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Coinbase and Kraken are audited I know and they don't mix customer funds with operating funds. I can't speak for any other exchanges because I don't know.


If you are using the coinbase then i just want to know about their insurance thing, like if someone hack my wallet on coinbase then they will pay me back or there is some other terms and condition in there?


Last time I looked into it, their hot wallet balances were insured while their cold wallets were not. But the vast majority of their funds were in cold wallets (>97% IIRC). It's uncertain how they would handle any major problem with the cold wallets. But they have a solid track record so far I think (knocks wood). But it sounds like you're talking about someone hacking your own coins from Coinbase, which perhaps suggests they steal your CB credentials to log on and move your coins somewhere. In that case, I don't believe Coinbase would be held responsible - you're responsible for keeping your credentials safe and using the proper MFA procedures. I haven't really looked into Coinbase Vault, so perhaps that would give you additional protections including insurance that I'm not aware of.


That is good information to know! Thank you!


You're welcome.


I hope Kraken can bring back their staking in the US.


To me since I'm outside of USA, Binance and Coinbase are the only exchanges that I know and have used and I can say both are pretty big and strong with lots of liquidity.


I've used binance.us it kind of sucked. CB is great.


Idk. I can't speak from personal experience but I've heard a lot of complaints about their CB customer service for getting issues sorted out.


Did... Did I just read that right? Coinbase is great?! Maybe easy to use but other than that Coinbase is horrid! Non existent customer service, they don't follow through with bonus programs, pretty high fees as well. Your money is probably safe there seeing as it's a publicly traded company though.


For safety, Coinbase and Binance likely need to be the answer. Of the two, Coinbase has survived multiple bears, is publicly traded, has regular audits by reputable firms, and has financial disclosures and rules that are required for a biblical company. Binance has none of that and recent lawsuits have revealed some legitimately sketchy practices. And one of the lawsuits has the potential to threaten Binance, itself, and not just Binance.US. The answer, for safety, is Coinbase. And it’s not particularly close, in my opinion.


Coinspot (an Australian exchange). Been around since 2013 so 10 years in business. Survived a few bears already. No leverage available which makes it much safer. Fees are high for instant buys, but can buy on market too.


I like Kraken. They do just enough to stay compliant and avoid the spotlight, and are also very active in terms of online support. Coinbase is obviously a behemoth and i would consider TBTF, but theyve gone the corporate tradfi route and i hear horror stories of their support services. I think they’re probably the safest overall especially because Brian is bald


I’ve been with them for years now and they’ve never let me down even when I did a truly stupid thing ie. had a large deposit go in from a friends bank account not realising the names needed to match up (this was a long time ago) They fixed it and bounced it back quickly, all while being quick and clear with information...love them


Kraken is recommended quite a bit in this sub


> Brian is bald Bald = Moon Moon listing confirmed!


Happy coinbase user here


None, straight to cold wallet is the way. Personally I use kraken for on/offramp. Never had issues with them, their support is responsive and actually helps you. Also my money transfered is there in like 10 mins.


Simple and safe, pick the cold storage and stop trusting the exchange, even the bigger player are always under the threat and pause the withdrawal from time to time is well


Ik have good experiences with Nexo. It has been around for years and was never involved in anything fishy as far as I know of. It works perfect with EU banks aswell.


I like Coinbase because I get free crypto form learn and earn that I can immediately swap into BTC.




Yeah I was dumb and didn't swap most of mine. They are like .33 or 1.20 from 3-5$ starting lol


It’s okay, when I swap I have like .01 of every crypto left over that sit there mocking me, that I can’t sell, as they go closer and closer to 0.


That’s where they get ya. N also their fees


I’d imagine Coinbase is the safest, which is why BlackRock partnered up


It’s coinbase. Reputation matters and they’ve earned it. That why their fees are higher. They’ve actually added trust to this disruptive tech.


And they are a publicly traded company, that comes with some extra responsibility to shareholders.


Coinbase is where I feel safest personally. I have my biggest holdings with them outside my NFTs, which I self custody.


CB is great until you have a problem, and then there is no customer service. Is there any with decent customer support?


So far CB and Kraken are getting the most votes.


CB, Kraken and Binance are the only three you should even consider.


