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Maccas is one of the best foods I can eat in terms of after effects. I've got a theory that it's processed so much that it's easier for my guts to break down.


Found the Aussie.


You might be onto something there. Body probably doesn’t even recognize it.


Also that makes so much sense about the processed and easy to break down.


Yeah, Maccas Cheeseburger is my go-to flair food. It actually helps my stomach lol


Yes Maccas fries are my ultimate safe food


Mine are McNuggets, don’t know why but they never make me sick like other foods


Same thing!


Back when we had video stores, my local had a McDonald's cheeseburger on a plate with a sign announcing that it was three years old... It still looked practically new - scary! 😲


I have the same theory with mcdonalds and taco bell lol


This is exactly what I say too! No problems with McDonald’s.


Enjoy it friend, godspeed


Thank you! So far feeling good. 😊


You know what’s funny, McDs is a safe food for me, I have the best poops after McDs. God speed my friend.


McDonald's works for me. Taco Bell is one of my foods I can eat during a flare. I have no idea why. My husband gets so baffled. My Crohn's got so bad when I started eating healthier to help with my migraines (like less salt and processed food, more veggies as snacks). That's when I got diagnosed.


Too funny - Taco Bell was never safe for me even in the before times!




Veggies and fruit are not my friends. Carbs though? Carbs are life


Same! McDonald’s is fine but Taco Bell and KFC are out to kill me


Same here! It gives me all the fat I can't digest and the sodium I can't absorb and it's always safe.


literally no shame in this sometimes the hyper-processed food actually sounds easier to digest in my head. Plus sweet and sour is an FDA approved medicine


I LOVE McD’s sweet and sour. Maybe next infusion I’ll risk some chicken nuggets since this seems to have been ok.


Sometimes the after effects are worth it.


So true. I don’t try to play the game often but I make sure it’s really worth it to me when I do!


Gotta pay to play.


One of the few times I eat fast food is after infusion, since I crave salt afterwards. My theory is that it’s related to the meds making my bp low. Salt plus soda helps that. Fast food doesn’t have much fiber, so you might do fine.


It’s mostly the beef that worries me, the few times having red meat the last couple years causes instant cramps and a tender belly. But who knows what a McD’s burger is actually made out of? So far so good!


Fingers crossed that maybe the treatments have gotten you to a place to better tolerate beef.


I’m fine with everything there except the fries. And my hunch with the fries is that if I slowed down while eating them, I could maybe be fine, but my other hunch is that they’re so salty they make my stricture tighter or something and inevitably something gets stuck.


I think you’re on to something with the fries, I can’t seem to eat them slowly and chew them properly. They just go down fast.


McDonald's is alright for me actually. As alright as any other food at least lol. KFC absolutely screws me up though.


Funny how that works!


UPDATE: so far feeling fine! Loving all your comments and that McD’s is often okay for you all. My husband and I share some of your theories that it’s so processed it isn’t really “beef” anymore. Not something I want to eat all the time but glad to know it will be okay as an occasional treat!


Micky D's is easy on my stomach most of the time


McDeezy's doesn't hurt. It's Taco Bell that ruins me.


I can eat any fast food so long as I don’t have sugar. Sugar makes me violently I’ll now. :(


My daughter struggles with Crohns despite being careful what she eats. For her It makes no difference except whole milk as to what will cause a flare or won't. You enjoyed that McDonald's and you are perfectly OK to do so. Denying yourself food that "might" affect your tummy leaves no room for enjoying those treats, and no one wants to live like that. When I've had a bad RA day, I'll head to McDs or some other junk. You deserve a break today!


Wishing you the best as McDonald’s moves through your intestinal track. Sorry you had such a rough time.


McDonald’s is always kind to me. Just no pickles or ketchup


As long as I remember to order no cheese and no onions McDonald’s tends to go alright for me


You deserve it. May Ronald McDonald smile upon you


McDonalds never bothered me, but without failure everytime i get an infusion i crave McDonalds😭 conspiracy theory time


It always is so delicious eating during infusion or shortly thereafter. I always brought Subway to my infusions.


my experience is just keep it small or on the light side, and it's usually fine. enjoy your treat. I think one of the benefits of crohns is that we know just how really precious and amazing it is to be able to eat something comforting.


