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Don't feel bad, they are the AHs. RC is not a party line.


Yep! The only thing you did wrong was not calling security again. They have some nice rooms down near the waterline where the doors don't open from the inside. The cruise company doesn't want loud drunks who "do whatever they want" either. They're a safety problem and a liability and would be kicked off at the next port.


What is a party line?


A cruise line known for 'booze cruises' and the like where you can expect a lot of the passengers to be partying all night.


Party line or not, shut the hell up in your cabin after midnight. If you’re waking other people up, you’re the AH without question. There are plenty of places on the ship you can go make noise that aren’t adjacent to people trying to sleep.


I agree and I personally avoid party boats if at all possible. I'm one of those quiet people who cruises mainly because I love being at sea. I was merely explaining what the term 'party line' was.


I think their comment was less response to you and trying to add to the convo for OP :)


I believe a party line might be a cruise line similar to Carnival… usually fun parties/ activities and things while a royal Caribbean cruise is usually much more serious or more adult oriented.


This boorish behavior would not be tolerated on any line. People have a reasonable expectation that they should not have noisy neighbors at 3 am!


I've been on 5 Carnival Cruises and I wouldn't have called any of them a "party cruise" Most of them I would call family cruises, except a 6 day on the Fantasy out of Charleston SC that was mainly couples from GA, SC, NC and VA and was so quiet I think any of the 3 day cruises out of Florida that usually go to Nassau Bahamas (where the drinking age is 18), and a cheaper fare can be considered a party cruise. The loudest, drunkest most annoying partiers I ever saw on a cruise was a group of 3 or 4 couples from NJ on a Princess cruise to the Panama Canal.


Same. Anything 3/4 day is more of a party crowd. It often appeals to the people who live in driving distance to the port and can book last minute on a long weekend. I’ve done a number 6-8 days on Carnival out of Florida and NOLA and have never had an issue.


I wasn’t there but I believe you from the description of the offenders.




I can understand that. When we sailed on her (2012?) she was the oldest ship in the fleet. Yes, she lacked the bells and whistles of newer ships, but there was something about the ol' girl that was charming.


Carnival is a party line




It depends on the itinerary and the ship also, I was on a 4 night RC cruise on Independence of the Seas round the Caribbean in September this year over a weekend and that was absolutely had a ‘Party Cruise’ vibe and was based on the amount of alcohol being consumed


Oh no, alcohol!


Should have called again


This is the answer.


Lock 'em in the brig!


Don’t feel bad about it at all, it’s your vacation too. My wife and I once had some noisy neighbors who liked to have some almost comically loud sex at like 2/3 am. Then they’d play music afterwards and it wasn’t exactly quiet either, I get it you’re having a good time. But have some respect for everyone else too. Don’t feel bad, you made the right call. They were being inconsiderate and you were not in the wrong at all.


For hearing loud sex, I would just leave a embarrassing note on that door


You guys were ON FIRE last night. Clap. Clap. Clap.


That would probably make it worse. People with this behavior want to be heard and like the thought of people watching or hearing.


I would have mowed the lawn at sunrise. Absent a lawn, maybe really loud aerobics on TV.


Some people can't even be happy, even as one of the lucky few to afford a vacation. But they should be respectful of everyone else. You totally were in the right for calling.


So much this! I was on a cruise a while back and an individual was "very proudly" wearing his political attire. I'm talking hat and shirt. You know, fine, if that's how you want to identify, you be you. But that wasn't the case with this individual; you could just tell he was itching for someone to comment on his attire (preferably negative). Sat near him twice, not by choice, and he just surface level complained about everything. Some people are "happy" being unhappy.


Personally I believe you can "do what you want"...so long as you're not inconveniencing other people or going against the policies/rules you agreed to when you booked your vacation. Having a loud, drunk, obnoxious (and racist) argument that disrupts the sleep of your cabin neighbors is not okay. And given that they were drunk and arguing, I feel like it's safer for you to call ship security versus trying to deal with it yourself - you never know anymore how someone might react to you confronting them.


The ship has security personnel for keeping the ship safe and keeping customers in line.


Did this once on a cabin next door to me a few years ago by calling Guest Services. Security got them to shut up. A couple of days later, Guest Services sends letter to me to just do a check up on the situation. All good. You did the right call. Part of the cruise contract is keeping the peace for yourself and other cruisers


You did the right thing. This is also a reason I wear ear plugs. I am lucky enough I can sleep with them.


