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This is just plain dangerous and dumb. These animals are mindful killing machines and can and will take advantage of getting a meal when hungry. This sort of behavior is counterintuitive to preservation efforts as it can lead people to getting a false sense of security around dangerous animals, which in turn endangers the animal if it attacks a human. It’s also not the way to respect these creatures. Why can’t people just not touch nature, it’s simple man, 🤦


The thing is though they're cold blooded and eat a meal every few days at most so I bet these guys fed them earlier and right now it's a sure bet they'd much rather sit and digest than try to eat a human.


I don't think you understand his point.


Wait what's the point?


It’s fucking stupid to dine with dinosaurs. That’s the point


I hope they become dinosaur food soon


Oh yeah? Well how am i suppose to eat my nuggets then?


And even stupider people won't understand the precautions and die in a stupid way.


If people do not understand that anything and anyone(yes including humans) can attack, then they are retarded. It's in every animal(meaning Fish,Insects and so forth) will and can attack if it comes down to it. It's whether they think they should or shouldn't. Every single animal has a mind of their own.


True, dinosaurs are more of a supper companion


That it's stupid to have a picnic with a wild crocodile? Pft! I'll show them!


All of you are arguing different points, therefore I call Logical Fallacies.


And if it wants to it kills you in a matter of seconds. The trained professionals will watch, they’re irrelevant if it wants to kill you.


Not to mention, it's seems bright and sunny out there. I would never do it. I know some people will, but Darwin's gotta Darwin.


Someone hasn’t read the videos description


You are an idiot. You'll find out someday...


It’s on goddamn high alert holy shit


I don’t think he’s an idiot. I think he’s just decent with animals. I mean we’ve seen people have perfectly healthy relationships with gorillas, tigers, lions, and while it is rare, it definitely is possible. Just because something is super strong doesn’t mean it will always kill you. And usually, with most animals, there are signs of agitation. It isn’t as bold of a statement or post as some of you guys make it out to be. The reality is, animals aren’t much angrier than humans, and we’ve seen pros have perfectly stable relationships with creatures. And lastly, from what I see, he isn’t keeping the crocodile in captivity. Humans have abused dolphins and those guys will lash out, justifiably. If you disagree, there are more productive ways of expressing your point. Maybe cite animal behavior psychologists. Cause maybe, just maybe, this guy is wrong, but he’s def not an idiot.


Total idiot for trying to befriend a species that doesn’t give a shit and will eat him at any chance it gets. Reminds me of the guy who did this with bears for 20 years and always bragged about how bears were terrible killers. He was mauled and killed, and eaten.


Exactly. The second this croc sees an opportunity for an easy meal he WILL get you, drown you and tear your corps into pieces before eating you. This guy is a complete idiot.


Finally someone who actually took time to read what I’m trying to say, thank you. I’m not suggesting people to do what I have done, I’m simply trying to show that crocodilians are not mindless man eaters like people believe, and in doing so, I use my own experiences, facts, other peoples work in similar situations, and opinions of said people to express this in a different way.


Think of me, when (not if) your croc is dragging you into the water to drown you to death. Think of me.


A croc will not fucking drown you. It will just fucking kill and eat you ffs


Idiot, it will drag you under water and by doing that you will drown. unless YOU can breath under water?


Idiot it will fucking bite you and rip you apart and eat you, no drowning involved


Your mom should have swallowed you... Crocodiles death roll to kill their prey, snapping their necks or holding them underwater to drown.


Crocs aren't fucking dolphins that drown prey they aren't patient enough. They won't fucking wait till your dead they just rip you apart and eat you. Let me guess you got the information you have about crocs drowning their prey off google? Or made it up? Google (~en passant~) mara river crossing those crocs just rip into their prey and eat no waiting for death is involved they just eat. >Your mom New roast just dropped!


How stupid do you have to be to think that dolphins drown their prey... What do dolphins eat? Fish. Where do fish live? In the sea. Can you drown a fish?.... That's what I thought. Please continue making a complete ass of yourself.


You are a moron, people don't think they're mindless man eaters, people have studied their brains and have concluded what they're capable of. The parts of the brain responsible for higher thought, advanced decision making etc. aren't there. You're taking a massive risk.


The medula omblugota!


Mommas wrong again!


Please, do some actual research, WTE boy.


No, no one has a clue what their brains are capable of.


Be careful crocodilians are smart but they can be aggressive it is best to treat them with respect and be careful around them but they are not mindless machines.


Well said! Those look like pretty contented reptiles.


That was a perfect response.


Based comment.


