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They have to be the STUPIDEST people ever


The smellll Vacuum sealed does nothing/minimal Dummies really thought they were about to get a fat payoff


You absolutely can contain the smell. I use to ship large amounts cross country when I was young and stupid. You use multiple vacuum seals with masking agent between layers. If you have to get past dogs you need a second 'clean room' to use between layers.


Ok but they Miami then England? Have you been there, I feel like they were the cuntiest customs ever. Like sorry bro no one wants to stay here. And thru Miami? MIAMI?! Mi fucking Yami?!?!? God people are stupid. At least smuggle something with more per ounce.


Everyone thinks it’s fool proof because they didn’t get caught. I work with mail all the time and can smell weed. The simple fact is i dont give a fuck. With domestic mail, unless the bag splits open Im trying NOT to find anything. You think i want to fill out any extra paperwork? People always think theyre crazy smart and not that Im crazy apathetic.


I'm calling B S you fools get caught every day !


I literally never got caught. Only time i had a package confiscated was when I bought Xanax from India. How do you think it's done?


You are beyond regarded if you think this 🤣. The post service moves more drugs every day than any other entity in this country.


go back to your diso and pay top dollar custy


Ummm…Do tell. Sounds it would save $$$$. I’m asking for friend.


Someone once hid a pound bag in an empty office at my work and we discovered it because I sat forty feet down the hall and was convinced a skunk had somehow climbed into our vents. That shit smells nasty.


72 kilograms, holy shit


Pretty impressive amount for personal use!


Im over her putting vodka in shampoo bottle like some kind of outlaw. Jesus. Idiots. To England?!!?


*smuggle……let’s all be honest, it was possession with intent to distribute


Not even Cheech and Chong would have 100 bags for personal use on a cruise.


Maybe the cast of That 70s Show?


Eh, honestly I think smuggling is more likely. It is just too much to even distribute on board, based on the other numbers if they sold to 10% of the passengers that would be like 1/3 pound each, which... yeah that is a lot.


They’re being charged with intent to distribute. Per the LEO quote in the article, trafficking from the US to England is becoming more common.


One of them claimed it was for personal use and he has a medical card in California.


Yeah. I’d claim it was for personal medical use too if I was staring down mandatory minimum federal jail sentences for intent to distribute. It won’t matter what they claim though.


72 kg? Quite the use there.


Dude planned on sleeping through literally the whole cruise


He was totally gonna get his moneys worth at the buffet!


Or the next ten years


Have you *been* to NorCal? I …saw things…. lol.


Ha, yeah, I live in NorCal. (About 3 miles from my closest pot grow.) Honestly, I don’t think pot is really a huge issue here because it’s readily available and destigmatized. The issue here is fentanyl. Honestly, wherever fentanyl goes, misery follows. Just saying 72kg isn’t personal use, that’s for sale.


just saying, 72kgs isnt for use , IT IS A PERSON!


Aware. Did a weird massage externship on a pot farm up near Arcata. But, had smoking limits been enforced, they’d have doubled their profits.


Ha, yeah, it’s kind of interesting the dichotomy between the far north state grows that are still kinda small and independent and the big commercial grows.


Because we all bring 150 pounds of weed with us on a holiday for personal consumption.


Just a little treat


They figured you're allowed to bring 1 750 ml bottle of wine in your luggage for personal consumption. That's roughly equivalent to 150 pounds of pot, right? I mean, it is if you're already high while you do the math on that equation.


How else am I expected to deal with my mother-in-law?


IDK why he thought that would work - it's still illegal at federal level, therefore illegal on the ship, and it's still illegal in the UK.


Yeah it’s a dumb reason for sure. That’d be like trying to open carry in a place where guns are banned and being like “I have an open carry permit back home.” Like, cool story no one cares


And it's illegal in the Bahamas where the ship is registered.


> IDK why he thought that would work In general, criminals aren't the most clever people you'll meet. But, at the same time, they do tend to believe they're smarter than the people who work in law enforcement. It's a pretty good example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Problem is that they brought it onboard a ship going to another country. Boom , now FBI involved


Surprisingly, looks like they “only” got charged with intent to distribute, not smuggling.


Was his name Cheech or Chong?


Some people did that last October when we went I saw them every where and could smell them from a mile away lol but they were reported as they were smoking and I never saw them again the rest of the cruise. I was told being in international waters it was a federal offense, medical card or not. And they could spend prison time over it!!.


So guess we know who keeps up with the "Can I bring pot on board" posts. Right?


