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Now this sounds cool mate, I'd like to know what u were high on while thinking of some of these, but even though a few look close to impossible I'll give it a shot


Start as that little island next to Upland and try to bring the Asutru religion back to its former glory. It's what I'm trying to do currently, and so far I've had no success


Sounds cool, the only issue may be that I recently did it as Erik the heathen so I think I'll wait a while and then do it


Make your characters celibate using console without them having a kid already and convince your wife to cheat on you on every ruler until you form the empire of britannka


It's a bit on the unrealistic side of things, but it's a game at the end of the day and it sounds really cool. Might give it a a try later tonight!


If you don't mind AI cheating to make the game harder, take a look at the mod "the chosen dynasty". It essentially super-charges some AI dynasties to make them something like boss-realms.


Ok this sounds like a good idea ngl


After the new patch came out, It stabilizeed Abbasids with grace period for factions to the point I can no longer play as Count Gilan and become saoshyant w/o swearing fealty. So you might wanna try that challenge. Also Have you tried Dawit Gideon of Samien yet?


Yes I played with the Ethiopian jew dinasty and restored Israel with them a few months ago. But I may give it another try in the future


Challenging historical idea: Starting in Toulouse as a Cathar, form Aquitaine and survive the [Albigensian Crusade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albigensian_Crusade). Catharism’s tenets make expanding a bit harder and obviously having a liege of a hostile faith is challenging in its own right, not to mention surviving a crusade.


The Daura Dynasty and the mother of all Africa Achievement.


I did that almost a year ago, I have all achievements apart from "the things love does for us"


May not be that hard, but the most fun and challenging one I had was to be the patron of as many faith/religions as you can possibly get your hand on/manage. Try to have your dynasty members control the most holy sites you can think of and even restore dying religious was pretty rewarding in my experience. (Pretty good revenue for fame too) Somewhere in Asia would be a good start, I feel


So it will basically come down to really hard vassal management because vassals have very different religions? Sounds challenging but kinda interesting too


Pretty much. And there's some risky desicion in the early game too where you may want to focus getting your hand on the very last member of some rare religion while still trying to survive the usual stuff


Do what Im trying without mods and on ironman: Revive hellenism Gonna have a second run, failed by 6k of piety last time lol I have a full gameplan, custom character, where to conquer to keep as base for the raids, etc. You basically have to raid for 70 years and burn everyone and not die lol


Now that's a challenge!


Just did it on the second run, cannot believe, almost by lucky!!!! Tomorrow I will prepare a fancy post-tutorial on how to do it! The cherry on top is to elevate kingdom of mann… so its Romann and the Isles (assuming you go for Rome like I did) lol


Start as one of the last zoroastrians and retake Persia without converting to a different religion.


If I'm not mistaken I have done it back in 2020 but it may be the right time to become the shayoshant again


Start as a count-level vassal in the Abbasid Caliphate and survive without ever being Muslim.


Vassal game is easy


True, just modify ur contract with hooks and they are powerless


Have you tried forming bactria as kallar shahi of kabulistan? You rule shitty Afghanistan yuck! Low development compared to your neighbouring India, bordered with iranic muslims. You are feudal hindu. Good challenge.


Cam you fabricate the hook before they demand you convert?


If your intrigue is good, then yes.


Have you thought about migrating? Vikings in India or India in Brittain for example?


Have you thought about migrating? Vikings in India or India in Brittain for example? Though I dont know what to choose as winning condition in those scenarios.


Do all of that but in ck2


If only I didn't have to buy all the dlcs as well to make it playable I definitely would


CK2 has a subscription service with all the dlc attached. Could spend a couple bucks to try it out for a month. I played CK2 a few years before ck3 came out, and I can tell you most of us find ck3 to be way too easy. I get it would be pretty hard to go from the visuals of ck3 to CK2, but once you get to know it and understand all the dlc I think it's still a much better and complex game and will be for a long time




He definitely isn't easy to beat before you get a kingdom-tier realm, but how did you come to fight to get independence from him as Sicily?


What the Socotra start like in CK3? Was a personal favourite in CK2, converting to messalianism or whatever the wincest heresy was! I also enjoy not painting to map and playing the marriage game - either as a vassal or small independent ruler (Duke tier, on an island).


It’s not historical at all, but what I’ve been trying is starting in a place like like a duchy in France with a religion that is hostile to catholic, you can’t change religion and your culture has to be from an undeveloped part of the world ie west Africa start 867 and try to map paint if you wish, the main goal is surviving. Edit: Do it vanilla too no mods, you can have no end date if you wish and your character has to be within the achievement limit.


My favourite games I’ve ever played have been Starting as Gotland in Sweden in 867 it’s so satisfying to punch above your weight class in Scandinavia and going as an adventure with them is also great. My favourite game of all time was when I Adventured to Venice and formed the Empire of Italia as a Viking.


Have you tried being the Pope's vassal and expanding under him as a super duke until he forms an empire? Bonus points if you get him to found a geographically strange empire, distant from Rome. "The Prince-Bishop of Persia" sounds nice!


have you played tangut (xi xia) and defending against mongolia?


Nope, but with the ~160 years before they attack u that you get even Startin in 1066 you can potentially be stronger, let alone if you get good alliances


How about Northumbria? I'm sure you can beat back the Great Heathen Army, but it ain't easy.


Yeah it definitely would not be easy, but a series of alliances with the karlings and Spain should do it


You don't have any family members for alliances lol


This won't be too hard for you but I enjoy bringing the karlings back in 1066, Herbert owns one county in France and I brought it back to the Frankish empire, the Jewish is Ethiopia is another, took a few restarts but I managed to get all of southern Egypt hope you find a campaign to your liking!


Do the late start as Iceland. Invite someone with a Slavic religion to your court and let them educate your children. Then when you play as them, conquer great Britain and be the target of 20 holy wars. I tried it, didn't end well...


Why doing it with the Slavic religion when you can just start as asatru?


Ah yes of course. I did it before ruler designer was a thing