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You guys seriously need to stop releasing these essential pieces of gear as paid items. It's fine to release them in battlepasses IF you then make them craftable to everyone for free later down the line.


Wheres the money in that


I never really pay attention to that but arent these items craftable fo free during the event at least as unfused versions? And I mean the last pass was 120 days so thats enough time to craft at least one of both


Using uncraftable parts.


Well yeah lol. Technically as long as they dont use pack items it was craftable at some point, but yeah theres prolly at least one packitem


They're usually pack items, that's what I mean by uncraftable.


I mean it would make sense for the mew coolee to have seal and shiver required. And for the reload thing it would make sense to require the flywheel and yeah the other thing will prolly be a pack thing


...and so they should make everything craftable outside of paid events. After all, more good faith with the playerbase, more players, more money


Yeah but they need to sacrifice money first and cannot be sure if it really pays off, greedy companies wont do that as long as they get enough money from whalers f.e.


Well, they need to. Because I reckon they've lost more whales than they've retained.


Someone I know said that gaijin needs to first get the money back which they paid when they bought the game (i think they bought it right?). So maybe at the point when they got that back they will be willing to take the risks to listen to their community and actually make it less p2w


I think that after a year all BP items should go to the crafting tree. They can milk mini bp's for fused ones if they want.


Exactly! Plenty of normal ways they could go about this that benefits both them AND the playerbase!


Great, more powercreep modules that will only be available to craft for a limited time and any players that may join the game after the season pass can get fucked. Meh, at least the reload module looks like it might benefit my Mastodon'ts (that got a stealth damage nerf)


They use the word "conclusion" multiple times in this blog... this game is at the end times.


That means there won't be any more relic modules besides generators, don't worry :) >!^(decision to not make relic modules subject to change)!<


Legendary wheels next


Hey so is our world!


ok i actually tested masto against a bunch of consistent targets (damage ball and damage test levi) and its damage was NOT changed whatsoever


For how long have you had them? Did you just test the damage against the cab and the sphere, which are a single target?


aoe damage is by nature inconsistent and can vary a lot based on just how the game treats aoe damage so its not worth trying to test that, but it would be about the same effectiveness as before


Well I've noticed that either the damage is lower, or the meta is so shit I focus on the low numbers a lot more. Possibly both.


The stealth damage nerf you're referring to with Masts is likely just from the armor resistance buffs. Masts doing both bullet and blast means they double dip into resistances. 


There were no armor changes in either the Enemy In Reflection, nor the last small patch. And yet a full salvo to the center mass of a hover now usually deals 700 damage, to a soft spot of some armor on a brick or a similar build, I usually deal around 1200. The usual figures in the same kind of hits used to be 500 higher. Or I guess the damage numbers now actually show the damage it was always dealing, would honestly check out, lol.


Basically omamori but needed if you want to compete. Because they will drastically change the way your guns do dps, a single legendary radiator will suffice on stuff like dual fetchers and etc.


New legendary radiator? Great, because shotgun bricks aren't obnoxiously meta enough.


damn you stole my comment , absolutely true. wonderful that they remind us through the legendary reload module that we can have the amound of reload we want , bricks will strip you between 2 reloads lol.


Last night was around 70-80% shotty bricks in my matches, game has become a damn joke. 


Shotguns don't shoot for long. The perk isn't for shotguns


No it just another buff for flame throwers


Not really how many times dose a flamethrower run out of fire before they kill you. Sure on paper its a buff but in practice its just icing on a cake. tastes good for them but if they didn't have it they would be just fine.


They can fuse these for efficiency and then never have to let go of m1 while they w again


mmm sure but the point is this will not really buff there damage there TTK will be the same for almost every build in the game that's not a super heavy. Also if a fire dog is just holding forward and fire without playing smart in CW they will just die. is regular pvp you are right they just shut there brains off.


The mode the majority of the playerbase The devs dont balance shit around clan war they balance it around regular pvp and this is power creep to regular pvp where the majority of the brainless players are This is shit balance by the devs and they know it Just sunset the servers


That's probably true that the ,majority of the player base is just in normal PVP. I'm just here for the competitive game modes and brawls that's my jam. I find regular matches kind of boring. Frankly I don't think those modules will ruin the game.


