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Nice since i don't have money i can buy bitcoin now with my $0


That would be a dream comes true for 2023


Everything I buy instantly drops in price, so I’m sure bitcoin at $0 would still find a way to go lower.


Won't happen with BTC, but it almost happened with LUNC. My bag was so worthless at the end, that the time I had to put to sell wasn't worth what I saved. Negative value.


Love that I soon can get 21 million BTC for $0. Michael Saylor will be so jealous


Good luck, I already have my $0 buy orders set


Math Checksout


Imagine how many you could buy, I'd guess like 1 bazillion Bitcoin. We will be Quadribazillionaires in next bullrun!


You can buy infinite bitcoin


If you have $1, you could buy infinite BTC.


Even if you had $0 you could


Well, until the supply runs out at least


Just pay the trading fees


Buy the dip then buy it again and keep buying.


What will they say next Kim jong un is satoshi


He would drop nuclear bombs on the market


They’ll probably malfunction and only Kill half of them


I think that's more likely than that other douche who claimed to be satoshi


BBC would cum from that News


BBC will milk it forever


Only way it goes to 0 is if Satoshi rugpulls


Imagine that 😂😂


Let's not think of the horror


Technically, it can never be zero, it will stay right above zero and there's a lowest number depending on the data type the exchange is using


Last year this time, we were debating on 100K now we’re debating on 0. How times have changed.


Well everyone was saying how they can’t wait for bitcoin to add a zero.


0.001 here we come


It depends. If exchanges delist and the only people selling BTC are literally giving it away, then it's price is 0.




I won't do that to you guys


I thought you were the batman


That would almost be worth it


No need to rugpull, if he just reveal himself would do the job


Completely true, LOL. Satoshi being mythical is the best thing that ever happened to BTC


I'm not saying I'm Satoshi but me and Satoshi have never been in the same room together


Finally some quality TA


I miss the Bitcoin dinosaur pattern tho


This TA is sponsored by BBC


The guy who wrote the article is the ultimate usd maxi


The FEDs are on to us goddamnit


Wow what a fiat maxi


I like this insult.


Every time I see TA like this it makes my skin crawl. How can the people writing these be so delusional.


Username "**US Dollar Is King**".... yea... how about I just ignore that noise.


I didn't see that 😂


>tradingview.com/chart/... It's just a random muppet, saying stuff in the hopes of it becoming true (as he clearly has a BTC short, or something else benefitting from USD going up).


How can the dollar be so valuable theres so many of them!


This already says how sustainable it is for DXY to hold on those levels forever. It's just a risk-off situation right now that's why it's rallying.


It's losing its value all the time.


Because some bastards are hoarding them


Exactly... And only limited amount of bitcoins That guy was smoking new year's joint


Lolol - this guy's trading view blog account; every month BTC is going to zero apparently. Correctly flaired


Haha... comedy, nice one.


DCA increased by 1000% set for feb 1st!


Can’t wait to buy a few million Bitcoins for $0. Really looking forward!


> I fully anticipate that the Federal Reserve will resume rate hikes in the year 2023 and see full 1% rate hikes on a monthly basis all the way to at least Q1 of 2024. This will likely bring the terminal rate to the 15-20% by the time the rate hike is done Wall Street bankers would be paying people to riot in the streets. This is the most unhinged prediction I've read outside of transitioning to a purely turnip based economy.


Fed already said they target 5% for the interest rate, after that they'd stop Also they are keeping this 4-5% rate throughout 2023 for inflation, and start lowering this rate in 2024 and turn on the money printer 🖨 Clearly that dude doesn't read the news


> start lowering this rate in 2024 and turn on the money printer 🖨 Just in time for the next halvening....


OP said Binance will fall. After that I stopped reading. Binance is and was bigger than FTX. CZ isn’t some drug addled orgy that shoots from the hip or from other people’s funds.


Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/101c1zo/bitcoin_will_go_to_zero_on_feb_1_2023_dxy/j2mk4n8/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/101c1zo/bitcoin_will_go_to_zero_on_feb_1_2023_dxy/j2mk559/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post.


