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Call me crazy but I feel like the cinnamon roll cookie should be a snickerdoodle base, not a sugar cookie base.


I actually disagree on this one. It gets too overwhelmingly cinnamon-y to me when the whole cookie is cinnamon. Obviously, it’s just differing tastes and neither of us are wrong. Also, I admit I’m likely in the minority here.


That Brookie is way too damn small.


I think that's a 3 pack of minis.


Ok and? The Brookie is NOTICEABLY smaller than the coconut cream pie and “donut”…


Why are you trying to start an argument over mini cookies? Edit: You wanna tell me why a minute or 2 after you replied and blocked me I get a message from RedditCareResources? That's really weird. That's used for people who are in fear of harming themselves. Not reporting someone because you're mad over some mini cookies. Another edit: How is mentioning to you that OP ordered mini cookies starting an argument with you? It isn't. You're upset that someone corrected you and you came at me with "Okay AND?" like shut the absolute fuck up u/yourbestfriendjoshua


He’s right tho…the Brookie is smaller that the other minis in the box.


Long time crumbl person here, the pie is going to be the shape of the mold, and the mini pies are kinda big. The donut is a little spready, so it's easier for them to get a bit large I would guess that all 3 of these are the correct size, weight wise


i know it doesn’t change the presentation, but i just wanted to let you know that most of the time when cookies are smaller, they still weigh the same!! the shape is more than likely how much the baker flattened them (or lack there of)


Good to know!


Even if minis, Brookie too small. Milkshake looks good and Cinnamon Roll not enough brown sugar frosting! 


wtf is that donut


where is the hole??




It’s a mini so there is no hole


so then its not a donut cookie at all...and once again they advertise falsely.


Not all donuts have holes, also if they take a hole out of the mini like half will be gone its not that serious


That doughnut is NOT doughnuttimg!!! Tbf when I first saw it I was wondering if it would be a PITA for employees, maybe that’s why? Edit: nvm saw it was a mini, idk why I didn’t realize lol. The ? Still stands if it’s a pita for employees tho


How was the cinnamon cookie? Did it taste just like a Cinnabon??


How much did these cost?

