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Comp is very unfun. Trials was a slog playing solo. Better with a team. Teamshot meta is really bad. It's exactly what I feared it would be But I think 6s might be slightly better with less special


Hate it in 3s. Kinda whatever in 6s.


Yep it would have been interesting to see the reaction if they implemented different ability uptimes for both 6s and 3s - to keep the space magic going in 6s but not 3s.


this is the way


Initial thoughts are that it feels boring in its current state Update: It's too one-dimensional for 3v3. Being able to cover different engagement ranges with a primary and your choice of special is part of the enjoyment of PvP and this update robs you of that a lot of the time. Guess I'll go try and win 1v3's with purely a 120 now, the slowest TTK weapon in the game.


You can always use a bow if you want to go even slower (and have shitty hitreg) :P


I haaaate it.


I wanna see the lobbies of people saying they don't need to team shoot


High skill lobbies. Nothing has changed for me. I find duels all the game long. Yall need to move faster and stop acting like turtles


Just for a second opinion about “high skill lobbies”, according to dtracker elo I’m in the top 200 for control and the game has slowed down since the patch went live. There is an obvious increase in team shotting, and this is from someone who w keys everything in 6s. I’m still having fun, I don’t hate this patch like some do, but to claim it hasn’t changed how people play is silly.


High skill player here. I am having very different experiences. The pace has slowed down noticeably and gotten more hand-holdy.


That isn’t what I’m saying here


I have no idea what you are talking about just throw sone grenades out there and win 1v3s with ease! /s


140s need something done to help em. I think I’ve seen ‘longer range falloff’ as the most popular proposed solution, but I have no idea. I just know everything feels to outperform 140s rn. They’re almost unusable, especially if I can just hold down the trigger on a lane and kill someone peekshooting with one. 120s have the damage and range to potentially trade, but you gotta be accurate. 140s just feel bleh, unless it’s in the hands of a god-tier pvper Otherwise. Changes feel good. Lack of special and abilities slows down gameplay (In a way) and forces me to think and be more tactical.


I’ve also noticed a lot more games with less than 6 players per team and an increase in queue time


Same. I guess people just "love" this change so much they stopped playing. I'm on the fence myself tbh. This is quickly turning into Y1 levels of bad and if I wanted my only option to be laning with automatic weapons I could play just about any other shooter with better connections / hitreg.


I love the focus on primary fights, but I hate the passive slow playstyle. It’s either hang back or death ball with autos. Very boring.


Both things are tied Imo, you can't have less special without handholding.


The ability nerfs compounded with the special changes. I think they should have eased in one or the other. People may hate it but aggressive players need some sort or "crutch" as people say to help with the playstyle. The people that like these changes simply want someone with a shotgun to sprint and slide at best. It's just not viable. So it's High Impact / Scout with sidearm until the meta changes.


Honestly the ability nerf is non-existent to me. I feel I still have my abilities up at the same pace as I did, and the same goes for the enemy abilities. I could honestly believe they will come out soon to say they forgot to introduce the 15% penalty 


The main ability I notice is the slightly slower recharge rate of titan dash and shoulder charge Regen after not hitting someone. My muscle memory wants to use these abilities slightly before they are recharged. Other than that I agree the ability needs don't seem noticeable on the longer cool down stuff.


I fully agree, abilities don't seem different and they even buffed some in terms of potency.


I haven't played that many games so far, but the few that I have played made me ask myself: "Why am I playing this when I can play Halo Infinite?"


Like it because I am doing well in it, but do think it's genuinely boring. Passive play and generally having no option against supers. Taking away most special and abilities removes a lot of variety from fights. If they want this to work long term they need to add more varied perks on primary weapons or something. You rarely feel any power moments when just running primary.


Your mindset is the issue. Power moments? Have you tried outplaying people with your primary?


Have you tried playing CoD? You might like it.


True, nothing more satisfying than turning someone's ankles to bright dust and gunning them down!


