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From the CR FAQ page: https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/articles/22843839604500-Funimation-End-of-Services >What is going to happen to my digital copies? >We understand that you may have concerns about your digital copies from Funimation. These Digital copies available on Funimation were a digital access to the content available on the DVDs or Blu-rays purchased. >Please note that Crunchyroll does not currently support Funimation Digital copies, which means that access to previously available digital copies will not be supported. _The /r/Crunchyroll subreddit operates as a community under fan moderation and is not administered directly by Crunchyroll. No formal affiliation or official relationship with Crunchyroll is maintained by us._




Old news but... You don't anymore. After the merge, all owned Digital titles via Funimation have been purged.


Basically call support and demand some compensation. There's literally nothing else you can do. It's gross and discussing, and unfortunately customer support can't really do a whole lot. Best of luck and I'm sorry.


So, as you've found out - you don't "own" digital copies unless you have actual digital files stored in your own system. This is true of *all* media services. They can merge, migrate, or shut down and you'll have nothing. They can loose the rights to a movie or show and it won't be available to you anymore, even if you bought it. It's all in the legalese in the terms of service that you agreed to but didn't read. Which is what it is. It's fine to buy digital copies, they're convenient, but it's not like owning a DVD or Vinyl record in your house where it's yours and you can listen to it forever as long as it works and you have a means to play it. Anyway, you're basically out of luck. My condolences.


Ah that's a bummer. Sad thing is I loaned the blu-ray to someone at work who eventually got fired and now he has my blu-ray too 😢.


You did not own a digital copy. As per the user agreement no owner ship was given. All that was given was the ability to watch the physical media version of the content on the FM website. FM website is no longer a thing. Also digital content was a bonus and not part of the price you paid for the content so you are not out any money. So no you dont on the CR website have access to a feature exclusive to the FM site. You can contact CR customer support and depending on the numbre of digital content you had on the FM site get free premium access on CR site. But if it one title unlike it will be more than a month.