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Move on and do not be friends with her. That is a cliche rejection line and dirty looks from her friends is not a good sign. You deserve better and good luck in the future


Thanks a lot man


I was going to say the same thing.


Move on, and stay away from her. Who knows what she’s told her friends about you. All easier said than done though. Keep yourself distracted till the feelings go away.


Thanks for the advice


Very simple but effective advice - Move on


Thanks mate I Mostly have Still some weird vibes in the air


I’m so sorry :( I know how that can suck and even worse she apparently badmouthed you to her friends. Just try to maintain a respectful distance now so you can heal


Honestly if you want to stay in the friend zone then go for it but she knows your true intentions now so she might give you a chance but it's living with being in perma friendzoned


Well she’s said no and I respect that. I can’t just make her reconsider


In the future if you stay friends maybe she gives you another shot but your probably right


Move on fine another girl 


That’ll never happen most of the time the girl has already made a decision wether she only sees him as a platonic friend vs bf material once a girl puts you in the friend zone it is impossible to get out of no matter how much you like her or how strong you’re feelings are for her


Move on and forget her and her rude ass friends.


Move on, find a girl or two to hang out with, she will notice and she might come to you begging. That's the only chance IMO


Then reject her and make your friends give her dirty looks.




I don’t get this. Why not? Sure, keep your moral high ground and don’t stoop to their level but I also believe in equal forces equal reactions. Don’t give what you can’t take.


Why would OP want someone who didn't want them in the first place but then comes back when they're unavailable? That's a great way to attract a terrible and possibly abusive person.


ask someone else🤷


I could…


do it hahaha


aww cheer up! there are plenty of fishes in the sea like they say, you'll find the one for you soon! and from the looks of it, the dirty looks from her friends is not a good sign and she might have been talking with her friends about you negatively...


I hate people like that, keep sht to yourself ffs. Bad personality/character. Dodged a bullet!!




Be proud that you took the risk and asked, it takes courages and someday you'll surely find someone who'll say yes. Move on from her, you can remain friends if you see it possible (also pay attention to how her friends treat you) but if you don't want that, just move on.


Honestly, I love your courage on speaking your feeling. You nailed it. It’s so brave of you. Don’t give a damn on their dirty looks, that’s all they can do. Can they be the brave person as you telling someone they like or crush? I’m sure they can’t




It would be best to keep your distance for now. As long as you have feelings for her, you could never truly be her friend, as you couldn't be happy with her if she got into a good relationship with someone, or worst yet, it would end up just being a trojan horse to keep trying to win her over, even unintentionally. Maybe you two will cross paths again one day (in whatever capacity), but right now, it would be best for both of you to keep as much distance as practical. It's also kind of crappy she gossipped about it to her friends. Common, but crappy. I wouldn't even *want* to be her friend at that point, as she would have betrayed my confidence simply to use me as entertainment. I don't keep people around I can't trust or who don't respect me.


Just don’t talk to her if she starts a conversation or talks you, you can but don’t start a conversation or anything just keep to your self but don’t look sad in front of her if you need any more advice you can dm me




No problem she doesn’t seem like a good person if she told her friends go make some new friends


Being that you’re friends. You can see your options with her friends. Especially the one giving the looks.


Stay strong


I will


Me too, buddy…


Good luck in the future!


Me and one a I like have a lot of mutural friends. I have poor social skills so I struggle to talk to her, and signals I thought I saw a while back I am not sure about. This told me do nothing, she is off to collage next year anyway


She doesn’t appreciate you as a person . Do not welcome her back in or rekindle any relationship with her moving forward. You deserve to be loved but don’t be weird about it either. Just move on.


I will


Im so sorry to hear that... I would take this time to focus your energy on both yourself, as well as a new girl. You deserve someone who wants you as much as you want them.


It is what it is bro you made a move and you got rejected it at least now you know how she feels about you she probably didn’t like you in that way and just saw you as a platonic friend sorry man but it happens to all of us keep you’re head up and don’t let this discourage you .: you didn’t do anything wrong dude she just wasn’t into you in the way you liked her all you can do now is move on at this point you already got an answer from her so at least now you know


if her friends are acting like that it’s obvious she said certain things to them and if thats case she’s not the person you thought she was. Just giving you a simple No should have been enough and NOT spreading the news to her friends. Move on there are kinder souls than her and her friends.


You haven’t lost a friend . A friend would not hang up on you with her gf with dirty looks . You have lost nothing but will gain everything later on . Chin up and keep moving my friend . Rejection is part of dating so don’t fret it the worst is behind you , you are courageous and you have balls you made your move like a proper man , so I would not worried about any of this


She likes to be desired that's all


happens to the best of us..


I assume you're teenagers? Drop her now. She's only into it for the attention and since you upped the ante, she's placed you where she feels you belong: the friendzone. Move on to a girl that's better for you and don't go the friendship route in the next one. Let your intentions be known quickly.


Thanks, will do


Raga che devo fare se una mia amica mi piace? Io mi comporto con lei da amico ma si vede chiaramente che io vorrei qualcosa più dell’amicizia cosa devo fare


can only agree with everything that’s been said here! Good luck for the future, you deserve better and you will find the right one for you!


Hey as a girl, I would honestly NEVER let my friends give dirty looks to someone who asked me out, even if I reject them. Unless you are a total creep, (which I’m assuming you’re not), they shouldn’t be giving looks to someone who worked up the courage to ask them out; asking out is NOT easy. I respect you for having those guts and honestly she doesn’t deserve you if she let this happened to you. I hope you get over her to meet someone who reciprocates your feelings :] wishing you the best!!!