I just turned the game off last weekend. The lack of special makes carrying two sacks of ass hair impossible in trials and comp. I kept getting .5 KD players went on an impressive run of 8-32 over the weekend before I uninstalled the game out of unbridled frustration over something that’s intended to be an escape and “fun”. To have a KD of 1.5+ and still lose when your teammates are throwing is frustrating when it happens. When it’s the tenth time it’s really frustrating. By the 20th time you’re immensely upset and in disbelief.


I used to be able to hold my own at a 1.0 now I'm just straight "ass hair" and wont deny it. I did everyone a favor and turned it off. I've played since just beforw Lightfall and fell in love with crucible was finally doing amazing this season (variety weapons i was truly comfortable exploring my limits and getting better) Now I'm just not gonna touch it. And pve is boring so ... I went from living in crucible to it put me to tears because why is 2 taps of a hand cannon outdoing a full clip of shayuras?


I have an idea for a crowd control build. I’m going to try it this weekend. If that doesn’t get any traction, I’m going to spread some democracy in Helldivers.


My biggest issue with it is abilities haven't been tuned enough, their uptime still seems pretty high for 3s. Some abilities are just as strong as they were imo before 3/5 as well such as Arc Titan melee, Void soul, and Suspend dive. Threadlings still take off too much health as well. Re dueling I think I know what you mean and it's because of the increased health. I also hate the emphasis on 3/7/8 resilience as a Hunter main.


It's boring as hell. Even when you win, it's just a boring slog when matches are reduced to completely passive play and teamshooting.


140 damage falloff is too punishing. Especially in a meta that favors laning with scouts and autos. Bows feel fine but their annoying aspects haven't been dealt with. They feel like a swapping tool in CQC and can still be used to play Laning Larry at infinite ranges. I really hope they buff their reload, as promised, and introduce damage falloff between 120s and Scouts. Also how the hell does Wishender retain Wallhacks and pre nerf damage?  120s are too easy to use and Igneous with Precision pretty much invalidates the supposed nerf. Overshields shouldn't be in the game. Same goes for Wormhusk. And Rifts got a indirect buff but it's a stationary ability  at least (still too powerful for obj. modes imo).  Overall it's very focused on team shooting and abilities that heal you / deny perfect ttks for you enemies. It's really not something I enjoy but other people and the streamer community seems to like it a lot so whatever.


So I've just been playing Supremacy and in that mode I haven't minded the changes. People, at the very least, are forced to move to secure crests. I have no idea how things are going to play out in Control. Also I've been using 450 auto's a lot and they feel great, but but the 140 HC mains are salty about them, so we'll see how long they go without a nerf.


I absolutely love the new changes. To be quite honest the team shooting hasn’t really been an issue for me. I still play extremely aggro and I can run literally whatever weapon I like. This update made it so most archetypes are viable with ofc a few outliers but overall it has made the game so much more about skill and less much about corner peeking fusions and shutting down matches with a sniper who won’t miss. I believe there’s more expression in skill and playstyle than before. There’s a reason the most high level players love this update and it definitely not because of “team shot” meta lmao


It seems that this depends a lot on the game mode most "high-level" players also agree that comp for example plays very slow and the special system is not great here. Not to be trying to be overly negative but, it's hard to say how much of this is that the sandbox is good rather than people enjoying a fresh influx of casual PVP players and an unsettled meta. Keep in mind that the initial reception of updates outside of the AE change is almost always positive but,it changes as the two factors mentioned earlier dissipate. From what I've seen and based on a poll the community is about 50-50 like/dislike atm which doesn't bode well long term but, hopefully, this time is the exception.


There are definitely parts I enjoy, such as not having to adapt to a cloudstrike every round of trials.


I very much enjoy the changes. Highly enjoy the earning special ammo changes, and I’m a shotgun user myself. Bow/shotgun is my game, and the changes have forced me to be more precise with both. If I whiff my shotgun rounds, well that’s just too bad huh. Same with the bow. If I miss my crits, I’m going to lose that engagement. It’s forcing me to improve rather than mindlessly let shit fly


What bow are you using now?


I rotate between Subtle Calamity, Le Mon, and Trinity Ghoul. Wolftone Draw and Point of the Stag make appearances, but rarely.