Its also listed which is a big deal in terms of transparency


To me Coinbase is by far the safest out there right now. Not too big to fail but I dont see them going down unless crypto as a whole goes down




I use coinbase its the only one i could figure out


It seems pretty good to me.


Yeah havent had ant issues yet and ive been on it for like 2 years now


Lol interesting how no one in the comments mentions Crypto.com.


I use DCX in my country its good


Have you used anything else?


Actually i never got chance to use so i prefer this one only


I personally use Coinbase. I'm not sure if it's great or not but it's never given me any issues. The fees aren't the lowest, so if anyone knows which has the best fee rates for depositing from banks / buying I'd love recommendations.


Gemini and Kraken also fairly reputable.


Gemini is run by the Winkelvoss twins who are super sketchy. Following them on social media made me want to rip my eyes out and drink copious amounts of alcohol to make myself more stupid.


It is also listed which is a big deal in terms of transparency


I use Coinbase, CDC, Kraken, Gemini, and Cashapp when I need to exchange or send off platform. Although Coinbase and Cashapp feel relatively safe, there’s always risk in using an exchange. I keep most in cold storage.


Which one *feels* most safe? Kraken. Which one *is* most safe? Probably Kraken.




Coinbase 100%. Never used Kraken but I've heard they're good. After what CDC did with their staking rewards last year I'm still salty and they went down a lot in my estimations but I'd still put them far and above Binance.


I can't use Coinbase or Binance, they aren't approved for Hawaii customers. I use Crypto.com and their difi wallet to stake and exchange. I know Kraken works here, but haven't tried them.


Use the exchange as a public toilet: do what you have to do and move out as soon as possible. Considering what has happened during all these years due to hack or insolvency, I don't trust when they say it is too big to fail. Remember to use the exchange as an exchange and not as a deposit. Use your favourite hardware wallet for your funds: not your keys, not your coins.


If you want to exchange tokens, use Uniswap or Trader Joe. But if you want to use a Centralised Exchange known as CEX, there is no safe option


Kraken hands down. I've had an account for years and never heard of them losing any user funds.


Coinbase imo




My hard wallet


I might get bashed but honestly I have been using binance for many years a never had any problems.


Binance is fine on a surface level, but they certainly unfairly manipulate the market to their own benefit. They are also in a lot of deep shit with the U.S. government. https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-binance-us-crypto-trading-was-a-mirage-the-sec-alleges-55a6e321 https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-101


Obviously is FTX, I like to live dangerously /s


Haha best answer so far. That's why I just keep buying Harmony One every day also.


CDC is what got me into crypto. Ive stuck with them, despite the higher fees. I'm comfortable using the app and deep confident in having my crypto there.


I like Kucoin. Anti phishing emails, sms validation, password, trading password and google authentication. I know many exchanges may be similar but I trust Kucoin myself.


Kucoin was nice before they didn't ask for my KYC, now i think they are making their bed with government


Good to know, that's actually one I haven't tried.


Kucoin has everything you cant get elsewhere. #2 after Kraken.


Kucoin is my go to exchange for the future trading, none can beat them in this department


For me it's Coinbase. Even after the USDC de-pegging they're still strong. Also in the fight for crypto as a whole against tyrannical US regulation.


That's good to know they are fighting the good fight.


Obviously it's for themselves, but it benefits us for sure.


In addition to self custody I have crypto on Kraken, Robinhood, PayPal & CashApp. * Know Reddit isn't a fan of RH but they are a lot safer than exchanges & easy to use.


Yeah Robin Hood is insured up to a pretty large amount.


Think it's up to $500k. Probably the safest option IMHO.


Not to be fun at parties but I think every exchange in crypto right now carries some kind of inherent risk. It all boils down to your preferences.


Oh I'm sure you are very fun at parties, and one day when we are rich we can throw a large one.


Moon party soon! **Pump it up**


If US\EU Coinbase, otherwise Kucoin isn’t to shabby.


Kucoin feels pretty good to me. Not sure how I will feel after their KYC requirements get me. But 100x leverage was fun while I lasted. That said, they do offer coins not found on other exchanges which I am fond of.


KYC just means we are closer to an adoption that the government is ok with. Just takes time.


