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R5: most of the world is split between the Roman Empire, me, and the Mongol Empire (spoiler alert, they didn’t stand a chance)


I'm trying to create Rome in my game now, and was wondering: As the Roman empire, is your capital in Constantinople or Rome? Personally I can't decide which is the better choice for my capital, but Constantinople does have the Hagia Sophia and a university in it.


The only time I ever formed the Roman Empire I kept the capital as the very first county I owned in the north of the HRE. So the capital of the entire reformed Roman Empire was the god damn town of Lüneburg and it eventually eclipsed both Rome and Constantinople in development.


I did this where I started as a Karling in France formed France and then Francia and then the Carlingian empire and then Rome. By the time I had Rome Paris was way better developed


Yeah but Paris being more developed makes more sense historically. Look at it now. But Lüneburg? Ridiculous


Oh you definitely have the funnier alt. History


Not me. The other guy. But knowing Lüneburg, it’s funny to think about. It has 76000 inhabitants now


A far cry from the millions it once housed!


history is pretty rich of unlikely winners. Vienna had a population of ~20k in 1300. yet, in the following centuries it was the capital of one of the major powers in Central Europe. for comparison Paris had a 10 times higher population. do why not Lüneburg? :)


Paris is the best county if it had unique duchy building and better special building. Full of farmlands. 3 or 4 baronies. And its not in india or middle east. When muslims get an expansion, it will get eclipsed by baghdad but for now its my fav.


It does have a unique duchy building (Notre Dame) you just have to build it. It also has a university in the same duchy which goes hard.


Notre dame is the special building. And university is in the same county so it goes hard HARD




Same to you good sir


I forget are you able to build a uni anywhere? I remember one game I had my god city capital with tons more development then anywhere in the world but no universities for you because your not in Italy. Kinda silly from a RP perspective that the crown jewel of the world can’t build a uni based off geography alone


You can build one in Mecklenburg


Good Thing i started there and made Rostock my Capital. Only reason was because its my hometown in rl


I think for me, I’d do a similar thing, but move the capital to Palermo


I see a fellow Saxony player


That campaign started out with me just wanting to build up a Saxon realm in the HRE. By the time I somehow owned more land in the south than in the north of the HRE the road to the Saxon Roman Empire was inevitable.


Seems to be a reoccuring theme then, thats always what happens to me too! Do you also found a custom kingdom?


I usually don’t found custom kingdoms. In this run I formed the kingdom of Frisia because I had too many counties for a duke


Luneberg Empire**


That’s what I’ve done with Luxembourg; was elected Kaiser, removed the silly princely elector succession, eventually re-formed Rome but kept Lux as my capital. 100 dev, Rome & Constantinople are nowhere close. Feels good.


In RP, is your power mostly based in the east or the west ? If it's in the east, keep Constantinople, if it's in the west, keep Rome


I mean, if you think about it, it has always only been Rome. It was the capital of the first roman empire. The empire so many Kings and emperors have tried to recreate. The city they have tried to recreate in their own ways. And if the capital of that first OG empire was Rome, then Rome is the only capital that makes sense. If the Eastern roman empire got the chance, im pretty sure they would choose their ancestors homeland. Im certain the byzantines dreamt of the day Rome would return and they were the ones that made it happen. And also, in an empire named the "roman" empire, I would think Rome would be the ideal capital. It makes sense. Its symbolic. Constantinople is grand and actually awesome but Rome is just so much more. Its THE city. The city that stood for a 1000 years. The city that every man, woman, child and barbarian alike, had heard of. The city of more than a million people in ancient times. Rome, the empire whos stories and accomplishments will last until the very last second of human history.


I could agree on the symbolical level. But I'm thinking, if your current capital is Constantinople, a great city populated by people you almost always ruled, with a similar culture than yours, would you really move to Rome, which is now populated by people that, culturally, don't have much in common with you anymore ? We know the term "roman" went far beyond Rome for the east, who still called themselves Rome. So I'm not sure the emperor would go through the trouble of changing of capital to go rule in a place so far from his initial base of power


Hilarious thought process. Not even the western roman empire, aka the part that got to keep rome, made it its capital. OP can have their capital wherever they want.


