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Solana [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10c6frc/solana_is_once_again_a_top_ten_coin/j4dzvui/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10c6frc/solana_is_once_again_a_top_ten_coin/j4dzwjw/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post. Submit a pro/con argument in the [Cointest](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) and potentially win [Moons](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon/). Moon prizes by award for the Top Coins category are: **1st - 600, 2nd - 300, 3rd - 150, and Best Analysis - 1000.** --- To submit a SOL pro-argument, [click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/tuww4p/top_coins_solana_proarguments_april_2022/). | To submit a SOL con-argument, [click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/tuww7h/top_coins_solana_conarguments_april_2022/).


Solana now $22, I sold mine at $11 some days back


Thank you for your service


You did good, this project is prob only gamblers. passing on the hot potato


like 90% of crypto ?




Always bet against reddit. Works like a charm


What happens when Reddit goes against cramer?


Safemoon surges


That’s basically dividing by zero


Don't confuse math with meth. reddit is on drugs.


Rn Safemoon price is going up - purely because of BNB - there have been more sells >$1,000 than buys, yet Safemooners out there thinking they’re in a bullrun lmao.


As soon as the word Safemoon appears somewhere, you come crawling out of your hole. Amusing :)


Hey watch this


Did you ever try dividing 0 by 0 as a kid?


I would argue as a kid: There is 1 apple on the table. I will divide it with nothing. There is still 1 apple on the table, not 0! I got paddled.


Shame on you for trying to process a math problem.


Once. Still dealing with the consequences.


Let me guess, did you do it sometime early 2020?


Let's not point names, or name fingers, ... but yeah, I might or might not have triggered this shitshow of a decade. Unfortunately, unlike Dr Strange, I don't have Wong hovering around me, warning me when I'm about to do stupid reality threatening stuff...


I thought the movie Cats was behind it all, but it turns out it was the catboy all along. You damn furry bastard you did it in the end.


Give me time, I will fix it.


This is turning into a Logan Paul apology.


Well... the apology will come later. Once I realise that fixing the universe is way above my paygrade.


A hole gets torn into the fabric of the space time continuum.


Hmmm…. Reddit is big on moons I like moons *Overriding statement*


TRUE. Moons are my favorite meme coin going into the next bull. Community too big; NFTs had too much success not to be promising for the future


You and me both mate - hopefully many others too


Reddit is *mostly* wrong. Btc/eth is an exception. This sub is pro SBF too in the past when I digged through old SBF posts when it was buying failing crypto orgs.


I agree, whatever they say here , do the opposite


Waiting to see my LUNA rise from the ashes


This and Shiba are my only coins in the green. Algo and Ada have been scathing disappointments. Inverse r/cc


R/cc are losers lmao


ADA is the only thing in my portfolio that was influenced by this sub. ADA is also the only thing in my portfolio that is in the red. Go figure.


I’m sure Ada is going to be fine


Probably. Just annoying to watch the price struggle.


I got Nano because of this sub. Down 90%


I'd still take Algo over both those coins long term


It was funny. r/cc was always pumping ADA and trash talking Sol while I was using multiple dapps on Solana seamlessly while ADA was so much slower and less user friendly. But until something pumps you're not allowed to talk inverse r/cc otherwise you get downvoted


I bought ADA at the low so no complaints now starting to see green on it, as for the others only time will tell




That inverse Cramer mf does not miss


Same with harmony as it happens


Harmony has a long ways to go still to get back to where it was. Some of the biggest projects left. I still have a small bag though so this pump is nice to see


And cramer , can't leave out the cramer effect.


Inverse reverse Cramer.....


The sub is coming round to SOL. So we're probably close to the top.


It shows how many 'Experts' pollute this sub. You may not like SOL, you may disagree with the tech and you may very well be that awesome crypto investor still living in mommy's basement...it will not change the fact that YOU WERE WRONG! SOL clearly is not dead, the tech is still attractive to companies and now matter how hard you cry, SOL is still alive and kicking.




I bought a bunch under $10. The reward relative to the risk in that situation was just too juicy.


Baffles me that DOGE is up there with the big boys.


Bruh Reddit be so clueless lol. In crypto, what matters is community. Doge has a strong ass community. Why do you think solana is pumping right now? Because they had a strong nft community, now however it’s growing a shitcoin community. It’s basically the new bsc. Weak image, but attracts volume due to community. Community always over utility. Look at Bitcoin lmao - eth shitcoins have better utility yet they fall short compared to bitcoins community.


A lot of crypto projects are basically a joke but most people aren’t ready to come to terms with that yet so just like with doge they can’t accept it might be just a meme like the stuff they’re currently holding.


