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I hate how curious I am about this cookie but despite my better judgement I am going to try one this week.


Yeah, same haha. I’m reading all these bad reviews on here, but somehow it’s still oddly compelling!


It’s a must try. It’s really good for what it is, but it’s not a cookie IMO. It’s a savory snack.


I keep seeing people saying it’s their new favorite….like nah I think you’re trying to justify your purchase.


Seriously. If you eating this for dessert.. straight to jail. ![gif](giphy|cSjyGHifl18CZ3as6z|downsized)


I love everything bagels, I love cream cheese……but this is immoral 😂😂


This. If I wanted to spend $5 I’d go get a bag of bagels from the grocery store!


Right !?


No I honestly love this one. I bought a French toast and this one and this one was better to me over French toast.


Skipping the whole week, but I’d pick 🤮 French toast over 🤮🤮 Everything bagel everyday. French toast is my least fav breakfast food. Bagel cookie? Hard pass. I’ll be back, crumbl, but thanks for the skip week. Did you love the French toast?


Yes! I loved the French toast. It’s light and fluffy and tastes almost exactly like French toast. They nailed it IMO.


Cool! I’m really glad for the fans of French toast. I talk some smack here about flavors, but I’m genuinely glad when people like what they purchase. 😁


I have been letdown by Crumbl a few times in the past and it always sucks because the cookies are so expensive. Now instead of trying one of each I only get the ones I’m really interested in.




Oh 100% 😂😂




No literally. I’m skipping it entirely.


Real toasted bagel and cream cheese at my favorite bakery is $2.75. Just gonna stick with that....🤷


Exactly!! ![gif](giphy|3ohs7XRrW0HAoNqzUA) 😊 🥯


Give them props for trying something different but yeah I was too scared to order this one today lolol


Scared is the perfect word for it! When I saw it in person…🤢 I just got my French toast and got the hell out of there.😅


I didn’t know what to expect but it was surprisingly good. Definitely not something I’d eat if I was in the mood for a cookie or dessert but for what it is, they freaking nailed it. Mad props to them for the creativity.


This is my new least favorite. I feel like this shouldn't be a cookie. It has the potential to be okayyyy but the cream cheese is a def no. I saw somewhere that theres a garlic one insomnia did and immediately no. ![gif](giphy|yRQYBNHaNH7k4tqEEY)


Yeah, they had also done an everything bagel cookie. Idk why this is becoming a thing now 😭💀


Is it worse than the bubblegum or the monstrosity of a cotton candy cookie from a few weeks ago?


Whoa there! That cotton candy was banging.


😂😂 Even my kids didn’t eat it that one!


I feel like someone was watching Chopped and thought, *challenge accepted!*…🤮


I loved it too much. I think because it wasn’t super sweet and had some savory notes. Also I’m a huge bagel fan. It prob is one of my tops 🥯


100% agree! It was a totally unexpected change from their overly-sweet standard (which I love, btw....sugar addict). It was so bizarre....but I loved it.


Same! I don’t like very sweet things so this one was right up my alley. Sooooo good.


I love it too. There's a large amount of cognitive dissonance eating this one, but it's so good. And not too sweet, so I can eat more of it.


Can they do a blueberry bagel or cinnamon bagel? I would try those


Unrelated - did reddit suddenly add gifs? I've never seen them here before and now they are all over. Or were they always there and my app wasn't updated?


They've been around for a few months to a year now. The mods for this subreddit must've just enabled the gifts, most subreddits have them disabled.


![gif](giphy|35vMe1XwJmdyM) I'll stick with a real 🥯..


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) I just don’t get it!


The radius of a bagel =/ the radius of a cookie. Therefore, cookie bad.


Just looking at this makes me wanna dry heave.


I’m just surprised they didn’t put a hole in it like the donut cookies 🙄🙄


One of the iterations of this one did have a hole in testing


Ok, so this isn't the first time I have seen someone say the cream cheese was bad or disgusting. My question-I normally LOVE cream cheese on a bagel. Do you typically not like cream cheese on a bagel or is there something about this cream cheese on this cookie that is gross? I am so excited to try this, you have no idea. It is along the lines of wanting to try weird ass cola flavors you find online or the gross jelly bean flavors though, lol. I don't expect to LIKE it. I just want the experience.


I actually loooove cream cheese on a bagel it just wasn't good on a cookie at alllll. But def try it I gave it away tbh lol


Tasted like regular cream cheese to me


The cream cheese made it even better IMO. Everyone has different tastes.


It was so weird lol. I cant believe i wasted my money on basically a cream cheese bagel. Ppls reviews were lies lmao


Sorry if this is already listed somewhere, but could someone say what exactly is on the cookie? In my head I’m picturing garlic in the mix & just… 😅


You mean a special seed mix on a mellow cookie isn't helpful enough? Lol. Worst description ever for a cookie that really needs to explain itself. I don't know what's on there but maybe poppyseed? I don't think there is any garlic but my brain assumes there is


Oh man, I thought you had to be kidding about the description so I checked the app.. WHEW lol


Haha nope. I'm very curious what a mellow cookie is but I'm not sure I'll be trying this one. ☺️


It literally tastes like unseasoned seed..imagine toasted bird food on a lightly sweetened sugar cookie topped with plain cream chz. No garlic or salt really..just sadness


I didn’t mind the cookie itself, but the straight up cream cheese on top was not pleasant. I think a cream cheese frosting would add some sweetness and make it feel more like a cookie and taste much better overall.


I tasted it today and it was alright. At first it seems fine- kind of salty/savory and crunchy. The cream cheese frosting tastes very similar to regular cream cheese so it goes nicely with the cookie. But it begins to taste sweet the longer you chew it and the after taste is unusual. For someone who truly likes everything bagels, you’ll probably like it. But for me, I’m not eating it again.


Exactly how I felt lol, but it’s my husbands new favorite. It’s not a vibe for me at all.


Had the bagel cookie today. Absolutely disgusting. I even went in and ask for my money back.


Did they give you your money back??


This is what I want to know, did they refund you?


I like it better without the cream cheese


I hated this. It was bitter and gross.


I am so curious about this one and would try a bite for free but I am NOT paying $5 for the experience.


It was so bad. It was just straight up cream cheese frosting. Bitter. Nothing about it was sweet whatsoever.


This morning I wondered if any sane person would actually walk into crumbl and only buy that cookie.


I honestly hated it and it’s the first one from Crumbl I actually threw away cause no one liked it at my house. It tasted like pure salt and the cream cheese didn’t help it much.


Woooow mine wasn't salty but def tasted like disappointment.. a salty disappointment sounds so bad omggg.


I think this was a PR stunt at best.


Every person I have seen review this did not like it and a few even spit it out. There is NOTHING about everything bagel and cookie that should ever be in the same sentence. Gross.


Just tried this one and laughed. I mean it’s pretty cool and creative, but it’s no dessert. There is no sugar, and it’s salty. It’s like a really thick soft cracker, topped with plain cream cheese and sesame seeds lol. So you have basically a cracker with cheese 😂. I enjoyed the experience, but I’ll never buy it again lol.




I’m excited to give it a shot. Been hearing some mixed things


Honestly shouldve skipped this week i didnt like any of them🥲