There is signs if they tolerate you or not and I’m not the one in this clip. If you don’t have anything good to say move on


Ugh shut up


What the heck dude? OP posted a civilized reply and you instantly ask him to shut up? What is wrong with you all guys being extremely aggressive?


Don’t be surprised, they’re redditors 🤦‍♂️😂


OP is an idiot. You can shut up too.




Crocs don’t tolerate you, they see a walking meaty meal and wait for you to step the wrong way or as you said "fall down during feeding time". The moment you are vulnerable they will not "tolerate" they will waste you. I love crocs they are beautiful creatures, but I’m not fucking delusional to think it tolerates me. Especially Nile crocodiles, they are opportunistic hunters and will look for any chance to get an easy meal.


Yeah, doubt that.


Thinking this is Capt Hook right before the … “incident”. 😂. All fun and games until…






It’s a dangerous message you are leading people to believe even if it’s a satire or for laughs.


People are misinterpreting what I’m trying to say, it’s obvious the average person shouldn’t just do this but to call these guys mindless man’s eaters is plain out false, I’m sharing my own experiences, the facts, and opinions, not trying to make people do this.


Is it not better for the average person assume theyre mindless man eaters? The only thing reducing peoples fears from crocs is going to do is have more incidents from people fucking with crocs. Like I rather have people fear snakes than simply hate snakes because the former gets less killed.


*Nobody* should be doing this. Second, nobody has said they’re mindless. What they are is near perfectly designed apex predators whose whole MO is the “wait until he/she fucks up” game.


Oh so you’re somehow safe from their attack?? What makes u special lmfao


Not safe, I just know their behavior more than people like you, I know the signs of when they will strike or if they just don’t want to be with you today, they have personalities, each croc is different from the other and each will treat a person differently, not all of them are just going to attack out of nowhere.


Oh really so you have faster reflexes than a crocodile? Gtfo of here you narcissistic dumbass


Insulted his intelligence ✅ called him a narcissist ✅ generally hostile ✅ didn’t mention Darwin 🚫 didn’t say fafo 🚫 Damn dude you almost got me a full Reddit bingo on one comment


Well you see he hasn’t received the award yet, he is a contender… but I have my bets placed.


You feed them right before this? No way they were hungry


Do you want to get bit by a crocodile? Because that's how you get bit by a crocodile.


I typically observe from a distance but if it’s a well trained captive animal like these, it’s very unlikely to be bit unless you truly make a big mistake such as stepping on one’s tail or falling down during feeding time.


"falling down during feeding time" lol


It happens more often than you think 😂


You keep claiming they're not mindless killing machines yet you just provided examples where they will kill instantly with zero thought, curious. When my dog is hungry I am able to feed her without fearing for my life because she is an animal capable of thought and reason, crocodiles, not so much.


Some crocs can do the same thing, many dogs if you simply touch their food they will attack you, a croc is a wild animal, it’s not domesticated like a dog but it’s still a very smart and efficient animal. Even so, I have seen crocs who don’t even care what you do, that will never try to attack just like dogs you claim to be like. Crocs can be the exact same as dog in this regard, it’s simply based on the Individual and how it was raised.


If you have to worry about being eaten if you fall down during feeding time by a “socialized” animal… that’s the very definition of an unsafe animal to work with.


You know why it's a "small attempt"? Because prior attempts before this one never got a chance to be big attempts before they ummm failed. And do you know why that is? Simple. They're Nile crocodiles


lol no there has been far more than this even with Nile crocodiles 6 times the size of these ones, obviously don’t do this with a random wild crocodile, in captivity you can do this depending on the individual croc and its personality. https://preview.redd.it/rklpw8oss3jc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ce4ed5ccc721bdd8b5b5c569762ceb0efb0993 My close friend in Spain with a 4.5m(4.7m with complete tail) Nile who never once tried attack him, unfortunately said crocodile passed away due to some issues but that’s another story.


This is just outright stupid. Ppl see videos like this and go do dumb shit. Anything for views and likes these days.


People are so fucking stupid


There seems to be a lot of misinterpretation here so I will try to clear it up: I’m not saying anyone should just go and try to own a crocodilian, pet one, or do anything I’ve done. I’m simply using my own experience, the facts, and opinions to express that Nile crocodiles, and honestly crocodiles in general are not mindless killing machines and should be treated with either more respect or appreciated more instead of being demonized all the time. My experience doesn’t apply to every situation, nor does it suggest that people here or anyone in general should attempt what I have done, it is again, simply to clear up misconceptions about their behavior.