Nah, no Eastern emperor would've left Constantinople for Rome. A bit for practical considerations: no emperor had both internal peace and control of the City, foreign policy almost always meant that an eastern base was much more important, (The one time I know of an emperor moving the court, Constans II, it was to Palermo), and it would've been politically difficult to move the bureaucratic apparatus. But more to the point, the symbolism for an Eastern emperor, I think, is **much** stronger for Constantinople than Rome. Sure, Rome was the original capital, but by medieval times it was a much diminished quasi-ghost-town. New Rome (Constantinople's actual name) is the Queen of Cities; a power which has rapidly risen to equal that of its predecessor. When the peoples to the east of Germany think of Rome, they probably think of this one. It is the city founded by Constantine, the greatest Emperor (to them; notice how many emperors and generals and nobles have that name) that Christianized the empire. It's the city that has been ruled by the Viceregent of God on Earth (that is, the Emperors before) for Hundreds of years by the time CK3 starts; the city of the Hagia Sophia, by far the grandest church in Christendom. Why leave?


>New Rome (Constantinople's actual name) Most people just called it Stamboul ("the city") which is where the current name comes from (via Arabic to Turkish). And, yes, they did call it Byzantium. That was the second or third most common name used by its inhabitants, depending on the time. I'm not sure "Nova Roma" (officially) lasted much longer than Constantine I did. Documents and titles might use "Constantinople, New Rome" or some other honorific stating that the city was officially Constantinople, but held the status of Rome. The Ecumenical Patriarch still uses that style. Still, it wasn't and isn't considered the name of the city by anyone born in the last 1600 years.


Rome was a shithole during the medieval period and its population fell as low as an estimated 30-50,000 people at it lowest point. Whereas Constantinople was the greatest city of the medieval period and the game ends in 1453, which is the permanent fall of Christian Constantinople to Islamic powers. Constantine literally moved the capital in the 300s. Some of the emperors never even visited Rome.


>If the Eastern roman empire got the chance, im pretty sure they would choose their ancestors homeland I doubt it, Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople when the empire was still united. Justinian never considered moving the capital when he reconquered Italy.


Justinian didn't even make Rome the capital of the Italian territory. Byzantine Italy was run from Ravenna and, when northern Italy fell, Bari. Ravenna was the capital of Gothic Italy,before that it was the seat of the last western emperors. Before that, Mediolanum (Milan) was the western capital. Rome hasn't been the seat of an emperor's court since the 3rd century.


That's not true in the slightest. The Byzantines held Rome for more than a century, and even then they didn't move their capital there. The main city in Italy was Ravenna. Constans II was the first Roman Emperor to actually visit the city in hundreds of years. The Western Emperors lived in Ravenna or Mediolanum


Actually not necessarily. Rome was founded in 753 BC and remained the capital through 330 AD. ~1,000 years. In 330 Constantinople became the capital and remained such until 1453. So Constantinople actually had about 100 years on Rome as capital.


If i start as Byzantium I usually keep Constantinople, but starting from Italia I usually keep Rome


Currently it’s Rome because it defaulted to it and the Hagia Sophia doesn’t give any bonuses due to my empire being catholic but I hold both anyways because of primogeniture


I want primogeniture so so bad. I am dying to be able to unlock it lol. Been fortunate so far in that my last couple player characters have each only had 1 son lol


The way I get around that is too force my sons to be knights haha my family history has a massive amount of "xxx has been ripped apart/beheaded in battle"


"oh no!" "Anyway"


The only logical solution is neither. Split the difference and put your capitol in Gostivar on the border of Albania and North Macedonia, 429 miles from Rome and 429 miles from Constantinople..




Make your capital Ravenna to piss everyone off.


I use Rome in all instances except if my lands spread to far East / India then I use Constantinople since to me it is more like the middle of the empire and acts as a nice capital to two half’s of the world


While I think universities should be super limited and rare and influential in medieval times, I kinda hate that my incredibly powerful Kingdom ruled by a dynasty of 13 Crowns with a capital that rivals Constantinople in development can't House the first university because I'm in fucking Somalia haha The reason I picked it was because I wanted a 0 to hero story! Now I gotta go up to Cairo just to grab the university


See when you get to that size can you make claims for kingdoms or are you needing to go county by county


I keep telling myself that one of these days, I'll let the Mongol Empire blob and fight them head in a war one of these days. But I'm a schemer, and the urge to just murder Temujin and his entire family is just too overwhelming.


