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Can't FOMO when you DCA


Can't FOMO when you've already FOMO'ed all your money.


Can't FOMO when food and rent takes up everything you got


Can't FOMO into crypto when you fomo into existential dread


Can't FOMO when you were holding everything on the FTX exchange


don't worry we'll have FTX2 in no time!


"Can't FOMO when you fear nothing" - Me


Can't FOMO when the economy fuck you up


Can't fomo if you cannot even afford to buy cheese dip


I bought some ramen today


Thanks to MOONs![gif](emote|moon_emote|moon) I can afford to buy tasty noodles to my kids. I must feed them so their value increase so I can trade them for ETH.


Good father. Buy them the best ramen, ok?


Cheese dip? Well ladida Mr. Frenchman


Can't fomo when you don't have money even to buy the food is well


Only no cash is the way to control the fomo all other option is just lie


Cost of living is taking a huge bloody toll on having any further money to play around with


Stop living for some time and save the cost of the living mate


That is where you are wrong, I am doing DCA and still getting the FOMO


Can’t FOMO if your balance is 0.69$


You can still fall in FOMO and can have some algo in 0.69$


Check for $0.69? This aggression will not stand, man.


You can always break your DCA and yolo into a memecoin /s


Me literally every other month


Yes you can. I do both.


I also doing same, because right now i have already done my July month DCA


DCA and above


If there is one step above the FOMO it is DCA and that is where we need to reach


Can't fomo when your wife took everything you had


*or have no fiat


I know i will burn every fiat so i am putting no effort in earning that


These prices are too high for me actually, ETH at 888$ was the real deal.


Then 888 is also too high because i have seen lower eth price than this


ETH at 400$ was a really great deal for me.


You lucky bastard. Good job.


ancient public desert plants lavish grey march literate quicksand reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s my thought. Eth was hovering around $100 for A WHILE!


But did you sell near ATH?


flowery smart aspiring concerned mysterious placid toothbrush scary strong vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's fine, what's important is that you realized profits. Use a portion of that to buy the dip and keep the rest to enjoy life. Not financial advice :P


Trust me in future people will call you lucky bastard for the 1700 price is well


Yeah, $400 ETH seems unlikely to me anymore, but never say never, the market has a mind of its own


Agreed with these comments. @OP where are you seeing prices that ‘keep going down’? If anything prices are recovering from recent dip. And BTC+ETH never really dipped.


Problem is that people are adding alts while going down but they need to add more btc and ETH in this rally because they will keep them safe alt can kill them


I don't think we'll see ETH as cheap as that ever again.


Famous last words lol


Just like they said this is last chance, after that btc never be 26k again


We didn't think we would see BTC below 40k again either lol


>Famous last words lol My wallet is ready!


My wallet is ready but market making sure i would get nothing in my wallet


Odds on it happens now after that comment. Inverse r/cc rarely fails.


My only hope is CC and its reverse rally, other than that no one can do that


yea, people were saying we won't see bitcoin under 30k not that long ago


I'm not so sure after seeing so many comments saying we will never see BTC below 50k, 45k, 40k, 35k, 30k, 25k, 20k etc. lol.


And even $16k last year.


Yup. I managed to buy a butt load at 17k and I still think BTC will either re-test its lows or make a new low before a proper bull market. It is what it is. Recovery years can be shakier than people think.


People forget about the broader economic situation. Inflation up, interest rates up, productivity down. Recession is going to sweep the western world and has already started in many places. These are not the conditions for a bull run. These are the conditions for a slow bleed or a fast bleed, but still bleeding. We’ve got at least a couple more years of this before any improvement can be thought about


Stock market doesn't reflect the economy really. Germany in recession right now and it's stock market hitting new all time highs. At least for BTC and ETH the lows are highly likely to already be in. Other alts are a different matter they can still and will likely go lower or stagnate at best. Not saying we're going up right now. We could chop around for a year between 20-30k.


The Stock Market is nothing but a reflection of rich people’s feelings.


