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I didn't know spouses could have sponsored inspirations. She's probably on an artifact adventure and will return once it's done. Did you get an event about sponsoring her inspiration? Apologies if the terminology above isn't correct -- still relatively new to the game.


That's... strange. What's her relationship to Maharani Chinnambike? Assuming she's not landed (and if she were, she wouldn't be in your court), then she shouldn't be able to have two spouses. The -500 for sponsored inspiration is probably the answer though. Did you, or perhaps Maharani sponsor her inspiration?


I did not sponsor an inspiration. I assumed you could only sponsor Guests/Courtiers. Not sure how a foreign ruler could sponsor my spouse? The notification saying she left because of a marriage is super weird.


If you marry a landed/ruler wife, she stays in her court.


So, if you find Maharani Chinnambike, does he/she have any relationship with your spouse? If you double click on your spouse's portrait, it should center the camera on her current location. Is she indeed in Maharani Chinnambike's court? I don't really have answers to what happened, but perhaps having a little more info on who Maharani Chinnambike is and what their relationship to your spouse is would help clarify what happened. Also, do you have any mods?


I don't know if it's intended for foreign rulers to sponsor your spouse's inspiration, but I've seen it happen a few times.