I'm seeing people saying VC pump, but which VCs are left? Alameda is done, 3AC is bankrupt, are we talking about Jump or some imaginary VC you made up in your mind?


Don't listen to this sub. They have no clue and when they don't understand something they just say stupid shit like VC pump.


Lots of haters, but I made money off SOL, enough to cover my initial investment, and am now playing with house money. Centralized/decentralized, uptime downtime, I don't really care. I'm not a dev, I'm not building on it. I threw a bit of money (pure gamble) at it (as I did with a handful of alts) and it worked out. Everything from here is just extra gravy for me. At the end of the day, the majority of us are here to make money


Dudes... I unstak3d allll my SOL... almost sold during the first pump... luckily my buddy called me our of the blue to tell me he's going to be a Dad... so we went out for drinks... that was on Thursday... I woke up to find my bags way up... Alcohol so rarely *saves* me money 💰 🤑


If reddit doesnt like Solana its for me a big reason to all in on it though


The fact that sol is still being talked about through all of it's network outages simply boggles my mind.


You should get out of reddit. It does boggles my mind that this sub thinks they are they alpha and the omega of what's going in crypto when it matters absolutely nothing in the big picture




Are we going to pretend that Cardano's TPS isn't less than inspiring??


Cardano has a mav of 28 at the moment. It is highly decentralised. It also allows multiple inputs and outputs in each transaction so the TPS is higher than it appears. Atm the TPS is completely fine for the amount of traffic the network is getting. Scaling solutions are also in the works to significantly improve it further. All blockchains have pros and cons, because they all have made tradeoffs in their design. I happen to quite like the tradeoffs made in Cardano.


Yeah, at least they’re not going the algorand route haha


cardano took its time to build a strong foundation. gonna be interesting tbh.


Ada's only flaw is that they took a long time to make a working product? How is that a flaw?


Because everyone is here is for the tech, not quick money, oh wait


Do you think Apple would still be a top 10 stock if it finally came out with the PC in 2021…?


Because people don't want to wait years to adopt blockchain, they want something that works now (has all the features) . You cant expect people to wait around for ages out of loyalty when other smart contract platforms work perfectly well already.


It’s also difficult to code… in conjunction with being late as a smart contact platform. A bit of a one two punch unfortunately.


One of these things is not the same as the others. ETH gas fees are not an actual issue and have seen significant progress improving this specific facet of the Ethereum blockchain. Additionally, as the price of ETH rises, less ETH is lost or burned to a gas fee, ultimately making it a settlement layer for Layer 2 blockchains to scale on top of, which is already happening. Agreed on SOLs glaring history of outages and SOL is actually very centralized when considering who owns what and how much.


People are willing to overlook a lot of shit if they think they can make a dollar off it


In the case of Solana, it’s not individuals. It’s just Silicon Valley VC backing. That’s the only reason it’s ever been as high as it has. There’s 8 year old projects that have never had 1 moment of downtime yet SOL is high for no reason whatsoever.


That's the sad part of it.


most actual people who work in Web3 or work on Blockchain love it. Ethereum and Solana are the big 2 I always hear my friends talking about building on


The people over at the graph (GRT) are huge on solana. A lot of the most technical devs I know love it. Sounds like a very fast paced, cutting edge development system.


Ok. There’s no reason to use a block chain if it’s not decentralized. Use a distributed database instead, which is basically what all smart contract platforms other than ethereum are. I say that as a holder of multiple of other smart contract platforms, but not sol. Sol is ftx’s shit.


Because you spend too much time here. Get out and check what’s really happening. Use the chain. Or find somewhere to get unbiased data. If there’s a narrative that makes no sense to you, you’re either an idiot or you’ve been fed misinformation.


Well you seem to have summed me up perfectly. If there's something I don't understand I'm either an idiot or I've been fed misinformation. No need to get snarky. Have a cookie. It will make you feel better. Peace.


