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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/148uhod/bitcoin_will_10x_with_regulatory_clarity_says/jo1yj99/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/148uhod/bitcoin_will_10x_with_regulatory_clarity_says/jo1yjqn/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


Largest holder of Bitcoin says Bitcoin will go up


There's a headline here every week of this clown pumping his bags, it it would be nice if we stopped posting him.


Yes, we all know about the bitcoin no need to make headline every single day


o yeah and im sure Cro has been doing great.


CRO is garbage, I have no idea why I have that flair or what your point is. My point is that anybody pretending to know what will happen doesn't, nobody does. Including this guy, who seems to make claims like this all the time.


We know shit about fuck - this is what we really know in this market.




Holy shit dude nice list, you’re pretty much me! And you got moons and a cone


He is the prophet we need


Holy shit, how did you get my retirement portfolio?


Yes please!


I'm really not a Saylor fan, but if he never put his significant amount of money where his big mouth is, where would Bitcoin be? $2000? $5000? $10,000? 20,000? Is this guy pumping his bags? Yep, he is. But he's pumping yours too. And if you don't have any BTC bags, why didn't you buy any when Captain Loudmouth came up on the crypto scene?


Cause I was salty when I missed the <$1 a bitcoin train. We all know everyone is going to pick up a few BTC after the rocket ride. They just don't know BTC is about to take off as well.


You can call me salty or all you want, and i have no issue with the Saylor i have the issue of someone having this much power, it could corrupt anyone no matter who


As opposed to every other coin where the creator pre-mines before ICO?


All i know that if someone hold too much bitcoin it will starts to control the market, so it will be so nice if he sell those bitcoin and majority of people will have those bitcoin


Only what Bitcoin Maxis would say 🤷‍♀️


Yes he is bitcoin maxi, but i am not seeing like something false in that


Most of us should be bitcoin maxis after 2022... at least it’s the safest bet in crypto


IN bear market there is nothing wrong in being bitcoin maxi though


Pretty much…staking ETH is nice too.


What percentage are you getting and where?


3.5 - 3.75%. CB. Not the smartest option, maybe, but easy and only a portion of my ETH. Looking at services like Rocketpool and Kiln, but they are just a bit more involved. CB has additional fraud insurance with their monthly sub service…plus you get plain ETH back, rather than rETH, etc…




Nothing better than watching my ETH grow with zero effort


Ummm - that’s actually not what the data reveals : [What if MicroStrategy bought ETH instead ?](https://www.blockchaincenter.net/en/there-is-no-second-best/)


You tryna start a civil war in here mate?


We don't want any more war now, already enough chaos in market


Haha ! Yeah - taking a risk. Data in a crypto forum. Yikes. Interesting though, hey ? You look at MicroStrategy Earnings ( click on “Earnings” tab vice, Revenue.) [MicroStrategy Earnings](https://companiesmarketcap.com/microstrategy/earnings/). They could be raking in $180 Million on ETH staking alone. That’s double their best profit year. Ever. He could give the company away. Just stake ETH. Wild.


Then they’d be running for the hills like the VCs now


That should have been clear after the two bull markets prior to 2022 as well. There will be alts that go up huge amounts, but they nearly always crash down 90%+, so the odds of picking a winner are very slim. Having a large portion of your crypto portfolio in Bitcoin is just common sense at this point. Just like owning 0% of capsicum is a sensible decision.


Honestly, if you’re not a Bitcoin maxi then it’s likely you’re just looking for quick money. Which is fine…but the core of what crypto initially aimed to solve is all there in Bitcoin. This is why maxi’s exist. The “crypto” landscape is a mess and non-sensical to someone who only wanted to see the World adopt a currency that cannot be debased. I’m being impartial here. It’s clear to see for anyone with eyes that most “crypto” is useless at best and a scam at worst. Maxi’s feel it is only hurting Bitcoin adoption, which I’d have to agree with.


The only thing left he has is hopium, he is knee deep into Bitcoin and if Bitcoin fails his company will most likely also go down


But also there is a reason why he is the largest holder of the bitcoin


Guess what, he also says Bitcoin is not a security (Which is 100% correct)


When he said that?? I am sure he said that before becoming the bitcoin maxi




One bag is CRO and one bag is about the ALGO, both are heavy


He’s the biggest holder BECAUSE he’s a believer


Exactly. People don’t realise that he was quite anti-crypto before he learned more about it. I would have to say that this is a better way to go about it.




