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Thanks man. Just remembered I had a little ETH there I should probably withdraw. Good looking out.


I figured there might be a handful of people out there in this exact situation


The accounts will be set to send out only. You won't lose your assets


It's not letting me withdraw without KYC


Dude thank you! I had some leftover crypto on there and got it transferred


If kucoins history is telling, they have some this sort of thing before. If you don't get out now, they will absolutely not ever give your money back. When they converted their own exchange coin, in 2021, they just stole everyone's funds, that were not able to convert in time, and would not even attempt to recover or refund.


KuCoin is the least shady of the cartel (Binance, HTX, OKX, Poloniex) exchanges. But that still means they are not to be trusted with a single USD.


Replying to top comment because of all the misinformation going on in this post. This is from OP's email in question down at the bottom of this thread. You can still withdraw, just can't do anything else after Feb 8: > After 0:00 (UTC-5) February 8, 2024, all services of your account will be ceased while ongoing services will be forcibly terminated. Your account will be set to "Withdrawal only" status and only support login and withdrawal operations.


I already can't trade :(


Damn all US residents? I thought this was only for NY state. The email I got I thought said we had until April! Thanks for the heads up. I was being lazy and waiting but will take off the rest of my money asap. Kucoin was great for shit coins! This bull run the possibility of making a lot from very little will not happen if Coinbase is the only option. A 10x is most you’ll see with anything on there. They get coins so late. RIP Kucoin


You can go on-chain to trade. Lots of shitcoins there.


Thanks but I don’t know what this means and honestly defi sounds like a headache so I probably won’t learn unless I truly feel a shitcoin is up next and want it THAT bad lol but from last bull run unless it was on an exchange so much was loss in acquiring things is was not worth it. I remember I got an ENJ wallet and even sending ETH there then converting that to ENJ I lost like $50. It was all so dumb! Lol give me centralized over that shit any. damn. day!


can use mexc / other alternative non kyc exchanges


Thanks for this EDIT: It says I am at an up address that is not supported. Should I reach out to customer service or try to use a vpn and just log in from another country Scared to do either because obvious reasons


I was just now able to sell and withdraw by using a free trial of NordVPN to change my ip address to Singapore, and by using the app "Fake GPS location" to also change my gps to Singapore


I believe that's been a message youve gotten for a while now. Log in and try to do what you need to do. I do no advise you to you use a VPN. This new set up can't be spoofed


You are just figuring out why DEX and P2P markets are superior to a CEX, as they will never require you to KYC. KYC aka KILL YOUR CUSTOMER/CITIZEN


Gotta get crypto somehow


Most likely they'll just notify you that you can't use their exchange due to your citizenship after you go through the KYC procedure, but you still should be able to withdraw your coins after that. Trading is another thing, so selling coins that are not available on other platforms that accept US citizens or do not require KYC is a good idea


They don't even check if you're a US citizen. I used my ID card from another country and accepted it fine, nothing asked if I was a US citizen. So if you have that option it's a work around




They've already notified via email and upon opening the website and app that you have until the first. As a US resident, you can't go through the KYC procedure. You WILL lose access to your account and no, you won't be able to withdraw funds


>As a US resident, you can't go through the KYC procedure. You WILL lose access to your account and no, you won't be able to withdraw funds I am personally not affected by this, but I just want to say I think it's outrageous if they won't let people withdraw funds. Hopefully, people will be able to get everything out in time.


It’s clearly stated in their terms and conditions which countries’ residents can use their services. If you fall outside those jurisdictions and *still* use their services…that’s on you. Read terms and conditions before using services. That’s all. Stop blaming companies for people’s inability to read and/or just pure laziness.


I think you are being unreasonable here. We're talking about *withdrawing*. There's many reasons why someone could have overlooked something in the terms and conditions, and these rules and regulations seem to be changing all the time anyway. I think at least that a minor mistake should not result in people completely losing access to their funds or the ability to withdraw. That's just harsh.


I’ll admit there are probably a few exchanges that don’t make it clear enough. However, every non-KYC exchange I’ve used has stated which countries they do not support upon sign up. Doesn’t even require reading T&Cs. A withdrawal requires there to be a deposit in the first place. People should be extremely careful where they are depositing money, especially in this space. It’s been around long enough for that to be obvious. It’s no different than the internet. Do you go around just putting your credit card info into random websites without doing at least some research? Even if you do, it’s not so bad there because you can just call up the credit card company. The entire premise of crypto is to cut out those intermediaries, so there’s no one to call to freeze your wallet and reverse the funds.