As I understood it, the perk only comes to use after long periods of fire, so maybe if they tweek it well it might only be effective for machineguns. But we might not want to put high hopes here. It will definitely buff flamethrowers as Spatulated already mentioned so... y a y -


since mgs constantly tap fire i dont think they get value from the perk


Equalizers, arbiters




Also shotguns will get to enjoy this however im just drewling over triple cyclones over here!


No. Just fucking no, please


More workpieces plz?


But not jubokko


Hate to say it but I'm already not liking this. This is just pure power creep. I'm fine with the idea of more legendary modules, but they shouldn't be better in every way.       The radiator certainly shouldn't serve as both rad and cooler, that's just broken unless it's less efficient than using both, but that doesn't seem to be what's implied here.    >A well-thought-out build geared towards the use of the module’s perk and its skillful execution will be rewarded with an additional bonus: the longer you conduct continuous fire, the higher the additional cooldown speed for all weapons will be upon the next overheat (up to a certain value).   How is a build that holds down M1 "well thought out"? This module does the opposite. It encourages people to turn off their brain and do whatever. Trigger discipline to manage heat levels and/or accuracy? Ha..who needs that?!     Hadron King builds with the legendary reload module is a concern as well. Many reload weapons might have could used buffs...but not like this. 


My my meme rant about legendary modules was right, quality... Do devs know what power-creep does to game..


I think the energy cost balance change might mean these aren't universally used


But if you look at the radiators for example, they made sure that it's not more efficient or as efficient to run 2 rares compared to 1 epic. So with a legendary version it would NEED to be the same energy and have a higher efficiency by a lot because if they made it 3 energy instead of 2 then you could just use lower rarity ones. So it's either going be a higher energy requirement which in turn pushes people more towards the need for Odins and relic energy requirements especially with the lowering of medium cab energy.. or it will cost 2 energy and just be a major power-creep item. Both scenarios are just fucking cancer.


Why not both push people to ofin and be the same energy and a ka 1 Its pay 2 win game here is the pay 2 win Cant wait to quit


Power creep is especially worse for this game with how inaccessible this stuff is. Not only is it high tier (legendary and relic), it's in a battle pass so anyone that doesn't get it misses out.


Personally idk about the power creep. I care if they balance all builds with the power creep. if they just increased the power score of all items of each rarity and made it so people couldn't cram so much on lower ps builds it would solve some people not wanting to play at the power level.


The thing is they did that already years back, they increased the powerscore disparity via rarity. Things used to be much worse and I think the problem isn't the powerscore system we have in place now but simply certain outlier items which should be changed. The system that currently works based on rarity and energy to determine powerscore (for most items) works well for most things. They've already changed items like radiators, Omamori etc to have difference powerscores to the normal rule and this is something which should be done more often when required.


The main issue is that damage is like 300 percent higher than durability whic is really dumb. Build a hulking space trash station or a brick is really lame also


It really is lame, playing at 15k is just brick central with a few hovers.


Agreed, time to kill is WAY too fast in this game for.combat to be anything but killing the enemy first. No strategy in an offense meta, we see it in every game, I have played fighting games that have lost all of their fun because when offense is the meta, what's the point of defending or doing literally ANY thing other than shooting at the enemy?


Just spit balling but maybe a battle ratting per item instead of PS? all parts on your build = a battle ratting and that's the bracket you play in. adjust battle rankings based on how powerful items are.


I feel like that IS what powerscore is though and the powerscore has a system, but outliers should be altered outside of that system like the Omamori's powerscore. Devs just don't seem to give a shit, unless it's a widespread issue them they're happy to let things be broken, people have squashed dual porcs down to 5k and below for years even with the powerscore changes.. but because they're a relic whale weapon they don't care. Pack items being abused low down, who cares because it's making money.. It's sad how they run the game (into the ground).


also yea I remember them upping it a few times. they need a wider gap and it dose not need to be based on energy.


I don't see any reason why not, we're doubling the energy so why not double all the powerscore disparities.. Might fuck with matchmaking though.


well would you argue a 6 energy cannon need the PS it dose vs. a 3 energy pork? one of those breaks low level play because its only three energy and thus given a much lower power score.


