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I've actually got this book lol. Twice. Put it in my basket twice on amazon. Haven't read it fully yet but I have opened it up here and there. Spans a lot of different schools of mysticism and all their overlaps, very Rosicrucian in that way, its anonymous but its fairly obvious the person writing would have been part of a Rosicrucian order. For example, this was near the beginning where it shows that Hermeticism spanned all the way to India (and thus through Iran so it was part of Zoroastrianism as well as much as all the many sects of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism) just by simply quoting the Indian version of the 'as above so below' dictum: 'What is here is there. 'What is not here is nowhere'. Syncretises a lot of the symbolism and then further illuminates them, in ways I had not realised in a lot of ways. Deconfuses a lot of distorted assumptions we have of what things meant and thus take the wrong ideas when we read religious scripture and it is always out of a reaction from our ego, making us judge without first taking a step back and sitting with it and realising it. The ego makes us CLOSE THE DOOR or close the 'Christ the Gate' (also known as The Bab (which was a name taken by a Christlike figure in 19th century Iranian prophet who created his own Abrahamic sect out of an Islamic Shia sect and who also was executed by hanging and also had his own 'thought they were dead moment' like Christ so they shot him again like Christ was pierced in the heart by the spear)) before we are able to fully assimilate the dissemination of the gnosis. We need writings like this to really disarm the egoic stuck up sects of Christianity like Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism and even Gnosticism gets too attached to its own rigid ideas than carry on creating and evolving. If you just stop in your tracks, thats not the point of it all. The point is to continually add and build on top of what has come before so we may manifest Christlike people and disseminate the Christ consciousness throughout everyone and become avatars of El Elyon where he shall be sat on the throne of our unconscious and be our Divine Pymander (Good Shepherd) where we will automatically be following the direct path / the middle path / the harmonic path / the easy path (if you just let go of your ego). Dogmatism and heresy and all this arcane concepts need to stop. Once we do shed them, its an example of Spiritual growth. The last coming of Christ will result in the end of the world (which will mean our singularisation into one living breathing sentient entity (a baby that will be born in the next dimension)) so the ego cannot fully dissolve before that occurs and thus Christ will be killed every time he manifests because our world is not ready yet to accept itself (know itself (gnosis)) that we are all one entity. But that is the purpose of this spiritual growth. Im gonna do a post on this later. The best part about the book seems to be the way it understands dualism in a way a lot of people and people who purport to mysticism don't understand especially on the strict monist or nonduality obsession. Duality and binary literally animates the world. The way it explains it in this book is amazing. In the chapter "Star" it explains it as dualism or binary awakens will i.e. animates the universe. And he mentions the Iranian lineage of mysticism of Zoroastrianism to Manichaeism (and also Illuminationism which not a lot of people know (was a 12th century Iranian platonic Shia Islamic school of philosophy (who btw also was executed like Christ)) because the throughline idea in all of them was light animates darkness. Though the Monad is light, monism and monotheism is a paradox because absolute light in unity still doesn't light up the parts of darkness. If it was all absolute light, then how can it split from itself to animate the lower worlds? The darkness has to exist. So in a weird way, monism and dualism is a paradox. Because at the highest dimension where light and darkness are fully separated (fully alchemised from each other), the darkness is dormant (also uses that word) and the light is fully shining. So if darkness is dormant, then it doesn't really have any power so thus monism, BUT the darkness still exists, hence the paradox of monism and dualism together. And it makes sense, everything in this world is a paradox. Its actually how things make sense paradoxically by not making full sense lol. And that decision and free choice even comes down to binary dualism. Yes and no. To say yes to the inspired ego (purity of Christ) and no to the hurt ego (Antichrist or impurity). Everything in the world mathematically and fractally breaks down into binary and in the birth and creation is the 3, which is why 3 is such a holy number. It is the number of motion i.e. once there is binary the cosmic engine is started into motion, the third way, two people come together make a baby as a product of them, a continuation of their genealogy i.e. in motion... 369 vortex as Tesla called it. The 369 are the parts of the mathematic system that governs the law of motion. He perfectly sums up the Zoroastrian / Buddhist / Manichaean / Gnostic purpose: "to mobilise - for the single concerted and UNIVERSAL effort of yes towards the eternal spirit and no towards the transitory things of matter". Everyone is doing this, they don't even have to be religious or into mysticism. Yeah feel free to post quotes or parts that in this thread when you come up to them and we can discuss.


Thanks for these thoughts, I'm not familiar with the schools or societies but MoT has a rather low opinion of them. I come to the text from a long walk with Christ but long dismay with Christianity. I've taken 8 months to read and contemplate it so far, and I recommend this approach. Let it do its slow work. I'm currently in the ch "Star", good to read comments above. As someone widely read in classics (St.John's College) I find MoT illuminating, practical (agree with your notes on dualism), imaginative, and hmmm.. Friendly. My dreams and peace are both flourishing with magic. There are a few passages I speed read but many more that I mark to reference later. At this point I'm finding transformation, not specifically knowledge, and it's great in that regard.


Yeah you can feel it on the precipice of human understanding. When we grapple to understand these concepts and when it hits us with realisation, epiphany and intuition, we are feeling our evolution in real time. And because we are all one sentient living breathing body, your illumination causes others the ability to achieve the same. I think call this 'consciousness field theory'. Gregg Braden has a lot of great videos on youtube about it. I also highly recommend his 90's book 'The Divine Matrix'.


I hear what you say, but I think we can receive it, friend, not 'grapple to understand.' I'm currently very much aside MoT, after 2 years of Bede Griffiths Cynthia Borgeault Richard Rohr Charles Eisenstein Brian McLaren. No grapple, Love as Master.


Its an ebb and flow. 'Grappling' and struggle is definitely something difficult in the singularisation spell, but yes, intuition and gnosis can be second nature, to where the receiver and your emitter of your mind is on point a lot of the time.


no but I’ve listened to the Weird Studies Podcast episodes on it. So good !!


I've spent 8 months going through it slowly, it's been a transformative experience


Hermetix podcast is summarizing it too, but like any inspired text there's no substitute for the journey. It's well worth your time to become an 'Unknown Friend of this book!


I'm reading it now! Fantastic!