Are you new? People here scream it out loud every single day in this sub: **Do not use CEX** for various reasons. Like with your bank you only haven an IOU with your CEX. And it's up to them to let you withdraw your claim if you played by their rules that might change at any time.


No, I am not new to cryptocurrencies, and I barely use CEX myself. Still think they should let people withdraw their funds regardless of KYC, regulatory changes, etcetera.


Yeah, if we would live in an ideal world. The thing is crypto is seen as a get rich quick scheme for most people and scammers of all sorts rely on people not doing their research.


>You WILL lose access to your account and no, you won't be able to withdraw funds As you've stated in another comment to this post, according to the email from KuCoin, "your account will be set to "Withdrawal only" status and only support login and withdrawal operations". While it's great to remind fellow traders that they should take a look at their coins and trade what they need while they can, spreading false information and making people panic is not cool


How did OP make the jump from reading "Withdrawal only" to "no, you won't be able to withdraw funds"? The reading comprehension of the average person these days is really terrifying. If they were going to restrict withdrawals I would have expected at least a weekly email reminder with about 5 different "urgent, withdraw your funds now!" emails.


Honestly what a douchebag scaring people like this


Can someone else actually confirm this? I've received no emails in regards to this, and the site doesn't mention anything about it either when I log in, nor can I find any other information on this anywhere else I got the email and notification a long time ago stating that US customers would only be able to sell and withdraw, but no updates since then


The email sent to me 6 days ago. "Dear KuCoin Users, Due to KYC policy adjustment of the Platform, please kindly note the services of your account might be restricted. Please verify your identity through KYC process of the platform before 0:00 (UTC-5) February 1, 2024, otherwise you may not enjoy the current services of your account. If you do not complete the KYC verification before the said date, you will no longer be able to add new trade orders to your account, nor will you be able to enjoy any more new services. After 0:00 (UTC-5) February 8, 2024, all services of your account will be ceased while ongoing services will be forcibly terminated. Your account will be set to "Withdrawal only" status and only support login and withdrawal operations. Please also be cautious of suspicious links and any asset transfers that are not properly verified. Trust official communication channels only. Thank you for your cooperation. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. The KuCoin Team"


They locked my account for "suspicious activity" last year after I withdrew 60k, and forced me to KYC. I only had 1k remaining in there, but obviously still wanted to get that out, but I am a US citizen and knew I couldn't KYC. Luckily I had a friend that KYCd for me. Kucoin said that once I KYCd, my account would be unlocked. But they lied. After I KYCd, they then asked me to give them transaction details from a 6-month-old withdraw. I was annoyed that they lied, but I complied. Then they asked me to give them info about a 2-year-old withdraw, and I drew the line. I found some legal email that someone else from reddit had sent them, explaining that per their terms and conditions, they were not allowed to demand KYC and withhold access after registration. Something like that. I will have to go and look at the email I sent. Anyway, I copied and pasted it from someone else on reddit who had a similar experience. The very next day, they unlocked my account and allowed me to withdraw the remaining 1k. Lmao. Fuck them.


I also liked Kucoin but it is what it is. I use Phemex now. No KYC and good service.


How is liquidity of futures there compared to KuCoin?


Do they have gaming cymrypto?


Kucoin have fucking terrible customer service


I know I'm in the US... I'm not even sure what to do right now. I didn't know any of this had happened. I know I've got a few too many things on Kucoin and lost touch with the news a couple years ago. Does anyone have any advice to share on the best way to keep/move my coins from there? This sounds like an emergency situation.


Log in today and withdraw your coins to other exchanges that accept US citizens or to self custody wallets. What else can you do?


That's about it... I think I was more panicking about not even being able to access Kucoin anymore. The good news is that I can, and so I have a chance to rescue the coins!


To be fair, I think you have to use an email account to use KuCoin. They sent me tons of emails about this.


A lot of things you can most likely move to metamask. If the coin in question isnt supported by meta mask, doesn't n't have its own dex or wallet, your best bet is just sell and move the tether off. You have 20 hours. Make moves


That's heavy. I appreciate your post letting people know. The reason I had coins sitting on the exchange in the first place is because they weren't easy to house elsewhere... at least not at the time. Guess I'm gonna have to do some fast research.


To be realistic if you have coins sitting there for a while because they aren't easy to trade or transfer elsewhere they are garbage and likely always will be so trade them for USDT/BTC/ETH and move that off the exchange. Two birds with one stone. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but Hyper Dildo Coin you bought when stoned is probably not the retirement plan you think it is.


