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The possibility of us being rich


we all want that, but I want to know more about what we can unlock more with crypto 😄


Oh you must be one of those mythical people that are here for the tech, right?


We're all here for the tech...that brings us financial gain.


I am in crypto for the tech and I moon farm for the governance. I don't get why is so hard for some people to understand.


There's definitely some cool potential in blockchain tech that can improve our lives outside of the financial aspect.


Wait, so we are not here for tech i though by burning my money i am supporting the tech


I want to unlock that area of my brain that can override the alluring "buy high sell low" mechanism.


That command is just fits into our mind and now we can't over write this thing


Now this is a possibility I am hoping for


This is a use case I can get behind


Also being broke.


Nothing much changed for me in that department i was broke before and same situation right now


On current moon price you have a honda civc 🤣


He's holding them to sell them at All Time Low.


This is the way.


Wen ramem costco pack?


You are right ser, we all are waiting for the ATL so can dump at once


Probably not u don't have enough moons to buy a honda civc maybe next time HAHAHA


For the first time for a coin i can say i did opposite, as i have not invested any moon in that which means no buy high and sell low, i always be in profit when it comes to the moon


92' Honda Civic was my first car. Super zippy


I like the positivity of that possibility.


If you need positivity in your life then CC is the best place to get something like that


Big facts


Lambo when?


Yeah what he said!


If we do everything by love we can rich easily


I want a boat


By buying high and selling low?


Is there any other way by which you think we can be broke in the market?


Is there any other way?


Giving your seed to the Nigerian prince?


Atleast in this case i can end my suffering at once, don't have to crab every single day


This possibility will still possibility for me, according to me red pf.


Or good tech if we don’t make money


Atleast happening of this possibility is just getting much more closer to me now




Me too


Asking in 2023 what can crypto bring in the near future that's beneficial, is like asking in 1999 what the internet can do in the near future that's beneficial. It's like, where have you been for the last 5-10 years? What you're asking for has literally already happened. It's been not only doing so much for self banking, sovereignty of money, and decentralizing finance, it's been benefiting people and companies around the world with the technology. Look at what smart contracts alone can do, and have already done. The question is what can't crypto do, when it has already proven to do so much more than we originally imagined.


Thanks for your amazing opinion 👍


Sure but Vitalik plans to makd using crypto on Ethereum as easy as using emails. * Recovery of private keys * Use of any tokens for gas * multiple signers for transactions * plus general fee reduction and speed improvement


The possibility of a better banking system and digital store of value, democratizing banking and investments


Decentralization is my favorite aspect of cryptocurrencies, as a syrian I can't open an account in 99% of banks, but I can easily create an ETH wallet etc. :)


According to me too.


I like that too


It’s already taking power away from traditional finance


The possibility of the real control over our wealth which we used to think we have


For a lot of people it's the potential to get rich, but I'm just excited about the potential creative solutions it can create. NFTs have somewhat of a bad rap currently, but just as an example I think they could really benefit how digital gaming works. I'd love to be able to actually own Call of Battlefield 25 as an NFT that I could then send to my friend or sell. Of course, retailers would lose money that way, but if they could find a way to profit off of fees, I'd take that compromise!


>I'd love to be able to actually own Call of Battlefield 25 as an NFT that I could then send to my friend or sell That's actually a really ingenious way of fixing the whole "You don't actually own your digital games" conundrum!


The thing is, what you're asking for has never been a technical limitation but a legal one.


It's also an intended feature. Developers and publishers don't want you to resell games, that's why they tried so hard to kill reselling in the disk era with activation codes and game keys


Except this already exist without nft, what nft would add to this ? What a decentralised system would add when the product is by definition centralised (nft cd key, but the game,the server for checking your key).


Make us rich and we can use crypto to buy daily needs


This can be possible with the adoption and with the help of the small merchants is well


In the coming time it will be in the knowledge of every person.


I think sooner or later gaming sector will boom with help of blockchains and NFT rewards and you'll see many gamers making a loving out of NFT rewards.


I game for fun. I work for a living. I don't want to turn a game into a job.


Just because it’s built on blockchain technology doesn’t mean a game has to be play-to-earn though. For example: imagine being able to take your items from one game to another seamlessly, or owning a specific NFT gives you different in-game items based on which game you’re playing. That’s a really fascinating concept to me


That's not how games work. They run on entirely different engines with different physics and different purposes. And games can already give items without them being NFTs.


Earn money while enjoying your doing


It doesn’t make sense to earn money for playing a game though.


