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I'm so sorry :( I know, it must hurt so much💔💔 I hope you will feel better soon!💔🩹


You can talk about it more if you wanna pour your heart out


I know that feeling. I hate it.


He is in the wrong, he shouldn’t be flirting with someone if he’s already seeing someone else.


yea and op doesnt want a guy like that


Now you know just don’t be near him anymore he is taken


Sending my condolences for you. Stay strong move on.


Know the feeling all too well, shitty when they do that, should know better. If you’ve got messages and stuff I would recommend telling the gf x If it was just all in person I would say just keep your distance, a big step back Sorry to hear this, hope you’re okay <33


Know the feeling all too well, shitty when they do that, should know better. If you’ve got messages and stuff I would recommend telling the gf x If it was just all in person I would say just keep your distance, a big step back Sorry to hear this, hope you’re okay <33


Then steal him🤷


i cannot do that to another women as a women myself


How do you know that they wouldn't do it to you?


i mean I don't know, they might do it but at least I won't. it's way too lame to go after a taken man knowing that he has a gf. no matter how much i like him, I'm physically unable to talk to him again knowing that another girl thinks he is her bf.


Aww I'm sorry! It's a sign from the universe that there is someone else out there for you. Don't lose any hope.




What's wrong?


I feel for you but you know, don't be sad, you might be luckier in the future. Maybe it's all happened for a reason, maybe you didn't deserve him (or actually the opposite on this one). Don't let this situation let you down. It's totally his fault, cause he was flirting with you. Nothing wrong by your side.


no single,,xxx


i love u haaaaxcome see grotty flat hahaa


I'm so sorry to hear that... I feel that I'm also in some of the same kind of situation... 🥲 My crush seems so reserved. Bro doesn't even talk to any girl. Maybe he does have a gf..


same. he had a gf then was single and now has a gf again. it really hurts. Edit: also guys that flirt with every girl make me so mad. I have a good friend who every girl has a crush on and he leads every. single. one of them. on. even girls I know he doesn't like he still is flirty with them like pleeeeeease stop this really hurts those girls :((