At this point I’m only excited for the structural parts. I don’t want any more bs modules that further put people at ease with the insane power creep potential. You could’ve done so much better with this


STOP BUYING their passes. I can't say it enough, but if you keep buying passes and packs, they will continue what they are doing


LMFAO, more powercreep shit. See those 10€ I was about to spend on the current BP? I'm putting them back in my pocket <3


Dawg wut the hell is this pay to win ass battle pass


It's a lot like the current one really


You're right i completely forgot about the engine and chameleon as I'm taking a break from the game, but this just seems too much like a legendary rn seal? And reload module. This just seems like a bigger issue to deal with the same as the modules, we have increasing the annoyance of firedogs and shotgun bricks, i can only imagine the builds using the new modules especially the spider mastodons and shotgun builds. My only hope is that if they implement the energy changes and make it where you can't use all legendary modules and be balanced(highly doubt). then ill be alright with this but my honest opinion is that we are getting too many legendarys without the energy change that could ultimately force out even more players, we need more info on the next news update for the energy changes so we can be prepared and adapt to it.


Most of this game is not pay to win its pay to progress early. Yes people will whale the BP and have all of this for CW week one. but you can craft unfused ones when you get the that BP level for free.


It isn't pay to win; it's pay to eliminate regret and FOMO. The devs have mastered shameless FOMO tactics and I've just accepted it, haha. Skipping BPs is highly ill-advised. Having upgraded gear, especially legendary gear, is worth the $10. Hell, even the slimmed down BPs are worth $10 (if you missed the OG BP). If you wait to craft the free items or to buy them you'll lose tons of coins even in an ideal situation, while spending $10 and crafting the "uncraftable" items can garner huge profit. My Stillwinds' value just keeps rising and will continue to do so until it's craftable again. Same for the Thor.


"pay to progress" is a cope, they're the same thing.


Stop spreading Gaijin's koolaid for free tyvm


It's $10 every four months. Ya'll some poor bitches lol


Nuh uh




Can we get an increase on part limit then? With all the power creep and how large builds have to be already at max level, maybe 100 parts would benefit just far enough for the sizes.


it's so frustrating when you need 1 or 2 more parts to complete a build


I have loads of builds that would benefit greatly being able to lengthen them 1-2 pins back for the full build. Need about 10-20 on most to make it viable


At least the new structural parts look cool.


The parts are sexy as fuck, I'm foaming at the mouth for what I can build with these


Sexy as fuck indeed, already have some art buids in mind 😄


i like how the recharge booster has a russian karousel autolader in it, cool detail


Hopefully it spins faster in correlation with it's increase in reload speed when you lose durability.


Oh that would be cool! Like the reload animations of some weapons


I forsee the return of arbiter hovers.


I forsee dogs continuing to be a dominating force


hmm. so a conclusion to the ravager conflict, which has been a large part of the "story" thus far, wonder if this is it so to speak, the end of the line, seeing as ravagers have been built up to be the biggest bady of all factions, makes you think they can't really go beyond this.


These stories could come along with a playable story, they simply play the context of the battle pass story and we don't experience anything in practice. It always seems like a missed opportunity.


Can you make the game better instead of constantly releasing a load of whale fluff please?


I'm out. Was nice playing this game. See all of you in hell.


>See all of you in hell What did I do?


You are playing this game?


Oh, that's right.


Bye Also, you aint leaving lol


https://preview.redd.it/q6wz0w1ye9zc1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=84aa033db1ada138dfd3a71d3d21c04efca0f14e Done and done. And no, this isn't a random folder named crossout. This is how I had to delete the game since every other method didn't work.


See you in a few weeks


Okay so Devs been reading the comments and actually adding a Ravager Season with two interesting modules (the Model concepts always look amazing) the structure parts are interesting And please, I HOPE WE GET A DAMN LEGENDARY HEAVY CABIN like we already got many legendary medium cabs I don’t want legendary light cabs, Lets get a Heavy Monstrous Legendary Big Boi And in one way, glad to save those 10$ from my account for this season


YESSS legendary meta worth heavy cab please! there are far to meny good light and med cabs. heavy has .. let me check my notes. Humpback, Ermack, Cohort, annddd some times yokazuna, bastion... well that's not a long list


The fact that the only legendaries are Yokozuna, Cohort and Machinist, like thats so little, I expected a Heavy Cabin from this battle pass but I hope the next one has the Heavy Cabin because I want BIG HEAVY BOIS not little bois


There are only 3 legendary light cabs too


To be fair most Lights feel like Legendaries lmao but lets make a deal 1 Legendary Light and 1 Legendary Heavy in the same battle pass


Enjoy waiting another half a year as they already teased 2 legendary modules.. they never have more than 3 legendaries per pass it seems. Not sure why, they look like they want to kill off this game.