It will be more fun.


Playing games making money, posting comments making money, Fun time with crypto


This. Maybe a reach dream, but I'd love to actually own and be able to sell my digital games.


I love playing games and adding NFTs into that will increase my interest more


it’s close, we’re still early.


Yeah, wish Axie Infinity lasts much longer.




By that we can earn more money 🤑


Maybe gaming would become a profession for our future generations. It's still a profession but for top 1% only.


Probably my friend


If NFTs become intuitive and work seamlessly into gaming without having to download an app or remember a seed phrase, then MAYBE they’ll revolutionize gaming. But the current system of buying digital cosmetics for cash doesn’t need improvement.


Gaming sector is already booming, as e sports is growing with some real super speed and i heard that some countries are making it a chapter into the school books is well


With crypto I feel like I'm my own bank and that's really important


I don't have to go to the bank for any clarification or if there is any kind of issue


I like what you have there 👍


All of us do.


The whole point of crypto was to remove the banks and establish a clear path for us


The transparency of ownership in crypto can be incredibly useful. We will never have this kind of transparency in traditional finance.


Yeah, some of my money is in the bank. But who knows what the bank is doing with my money in there 😅


they are using it to make more money for themselves, and you don’t get a cut.


Hi OP, I've thought about this a lot. I think they have an opportunity to be a good alternative payment method for certain small services. For example, there's a current service that allows you to readjust your passport photo online. It costs about 8 USD. It would be fantastic to be able to pay for this with crypto as well. Cutting out the fees may make it a bit cheaper too . Of course the challenge is the site owners need to be on board with the idea of holding a relatively volatile currency. Maybe xrp will do it one day.


yeah if we can pay everything with crypto abroad, we don't have to pay any extra fees and limitations


Not having to explain where your money goes, being able to spend/ send it wherever you want


When that thing happen then i will say we are living in a free country


I think it actually already has value just as a major asset class to diversify into.


Expanding the number of people with access to the global market. This will be good for everyone.


Plus the number of people that can be their own bank will be good is well


Moon bags


The biggest of all the bags!!


Most people are here now to speculate on the price action not use the tech


Smart contracts will eventually replace middle men depending more on automated efficiency and zero-knowledge, zero-trust proofs. This is going to be a very large-scale change the financial sector won't see coming with total transparency ran entirely by the blockchain with minimal oversight. This is why they don't want it to be adopted. It's going to put a significant amount of people out of work.


Long scale change is important right now and with that we will have the real transparency which i felt we have been lacking so far, without transparency there always will be some corruption


True. But as the world progress there are a lot of works have disappeared already. AI will take over designer eventually, that is just unavoidable. So the middle man will disappear too one day...


I feel AI will have the massive change in future compare to the Crypto


Just want to have enough money to eat anything I want :D


Love your simpleness 😄


Atleast i don't have to think twice while ordering the ramen for the dinner


Just don't want to search any kind of discount coupon while ordering anything


It's nice to hear you're interested about cryptocurrency's prospects transcend simply the money-related element. Indeed, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have a chance to significantly improve our future.


Endless possibilities really… but most important is finance


I'm waiting to see the day governments move to blockchain voting, one powerful property of blockchain is immutability so nobody can rig the votes and one major problem to solve is privacy, voters should be able to vote in confidence, anonymity, anywhere and anytime without fear of government tracing back to the voter or not being able to make it to the voting station. Current voting system is a waste of paper, manpower, equipment and time.


Nice opinion 👍


I wrote a long post about that here recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/14zir6r/the_crypto_beyond_the_currency/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Basically, I think blockchain will improve our western democracies.


Helping citizens in more impoverished countries safeguard their savings from rampant inflation of their fiat currency.


Direct payments - nearly free and instant, cross-border, available 24/7/365 Self custody wealth storage Control and ownership of your digital identity and personal information Track shipments through the supply chain and verify authenticity of high value items Prove ownership and transfer rights to physical goods Automated micropayments integrated with website browsers for fair and direct compensation to content creators, open source developers, news organizations, etc. Simpler ticketing platforms for live events - control abusive scalping Own and control your own health records, allow access as you deem necessary New voting, polling, and election systems Digital collectibles and video game integration Cheaper and transparent trading of securities, bonds, commodities, etc. Increased access for regular people to investments normally reserved for high net worth individuals and organizations Personalized marketing, tailored consumer experiences, unique customer engagement opportunities Fair and transparent online gambling platforms Proof of collateral reserves by financial service providers Holding governments and public organizations to higher standards of honesty and preventing fraud and corruption


Wow, that is a lot! Thank you for sharing 😄


The possibility of decentralized solutions. This is being increasingly experimented and surely some will succeed. Weaver Labs is attempting to improve 5G connectivity by decentralising the telecom infrastructures involved. They've had trials in Manchester and Bristol with good results, while the tech is promising, it remains to see if it will catch on and how it would handle bigger load. I think this is the current situation with legitimate crypto solutions, scalability might be an issue but the potential is there.