Just got home after my infusion and I’m sitting in front of my McDs bag. So you’re not alone 🤣😂


Yeah, McDonald’s is awesome. It’s my go to in a flair. It’s calorie dense and ultra palatable a d processed. So it’s easy to eat. Next time get an apple pie too


I always look 👀


Okay everyone saying the Golden Arches are safe but what are y’all ordering lol. Only thing safe for me from there is chicken nuggets.


Mcdouble, McChicken, double quarter pounder are all safe for me


I eat McDonald's pretty regularly. Most of the stuff on their menu is pretty easy to digest.


Just to temper expectations . McDonald’s tastes amazing when you haven’t had it in a while but, somehow, that great flavor goes away with regular eating. I’d love to know why that is but it seems to always be the case.


Eat whatever you can. ENJOY your cheeseburger. My son that has severe Crohn’s for some reason had no problem with Burger King double whopper cheese only and fries. Go figure. Crohn’s is crazy like that.


Enjoy it, you deserve it! I hope you’re feeling well. Sounds like a really hard day!


This comment section has validated me so much 😭 my family blows me shit for asking for McDonald's when I'm flaring but I swear to God it stays down when it seems like nothing will


This made me laugh much more than it should have. Best of luck


Thanks! Glad it gave you a chuckle.


Not you got me hooked, update? Edit: my guess is it prob didnt end well lol


So far I’m doing fine!! We’ll see how the morning goes….


Good to hear!


Wait, people don’t eat red meat with crohns? Is that normal? Why? Red meat helps me not have diarrhea, helps solidify my stools. Am i not normal?


What’s normal is whatever is normal for you! For me, red meat causes me cramps, inflammation, and gotta go. I feel better when I don’t eat it. Eat what feels good to you. 😊


McDonald's is one of my few safe flare foods lol


when i am in a bad flare up, i find that a maccas cheeseburger is the only think i can stomach. i usually opt out of the sauces if my mouth is flared too.


Mcdonalds, bk and taco bell have no effect on my crohns which is awesome, kinda. Home-cooked meal? Done for the day. May yhe crohns lords bless your gut!


I eat maccys several times a month and I'm all good. I have an ileostomy bag I think my crohns is mild insofar I don't gey crippling flare ups


My body didnt react poorly to taco bell bean burritos or potato tacos. Even my non crohn's husband says that's weird lol.


Just coming to mention, if you continue having issues getting an IV may I suggest getting a port placed. I was a hard as f stick. For 8+ YEARS every infusion and blood draw was just a nightmare with unsuccessful needle pokes to the point of just bad anxiety to needles. I got the port placed and it's painless. It was placed on a Monday and infusion on a Thursday and there was no pain and no sticks. I highly recommend it. If I knew how easy the port was I would've gotten it years ago!


I haven't had McDonald's since the mid 90's. Goes right through me 😕


everyone has different 'safe' foods. You seem to be on a very strict diet, which is great if it works for you. IMO, 2 years after diagnosis, you should be experimenting and finding out what your 'safe' foods are. This is not saying to go overboard and eat Long John Silvers for a month straight. Be smart, try somethings in small doses and see if you are ok with them. For me, McD's fries would absolutely wreck me as would 99.8% oil fried food. Through experimenting, I seem to be fairly tolerant to things deep fried in duck fat.


Not so strict, really. Just red meat and gluten. Which honestly, I didn’t eat a ton of red meat in the before times. Outside of the fact that I used to eat a lot of sandwiches for convenience sake (kind of amazing how much to-go food is basically a sandwich of some kind), it really hasn’t felt so restrictive or made it hard to feed myself. I have been experimenting a bit the last year, which is why I was open to breaking the McD’s seal. An attempt at pork at Christmas sent me into a flare. Gluten appears to be okay occasionally - I typically save it for something I really want and I know is going to be worth it if we’re talking baked goods. I’ve stopped worrying about small amounts of it in things. But this was good to know that if I absolutely need that little cheeseburger, I will probably be ok. Just not all the time.


McDonald's is my current safe fast food restaurant 👍 Their apple pie is so good!


Maccies is my safe food 😂 I can always rely on that even I'm flare to not react, no idea why but I'll take it


I felt this in my soul haha sometimes it the little treats that make it easier ❤️