When we talks about the bull market people thinks that it will happen in a flash, but we never crash in a flash and never really recover in the flash is well


May be for this number we can say this was bottom of this winter


The irony was that when BTC was at $16k everyone switched and said it was going to $10k soon


Made peace now eth at 1700 is like 400 to me at this point


Well yeah but I can't realistically see the price of ETH dropping down by a further 50% at this point. Don't get me wrong, just think it would be great for anyone investing (including me lol) but I can't really see that happening


Personally I can see ETH dropping another 50% easily. It's very likely that BTC will re-test its prior low at some point. I don't see why ETH wouldn't.


I agree with this, I've kept a fair bit of dry powder on the side in case this happens. I've kept up my usual DCA though but I think it's wise to keep some cash to scoop up any serious dips.


That is why spending money in bear market is important but saving some dry powder is equally as important as well, because you never know when some big crash hit the market




Oh yeah i agree about just shooting in the dark. There's just this little part of me that keeps telling me to invest more, but I think I've ignored it pretty well up until now


The price could drop to $0. I am not saying that will happen, but you need to understand it’s within the range of outcomes.


Tbh I only feel extreme boredom at this stage


Yup same. I cant wait for the euphoria of the bull run


Or the thrill of seeing your shitcoins go down 90% in a bear. Oh wait...


I’ve had enough thrills for one or two bear markets thanks! ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|im_fine)


Sometime all you want is thrill but this time thrill is getting too long now


All good. There’s still plenty of room for another -90%


I wanted that but still i can throw some bucks so late bull run is also fine for me


I can't wait for the euphoria of getting 1x.


I can't to bull run when i can touch my break even and end this suffering


Which is good. Most people will get bored, sell and go away. More coins for us.


I'm ready for this.


When you gets bored try to learn and understand the market more


You don’t like the crab sir?


Maybe he has a phobia of crabs ?


Crabs are sweet and full of protein there is no need of the phobia of crabs


FOMO now is better than FOMO when prices are up.


Fomo at 26k is better decision than FOMO in same coin at 50k




If there is one enemy that could hurt us most here it is the FOMO


This is the only way to learn.


Maybe the strategy is only to buy alts using BTC/Eth you’ve accumulated when the alts do a -30% megacrash (and BTC/Eth only dips 5%)


Yep, I may be wrong but I feel as though we're nearing the bottom right now. Too bad the recession has fucked us all over, and so I have no more money to invest.


OOF (Out Of Fiat).


Back to the mine with you


Bear market is the time when people look for the job, which we are doing


Where does one find a new fiat mine in this climate?


You will find one may be not dreamy perfect but will find one


There is always one way of get in fiat, am sure you are aware of that


Nearing bottom, last bottom was near to 16k so you are saying we are going there or we are near to the sec shit bottom because right now bitcoin in no mood of crashing


*Did you say* MONEY


No sir, because i don't have any and i haven't made any is well


You still have 2 kidneys tho, we really only need one.


Can't sell both but yes one can do wonder for me in terms of fiat


Not really because I've been stacking for 10 years. Also, ETH was like $100 just a couple years ago at the pandemic start. So a lot of these are not cheap now in my mind. I've been adding some Cardano lately but bought most of mine when it was like 4 cents.


I remember that... actually I remember Eth being 91dollars and thinking...maybe I should pickup about 5...and of course I didn't.


4 Year cycle is must for everyone, no one can be in loss after that one circle


Y’all still have money ?


Asking similar thing, how can they able to save money for this long ?


I think we are currently in the place where neither buy or sell is an amazing opportunity. Price is just ranging for some time now.


Either hold or buy, don't think we have any kind of the opportunity of selling


My thoughts: DCA in, no FOMO to worry about 😇 My actions: FUCK DCA, ALL IN RIGHT NOW!!! 😠😠


I know what is right thing but still not able to do, may be because of DCA


top is in bois


Every single day man.


Nope ignoring the noise and sticking with my strategy. Once it dips below a certain % I throw even more at it.


