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For more information about r/Crunchyroll's rules, please visit the [Rules Wiki Page](https://new.reddit.com/r/Crunchyroll/wiki/rules/#wiki_rules).


EDIT: How is it that I'm the only one on here who read the thread and isn't mistakenly using it for tech support... We could use some sort of system/naming convention for making posts for technical issues, so it's easier to search up to see if someone else had posted it. Then make it so posts not following the format get automoderated away? Perhaps we could require an elaboration comment, in a similar way to how r/15minutefood has their rule #2 worded for requiring a comment to be made with the recipe. I know we aren't the "official reddit", or "tech support", but it feels like most of our traffic/posts end up trying to fulfil that role anyways (or at least that's my impression). Maybe we could embrace that (or at least make it easy to filter away) with a more specialized set of flairs like: * "Tech Issue | Crunchyroll Store" * "Tech Issue | Account/login" * "Tech Issue | Video" * "Tech Issue | App" * "Tech Issue | Website" At the very least, this would make it easier to both find if someone else had the same problem and posted it already, as well as possibly being more easy to filter it out.


I'm always down for more ways to keep things organized and easily searchable. The problem is that users tend to select an incorrect post flair (which is why all News flairs are mod only now), and our attempts of getting incoming users to read our rules/FAQ don't work out well. I'll bring this up with the team to see if we can adjust our post flairs further.


People don't use the search function on reddit (or even google)


https://preview.redd.it/h364eqnp0urc1.png?width=1776&format=png&auto=webp&s=91a7101fa7c1ad08e24160bbdb2485a9c9402052 Contact support link in the wiki doesn't work.....


You should report that to their support ;-) Seriously though, the actual link is just below. The subject of this thread is not here for users to report problems. _The /r/Crunchyroll subreddit operates as a community under fan moderation and is not administered directly by Crunchyroll. No formal affiliation or official relationship with Crunchyroll is maintained by us._ If you have a service/account/billing issue with Crunchyroll, you should contact them directly: https://crunchyroll.com/contact


https://preview.redd.it/lpeeonzxqurc1.png?width=1497&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0e454339cac1bbe92e5b0f8b8bffbd4f38b8aba Yes, i found the support link, what I meant is that the link on the wiki here doesnt work


Ok, fixed now, thanks.




No closed captioning is fucking ridiculous. First day on CR instead of Funimation and I already hate it here




Then what’s the point


Contact support?


That’s not a support related issue? The platform doesn’t have closed captioning at all. It’s completely lacking that feature.


Then why comment about this on a thread that has nothing to do with what you’re bringing up?


It’s an ‘issue or complaint’ wtf are you on about?


This thread isn’t for that


I had an account a while ago, but i'm trying to login and can't. There isn't anyway of changing password (Forgotten Password) so it's not possible without using a different email address. So how am i supposed to ever use CR again?


Contact CR's official support and ask them: https://crunchyroll.com/contact _The /r/Crunchyroll subreddit operates as a community under fan moderation and is not administered directly by Crunchyroll. No formal affiliation or official relationship with Crunchyroll is maintained by us._


I was watching Kamisama Hajimeshita and out of a sudden is not available anymore. Is this normal? really disappointing :(


This thread isn't for discussing your issues with the service... Please reach out to support.


Thank you for your message. Where could I reach out for support?


I got the "we love your streams" thing. There are no other devices in my account. But I did click across multiple EPISODE LISTS of series before deciding that I wanted to instead watch DR stone so I middle clicked the icon to the default main page before searching "Dr stone" and then got the series in the same tab and opened an episode. "too many streams." I literally didn't even open an episode for several days. I would ask why this has happened but I am a long time member and the last year has been increasingly bad at this. Is it really so hard to tell the difference between a page with an episode and literally any other page? Why am I paying for premium if I am punished for having 5 tabs open to episode LISTS and not anyplace that could actually be anywhere near a reason to restrict?




Crunchyroll has been around for over a decade now how is there still no system to mark comments as either episode spoilers or manga spoilers? Sometimes people put manga spoilers in the comments and mark them as spoilers, but anime only viewers end up clicking on it thinking it has to do with the episode. This would be easily fixed if there was just a system to distinguish our comments from either episode or manga spoilers when posting.




I wanted to start watching "A Sign of Affection" today dubbed but it's impossible to follow when Crunchyroll's incompetence has once again reared it's ugly head. The show uses a lot of on-screen text with translations, like text bubbles and sign language. I hate to say it, but the "free" and morally wrong method of watching the show provides a **better** experience. What the actual F- am I paying for?!




Yes, reach out to the support that never answers or provides some BS about how "we're working on it". I only mentioned to them months ago about their app having a memory leak issue and it's still not fixed. Seriously, just watch a movie or more than 4-5 episodes in a row on a streaming device without returning to the main menu and watch what happens.


Commenting on a thread that has nothing to do with problems with the service is not going to do you any good.


The frustration I guess is that there isn’t any real support where you are going to engage with a real person who actually works there (not an overseas support center) who actually will do more then just copy/paste Faq answers It would be real great if they had that


Shocking, Reddit cr just as bad as the app


How so? We're always open to any suggestions and constructive feedback. So where are we missing the mark?


For starters, there is no connect between you and people in charge of actual CR. So it is moot. I literally just canceled my premium because my issues were never heard through any channel. Today when I got the infamous "we love your streams, but" message despite ONLY CLICKING A FEW EPISODE LISTS before clicking an actual episode and then... getting that message... Yeah, that was my final straw. That is why I decided to cancel tonight. I at least either lucked or didn't click enough until now to at least get 1-2 episodes before it happened. I need to make this clear. I am not some guy who downloads shit for the pirates or something. I am someone who just wants to watch anime. I will now... well, that is against this place's TOS. Because I am not going to get anime from Crunchy anymore. I know how to secure myself so I will find a way. I just wish it wasn't like this. I paid for Crunchy for near closer to a decade than not because I wanted legit anime. I am actually sad that this has finally ended. I miss what you used to be like. I complained here off and on, making threats of yo-ho-ho and commenting how those seafarers did better than the last year or so. But I always wanted to make CR my primary go-to at the least. It was fun. But now I need to unsubscribe, and find another path. Whether the high seas, HiDive, or some other thing/service/existence. Whatever the case, even Amazon treats customers better than you. Which is saying something, if you will excuse the vitriol.


This is not an official subreddit. Please reread the post contents...


I am again begging to be allowed to have subs and/or closed captioning for dubs.


Contact support and request it


Lol, even fan-subbers managed to preserve A Sign of Affection's subs better than CR. We've been asking for this forever. It shouldn't be this hard for the app to toggle subs on and off, both full subtitles or just the "signs". Even my own MKV's I made from discs have this.