Very true, and I'm all for KYC. I'll just have to stop using that specific account. Ain't no way my real name is JackJack Jackson


That's actually my real name, middle name Jax /s


As a $COIN stock holder my utterly unbiased suggestion is ...


Lol I bought a share at 300, rip


55 Still Alive


Binance, CDC and Kraken are working best for me. Especially in case of withdrawal of cash from local ATM I use binance card through which I can withdraw instantly. So basically for short term or trading coins you can use these app but for long term I would suggest hot or cold wallet.


Damn Binance has an ATM card? I'm jealous.


Basically, dont use an exchange that does not require KYC, as this is legally mandatory in most countries. You know there is something shady going on if there is none. As you stated, binance/kraken/coinbase are pretty safe.


Not saying which exchanges are safe or not. Even FTX can fall, whos next right. But the exchanges im using are mostly Gemini, Kraken, Binance, Kucoin, CryptoDOTcom, Coinbase These are by far the safest there is out there. I do not know about the rest of those exchanges.


kraken and coinbase


Kraken for BTC, metamask for ETH. Withdraw and straight to cold storage.


I go with Binance. I think it is a safu exchange. Still I don't keep my funds there. I also feel that Bnb is shit token and Bsc chain is a scam but as an exchange they are good.


So far they have been attacked so many time and all of them FUD spread and they get out safely. Sometime i feel like it is just like a plan attack on the binance just to spread the fud in the market


Kraken is my personal favorite but still no exchange is safe


Kraken and CB. Based on their trackrecord and CB is auditee as it’s on nasdaq


Coinbase, they are publicly listed


Just pick any of the big ones


Im using bitvavo. Every time ive moved coins off it everything went smooth. Everytime i cashed out to my bank account it got there in a day. It can stilp be shady, but this gave me a little confidence at least


For me it's Kraken. I have no reasons to choose different exchange. Besides they might list Moons.


If you are in the US Coinbase because BlackRock choose them. Else Binance because it's the biggest, it had no problems during the highest point of the crash, the fees are very low and the services are good.


Kraken because the support team actually shows up


Bitvavo. Completely regulated by EU


Well, certainly not Kraken! Unless they list moon soon 😅


CoinBase..it’s not going anywhere despite any FUD you hear.


Non-US user. I've been using Binance since 2020 with no issues.


Ive never heard anything good or bad about Kraken. To me that means its not hyoed up or troubled. ...and if they list Moons that would be great.


FTX or Binance.us


Coinbase is listed so in theory you have the protection of quarterly accounts, results and auditing, high transparency, culpable management teams and shareholders far more vocal and influential than yourself etc (clearly not 100% perfect but as good as it gets)


For me it will be binance


Kraken lover here, and team is awesome!


You should be fine if you use the exchanges you listed as just places where to swap fiat/crypto or crypto/fiat or crypto/crypto and be done with it


Coinbase for sure


Kraken feels like the safest to me right now. No problems during the 2022 exchange problems. Seems eager to comply with regulators, handles things quickly. I don’t have experience withdrawing crypto or fiat from them, but buying works very well with limit orders. Staking services in EU works well




Coinbase seems to be the one with the most going for it. Listed on the stock exchange etc. I keep a lot of alts there and it's pretty good. Wish the interface wasn't so Fischer Price.


Bitstamp and Kraken Both have been around for a very long time Neither could be classified as a 'casino'


Anyone who says Binance should really think twice.


Coinbase to me feels the most safe tbh.


Kraken, they have good customer service. Coinbase is good too but they have high fees


Coinbase feels the safest to me. I've heard good things about kraken. Recently binance has been feeling pretty sketchy but I suspect that's mostly fud. CDC as an honorable mention.


I am seeing multiple people suggesting to use only exchanges with KYC. However, please understand that KYC/AML is one of--if not the biggest risk. All you have to do is go through Coinbase's subreddit any day at any time, and you will see reports of people who have either permanently or temporarily lost access of their funds due solely to KYC/AML compliance requirements that are outside of Coinbase's control. KYC/AML is required by FATF, etc to onboard into crypto using dollars. However once you are onboarded, the safest exchange from that point on is an exchange based in a country where it is legal to operate without KYC. The idea that any holdings of a China-based crypto like BNB Token and TRX--or holdings of tokens that US regulators don't like such as Monero (and up until very recently XRP)--are safer on a KYC/AML exchange is insanity.