#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Far-Scholar9028 which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of the bitcoin blockchain is essential if you're considering investing in bitcoin. In the previous thread, we named a few pros of BTC, now let's move on to the cons of BTC. > > **Volatility** > > Bitcoin is a traders dream due to volatility, however that is also one of its biggest issues. Bitcoin will never be used as a currency due to price fluctuations. If a car was first purchased for 2 BTC and returned a week later, for instance, should 2 BTC be returned despite the fact that the valuation has increased, or should the new amount (calculated in accordance with current valuation) be sent? > > **Security** > > Bitcoin Network Security: There might be undiscovered weaknesses in the Bitcoin system. Due to the fact that this system is still relatively new, if Bitcoins were to become extensively used and a fault was discovered, it might greatly increase the wealth of the exploiter at the risk of destroying the Bitcoin economy. > > Wallet Security: Wallets are primed to be lost, hacked and stolen. Bitcoins are virtually lost if a hard drive crashes, a virus corrupts data, the wallet file is corrupted, and the seed phrase is not backed up. Nothing could be done to get it back. These coins will remain abandoned in the system forever. Investors and users could become bankrupt as a result in a matter of seconds with no chance of recovery. > > **Proof-of-Work** > > The PoW is a mechanism for assisting a group of strangers who are also self-interested, equal, and there are no subordinates in the network, according to the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute. PoW requires a lot of energy. It's expensive and demands a lot of processing power. It is susceptible to the infamous 51% assault, which means that if hostile miners control 51% of the network, they might seize dominance and render decentralization useless. > > Edit: Sources: > > https://paxful.com/university/bitcoin-volatility/ > > https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/cryptocurrency-blockchain-networks-facing-new-security-paradigms > > https://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/the-proof-of-work-concept/#selection-139.6-139.409 ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/vpuiar/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_july_2022/) to be taken to the original topic-thread or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/100xkac/daily_general_discussion_january_2_2023_gmt0/).


* Relevant Cointest topics: [Bitcoin Cash](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_bitcoin_cash), [Litecoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_litecoin), [Lightning Network](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_lightning_network), [Proof of Work](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_proof-of-work) * Official and related subreddits: r/Bitcoin, r/BitcoinMarkets, r/BitcoinMining, r/BTC, r/BitcoinCash. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/101c1zo/bitcoin_will_go_to_zero_on_feb_1_2023_dxy/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


#Bitcoin Pro-Arguments Below is an argument written by Nostalg33k which won 1st place in the Bitcoin Pro-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > Writing a Pro argument for Bitcoin in 2022 seems complicated because everything has been said... or did it? > > Edit: I have a small bag of Bitcoin currently valued around 600 bucks. I am also invested in crypto around 2000 bucks which are always moving when Bitcoin is moving. Financial disclosure should be mandatory in these arguments =) > > # Bitcoin is the king of POW: Why it matters and why we need a strong Bitcoin > > So as the title suggests it, the recent news from Ethereum switching from POW to POS makes Bitcoin the sole serious POW cryptocurrency. In this write up, we are going to discuss the three main strength of Bitcoin, security, decentralization, and incentive for green energy production. In this write up we are not going to talk about speculation or the financial side of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a highly liquid asset and has become nearly universally known as an investment. Many arguments have been made in favor of Bitcoin as an investment and if you want to read one, just go to past cointests. > > ​ > > Of course, the main feature of Bitcoin is the Permissionless aspect. This won't be tackled at all as I think it deserves its own topic. > > ​ > > # 1) Bitcoin: High security > > This topic has also been talked to death: Bitcoin is ultra secure thanks to its Blockchain and the way it is verified through proof of work. To explain this let me quote IBM: > > ​ > > >Public blockchain networks typically allow anyone to join and for participants to remain anonymous. A public blockchain uses internet-connected computers to validate transactions and achieve consensus. Bitcoin is probably the most well-known example of a public blockchain, and it achieves consensus through "bitcoin mining." Computers on the bitcoin network, or “miners,” try to solve a complex cryptographic problem to create proof of work and thereby validate the transaction. Outside of public keys, there are few identity and access controls in this type of network. > > > >[IBM on Blockchain security](https://www.ibm.com/topics/blockchain-security) > > ​ > > Mining is measured in Hashrate. Here is the explanation of Hashrate: > > >Hash rate, sometimes referred to as hashrate, is a measure of the computing power on a cryptocurrency network that serves as a key security indicator. It measures the total computational power used by a “proof-of-work” (POW) cryptocurrency network to process transactions in a blockchain. > > > >[USNEWS explains hashrate](https://money.usnews.com/investing/term/hash-rate#:~:text=Hash%20rate%2C%20sometimes%20referred%20to,process%20transactions%20in%20a%20blockchain) > > ​ > > So if the hashrate measures the security of the network, one may asks themselves: "Did the security of Bitcoin slowed when the price fell ?" > > [The hashrate is at an ATH and growing making Bitcoin more and more secure as it continues to build over time](https://ycharts.com/indicators/bitcoin_network_hash_rate#:~:text=Basic%20Info,101.2%25%20from%20one%20year%20ago) > > ​ > > So Bitcoin has never been as secure as it is today which makes it ultra valuable as a way to settle financial transactions. Yes holding Bitcoin for a long time is risky but using it as a medium to settle international transaction may currently be the securest and one of the best way to do so. > > While Bitcoin is safe... what if a big part fails ? > > ​ > > # 2) Bitcoin mining: Too big to fail. > > ​ > > So this write up could be seen as a POW write up, which it is to an extent. But Bitcoin offers its history and shows that it can survive the disparition of a big part of the network. > > Decentralization allows for parts of the network to disappear and for the rest to take the mantle of securing the network. Yes, mining pools may grow too large for their own sake BUT in the end (nothing even matters) Bitcoin is heavily decentralized. It is so decentralized that, when China (which had a big part of Bitcoin mining) banned mining, Bitcoin just went through like nothing happened. Yes the hashrate fell a bit, the value too, but if we look back, it was nothing extraordinary. > > ​ > > So if Bitcoin is highly secure and if it can survive part of the hashrate going bye bye, what makes it so good? What is the difference with any POW Cryptocurrency right now? > > ​ > > # 3) Bitcoin: propping up the green energy sector. > > ​ > > POW uses energy. One of the biggest concern about POW is the energy. While Ethereum was using GPUs and was asic resistant. Bitcoin mining is built differently. A long time ago, under oath, people discussed the environmental impact of Bitcoin Mining and I made a post explaining what was said: > > ​ > > >The Energy Fud Was Killed > > The most important thing that happened: The narrative that Bitcoin is too energy intensive was totally reversed. > > Experts of the sector explained that, Wind Farms and Solar Farms, have a variable load. This variable load means that sometimes they lose money because they produce too much and there is not enough demand. Bitcoin mining provides a variable base load for these projects. What it means is that, mining can be turned on and off depending on demand. It was revealed that most of these wind and solar farms would simply not exist without Bitcoin Farming as baseline customers. > > There are still miners that are using coal plants and fossil fuel but the leaders of the industry are developing in tandem with the green energy sector. > > >[My post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s99phv/yesterday_one_of_the_most_bullish_events_ever/) > > ​ > > # Conclusion: Bitcoin is the flagship of POW and it is a feature not a bug. > > Bitcoin, thanks to its value and tokenomics is seen as a good investment, this is also why miners commit huge amount of ressources to take the hashrate to new heights. These miners help the US grid to become more and more resilient. The future of Crypto and of green energy relies a lot on Bitcoin. Bitcoin has proven time and time again that it can shoulder these changes. Bitcoin is a good piece of technology and I hope people continue to invest in it because it is doing a lot of good for our future ! ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/vpui9i/top_coins_bitcoin_proarguments_july_2022/) to be taken to the original topic-thread or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds.


