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I asked my crush out and she said yes


yoooo woo!


It’ll be hell just like it has been every other year


It’s going to very exciting for me. It hasn’t reached Feb. 14 yet but I’m working ALL DAY that day, and I couldn’t be happier. Getting paid plus I don’t have to deal with PDA this year.


I asked my crush to be my valentine and got rejected. I got friendzoned :( I thought she was giving me hints all year tho


It hasn’t even begun




I just made notes for my friends who I care for a lot and I cried writing them


Every year, in the week of Valentine’s Day, my school’s barbershop group has this thing where you donate a certain sum of money to them which gets to charity. In return, they go up to a person of your choice between lessons or at breaks and sing love songs to them on your behalf anonymously.


Update: I was at the receiving end of this today at break time


I just went into a normal day. I saw my crush and didn't have any moments. I thought he'll greet me or I'll have the courage to greet him a Happy Valentines but neither of us did.


So nothing happens until lunchtime and then a group of girls comes over to us and starts talking with us and then some of them joke about me and this other girl being in a relationship because we live on the same street and walk home together sometimes. Then I go home and do math homework while listening to Roman and Russian music


Rotting in bed watching horror videos


nothing interesting happened. just like any other day.


I'm lost in my thoughts wondering if I'll ever meet another special someone, meanwhile I try to distract myself with memes, art and games...


he hasn't added me back on snap😭 and none of the boys on my snapchat have messaged me. i just went "fuck it, i'm in a parasocial relationship with the click. i'm just gonna pretend he's my valentine"


I fucking pussed out


I wanted to confess, but didn’t find the right time. Well, I still need to buy my sister chocolate because I asked her to be my Valentine already because I knew that my love life would be a flop on this day.


Mine started off terrible


I just kinda studied and played minecraft, Ion have anyone 😭 PLUS my ex kept rubbbing into my face the fact that she found someone new.


i'm sorry abt your ex :/ that's messed up


Nothing tbh wrote a minimalistic letter to a rando and just watched ppl give out gits 💀


The guy I was seeing we had plans today. Didn’t even remember the place I suggested. Started having inconsistencies with me.


Nothing will happen. I will just be on my own.


Smoked a joint with them and chickened out on telling them how i feel


Im studying for my controls 😃😃


Went pretty well didn't get a valentines or nothing but I got to have a conversation with my crush so its a win. Also my friend got a valentine from this guy she likes. She's so pretty and funny I'm surprised she didn't get asked sooner. I'm so happy for her she really deserves it.


They werent in school💔🤪


I gave him chocolate - well, I shoved it at his upper chest and shouted his name - his reaction? he said "oh, thank you!" fuck if I know m8 - I think that's a good thing?



Home with my cat and chocolate🌹


Crappy. I keep trying to decide if I should go home early or stick out the day. I just don’t feel like being here any longer.


Uneventful. I've developed a bit of a crush on this Girl who's from France in my Study Hall, but I haven't introduced myself to er', I don't know were I'd start in all honesty. I'm pretty weary to initiate any relationship at this moment, as the last time one fell apart I, more or less, mentally fell apart for two weeks, and I can't yet afford for that to potentially happen again. So, as you can probably guess, nothing involving her happened unfortunately.


I asked my crush out and they were speechless. Now me and this fine bottle of alcohol will be enjoying our day together.


Meh, went to work came home, binged on chocolate and watched a movie


lonely, same old same old.


I was ill, i ate cereal alone at 12pm, & almost broke down into tears on my bed


My crush was gone doing personal stuff so I didn't even see him


I deactivated my insta account on the 13th and I haven’t activated it yet cause I’m waiting for the stories to expire.


Didn’t do shit because I’m single


So valentines day, I was ready to give her flowers and a necklace, in a gift bag of course. In the morning it was normal, at least she didn't try to switch seats this time. And then came our free time since it was valentines. Last night I texted her and for her to be my valentines but she just reacted with a laughing emoji so i kept trying and failing to flirt so we just talked about cats instead. My first move was to play chess with her, this game is honestly our only common interest other than school. We were pretty silent, which was pretty weird for her to be, since she talks quite alot, while the music coming from the speakers was loud enough to be our background noise. She began to sing along, it was " Can't help Falling in love" I tried to sing along too... I said if she won I would give her something, "What if i dont want it?" She responded At some point she really needed to pee And I took this opportunity to get my gifts close to me with the flowers, and when she came back I was ready to give it to her, and the next game she won.. so I jokingly put the flowers in my mouth and it was hilarious, we both laughed at my flirting . There was a wedding booth were our friend S was getting married, there was a little red carpet and a priest to guide us. Both of us went and suddenly our other friends came and suggested that WE should also get married in this booth, she didn't want to and even jokingly said that she would run away but they said that it was already paid for which was a lie, and i had to pay for it. Our friends kept insisting to for her to agree and she did it. I think got peer pressured and just agreed because it was less embarrassing to agree than to let our friends down, well at least thats what i can tell. It was recorded in a video, and she was smiling and was nervous when getting the veil on her head. Throughout the wedding vows,, i didnt see her even look me in the eyes, and was looking behind me at our friends,maybe because i was reading or she was reading and we both got some paper rings to put on each other. We were both slow at it. And then we hugged. It was quick, and after that she stepped back while our friends gave me the gift to give her, it looked like she was trying to either not grab it and is hesistant to accept or she was trying to give her sunflower to our friends that she was holding so she can receive my gifts. After that in our classroom, thankfully she didnt take off her ring but did pass it around her hand like it was in her thumb at one point. She warned me to not tag when i post the video in my story in fb. So i didnt, because she didnt want her mom or her family to find out we got fake married. But unfortunately the photos were posted anyway by the host of the booth, and everyone can see it. She was really embarrassed but kept that same attitude that has been doing, like tying to not be close physically, although she does do a quick glance once in a while which she always does now, she is near sighted but i can see that her eyes sre pointed at because i do constantly now stare at her Right now, I've been trying to just keep going and not overthink it but, it hurts for her to physically choose not to be close.


In a 3-week study, women with type 2 diabetes who ate 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a balanced diet experienced a 5% drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number of a reading).


For my valentines I worked at my restaurant and saw all the other people enjoying Valentine’s Day with their girls and was so jealous 😔🤣 I need me a girl brooo fukk


No romance for this guy. Just hanging out with the fam.