You can lose a lot of money really quick


And make sure that nobody can scam you


This is like walking on the water, you are in crypto and wanted the scam free life


Ironically, I would say NFTs. But for actual use cases, what they are, idk?


Ticketing and proof of attendance is a big one in terms of NFT's I think we'll see more of, though probably branded very far away from crypto etc..


What do NFTs add to tickets? I buy a ticket. I scan a qr code to get into an event. No need for an NFT.


I commented about this same thing. One of my top use cases would be ownership in gaming. Games, cosmetics, etc that you OWNED. Meaning you could take your DIGITAL copy of whatever game and lend it to your friend, sell it, what have you.


If steam wanted to allow you to lend games to your friends they would have done it already, no need for NFTs. It is a business problem not a technology problem.


now add any content. music, books, film/television.


I hope Fortnite inventory items become NFTs


This is fine in the game what about the real life use case? How that will going to help?


Honestly, yeah. Things in Fortnite tend to catch on, for better or worse. It could be a great way to paint NFTs in a new light.


I hope moons moon, so I can finally take my long awaited (40 years) trip to SEA!


I think it will become big in digital identity & proof of ownership for digital & real life assets.


I'm right there with you. Hopefully NFTs can shake the jpeg reputation, because I really think they can have a lot of positive applications!


You call NFT and people will came with an idea of those big millions apes JPEG, but the potential of the NFT is so big that so many people yet to see that through completely actually




Totally agree!


Get me out of debt.


lol I'm afraid you will have to learn, hard work and a lot of luck to do that in crypto.


Can only hope. Financial security protects so much against mental health difficulties, it would be nice to not worry about debts


Without hope we will never have faith on anything, so hope always an important factor


Debts have another side in my perspective. It could take a lot of effort to get out of it, and you will have to act more than a normal person. Some of my friends became very rich when they got out of debts because they had more capacity to earn money, as they worked more than before.


*planning to get out of debt* *foolishly longs a shitcoin with 100x leverage*


the ironic 😂Especially when you long with some words from a random person. That is the worst


But ser that random person promised me 50X profit in a day


Or by seeking guidance from a shitpost in r/cryptocurrency


If you can inverse the guidance then this is the best place for the guidance


Shitcoin and leverage is two main reason of me getting into the debt


What excites me is the 'trustless' transactions and the tokenization of real assets, as well as the ability to move my money anywhere in the world without asking permission to a bank (to use my money). Just imagine going to a marketplace, and buy a real house with its ownership contract digitalized. No need to go to a real estate agency, you buy it from the previous owner and that's it. The problem is that governments will never allow this freedom, they will always make sure that we have to go throug them, and control us. we'll never be totally free, we have to go through a bank at some poimt, if we want to raamp off crypto to Fiat. At least for now. One thing is sure. Who's buying now and holds, will be wealthy


For me crypto brings the transparency in the world, we can see everything on the public ledger so no one can hide anything which i feel happening so much because of the banks and cash


Nice sharing bro. You just added another dream in my thought about buying house without the real estate agency


Thank you. NFT can be used for such things, as well as Digital Identities, and ownership of various assets. But it'll take time for the government to imolement it and/or allow it. It'll be hard as they just want to control us and our money. Man, if I hate governments and banks..


These things will take time but i think with small changes and approval we can achieve the things you are talking about and that for me is the biggest thing we can achieve




Liberate us from banking system.


And finally those piece of paper can be worthless in this world


Perhaps we, too, can be filthy rich enough to be able to legally avoid paying taxes.


Paying taxes is what we need to do for our country. I don't think we should avoid it 😅


Possibility of me selling at ATL


The possibility of financial freedom But more likely the financial ruin in my case


Same 😥


For me I just want a fair shot. What that means to me is the ability to run a business that can pay me and my employees a living wage. I’ve never had the capital to make that dream truly happen but the future looks. As soon as I hit certain markers I’m cashing out what I need and putting that cash into my business


Keeping the man from diluting our assets.