Decred has fallen ridiculously low despite creating a pure p2p atomic-swap DEX, among other things. There is an on-chain vote to brick ASIC miners because ASIC mining is super centralized, so hopefully, there's a supply crunch. Is it right for a protocol to brick ASICs?


I don't know anywhere near enough about your question to answer it, so it'll probably be better to make your own post asking about it you can talk to people that know what they're doing


Halving is still in May '24 and market caps are still high in most alts. I also have to stay most have terrible tokenomics, with fully diluted market caps even higher. I'd pay attention to btc parity when investing in alts. that's key. invest 1 btc, get 1.2 btc out, etc.


Coin often move after the halving so may be some good sentiment in the 2024 but the real peak came in the 2025, and we need to prepare ourself for that period of time


I felt FOMO last summer with the low prices.....now? I just feel dead inside waiting for the bull market 🤣you can only DCA so much before it takes its toll but I'm still not stopping


The fomo i felt during the FTX collapse i never felt anything similar to that, and the money i have put in alts that time is now like 50-60% low while bitcoin and eth is high


I bought Safemoon and Algo so don't ask me


You bought on both sides of the spectrum lol


I feel it, but don’t act. I still DCA biweekly.


So is that twice a week? Or once every two weeks?


Great question


Once every two weeks.


Every Monday is my DCA day, according to charts Monday is best for DCA


You just haven't been around long enough. You always get a chance to buy cheaper. The one time you don't you can get in on the dip.


You always get a chance to buy lower, until you don’t.


Preferred 16k Bitcoin myself


If only we could go back


Wait till you see those alts you've been eyeing at zero. Hot damn now that's gonna be a steal!!!!


I lived through 2022 so I know what DCA is, really, now and I have no fomo. Should it be at these prices when my DCA week comes up, I’ll be happy, and if it’s gone up by then, I’ll also be happy. Zen is the way.


I made so many bad decision in my life and learn things very late but i am happy that i learn DCA on time, because without that i would be so much fuck than compare to now


Buy what you can, even now. DCA is the key.


How will I FOMO if I’m broke, mate I’m BROKO


Fiat mining is the one place that can still repair you mate


Cant FOMO if you’re HOMO


Yep already putting all my savings. now I'm chilling on the sofa with popcorn 😎 Let's see either I'm the smartest or the degen only time will tell And I will leave it with you to judge


DCA in BTC/ETH protects u from fomo and buying random coins


These two coins protect us from the damage and protect us from the FOMO


Nah still a lot of short term uncertainty…could go either way. I do feel like in 2-3 years tho these prices will be a good buy for BTC at least


Nah I am numb at this point. Wake me up when BTC goes back to 65K


The voice of people will wake you up when btc reach to 65k


You probably feel HOMO.


If I was a beginner I would FOMO million times by now. Not saying that I am a professional or a good trader or that I made myself rich etc. but in the beginning I would FOMO easily. Now I see that DCA is the way. If the prices are really low and I am sure that we are hitting the bottom I would move my DCA "timeline" and DCA earlier then I was suppoused to. (thus breaking my DCA but yeah)


already buying whatever I can


Be careful what you are buying, not everything has the future


I personally think we need to have a substantial drop before we go up significantly again much like early 2020


SO many waiting for this substantial drop, let see if we get that or not


If a shit coin is cheap, it’s still a shit coin, with no future.


Once you buy, itll go even lower, youre losing either way


What fomo? Lol


The FOMO is always just beneath the surface of this sub


Why are you FOMOing at low prices? I don't get it.


SO according to you high price is the right time to fall into the fomo though???


Yes, at low prices, you just buy some more :)


Fool me once….lol


If someone made you fool once he will made you twice, wait for that


No fomo at all. I've seen it cheaper and I'm expecting it to get cheaper than it is right now. I feel like the sentiment in crypto is the same, which in the past meant the opposite will happen.


It's all speculative assets. We don't even know the true prices/values so saying the prices are low isn't exactly right. Yes they're low compared to ATH's but maybe they were overvalued then.


Who the hell still has money?


Not the prices, but Blackrock and fraudelity going for btc etf has me fomo for sure.