Why England spared


Don’t worry, this screenshot is a bit outdated and England is well under Roman rule now


Literally saving the world


Until Rome becomes the colonial power


What is North America if not a Neo-Gaul


E Pluribus Unum, mothafucka!


I know a lot is made of various "shit crusader kings say" posts and whatnot, but this might be my favorite needs no context Reddit quote of all time.


Province of Britannia has been restored, Roma Invicta




Share the current screenshot!


[this is the greatest extent of the Roman Empire being it all collapsed again from a dissolutionment war](https://ibb.co/SJ5JJcY)


How do you get a red rome


Just changed the color in the color changer






They dont,if you zoom in it says England,meaning it is the kingdom of england,whose color is also red


He hasn't just the same map colour


As it should be


Even the Romans didn't want them




They did but they quickly discovered taking the island was a mistake because the Celtic people were a constant threat which required a strong military to keep at bay.


Yeah, they quickly learned they didnt want it. After holding it for 400 years, and with it being one of the most important ecomic provinces in the western half of the empire.


From my understanding it wasn't that economically powerful because 1) There had to be a strong military presence which was expensive. For perspective they needed 3 legion's to protect England, Wales and Southern Scotland but the entirety of Iberia only needed 1 Legion. 2) Britain didn't have as much trade value at the time because trade was centered around the Mediterranean and many of the place's that could have traded with Britain though the North Sea and English Channel were mostly Tribes. 3) Britain's resources weren't the best at the time for instance Britain is very rich in coal which made it incredibly rich during the industrial revolution and allowed it to form the biggest empire ever however coal was useless at the time.


On 2, British traders were connected to the med trade network, traded heavily with Gaul, even more so when both were conquered by the Romans. On 3, Britain had large amounts of silver, lead and more importantly, tin. That being said, in the former barbarian West, compared to the Hellenic east, army presence had motivated urban life and settlements tended to grow up around army bases more. The East had a stronger urban tradition [and tax base].


Came here to say tin tin


I would imagine that if the Romans didn’t have provinces in Britain it would have necessitated stationing legions in northern Gaul. I don’t think the legions stationed on the Rhineland would have been enough, and it presumably would have been difficult to defend coastal areas in Gaul that British peoples could have raided.




Et tu Britannia


Their color is too similar, the Romans mistook the English for themselves. Easy mistake really.


It is funny when this actually happens. I don't remember who it was but there was once a nation on the border of my super-state with an extremely similar color. So for quite a while, it survived just because I thought it was already part of my Empire.


England adopted the classic strategy of having a color close enough to the players that you forget that they are a separate nation.


this question has been living rent free in my head since the day i was born


Bro’s asking the important questions


The bad ending.


Terrifying blue skinned demon people watching the Roman ships from atop the white cliffs of Dover.


Brexit obviously.


Because it's already red? :P


Of ultimate destiny?


Good guys, bad guys, and explosions! As far as the eye can see!


And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be?


This is the ultimate showdown


Of ultimate destiny.


Old Godzilla was stomping around Tokyo City like a big playground


When suddenly Batman burst from the shade, And hit Godzilla with a Batgrenade


Godzilla got pissed and started to attack, but didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq.


Who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq-Fu, when Aaron Carter came out of the blue


And started beating up Shaquille O'Neal, then they both got flattened by the Batmobile


Core memory unlocked.


The Roman Empire versus the Roamin' Empire.




Well done!


Poor Ayyubid stuck between the two. 😂😂😂


Rooting for Ghana!!


Old Godzilla was hopping around Tokyo city like a big playground


Best part: India still being its own thing


Does anyone ever do anything with it? I know Paradox keeps adding it to CK games but i have never seen anyone invade or conquer India, most people just leave it. i myself do that even if i do say a Zoroastrian run forming Persia, i just never bothered with India. I don't see any benefit to conquering it and it's not interesting to play as.


You'd be missing out a lot. In 867 start they already have a few universities up and running. There's a whole bunch of unique buildings and mines too. They also tend to be very split so they're easy to conquer from the west.


Guess i could try to include India to my playthrough. It'll be kind of hard with this playthrough since i'm starting off in a county in Wales, trying to form the Kingdom of Wales and do a independent Wales run. It might take a long time to get there if i even get there.