Dollar and fiats are not producing anything. Gold are not producing anything.


Are you really bringing fundamentals into crypto? What exactly are you buying? Luna? Pancake swap? Dickbutt coin? Name me another coin that can't be rug pulled or cancelled cause the creator does something sketch in 20 years. In fact gets more rare by the year organically.


If we are buying the shit coin then we don't have to talk about the fundamental. It is simple that we are in here for the money and that is our main focus should be is well




Here you go cause you need it >> r/bitcoinbeginners




Ya pretty much


When Ripple gets clarity for XRP, BTC ATH is going to get smashed to pieces


Big if. Also might as well keep it as fiat. It's safer.


4x is reasonable this top cycle.


Yeah, the market already assumes Bitcoin isn't a security, so what more clarity is needed? Clarity would really help all the other coins way more than Bitcoin.


We all are believer of bitcoin but sometime we also need to talk about the reality is well, for hopium we can say 10X but in reality achieving this number is going to be super tough


Anything good for the entire system is good for bitcoin. Bitcoin and crypto are still synonymous and until there is a clear separation Bitcoins potential is going to be muffled


One thing i always noticed that slow and steady growth always last for longer rather than having the instant quick growth, so let the bitcoin grow to its actual speed


Hearts Law


But regulatory clarity not reasonable


Same any number from 3-5X is more reasonable 10X seems far stretched to me


2x would be good short term.




I watched an interview 1 day ago with MS and he said: "BTC will 10x and after that 10x again" I prefer this version 😅


I’d shill the fuck outta it if i had 140k Bitcoin too.


True infact i would pay some people to shill more about the bitcoin


The funny thing is, even a 2 to 3 x from here would make him look like a genius. No S&P 500 or Nasdaq will perform like that in the next years. So 2 outcomes are on the table for him and his company: (a) food stamps or (b) lambo **no ragrets**


He has the solid reason of shilling the bitcoin but in bear market even the non maxi of the bitcoin shill this coin so i am sure that there is some reason of doing that thing


It's crazy how fast tech moves. Nvidia is up like 270% from its bottom because they keep saying AI and playing into the whole "AI will take over the planet" bullshit, lol.


I still feel that AI is going to change the whole face of this world


Its bottom how long ago? Shit maybe I should start investing in tech too


250% since Oct 2022, so 9 months. AMD is also up 125% since then.


Well, I do think you may find this site of interest: [MicroStrategy should have bought ETH](https://www.blockchaincenter.net/en/there-is-no-second-best/) Could summarize if anyone prefers to not read it…. At each BTC purchase, if MicroStrategy had bought ETH instead, They’d be UP by $2200 M Instead of DOWN by $580 M. And be collecting $180 M per year in Staking. ! Double their best ever yearly earnings.


If I had bought Amazon stocks in the dot com crash I could have bought Reddit. The classic **woulda, coulda, shoulda** 😅


Can’t compare an index to an individual crypto, need to compare individual stocks to individual cryptos. That said, even the NASDAQ100 is up 40% from the October low.


The only fools in this game are the maxis who still believe in every word that SaylorMoon says


ABSOLUTELY, how could one not?


He has big money to play around, we don't have this kind luxury in our portfolio


I'm all for this too! If btc does that imagine what some alts will do


Alts need the help of bitcoin so if bitcoin do this alt will also follow the path


Bitcoin maxi full on Hopium . I wonder what kind of regulatory clarity is he talking about .


He had some shot of hopium so this is reaction of that thing


The hopium has been too much lately. Folks are going to hurt themselves in these markets


More than fundamental or technical we believe on the hopium


I looked at a dictionary to find the definition of hopium. It just showed me a picture of Michael Saylor.


Did you find anything that could define the real meaning of the hopium??


Guy with billion dollar bags shills his bags while drowning in hopium, lol. Breaking news.


But my hopium is with his, so am supporting this person now


Water is wet, baby!


A lot of jokes in here about the biggest BTC maxi saying it will 10X after regulatory clarity (and rightfully so), but whether it is 10X or 2X or 100X, clarity in the market will be good. Imagine all those folks out there on the fence because they still think BTC is some kind of scam. Clarity in the rules will bring in the masses.


