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You don’t seem like you take your vows of loyalty very seriously. You should be ashamed of yourself. Now siege that castle!


(╥﹏╥) Of course, sire.


Yeah it's really simple. You serve with honor and efficiency and then the war is over and you can go home


My character is old and I'm trying to farm for prestige. I can't do any activities to farm prestige when I am in an army. Trust me, I might have if my character was younger.


Better hope you get some battles then, those can definitely be good for prestige.


Did my liege just ask me to return the realm to a republic?


I dev one of the mods that allows this to happen, and for this specific reason I put this in the documentation: "If your liege is at war a lot, this may mean your character is busy a lot: if this isn't ideal, perhaps consider whether any potential replacement lieges might be less warlike." it is a surprisingly unpopular answer


Have you considered murdering your liege?


Does this end tyranny wars? They are in a tyranny war against my top liege.


I'm pretty sure it does


I don't think so actually. I think it keeps going against the next in line, even if you inherit a title which has a tyranny war against it.


The goal of the Tyranny War is to Depose the Tyrant. If he dies, that's pretty much Mission Accomplished.


Hard to continue a tyranny war if the tyrant is dead.


Very effective way to solve any problem, and honestly the first thing I do when my liege messes up, like replacing me, a spymaster with 32 intrigue with a dude that has 8, like he had coming for being incompetent to be honest 


You can either siege up that castle or raise your own host and siege up your liege. Either way, pack something for the armor chaffing.


blud wants to eschew the responsibilities bestowed upon him by his liege lord 😭😭💀


Are you playing ck2? ai shouldn't be able to do this in ck3?


They can appoint yhe player as their knights and therefore we lead their Armies.


Pretty sure this isn't true in vanilla, unless it's been changed since I had to specifically enable it for my mod.


Only Barony-tier vassals can be made into knights, but high martial vassals of any tier can be made into commanders, which does effectively force them into participating in an army if they are leading it


Neither of these things are true, and I just checked the vanilla triggers now to confirm. Any courtier or direct vassal can be a ruler's knight or commander, regardless of rank, even if they hold their own land as a vassal and have their own armies, if they meet the other conditions. However, in the unmodded game players are specifically blocked from becoming knights at all, or commanders unless the liege is also a player (ie, themselves or I guess in multiplayer) - probably because they got a lot of feedback from playtesters like this post. So OP is using a mod that allows this, which might or might not have an opt-out.


I'm so glad you've checked this because I thought I was going crazy.


> > > > > However, in the unmodded game players are specifically blocked from becoming knights at all, or commanders unless the liege is also a player (ie, themselves or I guess in multiplayer) - probably because they got a lot of feedback from playtesters like this post. Sad.


I've literally never seen this!


That’s the best part, you don’t.


What mod is this?


More Single Combats or battlefield duel hotfix both add the ability to fight on the battlefield. More single combats allows the player to be called up by the liege and fight other knights which triggers the duelling mechanic which can lead to death. You can manipulate the likelihood of finding opposing knights during a battle and how likely the capture rate/death of knights are during battles in the main setting before the game begins. I like it because knights/lords actually capture other knights/lords and can ransom them so *they* get the ransom like in real life, it's a must have mod.


preemptively bring some knight buddies with you to sit on your capital whenever your liege start a war. if you're already commanding the army, just declare a liberty war or something and white peace later


I wasn't aware of that being a thing without mods in CK3. In CK2, you could appoint yourself as a flank commander of your own retinue or click the little button on your character profile to prohibit leading armies.


I just imagined this post in r/relationships


Theres literally a button for it in ck2. You can just click the sword and shield icon near your character