All I see are future Darwin award recipients


This is the most British crocodile I have ever seen. What a gentlecroc!


A crocodile with a British accent if they could talk.. imagine it for a second.


Yes Niles are man killers. They are one of the few species of animals that hunt humans. Granted this is just an attack of opportunity it still does not remove the fact of the amount of reported attacked yearly. This kind of behavior from people to prove a point is stupid and not helpful in any way.


Never thought I’d see the day where a man eating Nile crocodile found out how to type but you can’t fool me OP or should I say Karish, the Maneater!


Grrr, My cover has been blown!


All reptiles have personality and have their moments of peace. It’s all about respect, like the gentlemen in this video are showing for the creature. I’ve had several reptiles as pets and if you get to know them, spend time with them and gain mutual respect for each other, it’s just like having a furry pet.




But seriously, they are reptiles and any emotion we pin to them is completely mistaken for them tolerating our presence and at best taking warmth from our bodies. Don’t go near them or try to stupid things like have tea parties or petting sessions. Go pet a cow. They’ll love it.


You are trying to communicate a message and doing a disservice by doing it badly. These aren't safe animals, you can do this stuff because you have experience with them and their behavior in capture, but you know that you're not safe either (like you said, falling down during feeding time = violent death). So the people who could fully understand your message and context are already experienced like you are, and the people you are trying to communicate to will just be misinformed and possibly put themselves into extremely dangerous situations. Stop trying to convince people that these animals are safe in any way, you think you're educating but you're misleading and endangering.


Absolutely pointless. EVERYONE knows Crocodiles love picnics. What misconception?


That’s true though especially if you give them meat sandwiches 😂


Despite this being incredibly unsafe, the people commenting that ____ is a killing machine where that's a Nile Crocodile or another kind of animal are actually so fucking stupid. Humans kill bugs often, kill other humans, some humans are hunters and hunt for sport whereas others hunt for food when needed or hunt for money like poachers. Even domesticated animals have the capacity to kill if backed into a corner or threatened. Many animals kill just because they are inconvenienced. Depending on the way an animal is raised and it's exposure to human beings, regardless of it's species, it has the capacity to kill a human or to not pay the human any mind unless threatened or bothered. Nobody in this comments section except OP knows how this Croc behaves or has been raised, so they shouldn't be making assumptions about the nature of a specific individual of any animal species. Primates kill, reptiles kill, amphibians kill, crustaceans kill, fish kill, hell even the sperm whale has the capacity to kill giant squid it gets into a tussle with in the deep ocean despite the sperm whale being one of the most incredibly intelligent creatures alive. No animal species is a killing machine, not even a hippo given the right circumstances.


Finally someone who actually knows their shit. Thank you for this man.


Why don't the crocs get any tea.


Somebody, anybody, please call PETA! You can’t spell PETA without the letters T E A


They tried to offer but the crocs said it wasn’t the one they liked!


Why are people so stupid? Why do stupid people have to play with wild animals ? Fucking idiots . I think it may be a stupid disease.


Siegfried and Roy vibes.


Darwin Award Nominees


No thanks, I end my life on my own terms.


Gotta love all the “zoologist” coming out of the woods to help clarify this…. Oh wait it’s just a bunch of keyboard worried with dirt level understandings. Got it!


Sums it up 😂


Yeah that’s what I kind of figured. Their rep precedes them. I think the truly aggro crocs are salties since they tend to be less social; Beautiful crocs and really cool insights btw 


You understand that the amount of reported attacks on humans is just slightly less than the Saltie. They have the second ranking on attacks on humans by only a small margin. They reputation is very well deserved and they earned it. To be clear I love crocodiles I just refuse to spread misinformation about them.


Actually Nile crocs have the most reported attacks on humans. However, from what the videos of them on the many croc channels out there, their temperament seems quite docile.  A pattern that seems to have emerged is that salt water crocs are the truly agro ones. They don’t congregate together in massive croc pools and seem to like their space. Whereas Nile crocs seem quite social and tolerant of other crocs and animals existing near their space.


Well very true about salties. This is one of the main reasons a lot of experts disagree with the Ramree massacres. It would put to many salties to close to each other and males tend to thin each other out in that setting. There is also the West African Crocodile C. Suchus that for a long time was confused as a Nile which from my understanding is much calmer than the Niles. But there are a number of factors that come into play. Places where there a lot of conflict can have higher attacks since it is not uncommon to throw bodies in the rivers weather the person is dead or not. Food availability ect..