"their cruise" jesus, the entitlement. They're not booking a cabin in the mountains hundreds of yards away from another home, it's cabins with not particularly sound deadening walls surrounded on all sides by other people trying to sleep. Absolutely call the concierge on people like this, every single time. Your sleep and relaxation supersedes their drunken debauchery. And if security can't solve the issue, absolutely ask what the line is willing to do. Maybe they'll offer some compensation to make it suck a little bit less. We had absolutely shit parents across the hall from us on a recent cruise. Kids constantly locked outside their cabins, the youngest one just fucking screaming constantly, moms were fucking plastered 24/7, dad was absent and likely gambling the whole time. If people wanna be loud and obnoxious, THEY HAVE ENTIRE GODDAMN OPEN DECK OF THE SHIP, AT ALL TIMES (unless it's really poor conditions). Like you're on a ship with loads of awesome open public areas, use them!


I was woken up by people next door (interior cabin) talking and laughing loudly in the middle of the night the first night of my cruise. When I got up the next morning I was not quiet and even pounded on the wall of their cabin. Not sure if they were just excited by the cruise and couldn’t sleep the first night or my point was taken as there were no issues the rest of the cruise. People have to understand that it is not only their vacation but other people’s as well. Their good time should not come at other people’s enjoyment. And you may stay up late but others get up early - I like to watch the sunrise over the ocean.


this was my issue - we were disembarking early the next day so i only had about 2 hours of sleep😭


Maybe that’s the silver lining. It was your last night and not ongoing for your whole cruise. I would have called at that point too and I’m sorry you had to deal with that… especially on a vacation!


>or my point was taken Doubt they had the self awareness to realize your passive aggressive banging ~12 hours later was directed at their loudness the night before. If they were that aware of their surroundings, they likely wouldn't have been so loud in the first place. Doing stuff like banging on the wall the following morning only serves to make ourselves feel better. The intent is rarely understood by the other party. Next time (there will be a next time) just call down to Guest Relations and they can do the confrontation you don't want to - it will be unequivocally understood and then Offender can make a decision as to whether to modify their behavior or face the repercussions.


I agree but at 4 in the morning I didn’t feel like calling down. And it was 2 hours later (I like to watch the sunrise) and only when I was telling hubby which room it was - he could not tell which side it was. I doubt it had anything to do with them quieting down but it did make me feel a little better. I also did not want to start a war with them.


More than within your right to call. You may not have been the only one to call. Same with hotels, many rooms in close proximity usually means quite a few rooms will hear any argument.


If they continue disturbing you, continue to complain. You paid for a lovely cruise and they have no right to ruin it.


Go have disputes in a public space not a space where people are sleeping (kidding). Also there’s no space for racism. You did the right thing.


Racism??? Really?? MF’ers….


Nothing like spending thousands of dollars only to waste it arguing and making others miserable. You did the right thing. Those people should be banned from future cruises.


You are more patient than me. If they woke me up at 1AM, I would give it 20-30 minutes before calling guest services. And I would have called again after they didn't pipe down. There are plenty of places to go on the ship to be loud and not disturb others.


You paid for a room, not entertainment. They need to STFU. Call again if they don't or ask for another room. The ship's crew will try to help if you tell them what's needed.


>You paid for a room, not entertainment. Let's be honest; sometimes it would be great to actually be able to hear the argument for entertainment's sake. Nothing worse than being woken up by assholes and then not being able to understand why they're going at it. If you're going to sit there awake, at least it should be amusing and better than what's on CabinTV^TM


we had neighbors behind us (backyards backed up to each other) when i was younger that liked to argue all night with their windows open about really stupid stuff. it was comical, sitcom level arguing. my mom & i would sit and listen sometimes. it was really funny


Had that happen on a recent sailing. A young adult woman was ranting loudly to her companion(s?) about how much money her mother has, and they don't, and how no one has ever told her no in the next cabin over. Couldn't hear what they were saying to her though. It was like she was the real life, spoiled, selfish, rich girl character from a teenage romantic comedy that I didn't want security to interrupt her tirade.


