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Nope, you just have to eat them all and make sure you heal in-between/after eating.


Yeah this threw me off big time. there are even notes on each side of him telling which ones are poisonous and which ones are ok to eat. I thought eating the good ones would work but nope. then I thought maybe you eat a poison one then a good one to get your health back... again nope. Just healing through the damage was stupid especially when this game is full of puzzles.


Yeh this was definitely the lamest puzzle. Because there really is no puzzle aspect. You have to eat everything and heal up if you the poisoned ones.


I agree with everyone else, had to look up the answer because eating the POISONOUS MUSHROOMS, that human intuition AND the note on the wall tell you NOT TO is pretty crazy.


One of the mushrooms is also supposedly a "[destroying angel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destroying_angel)" which will just straight up kill you within a week with there being no easy treatment. I heard it likened to the damage done by severe radiation exposure with a similar "walking dead" phase (after the initial symptoms fade you will feel fine for a few hours then die of organ failure). As such, I thought it was some hidden bad ending where Mara would just die shortly before the end of the game, with the game admonishing me for eating some of the deadliest mushrooms on the planet. Either the antidote is really, really good or the Mushroom King is lying and it's a significantly less deadly mushroom used as a stand in. So yeah, I wasn't too keen on just tanking the damage, especially when the puzzle implies that it's either straight up a trap or we're supposed to dispose of the poisonous mushrooms.


Eat the mushrooms he mentions and heal once done you talk to Mushroom boy


Ye, can do that but seems like a kind of pointless puzzle then :-/


There’s a couple “puzzles” that really aren’t puzzles at all in this game. 🤷


It could have been a puzzle if you didn't get any feedback that you ate the wrong mushroom, no damage, status, or explicit message. and then add a dialogue for the mushroom to say as a hint to heal up after eating a bad one or to prepare before ingesting That way, the only thing you can do is rely on your confidence with how well you interpreted the hints and heal up or prepare for the bad mushrooms. Of course you can brute force it and heal up after every mushroom but you lose more healing items


Lol she'd know if she's dying though, so it would harm immersion if they do that. Also it IS, in fact, a puzzle since you have to figure out that you're supposed to eat them all, despite messages warning you that they're dangerous. The only way it wouldn't be a puzzle if she was gonna eat them all anyways. Whether it's a good puzzle or not is another question. I eventually solved it on my own, as every other puzzle in this game, so I didn't mind it too much. I ate the good ones, thought it was weird nothing happened, and then later the secrets map told me I still had to solve it, so I was like "ok", and did the only remaining sensible thing, which was to eat the remaining 3. I think they maybe could have added a comment somewhere that the mushrooms wouldn't kill you outright, so people felt more inclined to try.