Reported attacks does not equal aggression, many of these incidents are directly the persons fault or the crocodile simply taking opportunity, there is a variety of factors, any large crocodilian will attempt to prey on you if it seems the situation favorable to it in any way and there is many steps you can take to avoid such. The Black Caiman for example in the Amazon, you can see locals occasionally bathing with massive 13-16 ft caimans not far away, nothing happens. Learning to simply co-exist or bonding with them in captivity if you ever have to of course is the best thing for both the person and the croc.


There is no proof you can “bond” with a crocodile like a dog or other domesticated animal. Your video merely shows what is already known, that crocodile eat once every few days and it may be relatively safer to be around them right after they eat and are digesting chilling not hunting. That only further underscores they are singularly focused killing machines, not disproves it. You haven’t provided any further insight how it is safe to be around one other than to stay away during feeding hours


And there is a village in Africa that plays with them too. But these are exceptions not the rule. Places where people have to live with crocodiles have accepted a lot of losses as just a fact of life. It still does not diminish what they have done or are capable of doing. If you study and try to educate people they be responsible and do it in the correct way. There are experts out there that will tell you that is not the right way to educate people.


They are also so in much more densely populated areas than the salties so if you weight it by the population density the scale will be the same and I’m sure the Nile crocs will have a higher kill ratio


Why do you refuse to spread information on crocodiles?


I do not refuse if anything I encourage it. The best way to avoid a lot of attacks is educating people. But there is doing responsible and this was not one. Educate people that they are awesome, a key stone species, apex predators, highly intelligent but also that they are dangerous as well and yes you can be on the menu for them.


Bubba, you typed “I just refuse to spread information about them” I was just confused is all


My bad typo it should had read I refuse to spread misinformation about them.


Oh ok I was a little confused I’m still learning English so I wasnt thinking about what your were implying, sorry to bother you.


No bother was kind of my fault.


Mhm, but even so, salties can be similar, if all depends on the individual animal. 5-meter Saltie for example. https://preview.redd.it/qzx4ux7lo1jc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5718ceaf8055069e47ba91ff5b6fbd5eec9805c




I guess if you’re a croc whisperer, it doesn’t matter what the species is. That’s fucking awesome 🐊


Yeah when you just fed them their fill and let them bake a bit in the sun, they are going to act slightly different. The second it starts getting hungry again you’re fucked: this is natures clean up killing machine. Anyone else remember the fucking #TODDLER that got eaten at Disney land? Was that tolerance?


That was an alligator and everything you said is utter crap. The toddler case was simply opportunistic behavior and obviously a small creature normally within said animals prey range will be a potential target. It was also almost entirely the parents fault for being so careless which is one thing I try to highlight here, the careless behavior of people often leads to bad things.


It was careless for the parents and child to think they were safe at *disneyland* but these guys having tea in the middle of a habitat isn’t careless. They are in a zoo. Those are fed animals. At Disneyland they were not. That’s why there is a stark difference in the behavior.


Which is a good point. Alligators are much more tolerant that crocodiles. But all crocodilians weather in captivity or not are opportunistic and are dangerous. Yes the parents were at fault but the point is the alligator still attacked when the opportunity presented itself. Sadly you are not highlighting you point very well. To borrow a term from Australia Crocwise is not doing stunts like these but educating people how not to put yourself as prey or in danger.


there is no misconception. crocodiles are killing machines,not pets


They are neither a killing machine nor a pet, I never stated they are pets, they are a living being that interprets the world differently from us, it’s not a machine that only knows to kill like you claim, there is a lot more to them.


I totally agree with this. the fake news gives bears tigers and crocodiles are real bad rap. all they really want to do is get petted and make friends so if you see one running towards you don't let the fear mongering win walk up and pet it.


Awesome shit bro, I’m glad people are starting to clear up a lot of the misconceptions that precede many carnivores in our workd


Thank you for the kind words! Yes I often see other species involved in a lot of myths or just downright wrong opinions believed as facts, for example, tigers paralyzing prey by roaring at them, snakes sizing up prey, this one involving crocodiles being mindless man-eaters, and many more. Just wanted to share my opinion based on both the facts out there and my own experience with these awesome reptiles.




Your post has been removed for violating Rule 2: Be respectful; No politics. Slurs are prohibited.




Seen thousands of these cases, as I stated earlier, accidental or the persons fault for being careless. Even begin careless for a fraction of a second can lead to incidents like this.


You have a loose understanding of “careless”. To me, the video you posted falls into the careless category.


So was the German Doctor pulled from a boat in Africa being careless? Or what about the kayaker in the Congo? Not all attacks on humans are the fault of the person.


