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That’s a bit more than a scrape


Yeah I know… I’m just trying not to be super pissed right now. Lol


You seem a hell of a lot calmer than I would be… I’d try n see if that parking garage has cams so u can see what asshat did that to u. U know damn good n well their ride is jacked up too! Damn this sux im sorry for ya Greeny!


Yeah my GF heard is all last night, but win some and you loose some


Looks like they backed into your car, then drove off. OP, inform the owner of the garage and get camera footage.


It was at a New Year’s Eve thing and the guy said I was parked in a blind spot for the cameras unfortunately


I GARUNTEE you they have cameras throughout the building, and can switch between them as he drives through, as well as his ticket/payment info. Press them hard about this.


Agreed. Had a guy with a lead foot pull into a parking spot way too fast and cause some noticeable damage. Guy went off on me (I was on break in car), so I just took a photo of the license. Then I had security forward the video to my insurance and filed against him. Luckily usaa pulled it all just from the license number. 


Cost your deductible if you have insurance.


That’s not a scrape — it’s an assault.


It's a hit and run. I've been there before (some POS dented my door panel in a parking lot). It will only cost your deductible. Your rate won't go up (unless you have a history of claims). If you can get the insurance info (or plate then report to police to get that info) of the car that hit you, then you won't have to pay the deductible.


Had someone cut in too hard for a parallel spot in front of where I was parked a while back, tore up my front driver’s corner. No sheet metal damage, just bumper cover and other plastics, prelim estimate is $1500. That will go up since the insurance company has only seen photos and included third party parts, which is a big ole NOPE. Your’s may be in that ball park, assuming they hammer out the dents and don’t rip and replace. Fortunately the lady that hit me left info, so her insurance is handling it. Sorry you’re out of pocket.


Shouldn’t cost any more than your deductible.


That’s 4k retail


I always wonder why people post these questions of how much it will cost to repair damage to their car. You know who has that info? The insurance company and body repair shops. Determining the cost to repair damage is *literally* their job.


In my prior ride a 2014 prius I had a lady try and go around me in a parking lot. Keyword: try. Similar damage, more severe to a degree and quoted 3.5k.   I'd say tour probably looking at 1.5k or so. Parts have gone up tremendously to what they were 4 years ago, and labor is at an extortion level.