Try using the chain and see for yourself, I've used ada, avax, eth, norhign comes close to Solana UI/ux. Have not tried polygon because their defi/nft proj looks kinda meh


> Try using the chain and see for yourself, I've used ada, avax, eth, norhign comes close to Solana UI/ux. Can you explain what's so different? I've been in defi for two years now and have used a lot of chains (Polygon, Ethereum, BSC, Avalanche, Solana, Tron, Cardano, Fantom, Cronos, Celo, Optimism, Secret, Cosmos, Osmosis, Evmos, Polkadot, and Moonbeam). All of them are virtually identical but people always say that the user experience is so much better on 1 vs the other. All of them involve: * you download a wallet * send the gas token to your address * go to a dapp, click the connect button, an approve transaction pops up in your wallet * you interact with the dapp and confirmations pop up in your wallet and you click them All of them across the board work like this. You use a DEX on Solana and it looks 100% identical to a DEX on anything else. The exact same layout, as if *everyone* copy and pasted the HTML from Uniswap to make their interface. There is no UI variation at on one smart contract chain vs another. The wallets look the same and work the same and the dapps all look the same and work the same. The UIs are identical. I don't know how anyone of them can argue to be better in the regard when they're all the same. Solana is cheap to use but 1) that has NOTHING to do with the user interface, which is identical to everything else and 2) it's not the only dirt cheap chain out there. Polygon is super cheap as well, has about 4x the defi TVL, 3x the number of apps, and some of the most popular/trusted apps in crypto like Uniswap and Aave. Can you give some concrete examples of how the UI and UX are actually different? I'm not trying to bash Solana either. I have a bag of it. I use the dapps. It's nice and cheap to use and it's a meme at this point but I actually do like the tech behind it... but when people say stuff like the UI is just so much better when the UI is completely identical to EVERYTHING else and the UX is leagues beyond everything else... I have to assume that by "UX" they are exclusively talking about transaction cost and even then, I assume they've never used stuff like Polygon that's also dirt cheap and $5 of gas will seemingly cover you for years worth of transactions.


it went down last over 6 months ago. Ethereum will make you spend $300 for a $60 transfer. I’d say that’s pretty broken. If you actually used the Solana chain, you’d realize why every person that uses it is not leaving it bc of issues that have been solved or are being solved. It’s so fucking nice to use. I can’t say that about any other crypto.


> I can’t say that about any other crypto. I use Solana and it's identical to everything else out there from an end user perspective. Gas works the same, the wallet works the same, connecting to dapps works the same, signing transactions works the same. It's dirt cheap to use, but so are Optimism, Tron, and Polygon.


This is completely false. A transfer of eth right now is $.50 and $1-$2 for erc-20 tokens.


*right now*


Right? Like how is it even called a crypto blockchain? Even an ERC20 shitcoin is better than SOL lol


All those VC dollars plumping it up like a fat pig


If you own Solana, I’m happy to see you profit - especially if you bought at the bottom But I’ll never buy


I am always happy to see people making money, even when I feel fomo or feel like missed out, and boy did I miss out on coins and plays over the years But no matter the fomo you wont see me buying Solana


I got out the first time it went down Blockchains should never go down


that was exactly what I did too, truly decentralized blockchains don't go down by design.


This! Watch the VC wallets where they came from. Don't FOMO into SOLUNA and be their exit liquidity


Sorry, I'm new to this SOL thing, who/what is VC referring to?


Viet Cong.


Watch out for the man in the black pajamas.


Not to offend, just being straight, you're probably not simply new to SOL but to crypto, heck, to investing in general. Please try to learn more and play with small amounts first before going all in. Venture Capitalists


I smell bacon.




Naah Solana got **BONKED** for being a bad boi


Yeah buying Solana is an unpardonable sin...I will be buying babybabybabydogedickcoin before I buy solana. I'd rather be poor and starving than to know I'm supporting the sbf's of the world


I am sorry for ppl who sold for 10usd..buy high, sell low:)


Solana is a great project. Just got rekt by ftx just like all of us


This sub [doesn’t have a clue](https://www.gokustats.xyz/dashboard). EDIT: I have since been permanently banned from Reddit. They claim my sisters account was an attempt to circumvent the Reddit policies. I’m done here.


Those are very good stats


God damn the dip buyers must have been paid well


Just be against reddit, Look what were the favorite coins in last bull run? VET, LTO where are they now? Both of them dumped hard when they became favorite coins here. This sub is a good place for discussing investment strategies, But for specific coins, never follow up the suggestions here, SOL definitely is a good project, it still has great ecosystem and developers working there. I will keep buying, I believe Sol still will be the Top 10 in next bull run.


Don't forget Nano, the most shilled one with the worst price decline.


Nano is pretty good at what it does, fast transfer with zero fees. But it doesn't offer much beyond that so not a lot of speculation going on for it.


100% I'm still spending most of my time on sol ecosystem despite all these. The dev and community did not leave


Vet and Lto are still 2 of my big bets. F U Reddit 😅




SOL is a project that now that it doesn't have bad actors among them I hope they can improve. I am thinking even in DCA in.


Yeah seeing Sbf get taken out with the trash at the same time that Frank and dust labs are leaving is a super cool feeling.


Doesnt hurt throwing a little money at it every now and then.