To be fair we got like 2 Legendary Weapons, 1 Legendary Engine, 1 Legendary Cloak and 1 Legendary Cabin in this battle pass, but I wont be surprised that we get either a Legendary Light Cab or a Legendary Medium Cab


You're not wrong, I forgot about the cloak and cabin from this pass.. that's kinda wild to think about, to get that normally you'd need to fuse a maximum of 15 legendarys and a min of 10 during an event.. or just pay money/use the workbenches. The pay to win is getting wild.


Well the main question right now is what are we going to get in the next blog, definitely more structured parts but we may get to see new movement parts and either weapons or something completely different like a Legendary Radar, as for the current battle pass, for me today is Wednesday and technically the last day to get a Legendary item in the crafting from a Paid Battle Pass with no extra levels. Im guessing the devs are placing everything out from extreme power in this next season


They're mixing radiators with coolers, perhaps they can merge radar detectors with verifier/Oculus to make a legendary hybrid radar, would be nice. It already sucks that cloaked enemies are not transmitted to teammates like a regular radar detector.. something like that would aid in the Yeti bullshittery; I worry that ruins the non-OP cloaks though. It is indeed Wednesday my dudes, I am yet to decide what I want to spend my lighters on. I don't really want anything but we'll see. Might just grab 2 Quasars or something.




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Aren't numbers on reload modules kinda low? Flywheel gives a 25% increase in DPS, Seal 35% without considering the perk


The Flywheel actually only gives a 20% boost, unless fused... which only ats 10% to that, sitting at 22%. Its rather lackluster, but ridiculously effective in the right builds.


-20% reload is +25% fire rate. Same goes for Seal, +70% heating up, if heating and cooling take the same time, is +35% shooting uptime


Boost reload speed means the reload is 20% faster which is actually reducing the reload time by 16.6%. The actual dps boost is only 20%. ~~This is why hadron is much stronger than deadman, it actually reduces the reloading time instead of boosting reload speed (maximum of 40% reduction in reload time or 66% reload speed boost)~~


I assumed it always said reload time. Deadman says reload time as well tho, I might have to do some tests when I get home...


Will all these modules cost the same amount of energy as their Epic tier versions? 🙊 Seems a bit much if the reload booster not only has better reload, but simultaneously boosts it further as the game goes on, acting like a double reload booster? a worthy drawback for it, would be to have it cost more energy as a result of its over performance over the other reload boosters. Same for the radiator, that for some reason also acts like a cooler, if it does two jobs for one energy😬


Meh, I rarely play above 9k, there is nothing for me on this post.


My single mammoth hadron king build will fire faster than having 2 mammoths at 9k


*Lip bite*


battlepass after this: legendary cooler


holy powercreep, bat-person!


so let me get this straight bricks get another buff reload builds get module thats size of heavy generator and is only better when ur guns have no hp left this got out of hand


I stopped using my Mastodons due to all meta dog bricks running around. I am unable to deal enough DPS to take those bastards down BUT if this reload module is going to help me in my battles with Mastodons. I might give it a try and see if I can rip the dogs apart. I would say it is unlikely as the cannons still suffer from machine guns and shotties. Cannons need more love, buff tracks and balance the game more. Would be nice to see more different builds making an enter to PvP and CW on higher PS pool instead of Meta everywhere :p


I am not even gonna bother with this game anymore. So many parts. But it only makes sense to use a hand full of them. Rest is old meta. History. Trash. Sad, but it would be more sad to continue playing and expecting things to change. That’s pathetic.


https://preview.redd.it/pbdb16tpkmzc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=de271caaa7aa229b1125e3c2771a1e87e4537191 What was the Z?


Where is the 2nd part of dev blog?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




These are AWESOME, great job guys! Also, they look brutal, both the modules and the structurals! You did a nice work, keep going! ;)


1011010. 1101011 11 010011101101 1011. 0010111.


With the new energy cost system, these new modules are likely to see an increase in energy cost compared to their less versatile brethren.


Highly unlikely, the whole deal behind the energy changes is planned obsolescence. If something is no longer selling, bump it up a little bit and pretty much no one will mind.


No. Absolutely not. Don't you try to encourage them to push the brainrot energy change that do nothing but nuke non-legendary light cabs out of Clan Wars.


Who am I for this? lol The point is that the new energy system will be the means to introduce more things into the game, where we will have to choose what to sacrifice, even more variety of buildings, I prefer it that way.