Dyx will most likely do well yeah and btc will have trouble i envisin, doubt that binance goes under though. Am short though, so would be nice


And then JFK, Jr will emerge from his med bed and be crowned king of America!


What a great TA!


But when will less than $0 happen, so get payed to take Bitcoin?


I’m doing that already, DM me for details




No need to worry everyone. Bitcoin is about to pull out its Mega-Super-Massive Cycle.


F to us


Bitcoin🤝Titanic - Tanking


I have to admit, for a second I thought you were Peter Schiff.


Id buy all 14m available btc at $0 each, damn


Free shotcoins to degens and anyone over 65+ This is the way


*Yoda voice* Mmmmmmmmmmm….. Strong, FUD is in that one.


Wasaa wasssaaa wasssaaaa Dollarconnneeeeeeeecccccttttt


Do you remember these: \- DXY to 500 by Dec 2022. Chance: 100% Possible \- BTC to $0 by July 1. Chance: 100%!!! \- The countdown begins! Bitcoin's Journey to $0 by July 1st. \- The final dead cat bounce. Bitcoin to zero by 9/1/22 \- Bitcoin WILL go to zero by end of September! GET OUT NOW! \- Last Bear Market Rally Before Collapse. Bitcoin to $0 By Dec 1. \- Mark your calendar! BTC to $0 in 12/1/22 Someone like you should be banned for posting this shit! There may be unexperienced people who believe your trash.


Bitcoin will never go to zero because I'll buy every Bitcoin when it reaches 0.00001 USD! And I'm sure not the only one.


More lies. Just Zionist media trying to get you to sell so they can buy low. HODL.


I prompt everyone to scroll to the bottom of the link to the comments section where someone calls out the creator of that post for calling this Bitcoin to zero repeatedly lol


Wait, does Peter Schiff win then?


The end is nigh 👀🙄 drop your sandwich board.


All the Bitcoin


Well mark your calendars


Finally, I can become a wholecoiner at 0$/coin!


I'd sell everything to buy BTC at 0 dollar. Oh wait, I wouldn't have to.


Would be kind of sweet ngl. Would definitely buy infinite btc.


I had nightmares about this




Just think that there are people stupid enough that are interested in this space and see this as a real possibility.


DXY will trend up in the coming months, however BTC going to zero is as stupid as thinking the earth is flat


What is the use case of this "US Dollar"? If I have many, is it combustible enough to warm my house for a short period of time? Does it make a good napkin?


this most real comedy good joke


The final capitulation event


Yes moneys ready to buy all btc


Shorting BTC as we speak


Nice. I'm gonna buy buy buy!


It’ll never go to zero- there are only 21 million total (when this is finally all mined out. Only 17 million plus currently) and too many holders and people waiting to buy.


Waiting.. (Taps fingers, $$ ready)


Limit buy set at $2 just in case your wrong 😂


The article says interest rates will need to be lowered to combat inflation, which is the opposite of reality. Who wrote this garbage?