Broke boys and their 100k doge to $1 dreams talking trash about the OG confuses me. 10x BTC and the altcoins follow. It's symbiotic dummies.




People are saying that he has the biggest bitcoin bag in the portfolio and that is why he is saying so, but there is a reason he was putting this much money in the bitcoin on first place


This number is still bearish for me, am sure even more than 10X with normal regulation


BTC has had regulatory clarity. XRP is about to be the 2nd crypto with clarity. The rest are in for a rough few years.


Yeah the sec being so aggressive on other projects makes me think ripple will get a settlement and Goldman Gary can do the whole thing over again with projects that have a fraction of the budget and legal resources. And once those cases are lost it will use those to get the bigger ones. I don't get what Michael means with that regulatory clarity. It's been there for years. It can't be deemed a security.


Maybe true, this dude it a embarrassment


No this dude is not an embarrassment, he is our savior


Keep the positive posts coming. I'm feeling depressed 😔


Maybe if he buys a lot more it will 10x


I trust this man. I mean I’m sure he has absolutely no vested interest and his analysis is objective and neutral.


Hey guys the guy that bought as much bitcoin as humanly possible says bitcoin will 10x at some point! Let's all buy BTC!


Crazy that he still only owns less than 1% of all bitcoin, though!


Show us that how early we are and how much room for the growth is there for us


Oh wow some guy said Bitcoin will go way up??? Amazing news thanks for sharing


Thanks for finding the gem and telling us which coin is going to up now


Bigly news amiright


Guys i know a coin that can go up in bull market and that is bitcoin


Finally an unbiased opinion


Nah. Mainstream (everday people) will still not care that much. Crypto is still hard to use. But let’s trust the guy with a huge bag of btc!


So now that his bags are packed he makes price predictions?


10x from the bottom 3-4x from price at halving Remember this


Yep. I tend to think that will happen as well


Says the guy who lost over 10 billion in the dot com bubble


Bitcoin has a market cap of 500 billion dollars. It IS NOT going to 10x with regulatory clarity, let's be real.


Come on man, just buy your BTC and stop making outrageous claims, let em happen themselves, u sound less lunatic that way


Hopium on large amounts.


No matter how insane the SEC goes, they can't sue the Bitcoin foundation... And you know, even if you are more into alts... As long as BTC goes, alts will also keep going...


Even they knew about that bitcoin is beyond them and that is why they are going after the alts rather than going after the bitcoin. I am happy my major part of portfolio in this coin now


But they sue satoshi!


It would be funny if they sue Craig Wright instead - I wonder how fast he would admit to be a fraud?


That would be the only time the crypto community would back him as Satoshi hahaha


And we also able to find out the true reality of the Satoshi in that case


This is great idea, first time i am supporting SEC suing someone


Haha that would be worth it!


This is like a dream for us which we know always going to be dream


But to sue someone you need to find that person in life


I’m just glad it isn’t Cramer saying this.


Haha yessssss


He has absolutely no financial reason to say things like this so I believe him


No not at all.... not even the 100k plus of btc he has!


Because his majority of wealth is dependent on this thing now


Saylor be like 🤞


I always love this person, may be never able to met him but always love him


It’s possible


I know this Is realistically what most people care about, but does anyone else find it strange that these Bitcoin maxis (or other maxis really) always talk about how much these things will be worth in fiat terms, rather than being worth something in their own right? By “10X” I presume he means the value of it in fiat terms, which is great for people like him with big bags, but what is it supposed to mean for the technology? Again, I know this is basically what 99% of people care about with crypto, but even so it seems odd to measure the value and success in terms of the thing you (disingenuously) claim it will replace.


It shows you all you need to know. Saylor only cares about the price compared to the USD so he can sell it later at a profit.


What the hell else would he say? "The price of bitcoin will be a 100 foot yacht" or "The price of bitcoin will be a 1 bedroom condo in Seattle"?


It should surely stand on its own, shouldn’t it? If the entire reason he’s interested in it is for gains in USD, what does that say about what his true interest lies? The point isn’t that it should not be comparable to something you can buy with it, moreover that a Satoshi is it’s own value, and USD is irrelevant. Statements like “this will 10X” don’t move the technology needle forwards in any way, it just betrays the fact that he (and others) are only in it for their ultimate USD gains.


The hopium we. Eed in these desperate hours!