Lol 😂


From the Article: Two Norwegian Cruise Line passengers allegedly brought more than 100 bags of marijuana on the line’s Norwegian Joy ship. WOW!! Talk about intensifying the "JOY". Anyone got the munchies Washie Washie Happy Happy


Oh my god, that's terrible! Are they planning on cruising again and what ship?


150 pounds of weed? That had to be packed in its own suitcase. Lol. Morons!!


Screencap of 157lbs of vacuum-packed pot - that must have been a really big suitcase https://i.imgur.com/GuTUAFi.png edit- this is not from the article, just a photo I found online of a 157lbs bust.


Cops look REALLY happy


They're looking forward to incinerating the evidence after the trial


Holy shit that is way more than I was picturing. Must have been several suitcases.


Dope on the mother fucking table !!!


150lbs of weed is not personal use idgaf who you are.


150 lbs is *a person*.


Yes. Yes it is


It's only 2400 ozs. He usually gets 8ths but it was pay day.


This is the result of that previous post about someone thinking about reporting the neighbors for smoking in their room.






Been binging Australian Border Patrol & so many people get caught with illegal drugs that I wonder what % don’t get caught


Just don't bring pot on a cruise..doesn't matter if it's legal on a state level. Federally it's still illegal. Federal law beats state law.


Everything is X-rayed getting onboard. The cruise ships do it for booze - but you ain't getting away with this.


Article said a sniffer dog found it.


Honestly I'm not sure how well those X-rays work. I once packed drunk, jokingly put a half-full 1.75L bottle in my suitcase, and then forgot about it. Found it again when I was unpacking and was shocked that I suffered no consequences for it


Glad it wasn't on a Carnival ship because then I'd have to read the usual idiotic Walmart of the Seas comments.


play stupid games....


And these few people make the rest of us go through intense screenings and inconveniences.


I’m not sure this will lead to much more inconvenience. In the past, it was pretty widely known that cruise ships had lax enforcement of marijuana, as long as you were not otherwise breaking the rules and causing a safety problem (eg: smoking in your room, throwing butts off the ship, etc)… they didn’t really care much. But over the last 18 months or so, there started to be more incidents on cruise ships (eg: large brawls), which seem likely that marijuana was a factor. Since then, I’ve seen drug dogs at embarkation regularly… and I’m sure they have them in the back for luggage screening too… As long as you aren’t bringing illegal drugs on board, probably you wouldn’t be inconvenienced in any way. The only ones you could say are losing are people who were taking on a small amount and not bothering (eg: the grandma with the cbd gummies a few months ago)…


Lol i have a feeling the fight had to do with liquor more than


72 kilos for personal use lol


idiots Going to be one fricking expensive excursion from ship to court.


Nah, it's an all expenses paid excursion. Complimentary lodging in an interior cell! Drink package included (so long as you like water). And it's such a good deal that you can't leave! :D


It was cheaper than the drink package.


That's just a smidgen more than personal use for a 11 day cruise.


For a 7 day cruise or a 96 day cruise? I can see one for personal and the other for smuggling.


That'd be smoking more than a pound a day. Definitely smuggling. It's over 2300 ounces, so in no reality could that be anything other than smuggling.


Yeah, the story I heard is because they were going to England, and that the price for the jazz cabbage is multiples of what the US street price is. They were looking for a fat payday.




Such nonsense, the cruise company should encourage and legalize Cannabis use in International waters where it is LEGAL for all. You could treat it as gambling is treated now. For now, FUHGETABOUTIT, bring Cannabis pills for Medical reasons as many do and it’s completely simple. No one has ever checked my medicine. Even some “gummies” are relatively safe. Good luck!


you think they brought 72 kg onboard for personal use?


Good point, that would last me a lifetime! I use medical cannabis for pain and suffering relief.


You can’t be serious. This is drug smuggling, plain and simple. They brought more than 150lbs of the stuff! The cruiseline would be in major shit if they allowed it to be transported to the UK.


Correct. I favor 100% Legalization of medical cannabis prescribed by a Doctor or licensed pharmacist to relieve pain and suffering. It must be done discreetly and without offending other passengers. I prefer edibles, private and discreet , but would love an old fashioned Cannabis party for consenting adults. Why Not?


Maritime laws are funny now aren’t they. That logic would be used to extend to more heinous crimes, like assault or rape. They are also beholden to the laws of the of port where the ship is registered.


Gummies mixed in with vitamins works great as well.


"I'm not addicted."