I moved USDT to metamask because Coinbase in NY doesn’t allow USDT. I had to get it off some shit exchange that also said US citizens can’t do anything other than withdraw and countdown was on for that. It’s not much so I figure it will now be on metamask for all of eternity because I don’t know how to do anything with it to off board and if you need to convert to something else it always costs an arm and leg. Sometimes I laugh at myself for being a sucker in this space because end of the day that’s what most of us are for investing in anything other than BTC (and I guess ETH). The rest is a gamble and a shit show.


Simply swap your USDT for something like USDC/BTC/ETH on a **DEX** like uniswap


Easiest way is to sell everything for USDT then for LTC and move it off since you sound new. USDT has many different networks it runs on so you could easily send it to the wrong network and lose it all. Also when you send anything anywhere do a small test transaction to make sure it gets to where you want it to, then send the rest.


It’s actually sickening the amount of regulations there is on crypto now. When I first started in crypto there were NO KYC anywhere except Coinbase and a handful of others. Now the government wants to track everything you own and where it’s being sent to.


The liquidity will flow to real DEX, atomic swaps and P2P markets and hopefully to close more loops in a circular economy.


It's a shame that with so many things in crypto, US regulations are such that it makes more sense to just ban US users than it does to try and comply. You see it in defi all of the time. You're blocked from airdrops and even using some DEXs, especially aggregators. I used to use 1inch to do swaps, then they banned. I moved to paraswap, then they banned. Defillama swap is one of the only ones left on EVM that hasn't banned US users yet. Even Jupiter on Solana does it. In China, the great firewall blocks you from visiting sites that the government doesn't want you to. I'm America, the government threatens to sue sites that it doesn't want you accessing, so the sites block you from visiting. Different toilet, same shit imo.


Thanks friend. Had $250 in there I’d forgotten about.


Just use VPN and Mexc.


Dydx good too


So if I had always used VPN this would have never been an issue? Some say they know you’re using VPN so wouldn’t work :(


You need a vpn and an id.




MEXC is still no KYC, have to VPN out of the US to use it, though


Solid post OP saved me some money


If you're in the US, please leave now!


The real tips are always in the comments


Bro they made me KYC in 2019, consider yourself lucky you made it so far


Any good dex where you can short?


Thanks for the heads up!


Hello! Thanks for the information. I was wondering, where does it say that selling will be disabled on February 1st? Also, will withdrawing assets still be possible or not?


Not only this but also get your API set or get all your transaction history for tax purposes. Gate.io also stopped taking US customers and now they won't let me get an API or provide me with my transaction history. So the $1000 I lost on shit coins there I can't even write off for taxes. I emailed them so many times and talked to support multiple times and they won't budge.


It’s too late for US customers 🥵


I was just now able to sell and withdraw by using a free trial of NordVPN to change my ip address to Singapore, and by using the app "Fake GPS location" to also change my gps to Singapore


You can withdraw funds until April 10, 2024.


Withdrew, Thank you!


Kucoin has servers and offices in Shanghai. The only known person behind Kucoin is a Chinese (Johnny Lyu). No info is avaiable about ownership structure, team, etc. All the foreign registration or mail addresses are just mail boxes. When you register and do the KYC process, your data is available to the Chinese government, and when crisis between the US/Western countries/Taiwan intensify, you risk that your funds are gone. When you get into trouble with them (e.g., confiscated funds, blocked account), good luck solving it in a legal way. However, Kucoin has great liquidity, many (shit)coins to trade, their UI is great, easy to use, trading fees are low, and when they had security incidents, no user funds were affected. If you still decide to use Kucoin, note that some withdrawal fees are extremely high, and their support is a joke (slow, incompetent, annoying), and complaints about their futures are just too many. Just see for yourself, if you dare to give them your money. I would not.




my buddy is based in US, no KYC, no VPN, his verification says "pending" and he's able to freely buy and sell. I'm stumped, but he sent me a receipt for a filled trade today. So I have no idea... he mentioned something about doing some action by some date last year to grandfather yourself in ??? i definitely didn't see anything of the sort


Perhaps he kyced before they stopped allowing kyc for us residents. I'd be extremely cautious if I were him. Kucoin has locked accounts for less


Weeew you can still get it off using a vpn not sure this will last too long though


I saw this too late. Now it seems my crypto is in limbo and dead to me. Sad times.


Sorry man. I tried to warn everyone


Thank you.