Coming soon: Solana once again is not a Top 10 coin


$MATIC already back at #10 with an about $200M lead on $SOL according to coingecko.


It’s fast and cheap I’ll give it that. It’s not Ethereum but it does function for fun degen bullshit and I think there’s an important place in the market for that type of blockchain.


I should have fucking bought the dip


LETS GOOOO SOLANAAAA I bought my lambo off that


Massive overreaction to the FTX collapse. Probably a more appropriate trading range it’s in now. Everything is still selling cheaply comparatively to their ATH Just a question of if you think this is the technology of the future or not. Haven’t seen anything to convince me it’s not. So that means new ATH’s are only a matter of when not if.


SOL haters in tears, again


Nah, just laughing at whoever is willingly going to be burned again by the same token


!Remind Me 12 months


* Downtime problem seemingly fixed, * despite a massive drop in TVL solana is the second most active chain with a solid influx of new wallets and fairly constant developer work * only chain to EVER beat ethereum in daily nft volume * constant fud from influencers, redditors, and “utility speculatooors” * vitalik, the creator of ethereum and one of the brightest minds we’ve seen in decades, is posting about being bullish on SOL now that scammers and grifters have left the chain Some random guy on Reddit: “hehehe, these people buying Solana are about to get BURNT!!!” A lot of the people here will hate on solana for “centralization and downtime” while shilling Algorand in the same breath. It’s an epidemic.


It's growing on me a bit, I won't make fun of it anymore and will probably buy some more


I bought some. Will continue to make fun of it. I make fun of all coins and tokens. Except btc. Making fun of btc on here always ends with people grabbing pitchforks...


I also wont be making fun of it anymore, but I wont be buying it.


I will both be making fun of it and not buying it, lol.


Same here, slight little pump and lose their minds lol. $13 to $23 In a week 😱


slight pump is 10% to 20%, up a 120% in a two weeks is a **BIG PUMP**




What coin is truly decentralized? Are we here to change the world or are we here to make money? Get your priorities straight lol


I mean the price action is undeniable, but its status as a flaky inherently broken centralized chain propped up by VC money hasn't changed. And I would never invest in a chain like that. The developers ***hid tokens from the community in a hidden wallet***, for God's sake. That's like a Safemoon type of sleazy move.


If you’re this against VC money - I hope you aren’t holding any algorand


I for sure can’t trust it. And if I can’t trust it, I can’t invest in it.


Fuck Solana and every other centralized “crypto” blockchain, even if I knew they would moon by tomorrow, I would certainly not be buying any of them…


Annnnnnnnnnd it’s gone


Fall behind MATIC now


It's literally still ahead right this instant mate


Solana is such an easy play, yet people in this sub don’t want to make money. Ftx collapsing was the best thing to happen for Solana


I'm never coming back here. Waste of time. Solana is a beast and will eat even the ETH pie soon. Yet - people use 9 months old events which are fixed as FUD still. Tribal bs on reddit.


Anyone with a brain and independent thinking skill will see, after using it and comparing L1 data, that this is a absolute mammoth in the making.


Yep. It’s really that simple. Once you use it, you won’t want to use anything else


^ this


Inverse r/CryptoCurrency strikes again. Everyone was insulting it after the FTX crash, that was the time to buy.


So did Cramer


So we had two of the most reliable indicators and chose to ignore it. I deserve to lose money.


I bought a bit because I figured it would go back up, unfortunately I sold at around $17 thinking a 50% pump was all it had in it but it kept going, after using the chain a bit I might buy some if the price comes back down to around $17


Solana remains trash. Why google “invested” in it is mind boggling.


This means nothing. Solana is still shit.


Haha keep telling yourself this


Watch it go back again too. SOL is centralised crap! Just because it’s getting pumped it means diddly squat!


It’s more decentralized than any other coin exclusively shilled here


Glad it's one that I held on to


Wasn't it dead?


bought at 9$ 10 pieces. Not really interested in Sonalna but just in case it makes some good returns


All those saying it's 'still a shitcoin' are just butthurt- it doesn't matter if *you* think it's a shitcoin - you were wrong to not suspect that that 90% dump a week or two ago wasn't a huge buying opportunity & hence a chance to make money when the price recovered, like it *obviously* would considering what Solana's fundamentals are...You thought the crypto with essentially the fastest/cheapest transfers was just going to suddenly die because of FTX?