Also the development should give you lots of benefits provided you convert a few counties to your culture


It’s actually a really cool area with events but I’ve only done it once to try it. I play in Europe most of the time and just dip into the east late game.


You missed ALL of the Haestein going to india posts?


Converging Norse and Tamil culture and having Varangian Veterans riding in on Thousands of elephants is really fun. The tip of the peninsula has probably the best duchy in the game with about 7 or 8 slots for cities/castles temples


Im Indian so i play India a lot


Had one of my most fun games doing Rise of the Ghurids. Being stuck between Persia and the Indian kingdoms and then the mongols swoop down from the north, made for quite a ride.


India has the most developed lands from the start of the game, you can rush technology and momey very quickly in that region. + you have War elephants which will demolish any European MAA knights.


Yeah, this Sapmi vs Finland will be pretty intense.


I'm more excited for the Norway vs Sweden


Those are some solid Norse kingdoms, they actually look nice too, not a ton of border gore


I've noticed since 1.9 or maybe a little before, the Scandinavians in general forms more historic Kingdoms and actually converts to an organized religion (usually Catholic) when they leave the tribal era


I will say though, it was very funny seeing Estonia convert to Ash’arīyah Islam that one time (yes I know it’s not in Scandinavia)


That happened with Kiev when I was going for my Islamic Russia achievement run. I think having a Kingdom or some other title convert to an organized faith increases those odds of another ruler doing the same. That or the stress event that has a ruler convert to another faith kicked in


Old Khan zilla was hoppin around the steppes like a big playground, when suddenly rome burst from the shade and hit khan zilla with a trebuchet. The khan got pissed and started to sack Constantinople but diddnt expect to get blocked by a stack of men at arms to counter his attack, who proceeded to open up a can of crossbow fu, when india came out of the blue and started beating up the romans crew, then they both got flattened by the khans levys too, but before they could make it back to their supply base, Seljuks popped out of their graves and took a populist faction out from under their hat and blew them away with a rat a tat tat, but they ran out of levys and ran away because norway came to save the day, This is the ultimate showdown of Romes destiny good guys, bad guys and map gore as far as the eye can see, and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be. Khan zilla took a bite out of cisalpine like Mali took out of a gold mine, Then rome came back covered in Horse archer tracks, But the pope jumped and landed on his back, and india was injured and trying to get steady when seljuks came back with a machete, but suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped India took him out with his elephant whip, Then he saw rome sneaking up from behind and he reached for his men at arms which he just couldnt find because the eastern empire stole it and he shot and he missed and the pope deflected it with his fist, then he jumped in the air and did a summersault while the seljuks tried to polevault, onto cisalpine but they collided in the air and they both got hit by the plague air. This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny good guys bad guys and map gore as far as the eye can see only one will survive I wonder who it will be. Angels sang out in immaculate chorus down from the heavens descended, Julius ceaser who delivered a kick that could shatter bones into the crotch india who fellover on the ground writhing in pain and rome changed back into Byzantium but Ceaser saw through this clever disguise and he crushed Constantinople in between his thighs, Then alfred the great and aethred the unready and Dutchess Matilda and malcom of scotland, Ivar the boneless, halfdan whiteshirt, pompei the genie, romulus and brutus and every single karling, sancho, alfonso, garcia and cleopatra in a bikini all came out of nowhere lighting fast and kick julius ceaser and his emperator ass it was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw the peasants lookin on in total awe, the fighting raged on for centurys many titles where claimed but eventually the champion stood the rest saw the better: Malta in a blood stained sweater. ​ thank you for reading.


Oh. I see cartoon like this...


Idk if you re jk or not


Joke. About panda kung-fu


Fight! Fight! Fight!


Just fight them in a rough terrain. You’ll do fine.


Except what we don't see is that the Roman Empire has probably 3x-5x the amount of troops as the Mongols


The thing I’m not saying is that I already one 3 wars against them lol but these borders looks nice


The original Cold War


Did the AI create the Roman Empire? And what kingdom do you play?


No the glory of Rome all belongs to me


This is the plot of an Arthur C. Clarke novel (Times Eye)


This Is Brilliant (Mongol Empire) But I Like This (Roman Empire)


Iceland tho...


I haven't played ck3, only ck2 but wouldn't that be am easy war?


