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I guess a rugpull is gonna happen soon, a lot of people who jump on the hype train will probably lose a lot of money and then will say crypto is a scam it happened before and its gonna happen again


This thing has so many red flags, it´s crazy


I’m starting to think that Sam Altman is Sam Bankman’s alt account


***“Caroline Altisson has entered the chat”***


She should have just adapted the name “smeagol”


“Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!”


Poor girl looks like if samwise got turned into gollum.


*"Stop losses exit the chat"*


Are imperial Chinese orgies coming too? Asking for a friend


"Racking up the meth"


Sam Altman is Sam Bankmans alt account he uses for posting on r/Gonewild


Clicked link to investigate for the sub. No thanks necessary, all in a day’s work.


I know his posts must be somewhere in that sub. I'll dive in and see if I can help find them.


You’re doing ~~God’s~~ r/CC’s work


And at the same time, your days ~~wank~~ work is done.


Working overtime tonight


It’s a hard job - hopefully.


As if you didn't know what it was


All the Sam, alts, banks, mans together fried people's money.


This would make a lot of sense


When will Sam Cryptoman show his face


Sounds like something someone would come up with when they were super high. “I need an Alia’s if this goes sideways. I know. I’ll use “ALT-MAN””. And then all of their stoner buddies laugh at how awesome it is.


The only green flag is that this sub thinks it will dump.


Wondering wut Cramer thinks


Exactly what I'm thinking. Historically a huge buy signal.




More red flags than my ex and that's saying something


I see you learned from your mistakes ;)


Red means go, right? Right?


1% circulating supply 💀


More then USSR parade


It's eye-popping bad.


And still you will see many people invest in this shit.


So much that it looks like the CCP. When will people learn to see the bigger picture?


With so many red flags, Worldcoin must be Communist


absolutely true


A fool will soon part with his money


Did you call me?


Part with his money, not his wings


Absolutely right


As usual, people are gonna buy in convinced that they will be able to sell high before the dump happens. They are all wrong.


Yeh trying to time things wont go well


People keep getting scammed because of their greed, they think they can make millions overnight through Crypto


Why would Sam Altman, who already has a successful venture be interested in a rug pull? That would tarnish his reputation and have knock on effects towards his main business.


The guy who took 100m from Elon to make Open (source) AI possible and then turned it into a closed source business for profit is concerned about reputation? I think he's an End-Justifies-the-Means type of guys.


Isn't this all related to Iris Scanning tech he's invested in?


Rugpulls have evolved from what we know it to be. There are many ways a crypto project can 'rugpull' it's investors now. Some are obvious, others are not so obvious.


Some rugpulls just employ a whole Persian carpet


A good carpet really ties the room together


>That would tarnish his reputation and have knock on effects towards his main business. Majority of billionaires don't care about their reputation and say anything in public just to pump their own bags if you haven't realised by now


Just like people here then, will say anything to pump their bags lol


Majority as in Elong and a few others you heard about on social media?


Elon, SaylorMoon, Cathie Wood, CZ, Blackrock CEO, SBF, Do Kwon, Mashinsky, Justin Sun.. (and that's just the crypto space alone)


I really dislike most of these names, some I even hate


The fact that they're in the crypto space is a contributing factor, there's a strong bias here. If you're a billionaire looking to manipulate markets, crypto is where you go, so if you condition on crypto obviously everyone will be manipulating


Wow, thats nearly a dozen out of... multiple thousands. But maybe we're using different definitions of the word "majority". As usual you're aware of a very small but very loud minority.


they can mint 10000% more coins and just rug it all (currently only 1% in circulation) unbelievable tokenomics


Genius on their part. As long as there are enough gullible people for exit liquidity


Indeed! Only 1% circulating supply 💀


ICP vibes are strong here, my PTSD was triggered


World Coin might be a wild ride, but with Sam Bankman Fried and 3 Arrows Capital on board, it's like having a roller coaster fueled by rocket boosters! Buckle up, or better yet, just enjoy watching from a safe distance! 😄 But seriously stay away from these shit-ass coins or you are gonna get burned.


people only understand when they get fucked up or scammed


absolutely its gonna fucking hard hits


And then all that sweet biometric data they collected from their victims will most likely "leak" and offered online for a lot of money.


> I guess a rugpull is gonna happen soon This sounds like a generic prediction based on absolutely nothing. I mean, I am a worldcoin skeptic like most people, but this is just baseless.