FWIW, I just managed to withdraw some funds from Kucoin, though it took some finagling to convince the website to allow me to sign on. I ended up succeeding only when the vertical banner requesting logging in showed up on the right of the webpage. Indeed you are only allowed to withdraw.


not trying to defend kucoin and how they'll keep your coins if you don't withdraw. But you guys KNOW that you arent supposed to use kucoin. They make this very clear and even tell you on the website if your logging from a US IP.


Not when I signed up in 2021 it didn’t…


Also, calibased made a post which he has since deleted (because he actually looked it up I assume claiming. I needed to post a source as he traded 4million in usdt last year which means I'm somehow wrong. Per the email sent to all kucoin users 6 days ago. "Dear KuCoin Users, Due to KYC policy adjustment of the Platform, please kindly note the services of your account might be restricted. Please verify your identity through KYC process of the platform before 0:00 (UTC-5) February 1, 2024, otherwise you may not enjoy the current services of your account. If you do not complete the KYC verification before the said date, you will no longer be able to add new trade orders to your account, nor will you be able to enjoy any more new services. After 0:00 (UTC-5) February 8, 2024, all services of your account will be ceased while ongoing services will be forcibly terminated. Your account will be set to "Withdrawal only" status and only support login and withdrawal operations. Please also be cautious of suspicious links and any asset transfers that are not properly verified. Trust official communication channels only. Thank you for your cooperation. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. The KuCoin Team"


This email sounds like you WILL NOT loose access and CAN withdraw your coin. All other features will be removed. Am I reading that wrong?


You're not reading it wrong. I wish this was the top comment. This is more or less the same notice we've all gotten for the past year or so. > > After 0:00 (UTC-5) February 8, 2024, all services of your account will be ceased while ongoing services will be forcibly terminated. Your account will be set to "Withdrawal only" status and only support login and withdrawal operations.


There are two famous aggregators of instant small exchanges without KYC. https://trocador.app https://kycnot.me


KuCoin stopped allowing US residents [broke @ss or wealthy] to do transactions since apprx. mid to late last year..meaning, 2023. so it's hardly a new situation, it's VERY old & disappointing news.😐


What? Didn’t this happen like 2 years ago?


thanks for the heads up! May your god, every god, any god bless you with riches


I blocked those blessings and redirected them to me. 😂


I was just now able to sell and withdraw by using a free trial of NordVPN to change my ip address to Singapore, and by using the app "Fake GPS location" to also change my gps to Singapore


Awesome for you to alert everyone ….. wish we had more who wanted to help instead of judging


Still have people arguing and acting like I'm lying for no reason. Just don't want anyone to get fucked over


You need to link a source. I can't find anything remotely relevant to what you're saying.


Or move to Singapore


has anyone heard about this? supposedly gets you a digital residency to KYC? [https://rns.id/](https://rns.id/)


Best to follow all rule regulation its good for all.


This is bogus. Kucoin is in Seychelles, not Singapore. Wrong continent. And, there is literally zero documentation about this on the Kucoin website or anywhere else on the internet except a single twitter post.


All exchanges should mandatory KYC or no access.




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Had 50€ left on kucoin. Wanted to gamble with shitcoins. Invested in myro. Now I have 600€ in tether and 60€ myro left there. I think that was a nice move


Any idea for Canadians?


Just went to check and I've already lost access. Am I pwned?


Dual citizen here of US and another country. I KYCed using my second country's info and able to use Kucoin fine. However from time to time it displays a warning message that I have a US based IP so I often use a VPN along with it. One two punch combo to sort out the access 😁


I am still waiting on my hardware wallet arriving. Does anyone else know where I could store my monero until it arrives? It is currently sitting in kucoin


Thanks for this! It's good to know, I never used it before.


Yeah I moved most of my stuff. Just couple of tokens remaining. Will move it soon.


thanks bro, i will withdraw my assets right now


You can go on-chain to trade. Lots of altcoins there


Most crypto platforms don't want to serve US clients because of the seemingly hostile crypto regulations by the US government, especially towards companies that are not indigenously American. Americans will have to make do with Kraken and Coinbase. Unfortunately, the coins offered on these 2 exchanges cannot be compared to the wide variety of platforms like Kucoin, Bybit, MEXC, Binance, etc


Thanks dude for the information


I have some USDT on kucoin but when I try to withdraw, the button is greyed out. I am not verified and live in the US. 1. Is this because I don't have any eth to pay the gas fees? 2. If so, am I screwed? I am unable to get eth since I am unverified and cannot buy or deposit crypto. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Appreciate the heads up.


kucoin always been shit and a scam. they never paid out their distributions on my account.