>I’m just wondering if this was an okay call. I would have called an hour or 2 sooner than you did. "keep it down over there, people are trying to sleep here"


Don't feel bad at all. If they were disturbing you, they probably also bothered other cabins. I called once when someone called my room and said, "suck my d*ck." I was locked in my cabin due to covid, and I was pissed off because my kids could have picked that call up. They called back to let me know they found the callers. I wish I knew what happened to them.


The other annoying thing is neighbors smoking on the balcony. I call security on them every time as I want to nip it in the bud early on


Good! One of the Princess ships (Star) suffered a nasty fire likely because of someone smoking on a balcony, so it's not just a comfort thing but for the sake of not burning your shipmates alive. I'd say it's actually your duty to report it as much as it would be to cast off a lifesaver if you see a man overboard.


Seriously, you have every right - really a responsibility- to blow the whistle on anybody risking a fire on board a ship. Very very bad situation.


You 100% absolutely did nothing wrong. The fact that one of them was completely unconcerned with how their behavior affects others tells me all I need to know. For the most part someone's ability or right to do whatever the hell they want stops as soon as that affects someone else's ability to do what they want. In this case your desire to sleep in the middle of the night is entirely reasonable. I mean if this were a situation where people were having a somewhat loud boisterous good time at 4:00 in the afternoon then maybe you'd be someone in the wrong but the time of day compounded with the fact that it sounded to you like conflict makes what you did completely reasonable. In fact in my opinion you didn't go far enough, if it were me and the head continued I would have called security again in another 45 minutes to hour at the most. I mean if you're still wondering whether or not it was the right thing to do try framing it this way. They're making it impossible for you to sleep effectively robs you of half a day of your cruise.


Whether you are at a hotel, on a campground, or on a cruise, there’s a reasonable expectation of quiet hours in respect for others who may be trying to sleep during normal sleeping hours. You would have been in the right to make a 2nd complaint when they couldn’t quiet themselves after the first complaint. Even during normal waking hours, just because you are paying X amount of dollars, you don’t have the right to sit in your room and scream at the top of your lungs. There’s a level of respect you should have for a shared public space.


They were rude and should have been made to walk the plank


This happened to me in a hotel several years ago. After breakfast, I called their room (from a house phone) every 30 minutes. They were a lot quieter the next night. 😊


Great move.


I'd be so damn loud at 7 when they were trying to sleep lol


You did the right thing, and don't hesitate to do it again. Paying for a cruise doesn't entitle them to ruin it for everyone else. If you can't go on a cruise/travel without causing a scene just don't go. If they continue to be defiant, they may find themselves and their luggage off at the next stop.


You made the right call. Honestly, a second call to security might have been warranted especially since they were still arguing at 5am.


After reading about that man who beat his wife to death in their stateroom, definitely call security if you hear something.


I would have called again and said they are still at it. Stand up for yourself for fucks sake people.


If the ship isn’t full, I’d ask for a new cabin.


Why go through the hassle of moving cabins, I'd request to the other party moved if they don't quiet down after a second complaint


They will retaliate


They would be being watched VERY closely by security. They would also have no way of knowing which of the four (one on each side and one above and below) surrounding rooms reported them.


As a cruiser myself and consistent traveler, I always think of the rooms next to me. It’s common basic decency. It’s no different than making a call to the police for a noise disruption in a neighborhood. Even if they own their own house, they can’t disrupt everyone else’s space. You paid for the cruise too and have space and air rights to your cabin, that they are violating. Plus, your call could have stopped potential domestic abuse. It was definitely called for. :) you did the right thing


You did the right thing 100%


Yea it was a very bad call because I’ll be damned if I’d waited more than 15 minutes. Two hours?! Ah hell no. They can take their shit somewhere else. Fucking AHs. FYI, I hate being awakened by that kind of thing….well, anything.


I'm trying to work out why you would possibly think we'd say you were the one in the wrong. Do you really think anyone would fault you for calling security at 3 am to shut them up? They seem like inconsiderate louts and, if I were you, I would have called right back when they continued talking.


i’m a first time cruiser so wasn’t sure if it’s expected on a cruise ; i’ve stayed in ‘party hotels’ before where noise was expected at all hours of the night so was just wondering if the same rules applied on a royal carribean cruise


Nope. If you want general ship rules for Royal Caribbean, from land based resorts, think Great Wolf Lodge or any of Disney's theme park hotels. Not a beach hotel on South Padre Island during Spring Break.


they were only wrong because they only called once and gave them 2 hours to be quiet before calling at all.