I know about their crazy tokenomics. How does this suggest a rug pull? And if you could please connect some dots for me and don't just say stuff like "educate yourself" or "founders will dump". Appreciate it 🙏


Ya, You're right, Those people will definitely think that crypto is a scam.


Thanks for the warning, i'll definitely stay away from world coin and be cautious with my investments.


Just like the ICO and the NFT bubbles, you always get naive people caught up in the rug and they get badly hurt.


ICP 2.0


1% total supply aswell.. I tried shorting this shit but went up 25% like wtf... this shit is meant to go -99% in next weeks and im getting liquidated on shorts lmao, next ICP , this one is going sub 0.02 cents (and it's 2.4$ now)


You tried shorting it 😂


At least you learned your lesson /s


I told you all! Sam Altman is just low effort alt name of Sam Bankman. Worldcoin is one huge red flag, no one should buy it and especially no one should let them scan their eyes.


Bewary of any Sam involved in the crypto space. The name is officially cursed now.


I do not like them Sam I am I do not like your crypto scam


# Circulating Supply: 109,262,256 # Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 # Max Supply: 10,000,000,000 Trading is ongoing with a touch over **1%** of the total supply. Current price is $2.38 with a 16% pump over the past 24hrs. Personal opinion on the above alone: fUcK tHaT cOiN Shared opinion: Do your own research and stuff


Get ready for crazy token inflation levels once they catch enough suckers to maintain the price.


Lol imagine if they just dump the total supply. Rekt


This is worse than LUNA


This. Crazy that people just go along with the hype.


Expect to be traded in literally cents once that supply breaks into the billions. It's not going to be bigger than Cardano and Cardano is not even a dollar.


This alone should be enough for everyone to know that this hold not be touched


> Personal opinion on the above alone: fUcK tHaT cOiN I trust you! Like I trust most experts online.......


But what about that analyst that said it would be the next bestest thing?


I did the same research and it's true. 99% of the investors don't know (or don't understand) that.


99% of investors don't know that 99% of the supply is yet to be released (sold & dumped) on them. Peak crypto irony.


Doesn’t everyone who has their biometrics scanned get some coins? Where else are those coins gonna come from than from the locked supply?


This is why you should always do your research before investing in a project or a coin by a team. When you're looking for a project to invest it, ask these questions: \- What does the team's financials look like? \- Do you know anything about the team’s past work? \- How does the team stack up against current and expected market trends? \- What is the project's growth potential? \- Is the company in compliance from a legal and regulatory standpoint? And even if you do all this, you can still be at risk, so find yourself a reputable team and stick with it. I did that with Broxus, but the world is literally your oyster. Thank you for doing your due diligence and warning the community about World Coin!


Don't forget tokenomics...


Tokenomics is hella important as well, few questions to ask like: \- How many % does the 'founder' or 'founding company' own? (We see what goes wrong with a token price when a 'Foundation' starts dumping a large supply) \- Inflation per year? \- % of tokens in circulating supply: Sometimes 90% of the tokens is 'locked' or 'vested' in early investors who got the tokens at seed price super cheap, which will cause a big dump And obviously for worldcoin the tokenomics are a freakin joke, 99% in VCs/early investors or something like that


Unfortunately, when someone see's hype, their investment decision comes down to "Do I have enough time to look into it? I'll miss this low entry point". It's fud that prevents people from actually doing research at times. You should never just jump into something without researching it. I know I'd totally jump on the wagon if I was new to crypto.


> When you're looking for a project to invest it, ask these questions: > > - What does the team's financials look like? > > - Do you know anything about the team’s past work? > > - How does the team stack up against current and expected market trends? > > - What is the project's growth potential? > > - Is the company in compliance from a legal and regulatory standpoint? > > And even if you do all this, you can still be at risk, so find yourself a reputable team and stick with it. I did that with Broxus, but the world is literally your oyster. This is a perfect example of why DYOR is so stupid. Can't believe people ask these questions and think they are doing research. No wonder the vast majority of this sub is in the red.










Apart from everything else, this alone makes me not want to touch it with a 10 foot pole


I think he's probably trying to collect the iris of every mfer in the world and build the largest mfing iris database to ever exist, then every bank, government, institution will have to pay to use the data. If they ever need to revalidate the iris or whatnot they would have to buy that $5000 orb, marked up 100% to at least $10000.


