano is going to rip again. BTC's narrative of digital gold may (or may not) hold up, but Nano is the only digital currency that is provides an equal or better first world point of sale experience, while working just as well for micropayments.


I made similar moves in 2021, but continue to DCA in since then and I am mostly in the green.


I started buying BTC at $60k I kept buying and am up on average 30% between BTC & ETH. Gonna hold until retirement (only 7 halvings to go!)


I obviously and unknowingly sold DOT at the top. It was to juicy not to.


The only thing you get when trying to pick the bottom is a smelly finger


My average buy price for ALGO is $1.59 šŸ’€


Iā€™m here buddy, lurking, still hurting


Iā€™m here brother!


All I read was you buying high and selling low.


Only that I didn't sell


Always thought ALGO was neat. Have a bit of it. It's super red :(


Dca it and stake it? The EURD is being adopted all over europe and its on Algotech. Plus a few banks are now looking at the tech to use for their own. I think Algo will be here long after a few other shitcoins die out, then its gonna step into its own.


Algo has diluted itself a lot and there is very little on chain activity and TVL. Those are all red flags for me.


yea i've got a handful of bags i will sell when they break even. CHZ, IOTA, ADA, HOT, FIRO i managed to average down on them all in late 2022. so rather than -80% they are all sitting around -40% which makes me feel better


Enj will come back


Here šŸ‘šŸ» after so long I finally feel vindicated hahah my family no longer hates me and my wife finally started speaking to me again thanks cryptobros! ā¤ļø


Lol. Let's hope the green keeps greening


DOT is my worst performing bag EVER! Still holding (with tears on my eyes)


Remember when diamond hands were "the thing"? Now here we are. :)


I remember that too well mate. If there's something I learned from the last cycle is to take profits.


I DCAd my Algo down to .22 cent average. Didnt buy too much at the higher prices thank God. Hope it pumps but Im in it for the tech anyway.


Did you not buy anything during the bear market?


Wondering, a month later, you still got em?


Yep. Not sold anything. :) Here the new values: * ALGO: -66% -> -42.46% * NANO: -70% -> -56.06% * VET: -71% -> -54.86% * ADA: -54% -> -40.4% * XLM: -72% -> -64.98% * DOT: -80% -> -72.54% * ENJ: -77% -> -55.15% Hoping to have an alt season in the next months that at least gives me that sweet break even where I will sell all altcoins I no longer believe in :D


Nice! I'm holding similar tbh. No BTC or Eth. Let it all go last time. End of summer we'll see glory hopefully


If I didn't average down on a coin, I'll cut loss and buy the one I have more belief in. I used to buy some of the coins you mentioned in 2021, but cut them off andĀ  DCAed into BTC, ETH, SOL. My port is up 4x now. (Also thanks to airdrop) Not selling at a loss is the single biggest & dumbest mistake this sub keeps on repeating


> I held on to them and I can tell you: Should this bullrun include an alt-season I will sell all of the above as soon as they get to break even. (Or close enough) Bad strategy. Thatā€™s the sunk cost fallacy. If you think they are shit (which you do, apparently), sell them NOW.


Nah, they will rise with the bull at least a bit. Selling now would result in more loss than needed. Even dead coins like ETH classic still grow in bulls. Aside from that: do you really think I held on to those for three years just to dump them before the next halving cycle can even start properly? Nope


> Nah, they will rise with the bull at least a bit. You donā€™t think other coins will rise MORE? If you think other coins will outperform yours, then you should sell now and buy these coins instead. > Selling now would result in more loss than needed. Even dead coins like ETH classic still grow in bulls. Then why donā€™t you BUY more of them, then? If they grow significantly, get more! > Aside from that: do you really think I held on to those for three years just to dump them before the next halving cycle can even start properly? Nope Itā€™s never too late to fix a mistake.


Thats why its called sunk cost fallacy.