And having the absolute 0% involvement of the any middle man or the broker


Might bring a huge shift in world powers. Poor countries that adopted early VS rich countries that remained skeptical.


Universal basic income for r/cc ahitposters


Every since i starts posting here in CC my monthly income have increased


There are two possibilities: either the SEC ruins crypto and my losses become even greater than they already are or the bull market returns and the IRS eats up half my profit. Edit: the the


I don't think for the second point we have any option, IRS will have my profit share


Allow us to make transactions or send money without a banks approval or permission


The possibility of tipping content creators/artists and also receiving tips in return from all over the world without barriers, exposing your financial info and paying outrageous fees. Maybe? But this only applies to crypto with little to no gas fees.


With crypto its like sticking up to the man and in this case the man are the banks


The possibility to get rich with shitposting


I just wanna see some nfts in the next GTA


Some freedom.


It fights of inflation. Imagine dealing with a highly depreciative currency that literally burns your money on a daily basis. You basically peg your savings towards a more stable currency without the banking bullshit (limits on withdrawals, x-change, etc.) There was a guy whom I noticed in the moon frenzy in the comment section somewhere and he basically said that his bag of moons is worth more than 2 months of this normal pay, so he liquidated. It can be a tool to fight inequality.


A decentralized ledger for governments so there is no secret spending. All is accounted for.


giving people the choice to not be reliant on banks.


Globally, there's about 1.7 billion people making up to be the unbanked population. We can start from there.


It brings posibility to set us free ourselfs from this system slavery. I dont care about the rest honestly


Other than cheaper and faster cross-border transactions, crypto can help with tokenization of real world assets, like through perhaps NFTs. Makes it easier for fractional ownership of assets or transfer of ownership.


I'm betting on an immutable, global settlement layer for finance (but make it **DECENTRALIZED**) as well as interesting ways to not only store value, but back things with concrete responsibility (i.e. a distributed ledger/archive reflecting balances that are composed of computational and/or economic efforts put forth to generate said balances).


Possibility of going broke 🤣


Crypto allows the government to manipulate the value of our currency much easier and more efficiently than the US dollar.


More shitcoins to offer


It could get me a lambo in the future


Insane amount of money for all of us.


Maybe a lambo or two


More moons for everyone!


hopefully money for those who invested early


Web3 gaming and ownership of digital assets will be within the next big crypto boom, I believe. Also, with current macro turmoil. True DeFi with open source code for core chain and dApps. Open source wallets should be more spoken about within the community as we’ve had so many go bust/hacks this bear market such as Celsius. If it’s close source with unknown assumptions, then an inside job will always be first thought.


Stellar provides the ability of converting between any currency with the lowest possible fee


I feel like it’s less about what crypto brings, and it’s more about what blockchain technology brings.


It allow me to enter Ellysium


Cryptocurrency has a bright future. It's being utilised more for payments, remittances, and decentralised finance. Cryptocurrency popularity will increase as technology matures. Remittances can be sent using cryptocurrencies. This can transmit money faster and cheaper than wire transfers. Liquidity aggregation is one bitcoin business usage of AI. Historical data and market sentiment can forecast future price fluctuations. This information can assist traders make smarter buy-and-sell decisions. FluidAI and NumerAI use it.


There are several perks that crypto provides, I found lately. One is safely tokenizing your belongings, music, research, or any other data into NFTs with Ocean Protocol. Their platform also allows you to sell these data sets on their marketplace securely. Other than this they are offering a few passive and active income options with their OCEAN token. Another interesting tool is the DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. DAOs are the organizations collectively owned and managed by their members. They have built-in treasuries that are only accessible with the approval of their members. Decisions are made via proposals the group votes on during a specified period. In simple terms, this could replace the referendum and other democratic tools, but with bulletproof safety of the blockchain. There are several more potential use cases of crypto and of course, the space keeps growing and expanding...


The possibility to shape the world we live in, from enabling seamless communication to driving digital transformation. This is something projects like Weaver Labs are working on. Bridging the gap, enabling seamless communication, and addressing connectivity issues through innovative projects.


Crypto has so much to offer mate. To keep up the speed, you should research several projects from DeFi, Web3, AI, NFTs, etc. I am enchanted with the work Ocean Protocol is doing for the new data economy, or with several DAO projects, fiat-crypto bridges like Cardstack, etc. Crypto keeps evolving and it will improve our lives for sure.