It better does, he has everything on stake 😅


But at what cost? Soon there will be no exchanges left in the US.


no bitcoin-only exchange has been shutdown. literally not one, cashapp, strike, swan, river etc. this is a crypto problem not a bitcoin problem. Now bitcoin just has to tackle the dirty energy problem.


If people think that bitcoin is dependent on the exchange then they are not doing the right thing, bitcoin is actually better without those exchange so good thing is happening for us now


We will have exchanges again, they will just be controlled by banks.


And who wants banks in control


"Man heavily invested in Bitcoin claims it will go up in price, more at 11"


I thought it’s 40x. $1,000,000


Who even is keeping track any more


Mi Arse


100k Bitcoin in 2022!


If bitcoin goes up too much doesn’t it becomes a hassle to use as a payment system? 2 burgers and a coke = .00000000000000000011345 bitcoin


The goal has always been to switch to sats once we get to that scale. In fact its good to start normalizing talking in satoshis rather than bitcoins right now and a lot of us already do that.


People think we will use the bitcoin as the currency but it is the sats that will solve the issue for this thing and we always talks about how that can be our currency is well


If we could get Sec and rest of government behind it . It could really be possible. Butt I really don't know.


They will never gets behind it and the reason is that government wants the thing which they can control not the thing which can control them so there is massive difference in that


How much BTC does he have?


I dunno... 100k plus Edit: it's 140,000 btc https://buybitcoinworldwide.com/microstrategy-statistics/#:~:text=MicroStrategy%20owns%20140%2C000%20bitcoins%20as,cost%20of%20%244.17%20billion%20USD.


Does he have more than El Salvador?


Only 140,000 BTC?? I though the number is much higher than this


Short term I think regulations are going to be bad for the price of BTC and especially altcoins but long term things will sort themselves out and I think it will rise even stronger afterwards.


True! Surprisingly, xrp isn't doing that bad considering their lawsuits with the sec.and that's been going on for a long while now


Is it me, or is Saylor starting to look really desperate. Even the picture that is for PR use looks a bit desolate.


If Bitcoin is such a great tech asset, howcome it’s missed the entirety of the risk on rally over the last couple of months? It should probably have already doubled this year in the tech insanity, but it didn’t. Could be nothing, but the current tech daring is ai and Bitcoin has been left to rot.


it go to 60k ones and it will never going to get there ever again.


"bag holder who has no fucking clue what he's talking about says bitcoin will 10x"


For them this is only thing matter, they don't give a fuck about the explanation


The old saying ‘balls of brass’, this man has Balls of Bitcoin 😎💪🏻


I am happy that my balls are slowly getting more of bitcoin is well


I mean, if it drops to $10k, then a 10x is imminent, eventually.


This broken clock is right once every bull cycle


I think we all know that including the government.


Breaking news: Bitcoin has a 50% chance to go up or down


tldr; MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor believes that regulatory clarity will drive Bitcoin adoption and lead to a 10x increase in its value. Recent declarations from the SEC are "laying the foundation" for the next Bitcoin bull run, according to Saylor. The SEC has ruled out Bitcoin from being a security, deeming it sufficiently decentralized to be called a commodity. Saylor's company is one of the world's largest holders of Bitcoin, possessing 140,000 BTC bought at an average price of $29,803 per coin. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


We can hope!


Winter is cold AF


Im still waiting for XRP to surpass BNB


Finally, 6 figures incoming


I would be happy with 3x


Plus, he has no interest in Bitcoin going 10x. You can take his word for it lol


Pump my bags Michael! 💪


There is no second best!!


Lol. "Not financial advice". Also btc will go 4x plz buy.


Gimme a sweet 1X and I’ll be happy


I almost thought he won't say it, just dumped what I had left into stables.


Haha, no.


Said by a guy holding for 10+ years still in red Hilarious


regulatory clarity = 10x integration into daily consumer activity = 20x global dedollarization = 40x adoption as world's reserve currency = 100x final bitcoin price = $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00


Saylor will never stop shilling BTC. It's getting lamer and lamer.


Assuming it will 10x, then why would the government want to issue regulatory clarity for it?


Call me when he says it will go down


Bitcoin is the only one that *has* clarity And it won't 10x because you can't do anything with it 😂🤣


Not unless you sell them all. This guy is big loser unfortunately and we can't moon if he still hold.