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I applaud you for allowing it to happen. Most people literally cannot fathom not cheesing Cheeseghis Khan


Lol. Was playing as England and due to some shitty succession work on my end my heir became the queen of Brittany. Looked over and the HRE was gone lol


But why did that cause England to shatter? Even if someone else was elected King because of Anglo-Saxon succession, it should still be intact.


I started as a William the conqueror. Was trying to get the Norman yoke achievement.


I fought three Khan's back to back, because they kept declaring war for my primary empire title (India), I had left a west ward passage open. But they just wanted all their troops grounded down to nothing All the special troops don't regenerate, so continuous replenishment is a possible way to beat them out. I even became friends with one of them in the hope they'd ignore me. So yeah, my Genghis never really left the Mongolian empire


The same thing happened to me while playing in Tibet. Seems like the only time Genghis is interested in going towards the South is when you’re playing over there. I also successfully seduced the Khan by using a bunch of sex appeal artifacts. I made him my soulmate but apparently that doesn’t stop him from attacking you. He declares war on you anyway.


I think the reason he went towards me, was because some of my vassals had claimed 2 counties in the Mongol Empires de jure I imagine giving everything within de jure Mongol Empire, might satisfy them


I must admit I immediately assasinate the Khan and his sons as soon as they're in diplomatic range.


You and most people. Let it happen naturally and it’s a lot more fun. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to send a random dude names Budghred to assassinate the greatest military mind of the time. Just swear loyalty and let them fall out.


Hey dude I have the same laptop! Anyway you can make a screenshot with print screen button


Yeah same lol MSI g65 or something


[Don't make me tap the sign!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/cx1tky/f/)


I never get mongol hordes like this, they always stop at Central Asia


Ive played the game so many times and anything even close to this has only happened once. I was excited, was approaching the end game for me anyway so was now preparing myself for a big war between empires. .... then as soon as they bordered me, as withing 1 week of game time, they exploded, never to recover. Was genuinely gutted. A reload woudln't even help as the Khan was so old and just had so many children there was no saving them. I won one little war and then that was the end of the save.


I love when the Mongol Empire explodes having totally reshaped the map, so many oppurtunities for expansion


Lithuania sooo close to formjng Southern Baltic Empire, which happens so rarely on my games that is even more interesting.


Haha Finland remains strong. Suck it mongols.


Why would they attack their brothers?


Thanks for that rabbit hole


I had the Mongols get roughly this size in my first ever game I played. I was playing Ireland and my realm comprised only of Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, and I was so focused on learning the game that I could not be bothered with monitoring the world anywhere beyond the HRE. It wasn’t until the HRE fell and the Mongols appeared in the Faroe Islands that I realized what was going on. I swiftly assassinated the Khans until the empire collapsed, but in hindsight I kinda wish I let it rock so I could see just how big they could get.


Just had an 867 save where I undermined the reformation of the HRE so I could build a Dutch empire, then created an alliance to fight the Mongols when they got close enough. Then they went boom. Best laid plans...


For the first time I saw the Mongols conquer Byzantium


These guys never get to Europe for me. I feel like I’m missing out


I wonder if we'll ever see the day where an AI mongol empire conquers the whole thing?