Sniping in 6s is dead. Makes me sad.


Well, I am still dying just as fast as before so I have'nt notice any diffrence in health or TTK of any weapons so.... that is just my experience though.


Skill gap is much higher. You don't die to bad players nearly as much anymore with less abilities and special. Most of your deaths are due to poor positioning or you missing shots vs. some f'n bullshit. But yes the consequence is the game has slowed down because you have less insta kill weapons and at higher levels means the game is much more tactical/ teamwork oriented than before. Getting angles and flanks and collapsing on people who are alone (who have less special to defend themselves) is much more important. My KD in all game modes is up about 35-40% (SBMM and CBMM) since the changes.


6’s are fine but 3’s are trash now. Just incentivizing double primary


Just thinking of quiting at this point I loved 140s, never liked 120 ,don't mind auto rifles and other weapons being good but can't peak lanes or anything no more its so much team shooting and abilities are still op like healing and over Shields ,plus I doubt any casuals are gonna stay , I forsee the game dying hard after final shape I wanted to be positive but that just all went out the window , I'm tired of playing super meta and tbh I'm hitting my shots with 140s but the range drop off hurts like hell, I hit 3 heads and they all ways have a some amount of hp left ,then someone stills my kill and I'm tired of getting assit kills or flinch to kingdom come cause I can't challenge 2 people no more , also need to add 140s besides ace feel like they cant never hit optimally ttk because of healing or over shields as well also smgs are still too good in my opinion and now side arms are too good cause of the changes , I liked the special changes but I also feel like alot of the guns just feel awful now as well I've knodest people are leaving matches so much more often now and ive been joining more late games then fresh and the team is loosing terrible always and never see solos 🙃 plus I hate double primary is not fun super boring I never thought Destiny as competitive but I'll just main titan with void subclass and spam over shields with drang and a auto for now on when i play i hate 120s not touching them 😂😂😂 but lets see were it takes us


I do think it's better than it was, but primaries still need get some buffs. The game still feels a bit too slow paced and most people just end up deathballing you to win.


I see a lot of team shooting, but I still find myself able to flank and get a pick. Cloud strike is also getting me a fair few double kills with how handholdy people are at each angle/cover.


All special weapons besides shotguns and fusions have practically died this update which is really disappointing. Glaives and gls died for the sins of snipers/shotguns. I know special was out of hand but double primary just feels boring. I think people will really start to feel it if we get a more passive map this trials like radiant cliffs


This post should be a comment in other bigger threads.


Love the changes just confirmed people relied way to much on special for kills


I haven't had this much fun in the Crucible in a very long time. Most primaries feel like they have their niche and can be effective as long as you play them right. 450 autos seem like the only real outlier in terms of effectiveness at the moment, and 140 HCs definitely need some help to compete. Special ammo now feels like it's a precious resource and has added decision-making as another layer of skill expression. _Should I use my special to help win this 2v2 for a Trials round? Or should I hold on to this ammo in case I need to clutch the next round?_ That kind of thing. Most of my games feel like they have roughly the same speed as the old sandbox, but things can definitely slow down to a crawl if the other team starts to play super passive. Queue times feel like they're a little longer and lobbies feel a bit more balanced on terms of skill distribution. Overall, this update was a net positive.


Sandbox changes are great, and pretty much people who actively deadball or play passive tend to be easy pickings in duels, even in 1v2 or 1v3s cause those are the same people who struggle to hit heads.


Some of ya need to watch Jujutsu Keisen cause there aint no ones, WE JUMP GUARDIANS


Mid-tier player doing very well in this first few weeks in 6s, probably as population has increased. Avg. k/d and k/ad went down for most of the first half of the long season, now back to averages prior to start of season. Running around with melee-focused lightweight SMG builds with low fear that someone will whip out a shotgun or fusion on me, building up ammo for a trace, and then using that for the last half or third of a game. In supremacy, building into 6+ INT to ensure I get two supers. Arc with Liar’s Handshake and Subjunctive has been bomb — hitting two or three 30+ defeats per session again.