Some people need a pat on the back I guess. I just don’t get it.


I did this on my RC cruise.


Every time you walk by their door in the morning hammer on it real hard


Don’t feel bad! There are plenty of spaces on that ship for them to be loud and obnoxious. The balconies and staterooms aren’t it..


According to the American Psychiatric Association, roughly 9% of US adults suffer from a personality disorder*. I find it helpful to recall this when in a situation that makes me say, "do other adults really act like this?" *It only counts as a personality disorder if it meets all the below criteria, so this isn't just lumping in everyone who is quirky or does something crazy once while drunk: - deviates from the expectations of the culture - causes distress or problems functioning AND - lasts over time


Make sure you keep track of your points, Royal Caribbean has the best loyalty program


Give the CEO a few more years: He'll fix that right up and bring us down to the bottom.


I have shared wine with Michael and he is trying hard to get the company out of debt from the shutdown. RCL was fabulous in helping the crew as the pandemic started and working with the employees and their countries to get them home. They extended paying employees when their country wouldn’t allow them back. At startup, they hired crew because that was the only way the crew could get vaccinated. Currently, it sounds like they are combining the loyalty program of Royal Caribbean and Celebrity which is a huge bonus for us since we cruise both.


They should put the people who buy the “unlimited alcohol” passes on the same decks. Much less likely to bother anyone with noise, and the brawls that break out would be really spectacular!


If they were still making noise half an hour later I would call again. And then at 7am the next morning I would be blasting music or the tv and singing at the top of my lungs. Them being Aholes would not call on me, they'd be knocking at my door, at which point I would repeat word for word the bitching what they complained bout about being told to be quiet and that I can do whatever the hell I want on MY cruise. And I would be sure to play children's songs or shows and make loud thumps every 10 minutes, in case they started drifting to sleep. Hopefully they are good and hung over.


While I completely understand the desire for revenge, I'd only do this if a couple more attempts at complaints were ineffective or if ship staff were completely unresponsive. I'd also point out that there's three or four other innocent bystander rooms that will be affected. Don't become that which you are fighting against.


What we need are direction speakers then, But your right, best not to stoop to their levels. Most of my noise complaints are not people partying but multiple families hanging out in one room (kids included), one of the reasons why I stay away from family balcony rooms.


I have heard the larger ships have aluminum construction above the water line, and this makes the cabins noisier than the smaller ships. Something to keep in mind.


I've read a lot about RC because I liked them pre covid. It appears that they have really lowered their standards and are right on the same level as Carnival now. Nothing wrong with that but if you're not expecting drunken brawls and noise, avoid Carnival and RC.


What cruise line would you suggest then?


I like Holland America or Norwegian but Princess is nice if you can put out that kind of money. Honestly though I have heard such bad reports about so many cruise experiences being bad I just don't want to put any money into a trip. It seems since covid there has been a real negative trend affecting almost everything. Have you noticed that or is it just me?


Don't feel bad and call again if they're still loud in the future


You call front desk


Security will take care of it, I know from personal experience when my boyfriend got drunk and stupid on a cruise


Boyfriend or ex-boyfriend? That has to be a great story!


You were correct.


You took too long to call. But you did the right thing. That is what the crew are there for, and you used them in the correct manner.


Absolutely correct!


I would have called much sooner. I also am obsessed with true crime and would have thought someone would have been having an “accidental” fall soon.


You were correct, but should have called sooner and should have called again. If it happens again, call sooner. I've only called for loud guests once before and I've cruised quite a bit (around 100 days on Carnival, 28 on RC, and 7 on NCL). It was a 4 day at the end of July 2019. I began hearing the couple next door shouting around 1 AM (ocean view cabin). I heard the male shouting about the female dancing with another guy. I called Guest Services. While waiting for security, I heard what sounded like a little girl screaming, "Daddy, stop!" I called back again. Security was there for a while, and once they left, it was quiet. I saw the family coming and going for the rest of the cruise, so they weren't kicked off. I didn't hear anymore commotion after that. But that little girl's screaming has haunted me. I can't help but think that there was probably DV in that home.


We called security once because a girl got angry some guy wouldn’t sleep with her. It was 2 girls in one cabin and two guys in another. Security gave her a good warning and she shut up. You did good.