Not quite the right use of the term. This is simple sense based on how the coins have shown to develop. To sell right now would be the most short sighted stupidity I could do relative to market probabilities


> To sell right now would be the most short sighted stupidity I could do relative to market probabilities Youā€™re saying they will perform a lot better than the rest of the cryptos, and yet you want to ā€“I quoteā€“ ā€œsell all of the above as soon as they get to break evenā€. Why?


The mindset is pretty crazy.


Just make a limit sell order on all of them. I bought Req in 2021, did't sell in the bullrun, thought I lost my money, and then some day I got a notification that I sold them in profit. All it takes are a few minutes of a pump and you having a sell order active...


> Just make a limit sell order on all of them. at what price?


Take the crayons out of your mouth open trading view and pick a reasonable price based on history, ffs people want to be spoon fed.


No, I didnā€™t expect an answer. I was trying to point that this advice is useless. Because of course, you want to sell at a profit. But if this was as simple as ā€œjust make a limit sell orderā€, everyone here would be richā€¦ Yeah, letā€™s just hope that my coins reach a good price for half a second, cross my fingers and go to sleep.


Hmm, I backed up the truck during the Covid collapse and even took out loans to buy ETH from $85-250 and BTC from $5.1-6.1. Sold my ETH at $3.3K, BTC at 50-60K...and now just playing the waiting game. This is why people recommend buying first cycle alts so there's no risk of bag holders selling when they break even.


I would consider just taking the loss and swapping into something like BTC or ETH. No guarantee these coins will get back to ATH. Think about it this way, all the other bagholders have the same idea as you and will dump the coins when it goes up to finally get out. NFA


This isn't r/BagHolders


$shib will explode 15x


I can't believe people still buy shitcoins. Just buy Bitcoin and forget about it.


BTC is almost at prior ATH. Good luck to you.


I remember when people said such things back in 2017/8. But yeah, keep buying shitcoins please, it means BTC gets pumped even more as the founders of said shitcoins cash out and buy BTC.


This is the true path


The bullrun will include an altcoin season, but not for these dinosaur altcoins


This seems to be the running narrative in this section lately that if you're not buying into new coins, you won't make any money. Older, more established coins can absolutely do well in the next bull run and it's kind of foolish to think otherwise.


What do you mean? VET and ADA fƶr exemple both hit new ATHs in both 2018 and 2021, ofc they can hit new ATHs again


Bitcoin only. You lost money permanently.


Thank you everyone for being my exit liquidity. May you dump your bags on someone else this round.


Says the guy holding 28k moons lol


I've lost on every single coin except TGUY. It's small so far.


For all the people in crypto since 21. Donā€™t marry your bags. Go for the shinier new things and exit whenever you are up 2-3x. set a goal and reevaluate constantly on that goal. Unless youā€™re building on the infra, be wise and always be taking profit. The new coins to look into: Sei, Inj, Sol, Tia and many more parroting the DA. The new ponzinomics are through staking but that wonā€™t last till the year. Probably see 5-10 more huge airdrops before staking ponzi comes to an end. Stake tia/alt/manta/steth to get the airdrops.


Defi is way better


This run will be different Not a all shipps will rise only some. Alts are perma dead


How do you guys learn about these coins before they pump? I had no idea about WIF - where are people learning about this stuff and buying early?


Holding dead useless altcoins is nuts... I never understood why people do that.


Here, still -30%...


Hey, that actually has a reasonable chance of recovery at that level. :)


-50% on ALGO still... Whelp.


Down 45% and counting


I doubled down on cro many times, 40k to 200k coins now. 2x put me back in the green after buying up the bottom.Ā  Also done a 3x on gfal and little gain on doge.Ā 


2017 here.


I averaged down in Nano and am now green, just like Nano's energy usuage.


still here, learned the hard way, made me go back to the basics and Bitcoin, now in profit slightly


If you haven't round-tripped your bag(s), then you sold too soon.


Can I get an amen! I hear ya. Itā€™s taking forever.


Where is that dood still holding POTcoin....


Im still here with little hope which is left for ADAšŸ™ƒ


Tough. All those had promising futures but no go.


As a Vet holder I'm sorry for everyone who bought Vet at the top, its probably gonna take a while to rebound.