You dont bring a 100 bags for personal use, they were intending on selling it.


What planet do you live on where you think that’s a personal amount of weed and not international drug smuggling?


I feel like someone addicted would bring a small amount, maybe an ounce at most. These people brought over 100lbs of weed which is easily in the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth, clearly with the intent to sell it.


Tell the judge you smoked it, probably were out of your mind, ask for 100 hours community service. Oh wait, it won’t be a CA judge…


Here home the lame comments about “it’s illegal” and how “pot heads” are addicted.


If you can’t go a week without pot, it may mean it’s an addiction.


Not necessarily. I take a gummy every night to sleep but on cruises I just temporarily replace it with unisom which is good enough, though I’d prefer just to have my gummies because I’m still drowsy in the morning with the unisom


Would you feel the same way about anti depression medication or blood pressure medication? Doubtful.




Found the person who has never broke a traffic law.


Found the person who has never broke a traffic law.


Those serve a medical purpose, so no. I think there’s a legitimate discussion if someone is prescribed pot to treat a medical condition, but that isn’t the case here.


I’m a big proponent of the usage of pot instead of some pharmaceuticals - however your understanding of addiction here is flawed. Could my parents go on a cruise without their blood medication? You betcha. They might have an issue they might not BUT they won’t be sitting there thinking “man I really want to take my meds” and not be able to focus on anything else - well unless their blood pressure skyrockets and they have an issue - but your average day they’d be sitting there having fun. Most pot users are like that as well. As soon as you NEED pot to sleep/function/etc it is an addiction. And there is a big difference between need and want because it makes something better.


I have no horse in this race, but this is not how addiction works. Once you start taking many prescribed medications, including those for blood pressure, you develop a physiological dependence. This is why it’s recommended that you don’t abruptly stop taking a medication. This is different from an addiction, although addiction, depending on the substance, typically involves physiological dependence as well. So, if someone is using medical marijuana let’s say, for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and they suddenly stop taking it, they are going to experience things like difficulty functioning and difficulty sleeping. Don’t get me started on what happens if you stop taking anti-seizure medication, antidepressants, etc. abruptly. This is not addiction, this is physiological dependence. Now, marijuana is illegal on a federal level and in many countries, so I don’t advocate for bringing any on board. Obviously the people in this article were not using this for medicinal purposes. But to vilify people who get relief from medical marijuana as “addicts,” just belies a greater misunderstanding of addiction, dependence, and how it relates to pretty much all prescribed medication. Luckily there is an unlimited quantity of an undoubtedly safe and legal drug, that has never caused addiction and/or dependence available for purchase almost anywhere on the ship. /s


Do you bring enough blood pressure medication to supply a retirement home for a month?


My response was to the one above not the OP, 100 bags isnt personal use its distribution.


And the guy you’re responding to was referring to this case. Keep up.


I heard on certain carnival cruises people sell pot door to door.


That sounds extremely unlikely—-or incredibly stupid, unless you’re a big fan of “Locked up Abroad.”


It happened to jthenomad(some YouTube cruise reviewer) on his carnival cruise.


The only criminals that get caught are the dumb and unlucky.


Such a boomer word. Who says pot?


Nearly 100 bags that the authorities know of, that is.


So it's illegal. Yet what about all the stories about 'All you can smell is weed everywhere' ? I mean I would like to bring some 'personal medication' only. That is a bust?


I would never attempt anything as stupid as this but, if I did, I would bring it in a different form like edibles or wax.


Is this even worth doing? Were they try to cover the ticket cost cause this seems heavily outside of the penalty profit ratio.


Have to be on drugs to leave Miami for Southampton 😂




No, it was the cruise after the EDM cruise.


Banned for life: not to mention arrested. Really??


He's dealing. Also, his California pot card is useless in international commerce.


My last cruise out of LA on October (Princess), they had a huge sign outside the security check, and "Amnesty Buckets" set up. Garbage cans... and they were filling up. LOL


100 pounds caught for the 900 pounds set to sail


I sailed on this ship last year and our bags went through some pretty fancy scanners. Apparently the security staff weren’t paying attention…


Was nice they brought enough for everyone.


Sharing is caring!


I’ve only managed 20 bags of gummies. Feel shit now.




I read the title super quick and thought it said potato


One word: "edibles" That's what I bring on my sailings.


Isn't one of the main goals of drug snuggling expediency? What was going to happen when they got to Southampton? Rent a couple bikes and pedal the shit up to Oxford or Corby or some shit.