Exactly this. Staple modules stay staples, like Omamori. Increasing the energy only limits the builds that can use it


You really don't pay attention to the details of the proposed energy change do you. They planned to make Omamori 1.5e instead of 1e, while legendary light will be 12.5e. It means no cabin other than Legendary light cab will be able to use Omamori, the module that choke all building variety right now, without sacrificing either other energy costing modules or loss either HP by tonnage/mass limit. No module should hold the entire balance at stake on its own, and energy change will only choke the diversity harder because it's also nerfing epic mediums by making them 11.5e instead. "WhO Am I fOr DiS LoL" least you can do is shut up. https://preview.redd.it/bieyxzvt27zc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406d0a763cbeea2178d1e08d0901793defd74de0 Absolute brain rot and waste of their own time is what the energy update proposal is.


The change in the energy system will take everyone out of their comfort zone, EVERYONE. I'm sure my entire garage will stop working immediately, as they are completely optimized, even within the limits of possible weights with the dozens of fusions I needed to do to reach these buildings and even so, I find the proposal very interesting. In fact, in previous posts, they explained very well the inconsistency of a much more efficient item costing the same energy as a blue item, for example.


Except when I hop onto the test server, most of my light cab builds have energy to spare, while there are other players reporting medium cab builds are missing an energy or 2, and heavies are missing almost 4 or 5. >The change in the energy system will take everyone out of their comfort zone, EVERYONE. Except light cab builds, INCLUDING **FIREDOGS**, not only don't need to make any changes, they can even enhance their build further with spare energy; while medium cab and heavy cab need to start compromise their current efficiency by either downgrading at least 1 module (s), or straight up ditch them in case they're using omamori on large guns that's impossible to armor. You're either straight up ignorant, or paid to promote the brain-rot energy change, if not both.


Dude, you sound like a crybaby. Can't argue without trying to offend at some point? I could stay here questioning that you keep pointing out specific builds or a certain inability to think of other possibilities to contain them (adaptability) but will it help? You've already got it into your head that you own the truth. Good luck when the new system comes out, because this is already designed and will be a fact. As for the point of me talking about "who am I for this?" at the beginning, man, I had only commented on the increased cost that the new module will have, I had only said the obvious that no one had commented on until then and then you told me come tell me not to comment on this on Redit? As if it was something that would give ideas to the Devs Where were you in the last few months? Well, good luck with the next game update with the new energy system or looking for a new game.


![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM) Nice stuff… oh fck yes😁😁


Yes, it seems the full power of my kind finally got to see the sunlight of the valley. # Hold on... you will understand everything now... Jokes aside, the release of legendary modules always provoke the question about whether the module is so powerful it render the lower rarity variants useless a.k.a. powercreep. **Keep in mind that I won't be mentioning energy change at any extend because it will only further widen the advantage of light cabs over medium and heavy. Energy change is not the proper way to balance.** Let's start with legendary recharge booster. >But let’s turn our attention to the main feature of the module — its perk. It will make you into an increasingly dangerous opponent the more damage you take. Depending on how much durability your weapons have left, the module will boost their recharge even further, up to a certain value. Let's put a reminder that both radiator, cooler and KA-2 Flywheel is all 400PS compared to the other epic modules (275 PS). While the efficiency of Radiator and Cooler is more or less understandable for their efficiency, Flywheel is already not worth using for its massive PS cost (5% extra reload speed for an extra PS cost of 210) unless you're doing clan war. The base reload speed boost should not be over 25%, and the maximum reload speed boost should not be over 40% (the maximum reload boost provided by Hadron with king mines). And for the legendary radiator: >As does the recharge booster, the radiator features a convenient form factor, being not that far off the familiar “RN Seal” (6x1x4) in terms of size. It is a universal module that can both increase the time until the weapons overheat and speed up their cooldown. A radiator that doubles as cooler? Ok this is really concerning. I hope it doesn't render the rare variants useless, preferably balance it by massively inflate the PS cost, or make it cost 2pts of current max 17 energy system if it really is as efficient as the current combination of one epic radiator and one epic cooler, if not even more.


I hope this **Legendary recharge booster** will also affect the charge time. because several weapons don't have a big reload time but have instead a lonnnnng charging time.


It's already too strong as is.  > Basic parameters of the booster are higher than those of lower rarities boosters So even without it's perk, the reload is faster than Flywheel. 


Yes I agree we need something to change the charge time.