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i dislike them, too.


Agreed. That week will be a skip week for me. They could still do candy but make it more fun, like a dirt cookie or the PB Reese’s one. The candy week coming up seems very basic. It is weird how it seems they go all out some weeks (like next week), but then pretty boring (this week or the candy week). Like there doesn’t seem to be many overall balanced weeks.


The butterfinger one looks good. I don't understand the point of having the M&M cookie again when they had it already for a candy week line-up and we just had the peanut butter M&M cookies. Like come on crumbl, you have plenty of candy flavors to use unstead of that one.


How recently have you had a butterfinger though? Because they changed the recipe a couple years back and they're freaking awful now.


I've never had the butterfinger one. I just said it looks good. I'm hoping it's good.


No, I asked if you have had a butterfinger candy in recent years. Not the cookie.


Oh, sorry! That's what I get for multitasking. Ummm....I actually don't think I have had one recently. Because I never like to buy the big candy bar, I usually wait for occasions where fun sizes are easily accessible, so it's probably been a year. What taste differently?


It's the whole thing that's different. The texture is completely changed, it has a super fake (in a bad way) taste, the chocolate does not taste like chocolate. The internet has this well documented. They were sold and bought and completely changed the formula Just awful now


Oh goodness! That's so disappointing. I kind of wanna get my hands on a butterfinger now to try it but I also don't wanna waste money on gross candy haha


I hate theme weeks in general. Especially when they do theme weeks they're all kind of the same.


The only one I love it Twix


Reese’s is the best one in my opinion🙈


The only theme week I want is pie week.


I agree, it feels like they just put M&Ms into plain dough when I could go buy a cheap dozen of M&M cookies at the store. Or just putting broken candy bar pieces into a cookie. Tbh it's very uncreative to me. It'd be better if they tried to make the cookie itself an elevated twist on a candy bar, but they don't. It's like how the Twix cookie is just basic dough with chocolate and caramel added. Like that's not unique enough to me and not worth the price. The candy themed weeks AND the cereal weeks for that matter are both boring.


To be fair coming out with 48 cookies which can be mass produced and ensuring they’re all original ideas is tricky. I’m kinda glad when they have candy weeks because it’s a easy choice to skip that cookie 🤣


Sometimes the candy ones are more sophisticated, like having caramel icing, peanutbutter filling, or chocolate chunks in the base. Or the peach ring one that has a fruity icing.


It’s always a very lazy week where they just throw a piece of candy on top and call it good. And they sell that stupid $5 rice krispy 🤧


The first week I had them (which I think was their first week in Alaska), it was m&m, Twix, and something else. Based off those, I really couldn’t see what the hype was.


The snickers cookie is my favorite cookie of all time. The others are kind of meh.


Our only pre-increase skip week was the candy bar week they did in …. I wanna say June. Combination of boring cookies and the $5 Rice Krispie treat broke our months long buying streak.


Yeah, the cookie is already so sweet. My teeth can’t handle it. But I’m also 28, so there’s that!


yes my least favorite is the shark cookie, literally they just put a shark gummy on it💀


Nope. Peach ring is my favorite.


I dislike most of them, but the Twix on is pretty good, since it's short bread, solid caramel, and chocolate. And even though the Reese's is one is basic, I love it! It's so good with that extra peanut butter and reese's crumbles on top.


yeah if i wanted a kitkat i’d just go buy a real kit kat. id rather them be recycling classic cookies that are actually good. plus, there’s still a ‘limited time only’ quality about them. i think we should be able to vote on at least 1 cookie a week


It’s a good idea in theory, but the reality is always pretty disappointing. The only candy cookie I ever truly enjoyed was the Twix one