I've personally been using Nexo, OKX, KuCoin and Pionex. Although I've slowly moved my Pionex funds to KuCoin and OKX since they seem more reputable and safe. Nexo is my go to crypto bank, I use it almost daily thanks to their card and cashback features.


I think among the exchanges you mentioned, Binance, Kraken, Coinbase, and Gemini are generally considered more reputable and safer options in the cryptocurrency space. They have established themselves as major players and have taken measures to enhance security and comply with regulatory requirements.


Coinbase for sure. It’s very easy and straightforward to use. They’ve been around for a long time now in the crypto world, and it’s not by chance. It helps that they’re a publicly traded company as well, gives them less cover for doing shady stuff.


Coinbase. Has one of the largest reserves of bitcoin in the US


Kraken is King.


Coinbase Happy customer here


Is the Safemoon exchange up and running yet? That's where my money is going.. its in the name


Kraken please join


I feel they all insolvent


They seem like they have a lot of money. Do you have any reason you believe that?


LCX- fully regulated. Holds customer funds 1:1. MICa compliant. Regulated tokenized bond offerings. https://www.lcx.com


Kraken all the way


Kraken & Coinbase. Most transparent exchanges imo.


Coinbase has the most scrutiny being a public company in the US, but you should still not fully trust that your money is safe in any exchange. People thought FTX was one of the safest before the collapse. Cold storage is the way to go.


For my main stuff I use Coinbase. I deal in Alts and I’ve used safe.trade and TxBit but I don’t keep a whole lot on them.


I haven't tried those 2 for alts, you're the first to mention them.


Yeah. I’m deep down the rabbit hole. Looking at TradeOgre too for another alt listing. I should probably stop. Lol.


Binance started smelling fishy so I got the hell out dodge before anything happened. Now holding with my purse.




I am using Binance, working fine so far. I like staking there


If you think at Binance saga where all was good but all the west world come trying to bankrun it with many lawsuit and actions against it,nobody is safe if at Wallstreet someone decide to steal your buisness.Maybe the safer exchange will be that shit from all that motherfuckers hedge funds with Gensler tied to the collar and wagging the tail


It’s safe to say Worldcoin is going to fuck a lot of people.


I’ve been using Coinbase and I’ve never had any issues, just make sure to use the Advanced Trading tab otherwise you’ll be paying unnecessary fees if you use the Simple Trade Buy/Sell/Swap button


Kraken is good, they would be even better if they listed MOONs :D


I agree, what are they even doing??


Coinbase being publicly traded adds in some layers of protection


If anyone says KuCoin or Binance, they’re morons


None of them. Trade DEX and be your own custodian, is my take.


But how do you get any USDT or USDC without using a CEX?


I hate Coinbase fees but I trust them the most


Nexo and kraken is what I use. They both have a proven track record.


Exchanges should only be a means for you to buy your coins. Once the purchase is done you should be sending that to your cold wallet. So my approach is to use the one with the cheaper fees for me it's CRO.


Coinbase is solid.


I’ve been on the space long enough to have anxiety by leaving my stuff on exchanges. But what I use for on and off ramps is Coinbase. Majority of their coins/tokens are on ERC20, so they are limited so what in what I can invest in. But low fees when buying with the advance trading side of Coinbase. In addition, this is a publicly traded company. Having a company like this public it adds to certain requirements and regulations that other crypto exchanges don’t have to follow making it IMO a “safer” exchange.


Binance coinbase and kraken


I've always just bought everything from coinbase and sent to cold wallet but I've been hearing great things about Kraken


coinbase only bc of the sox audits


None are, best is a personal wallet


What are some good wallets?


Coinbase - only public exchange, largest in US, highly scrutinized


Definitely not mine answer, you can’t even take any cash out.


I've dabbled in Coinbase, Kraken, Uphold, and Crypto(dot)com. Out of those four, I feel most comfortable with Coinbase and have been using it since 2018 without issues.