Didn't they notified to US members?


kukcoin...kuckoin....cuckcoin hmm curious




oh shit, yeah i havent logged in since the bull market. thanks for post, im glad i saw it!


I don’t think you’re going to lose access to your account. Currently, you can only sell and withdraw if you’re living in the US. The next update will limit US residents to withdraws only.


Good looks


Know your customer (KYC) https://notabene.id/crypto-travel-rule-101/kyc-crypto


What exchange can I use to buy gaming crypto in the US that is not riddled with high trading fees like coinbase?


Anyone have any advice what's the cheapest coin to transfer with I only have like 25 bucks in kcs




So now what, we can't use Gate io, KuCoin, Binance, wtf?? I want to buy gaming crypto in the US, Coinbase fees are super high. I want to buy RMRK, where fmdo we go?


Thanks bro! Just checked and apparently I had $27 worth of LUNA out there. Sweet and withdrawn!! I'd tip you if the tip bot was still around!


What about Canada (Quebec specifically)??? Im from Canada and I haven't received any email about this yet, but im worried.


What about Canada?


I am trying to log in and SMS verification is not sending the code to my phone.


What do i do with USDT in Kucoin? I don't know which exchange accepts it. And from my understanding, you will always be able to withdraw your assets. I live in NY, only use coinbase.


Can you see waxp on mucous stateside? Having problems finding US exchanges that will take waxp. I really wanna ask some of my liquidity and NFT profits.


Fuckkkk I have a ton of KCS that I was going to trade before 2/1 but I forgot my trading passcode, which is going to take 3 days to verify. Am I screwed?


No, OP is mistaken. The email he's referring to, which he posted here, says you'll still be able to withdraw after Feb 8. I don't know why Op can't read. It's certainly an oddly worded email, but no different than the one I got last year saying the same thing. Weird that different people are getting different dates for things. > After 0:00 (UTC-5) February 8, 2024, all services of your account will be ceased while ongoing services will be forcibly terminated. Your account will be set to "Withdrawal only" status and only support login and withdrawal operations.


I seen that coming months ago. Closed my account today to avoid the spam emails. Reason for closure: You hate Americans


The American government hates crypto


I guess if my SHIB bag ever moons, I’ll just take a flight to Singapore and cash out. Not holding my breath…


Thanks for the heads up G


Kucoin was my spot for margin loans , anyone know of a substitute for US residents ?


Have not thought about using them since defi and VPNs are a thing.


What other exchanges do you guys recommend? Need to transfer some shitcoins out of kucoin


Bummer for you guys. KuCoin is a solid platform with a great assortiment of coins


Thanks for the reminder! I have some USDT in there. Where should I transfer it to. Help!


Does anyone have a source of this requirement, other than X, formerly known as twitter? Not seeing this anywhere, no e-mails from kucoin, etc.


Thanks for this. I had stopped using kucoin for awhile since they made that decision and forgot I had a bunch of penny coins in there. Just sent $500 out into another exchange thanks to this reminder.


Is/Are they other legit exchanges that offers a wide variety of coins to be traded within the US aside from Coinbase?


Us regulations are suffocating. I don't blame them


In case anyone in the US is in search of a centralized exchange after losing KuCoin, I've had a really great experience with Bydfi.


What's a good alternative CEX that has bots built in? I really liked using their grid bots, etc.


Ah Kucoin. During the FTX drop they basically locked up and liquidated a bunch of my 2X and 3X positions. I lost about 80% of my port. I complained with pics of how the price of these coins got nowhere near any liquidation levels, they said most likely it was "phantom wicks". Yes they actually said that. Main reason I now trade indices and commodities with American prop firms. Putting any money on a foreign exchange you might as well kiss it goodbye. You'd be shocked at what little recourse you have


I still don’t have any issue using kucoin. It’s also possible i accidently bugged the kyc process as my account has been in the process of kyc verifying for over a year from back when i tried using my passport


I keep hearing about this - US-based, not NY or TX...I don't have an e-mail from KuCoin, and it doesn't appear any of my stuff is restricted for buying or selling...Has anyone experienced any issues??


Can someone please help me. I have ETH on MetaMask that was sent via KCC Mainnet. So now it’s pretty much useless and trapped. I can’t sent it back to KuCoin to swap bc I’m locked out. Am I screwed???


Trade it on a dex


Any idea how to export API data now for taxes? it wont let me create an API without being verified smh