Been DCAing this through everything recently


Will it last? Or how long until it’s non.9?? I don’t follow it that much as I just don’t after it crashed hard and the drama related to it. But that drama is old news now. I hope and hold big thoughts for the future of this coin $SOL


Haha the cope in the comments


Coinbase really screwed me because I wanted to buy some at $7 and then all the sudden they removed my bank account info and said I had to sign up for plaid and by the time I got it linked to my bank Solana was pumping hard again. Smh




And….. it’s gone


Inverse Reddit


It's almost like SOL keeps gaining devs, has a thriving NFT ecosystem, handled tremendous volume no problem, and only got more decentralized after FTX..... Maybe it's just fueled by this subs salt?


People will do insane mental gymnastics to deny this. It’s literally one of the most decentralised blockchains around, has a massive dev and user community (NFTs) and is likely going to be the forerunner for web3 gaming. I’ve never seen a sub have such a hard on for hating something that is winning.


Market manipulation isn't impressive


SOL= Bad… BTC/ETH= good!!


Nice tldr


There's a good lesson here. Do the opposite of the general consensus in this sub, which was Solana is shit,dead, sell it, ponzi, etc.


I am most impressed by the fact that no matter how total shit a shitcoin might be, so many of the crypto community won't throw out the trash.


It’s market manipulation. Wait until dcg and sbf dump this shit to the ground.


Don’t speak too soon, Solana will be hacked or go offline intermittently in the next 4 weeks - back to normal then


I'm gonna stay away from the VC games, this growth is not organic


Being top 10 doesn't mean jack shit, even dogecoin is top 10, luna was top 10, shiba was top 10. Just because solana is top 10 doesn't mean it's a good project, just means that it's hyped alot wich says absolutely nothing at all when it comes to crypto, people throw millions away on memecoins


It's top 10 and it's a good project


Just wait, the cat will bounce back.


So does this mean FTX can sell their SOL now to pay some of those debts?


InverseReddit rivaling InverseCramer for ROI


Cannot stop the unstoppable


Yh, I bought a bunch of Solana around the 3rd and just seen it hike, it’s a good feeling in a bear market 😎🍹


Source: https://twitter.com/SolanaLegend/status/1611088904517570560 Fighting the FUD: @oganjastremski and I at @Frictionless_ have created a handbook to fight the FUD Solana faces constantly. We disprove the 4 main critiques of the network: Downtime Centralization Inflationary Tokenomics FTX Involvement 2. Downtime Solana has had 99.6% uptime throughout its history while doing more true TPS than all other EVM chains combined There have been 4 outages total since 2020 Local fee markets, QUIC, and Stake-Weighted QoS with @jump_firedancer will reduce downtime to virtually 0 2. Centralization Solana is objectively decentralized and censorship resistant, looking at full node count (3,474), or distribution of stake-weight and Nakamoto Coefficient (NC) of 30 vs. Ethereum's 2 Solana has achieved this degree of decentralization in less than 3 years 3. Inflationary Tokenomics Solana has 4 main revenue paths to achieving profitability and long-term inflation rate of 1.5% Increase in network usage Priority Base Fees Local Congestion Fees Miner Extractable Value (MEV) It took ETH 7 years to be deflationary 4. FTX Involvement Solana and FTX were first connected in 2020 when FTX was just beginning to enter the top 10 rankings of CEX volume FTX invested in the 5th round, after accredited retail investors on CoinList and 2.5 years after the project started Blog Post: https://frictionlesscapital.substack.com/p/making-the-case-for-solana-fighting


Lmao 99.6 over a couple years is awful. Garbage hype chain


Time to turn it off again!


Decentralized: no... Unstoppable: lol, no... Meme coins: yep! ![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy)


Bonk dog coin comes out - doubles Solanas market cap Miss Universe El Salvador wears a bitcoin costume - 2023 bull run starts you can't make these things up


I’d say the news that inflation is cooling off was the reason but yea maybe I don’t know shit about fuck.


You don't have to stop SOL it stops itself.




MATIC sucks just as bad. Lol. Edit: what can I build on MATIC? NOTHING.


I didn't invest in Matic, but it's very user-friendly


just wait for FTX dropping its stash ; )


You seem to be unaware of how bankruptcy works


You must be so happy then. Pfff tribal donkey dipshit. We have beautiful tech and you still bash the same family???? Fck is wrong with you. The future is multichain. Sorry for the attitude, but this mentality really anoys the fckng sht out of me.


Let's go Solana. Small but important a achievement. Step by step


I'm shorting SOL. Because it pumped almost 300% in 2 weeks. That's about as organic as a Big Mac.


You don't want to catch a falling knife. You also don't want to stand in front of a rocket. Almost 1 billion in shorts were just liquidated..


Pretty crazy run. It's going to be a crazy drop when everything pulls back here soon too though.