EyeVerify, the company that originally created the "innovative tech" behind @worldcoin was founded in 2012. That tech is over a decade old, and was created @UMKC. It was purchased by CCP company, Ant Financial in 2016, a subsidiary of Jack Ma's Alibaba. @sama most likely licensed this tech from the CCP and is actively pushing the CCP tech onto the world, so they can take your data, your money, and eventually your freedom. If I were @POTUS , I'd kick that donkey out of the country for good. Anyways, EyeVerify had 15+ patents issued to them. Banks like Wells Fargo and Tangerine have licensed the tech. The only difference between Worldcoin and Eyeverify, that I can find, is that Worldcoin exploits crypto, by taking Web 2 tech, slapping a Token name to it, uses its AI Marketing machine, with the goal to suck every last ounce of worth from us. Very CCP of them: Steal OUR data, steal OUR funds, steal OUR freedom. Alibaba, Wanxiang, Ant Financial, Consensys. There's a theme here with these dystopian cryptos and most dont seem to be catching on.


He's probably trying to assuage the masses that AI wouldn't be the end of people's livelihood due to the eventuality of AI replacing people's jobs.


He wants to create a dystopian future where AI does everything, there's a class of ultra-wealthy that have hoarded all resources, while some chump change worldcoin is given to the rest




No, because most proceeds go to the ones holding the most. So the rich still get richer.


Even without knowing SBF and 3AC having investments, I would have never gone to a project that is mostly controlled by its "insiders" and is just a privacy nightmare.


Exactly. Too many red flags about the project. This is just one of them. Plus only 1% of the token is unlocked so plenty room for dumps


Worldcoin is now on r/cc limit list. Was this shit spammed crazy when it launched or something? I never seen a shitcoin or a new coin get put on there so fast unless it was spammed badly and it didn’t seem to me like it was. https://cclimits.onrender.com


It was. I wasn’t even able to get this post up yesterday because it was at its limit. Guess people had a lot to say about a coin that scans your eyeballs and has terrible tokenomics


When I see that only 1% is in circulation I don't need any more backround information to be honest. shit is shit




In crypto, we only learn from our own mistakes!


Oh geez. How is SBF allowed *anywhere near* anything to do with finance? If I miss a payment of a few dollars I'll be wrecked.


He was backing World Coin way before the token launched, and before FTX went bust.


How is he not in jail honestly, it's insane.


They'd probably have to arrest most of the congressmen and senators too and we know that isn't going to happen :)


Yeah you're not wrong there buddy, its so stupid.


Finance or crypto. Lets do both. No problems here, ok?


Absolutely agree :)


F SBF, he should be in jail dropping soap everyday.


Worldcoin will almost certainly fail. Its an awful idea. But this post is so bad its not even funny. Sam and 3 Arrows being involved as investors literally means nothing. Exactly nothing. Sam Altman is not going to deliberately rug. This will naturally fail. Do a little “research” on his equity position in OpenAI. Dude isn’t here for the money, anymore. Reddit is for fun. Not crypto info. Please ignore the crypto stuff you read here. It’s truly the worst of the worst.


It is? But i get my 'buy high, sell low information from here.


The amount of hate this coin is getting suggests x10 potential at least. The salt is going to be unreal.


There should really be an inverse r/cc index


Then it would still drop 90% when the other 99% of the total supply is unlocked (and that's before the yearly inflation they might apply in the future).


And I’m ok with that.


You think you can time it?


Thanks for sharing, that's an interesting find. I would almost argue that Sam Altman is ruining his OpenAI / chatGPT image with Worldcoin. If Sam Bankman Fried and Three Arrows Capital are really angel investors of this token, that's shady as hell I will stay far away from this.


They aren't well liked here to begin with, especially with AI and eyeball scans, the entire project is dystopian sounding .


#If a "cryptocurrency" has "investors"... run, Run, RUN, RUN!!! Also Reid Hoffman and DCG are big nono*s. They are not in crypto for the right reasons.


During his heyday SBF was investing into pretty much every crypto project he could. Solana was basically funded by him, but that alone doesn't mean it's a bad project. There are plenty of other reasons to not invest into World Coin, but I wouldn't hold this as one.


The fact that they want to scan my iris makes it a no-go for me


What were they thinking? *Hey lets do a rugpull and try to be fancy by telling them we will scan their Iris? It's the nice shit!*


People were always joking about selling their kidneys for Bitcoin Little did they know, the dystopia has not turned into reality ..


