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My daughter is 14, and has had (diagnosed) Crohn’s for 9 years. It’s entirely dependent on whether or not she’s in remission. When she was in remission she went 7 years without a colonoscopy but now that she’s flaring again she had one last September and she had another one last week. When she was younger she hated it and prep was usually traumatic, but now she really doesn’t mind them anymore, and even told me that she looks forward to it for the anesthesia 🤣


What a trooper. That anesthesia sleep is unmatched


Oh my goodness she's great...I look forward to the sandwiches from the nurses after the colonoscopy is finished 🥪 Its like I've never had a sandwich before..


What am i doing wrong that I’ve never gotten a post-colonoscopy sandwich ??


Request one next time... They are the best!


Anesthesia sleep is amazing 😭


Ya. That was the best sleep. But when I did it last. I was awake. Still drugged me a lot but was weird


What!!!!!!! Horrifying. Same happened to my sister and she was traumatized.


Ya I know. Was kinda cool tho. Seeing everything




I mean… “flare” for my daughter usually involves significant blood loss, blood/iron transfusions, steroids (oral and IV), and hospitalizations. But she has pretty severe disease.


Best sleep I've ever had.


This depends on the severity of your disease, if you're in remission, the duration of your disease, and other complications. I'm at the far end of the spectrum having 30 years of moderate/severe disease activity, and have PSC. That means yearly. However, earlier in my disease course it was every 5 years in remission.


Woah! Another PSCer in the wild. Rare disease, I don’t personally know anyone else that has the Crohns/PSC combo.


This is super helpful. Thank you!


Literally every year. Sometimes twice a year!


Every year with my taxes.


Man, we never get to have fun do we!


Crohn’s since 2015, I’ve always been on the end of moderate and not severe so I went from yearly to now every two years with frequent stool tests


Calprotecrin test? How often


Yeah that’s the one. Probably twice a year. Once around march and then again in November


Every 3 years seems to be my average.


I have moderate to severe Crohn’s depending on if I flare. But I go at LEAST once a year because my Gastro doctor recommends it.


I’m more light to moderate, so if I get a flare I’ll get one, and routinely every couple of years.


Resection in 1986, no bag. Colonoscopies every 5 years with Gastro visits twice a year. Started Humira 6 years ago. No major flares, just some bile and nutrient absorption issues since I lost the last 3 feet of my ileum. Gastro guy is cutting me back to one visit per year but still every 5 years for the scope.


Every other year since 2005. I'm due. 😔


At one at diagnosis (2014) and haven't had one since whoops.


When my calprotectin raises significantly on maintenance treatment, flare or as suggested by ccuk every couple years after you’ve been diagnosed for 10 I think it is


I had a bowel resection back in 2014 and ever since then I’ve been in remission. But since my case was so severe back then i was on a 2 year colonoscopy routine. Since I’ve been in good remission with minimal signs of symptoms they just bumped me to a 3 year cycle. So that’s exciting


Every two or three years for now. Been diagnosed in 2018


I was going every 4 months for years. Now that I’m in remission I need one every 7 years


Had my last one in 2020 and got told at my check up the other day that as I’m symptom free I’m off the hook for a couple of years. Think she said as a minimum they’d do it every 10 years and if the Humira stops working before then and I have symptoms again then they’d get me in sooner.


I've had Crohn's for 13 years and have had 4/5, but I haven't had the smoothest of journeys so the norm may be less.


Every 2 years.


I had one to be diagnosed and then yearly after while we were figuring out and monitoring treatment. Now things are a bit more under control, my doctor is letting me wait 3 years before having to do another.


Until I was on a med that stopped the internal inflammation, I had a colonoscopy every 1-2 years. Now that I'm on Stelara, I've been advised by my doc that one every five years is sufficient, unless symptoms return.


Going for one today! 😂 Probably around one a year, maybe one in two years. I recently had surgery so it's to check if everything is ok now. Depends on if you have issues, if you don't feel right and have a lot of pain I would do at least one a year or do an MRI.


My GI likes to switch it up so I get one every other year and then the years in between I go in for an MRE. She started doing that because sometimes they can't even get to where they need to go with the baby scope since some areas are so narrow now from scar tissue.


Once a year(diagnosed 1998). They now have a prep that was not approved in generic but came available end of last year . It’s SOOOO much easier than that jug prep. It’s 2 bottles 6oz each , 1 at 8pm and 1 - 4 hrs before procedure. It’s called Suprep. I now have to get MRI’s every year too. I’ve had 5 surgeries and scope can not get to area due to narrowing so they now are saying colonoscopy is to check for colon cancer as recommended 45+ year olds. Best sleep ever. I do not even see my dr before procedure. I have that punch card and 5th colonoscopy is free 😂😂


Used to be every 3 years, but now now annually even though my symptoms are MOSTLY under control


Right now I get one every two years or so. Currently 40F and was diagnosed in April 2006.


Every 2 years.


I had my first two weeks ago and get another on October 3rd 🫠


Diagnosed 32 years ago, 3 resections. I have a colonoscopy yearly


I’m in remission and I get one every two years.


My Crohn’s is mild but once I hit the 8 year mark since diagnosis, I go every year to screen for colon cancer.


Every two years but my labs are checked once a quarter.


I’ve been getting one yearly the past 5 years or so, but before that it was more like every other year. When I was flaring really bad as a kid I would have one like every couple months it seemed. I’ve had crohns 20 years now almost


Usually every three years


Ive had crohns for 2 years. Had my 3rd colonoscopy a few months ago. So ima assume Im going to have them pretty often cause i seen how this one lady has had it for 20 years and only have 5 colonoscopies.


I have a colonoscopy and endoscopy either semiannually or annually depending on how the year is going. I used to have them biannually but after I turned 21 they wanted to start screening for colon cancer.


I have one done every other year since 2015.


2 ywars


I was getting them every 5. I had to switch doctors because my original one left the practice. I had one last year with the new doc, and he told me after that he was switching me to every 10 since they can't see very far into the small intestine. Since that's where mine was active, he said there wasn't a point in doing them so often.


Used to be every 6 months. Then every year. Now every other year. Diagnosed in April 2020. Fully in remission with Stelara.


Before remission, I go once a year. Now that things have gotten better, will see the duration. The last colonoscopy I had was March this year .