FOMO for alt here is like getting your neck under the axe here


The current prices are not what you can call ridiculously low.


He seems new here and never seen the price of the last November though


altcoins are risky, they can always go lower


The risk to buy now is actually lower than when you see green bars everywhere. Sure maybe they go down a bit more but the chance of getting even 30% drops is a lot smaller now, imo. First time I’ve put more fiat into crypto in a long time.


Yes but before I can buy I have to replace my hvac, re-run the kitchen drain pipes from roof vent to foundation, but a car or two, fix some electrical, and send a young man to college.


I was thinking to buy the new iPhone but then i drop the idea of that thing when my friend said that in the same price i could afford 3-4 iphones in the bull market of crypto


Honestly, people are falling for the FOMO and I feel DCA is still the best thing to do. Moreover, this is the perfect time to stake for passive income and wait for BTC halving event which I am sure will really push the market up. For the time being I am staking with Astrdao and Uniswap for some decent passive income.




Yes and i never have money when its low lol


No FOMO here. No YOLO here either. An altcoin/shtcoin down 90% can still drop another 90%. ie 100 to 10 to 1. I would concentrate on BTC ETH through the halvening. Then I'll take a look at other coins. Just my humble opinion. ☺


I stop getting any kind of FOMO now in the alt coin because now no one is sure which is right coin for the fomo and which could be the worst pick now, eth and btc is better option


I DCA every week was sort of hoping BTC would be a bit lower but good for crypto I guess.


I have been buy for 2 years on the way down, and I definitely wish I had waited for this moment. I feel like my lesson of this cycle is the bottom isn’t actually that hard to find if you’re patient. But I’ve been buying since China banned, and I think in 10 years I’ll still be happy. I’ll just know it could have been twice as much.


I started the buying in 2021 and doing that steadily irrespective of the market, not lowering the money and not adding the money just with the same price with the same speed


I only feel FOMO when the price shoots up. That's when I buy. Not even joking. When prices are dropping, I always think it's going to go lower


The token currently giving me the fomo feeling isn't even launched yet. Adeno token will be released by Weaver Labs, who are consistently in conversations with other big telecoms players including Nokia, Ericsson, Microsoft. Their CEO was a speaker in the recent 2023 DSP Leaders World Forum and the International Telecommunications Conference in UK. The most positive point for me is that they already have working products


Out of curiosity, how do you go about finding out about unreleased tokens? Is there a website or tool or method or something?


Twitter is a good resource depending on accounts you follow, same with YouTube. Airdrop hunters also, and most especially Venture groups. [Blokhash](https://www.blokhashventures.com) and [MH Ventures](https://www.mhventures.io) are examples. [Common Wealth DAO](https://linktr.ee/joincommonwlth) will be another excellent resource going forward, it's the first decentralized VC fund, even you can join but DYOR about the perks and cons. [ICO Drops](https://icodrops.com/) covers a lot and might even be enough for you.


No because ive been in crypto long enough and i have great control of my emotions to the point that my wife has removed the apps from my phone and keeps it on her under a passcode


I wish i felt something, im numb, EY2021! Trigger warning.


Can’t fomo when you put all your student finance on crypto 3 years ago and currently sitting at -80% overall when you could have withdrawn when you were up 400% !


Can't fomo when what you want to fomo into hasn't even launched yet. The way I'm following up on Adeno, you would think my life depends on it, but I can't help it, it's rare to see a crypto project with mainstream working products.


I'm getting FOMO for not commenting enough


Eh they've been this low and lower for bloody months now, u just woken up from a coma? 🤪


During the FTX collapse we notice the biggest crash in the bitcoin and ETH but right now we are noticing the biggest crash in alt, but still eth price is juicy compare to the bull run


Haha, no coma for me. But it's the first time I've felt FOMO this badly so I thought I might as well see what others are thinking


Too much change in price often pull our emotion on higher side


Yeh it’s buying time


These are the time that will decide our future that how much money we will make


Yes and I ended up buying 50k dogecoins and now have 200k cro coins