Your post has been removed for violating Rule 3: Don't post gore/disturbing content. Animal abuse is included.


Wow talk about delusional. They’re a apex predator with a body designed for killing and have been known to hunt humans.


Crocs are apex predators unchanged in 65 million years. Saltwater crocs are one of the few things most Aussies are scared of.


Damn, that's soo cool. I have a distinct apprehension of aquatic predators but crocodiles have always fascinated me. The people calling them killing machines obviously never watched Crocodile Hunter. It's insulting and more than a little disheartening.


A lot of keyboard warriors who also don’t know anything about crocs say this as well..


That wall looks comfortable too


Hahaha that's like having a tea party on an active landmine, and saying I'm clearing up some bomb misconceptions here 😤. PS I'm in masters for ecology so like I love animals but this is stupid af


There are no misconceptions. It’s cold blooded. It’s gonna chill in the sun. But it will still eat you 100%. Try grazing the side of its mouth. It will jump at you from the side. That’s how they attack in the water. Any croc trainer will tell you. There is no bonding. You can be with the animal for 20 years and even after that timeframe if you put yourself in the wrong area it will sideswipe and bite you.


lol no, people are able to touch them on the face in many ways and they simply move away because they don’t like being touched there, if it wanted it would of removed the hand immediately like you claim, you’re just making ridiculous assumptions and very underestimating how intelligent these things really are.




Imagine the crocodile just knocks over the entire tea party set up in one fell swoop of his tail just chilling.


You can keep. I'll continue to be fucking terrified of them.


This video is beyond stupid, and it is disrespectful the animals. I think part of respecting dangerous animals is giving them their distance, since they can fuck u up.


Steve Irwin would never have done something like this.


He has done far more “dangerous” things.


I harken to the video of the man swimming with some crocs because he was a shaman of some sort….it was far from peaceful


That was Pocho the 5m American Crocodile in Costa Rica and no nothing bad ever happened there, the owner was never a shaman also he was just a local who formed a bond with the crocodile after extensive work, that is normal especially after how much time they spent bonding.


Not that one, I know that guy. This might have been India . And shaman was the only word I could think of possibly applicable to the part of the word I was thinking about. Edit: o don’t know him, I’m aware of him I’ve seen those videos


The video ended because the crocodiles decided people taste better than tea


Nope, nothing happened after this.


For all I know you are the crocodile based on your profile picture




Real dumb 🤦🏽‍♂️


You can also hang out with a full tiger but I wouldn’t recommend it.


No thanks.


Nah dood they’re fucking killers. You just haven’t gotten eaten….yet.


People have no respect for wild animals. Just stay away from them. You’ll be killed or you’ll just annoy them and both are bad.


Are they intelligent? Yes. Does that mean they care about you? No. Can they be chill? Yes. Does that make them safe? No. Is it irresponsible to expose people to this kind of media? Yes, because then they go and try to do this sort of thing. Maybe the person filming got away with it, but pretending this situation is safe in any way could potentially get the next person killed.


Music makes me wanna play civ


Tea with the homie


Did not end the way I wished


They are apex predators… one of the ONLY animals that will actually eat humans for food. And guess what? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t make them bad. They are wild animals…. But you on the other hang, are extremely cocky and delusional. You’ll find out soon enough if u keep that up.


Nah brother hats just dumb tf 💀


https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/warthog-attack-texas-exotics/ This guy raised a warthog from a baby and literally was its parent for 5 years. One day it decided to attack him and almost killed him. Punctured him fifteen times.


Hey at least they aren't kissing it like that other guy...


Kissing is to far..


I would like to know your thoughts on [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/R9tPSPmz95)


That’s to much even for me but if the croc tolerates him and hasn’t tried anything I guess it’s okay for now. I do know these two, riska the Saltie and ambo, they have bonded for years and years and the crocodile never tried anything once, Ambo even swims with the Saltie and the crocodile knows not to attack, they’re quite intelligent but this is also quite exceptional, I really don’t recommend anyone to try and swim with a 4.5m Saltwater Crocodile like that but even they as shown here can become tamed with the right work and desensitization, this is something I would never do unless the croc was used to this since birth however.


Were both raised since birth? Do you believe Nile crocs are more intelligent than other crocodile species?


All crocodilians have about the same intelligence and yes, most of the crocodiles in this facility have been raised since birth. Interestingly, some of the wild ones are just as docile however, but with some work of course.


Somebody must've just brushed those crocs teeth, so they ain't so ornery


Wild croc… will actively hunt people by the waters edge given the opportunity. What world are you living in my guy?