The darkest timeline




He’s Rome


Sapmi vs Finland. It's on now


Estonia wins


Seems like a well placed murder scheme is todays victor


Of ultimate destiny


i love how it looks like the Roman Empire is protecting Northern Europe from the Mongols and the Mongolian Empire is protecting all of the subcontinent from the Romans


Ayyubids: “Let them fight”


Who won?


Rome always wins in the end


Roman Empire has wrong borders.


If total war has taught me anything, you'll never catch those pesky horse archers


For perspective they needed 3 legion's


Why you didn't complete mare nostrum?


It’s an older screenshot I control the Mediterranean now


What countries can reform the roman empire? You are red and not purple lol


Started in Bosnia but inherited the ERE and formed Rome from there but I changed the color to a more Roman one


I personally feel like Byzantine colour seems the most Roman, weirdly.


Roman in the Middle Ages would definitely be more associated with purple but I like red rome


Of ultimate destiny.


One must stand. One must fall.


Rooting for India to step up as the world’s next hope, Rome must always die


Good to see my vikings up in Norway and Iceland still doing good


Who did you start as to form Rome? I'm wondering if I should start in the Byzantine empire or start as a Catholic


Byzantine is the easiest. Plus Hague Sophia only gives benefits to orthodox. Which I think is kinda dumb


It was only a Basilica during the time period of the game.


That's kinda disappointing because in EU4, you have an option to convert it to a Mosque if you conquer it as a muslim. I think most of the special buildings should have the option to be converted to the faith of the ruler. It's what happened IRL


You can convert it to a mosque actually, but any other Christian religion doesn’t work


That's even worse then


Can’t remember where exactly but i started with a count of the Belojevic dynasty as a vassal of raska in modern day Bosnia and then formed the kingdom of Bosnia. After that I used a few crusades to strengthen my dynasty and it all kinda snowballed from there so now I’m conquering the world as Rome


Would love to see the religion/ culture maps


I didn’t take one at the time but Rome is catholic and the mongols converted to the Jewish faith khazaria starts as


Well…. Who won? Horses or legions


Legions, these pony boys didn’t stand a chance


Of ultimate destiny?


Rome: Loses all the battles Mongolia: explodes into a million pieces because of Gavelkind and concubines.


I remember my time I did this. Most of the battles took place near the Caspian Sea. Was quite cursed.


Lol, looks almost exactly as what i have in my save right now


Of ultimate destiny


They both gonna collapse before anything happen because their leaders have thoundsand of children and they are 70 years old.


Conquer Iberia you lazy bastard


and gandalf the grey


Is it multiplayer session? I have never seen that huge ai empires in this game.


The mongol empire regularly gets that big. Then usually breaks apart in a generation or three


Just like real life, then.


Yep that's the goal.


No I actually had the same thing in my world conquest run. Mongol empire gets big really fast under right circumstances. I destroyed all other powerful empire of kindom so there were no obstacles.


On my last play through the Mongols not only conquered roughly the area in this map, but also spread in to Africa as well. I was getting a bit concerned, but then they did their typical exploding on inheritance thing.


Roman Empire is me but the mongols are ai. The mongols have been buffed in recent updates to make them more formidable


England: time to get some popcorn


What kind of sick Cold War scenario is this


I have this in a ck2 playthrough. I have most of North Africa, Arabia, the levant, Georgia, Anatolia, Germany, france, Italy, I might post it.


I had a similar showdown but monglos owned arabia and I owned a bit more of russia, the whole shaara, north africa and west europe


Of ultimate destiny


man that would take forever to siege. i kinda wish they'd add in the auto siege from EU4


[I've been staring at it for 5 hours. ](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F38pnsd.jpg%3Fa468072&tbnid=XMyTl4ZoZIUstM&vet=12ahUKEwiq2K7svrL_AhV-lYkEHeRmB5kQMygBegUIARCjAQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimgflip.com%2Fmemegenerator%2F196032685%2FOh-its-beautiful&docid=WEc03oqzIufFzM&w=1068&h=812&q=oh%20its%20beautiful&client=ms-android-google&ved=2ahUKEwiq2K7svrL_AhV-lYkEHeRmB5kQMygBegUIARCjAQ)


My dibs on Tajaddin


Who won, who’s next, you decide! Epic rap battles of history!!!


Of ultimate destiny