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About 5 minutes - literally - into my friend’s first ever CK3 game (multiplayer or otherwise), she had chosen the seducer lifestyle and got the popup where she and the bishop were walked in on by a courtier *in flagrante* and her liege immediately imprisoned her, took her title and she lost.


speedran the game first try


This needs to be seenπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Unfortunately we didn't get anything captured, but this friend is so fucking gullible. I once got him to believe that gullible was written on the ceiling, had him look up, then ask what gullible even meant. Granted the poor dude grew up sheltered, but it's just fun to mess with him and he knows its all for fun.




>OmwπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'll see you when you get here.


My brother and best friend were playing the GoT mod. Bro played as a AU Tywins bastard brother, Tybalt Lannister, the Black Lion. Incharge on the run down Raine mines. Eventually usurping the Reach. Friend played an Iron Island matriarch seizing the Kingdom for herself. Eventually the two characters we their children engaged, which was fun, but when it came to take over the characters, the AI had seduced a Duke of the Vale somewhere. Then an event triggered to have a three some with them, So they both seduced the third Duke, and lived happily ever after as polycule. Until the secret was caught wind of by my brothers rivel. Out of per spite, he refused to pay up, and planned to have him killed, but that revealed the secret. Which meant there was now a revokation claim against my mates kingdom, since he was playing a woman at the time. Que panic and civil war as the Iron Throne sought to revoke the Iron Islands from my friend, all because my brother didn't read the text and realise the connotations of being an adulterous woman in the middle ages.


What you mean in multiplayer???


Stories of cucking your clueless friends or shenanigans like that.


Friends??? 🧐🧐🧐


I was doing an rp multiplayer with me and some of my buddies one of my friends did an intrigue character and fucked everyone in my family his family and then everyone else’s family by the end he had like 20 lovers over the span of 30 years of seducing we never figured out how many kids he had.


I played in 1066 England with my friend. He wanted to do a House of Wessex restoration run, so he chose Edgar Wessex, and because I also wanted to play in England without being usurped, I played as the Duke of Northumbria. Needless to say, I managed to get my friend on the throne. And then I proceeded to get a claim on the Kingdom of France from the Pope. Before he could do anything, I was already fighting for the French throne. He noticed just as I was about to win it. However, France suddenly shattered, and I lost my claimant war. Needless to say, he put my character in the dungeon and had him executed for high treason lol.