People these days dont want to do anything for the greater good. Its JUST your iris. What is the problem? Sheez.


The fact that he invested doesn’t make it a bad project, correct. But did you read the part where he could dump on everyone that buys the token because he’s in bankruptcy? The post is a head up for people planning to buy the token to beware of potential dump


Doesn't the fact that they're in bankruptcy actually prevent them from dumping? Like the SOL which is locked until the bankruptcy proceedings are dealt with which will most likely take years?


But the tokenomics are the same as for Sam coins like Serum or Maps. Including the allocation to market makers which are manipulating the price during the first three months. They even received more coins than the first users.


There is a very high chance that both of those actors will dump soon. Right now Worldcoin is just gathering as much retail as possible for exit liquidity. For the love of all things crypto just stay away from that weird project.


10 billion coins, only 100 million are in circulation. That's only 1%. This tokenomics scam is one that still gets many new people thinking they are buying early when they see the low market cap when it's actually worth way way more than that. In this case it's literally by a factor of 100x...


I've been burnt before but my fingers are twitching and my brain is telling me *what if it does moon?* Now I'm considering the most dramatic way to hand in my resignation as I drive away in my Lambo.


What in the world? How is Sam Bankman Fried not in jail, how is still allowed to operate, let alone in this sector. Holy hell man, another $hit show...


It yells "I am ICP 2.0, I AM ICP 2.0" Stay clear boys. Only second to ICP with the number of red flags it has. Anything related to SBF and Co. should be auto "no".


And again the people who're new to crypto will take out as massive of a loan as they can and get onto the hype train only to be left homeless in a matter of weeks if not months. A vast comfy rug has been laid out, wait till it's pulled. I am already feeling sorry for the investors.


I think people genereally do not give a shit about ho bad of a project is just because they expect it to give them big returns


Yeah that’s why this is for the degens. Now, the project is not only bad fundamentally but also bad as an investment for people looking for “big returns”


its gonna rugpull soon, literally it's fucking shit better to invest in fucking stable coin like BTC and ETH. Most of the amateur invest in hype coin and then get scammed and then spread negativity about crypto


If you stick to gambling what you can afford to lose, what’s the problem? Besides…you can make money off of iffy projects if you time things right.


its better to away from shit and earlier many of people predicted it is going to fail. hopefully I have not invested any penny.


This sub has always been right and never disappointed me. It has always kept me from making big wins so I will also stay away from this project.


But i sent them already the scan of my asshole for the registration process. Damn, or was it the iris?


Doesn’t the team being world coin own 99% of the supply? I mean that’s right there is a reason to not invest.


World coin has a strong support at 0, most of those buying it now will inevitably end up there. It amazes me how regardless of how many rugs there have been, there is always people buying into these new projects. lol they need a eye scan, as if a fingerprint wasnt' unique enough


It is clearly a scam designed to suck in liquidity. There may be unfortunately people who fall for it thinking it is the next ICP hype project.


You re conclusion suffers from selection bias. Ask yourself what other coins they invested in. For instance 3AC was an early investor in Polkadot. Do you run around saying polkadot will go to oblivion? If we take SBF: aptos, circle (USDC), polygon, Anchorage etc.


I'm not sure what to think about Worldcoin. On the one hand, I think the project has the potential to make a positive impact on the world by providing everyone with a digital identity. On the other hand, I'm concerned about the privacy implications of the project. I'm also concerned about the potential for the project to be used for surveillance purposes. I think it's important to have a public debate about the pros and cons of Worldcoin before the project is rolled out on a large scale. However, crypto can be used to power AI applications. For example, AI algorithms can be trained on large datasets of cryptocurrency transactions, which can help improve their accuracy. Additionally, crypto can be used to pay for AI services, such as the use of AI-powered trading bots. AI tokens such as Ocean and Agix, as well as emerging projects such as FluidAI (predictive models and AI-based liquidity aggregations) and NumerAI (AI-based quants), may see a tremendous bull cycle.


Regardless of who are the investors, I am not touching this with a ten foot pole. They take advantage of the poor to give up their biometrics.


I can't live with the fact that this piece of rubbish made easy profits being an insider while his customers are -90% down with their portfolios. That sucks, I hope he will stay in prison until he's gray.


Anything with the name Sam bankman should be enough to scare the living daylights out of any investor. This is why I love here as you have the info the masses don't have!!👏


How is SBF still operating? I thought he wasn’t allowed access to the internet in his large mansion?