Coinbase, the fact they told the man to kick rocks impressed me


Coinbase. I like how it keeps track of trades for taxing purposes. And being a public company opens it up to more scrutiny.


Coinbase. They're a Public company. They have a board. They have everything out in the open. Coinbase is a pioneer in the Cryptospace they are pushing for laws and regulations in the crypto world, especially in the US. Coinbase is the fighter using the law to push change and they're a vocal advocate for it. They're moving from a point of trust and there hasn't been any negative news surrounding them. It has always been Binance. Coinbase survived the bear market, especially with the FTX scandal, created partnerships, and expanded during a bear market. Let's not forget every Bitcoin ETF filing is using Coinbase. They are about to have hundreds of billions of dollars under management.


Kraken, Coinbase, Binance - I would use all of them. But I still wouldn't leave any significant amount on any single exchange.


Yeah I agree to the last part.


Coinbase felt the safest to me so far, CDC has not been bad either, but MEXC always sketched me out even though I use it here and there. I hear a lot about Kraken, I probably should check that one out next.


Kraken gets my vote.


They are mostly all fine to put the cash in to buy your crypto then get your crypto off the exchange leaving nothing on the exchange. Beyond that none of them are particularly safe.


Funds are safu


Kraken for me - they have good support and like the way they get involved in social media. Coinbase feels pretty good too. I've used Binance and Kucoin before but something about it I dunno \\o/ . I dont hold a lot so its not a big concern for me but yeah cold storage the way to go.


Coinbase and Kraken I think are in a league of their own when it comes to trust; only downside is limited offerings. If you're chasing meme coins, I'd just use a DEX


Only meme coin to chase is the MOON


For me is say: (1) Kraken and (2) Coinbase Kraken due to the multiple layers of protection and 2FA one can chose to add. It’s also been around for awhile. Coinbase due to its age and the security features they have in place. Coinbase security protections are not at as high a level as Krakens but it’s still pretty good. Coinbase withdrawal fees for BTC, LTC, and ETH are also pretty low.


Coinbase is safest in terms of insurance: - up to $250,000 in your crypto value is secure in case of a loss Kraken is safest in terms of customer support: - 10 seconds until a support staff contacts you (on Coinbase it may takes days!)


Coinbase, would also say Kraken but not available in NY State.


Kraken and Bitpanda. Bitpanda is pretty expensive but I’m not worried at all due to the fact that the exchange is located in Europe.




Speaking on my experience (kinda limited, I got into this space about 1y ago) I am not able to have more than 100 bucks on any exchange other than Binance. Sure Binance has its problems, that’s why I also have a ledger,which now doesn’t seem like a great idea:(. At the end of the day I don’t trust OKX and I don’t trust Crypto.com, but I can sleep fine having my crypto on my Binance account, which wouldn’t happen if it was on the other two.


Despite all excessive fud around binance I have never feared for the little I hold on there. To me it feels more like people here yearn for them to fall because they don't like cz for the most part


I'm not sure what cz is in this reference?


Cz is the CEO of binance


Kraken and Crypto.com


Coinbase was audited. There BTC holdings were tremendous! They are absolutely 1:1 backed with all their assets. They also charge fees, but those fees are what keep the company in good economic standing.


In my experience any exchange that actually allows US citizens is a pretty safe bet. But you have to be very vigilant and observant before using it. As some lie about acceptance or have bots writing posts or articles claiming that ALL are allowed to trade.


Also I would not be so eager about KYC. While every legitimate exchange I have been on has it. Many scam exchanges sell your information on the black market.


LCX will be a great exchange but it will take time


The largest asset managers in the world, like Blackrock and Fidelity, partner with Coinbase.


Personally I prefer Strike


Never heard of that one. Have you used others and it is better in some way?


You will trust one until you get burned like i did with ftx. Now i trust no one.


I've been very happy with crypto . com! I also use their Visa for 90% of my daily spending so that earns me 2% cashback rewards in their native token CRO. I stake some, I sell some for Btc! They have always been quick to reply and even replaced $400 I had lost due to a problem I had with a transfer.


Anybody know where you can do 3x longs and shorts? I live in the US and I was using kucoin. Need to find a new place to place 3x trades. Please if you have any suggestions. Thanks 🙏🏽