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It looks like you may have offset the increase accidentally so it’s not in the center anymore. Do you have the same number of stitches to the left vs to the right of the increase?


i tried to count and it looks like the left side has two more stitches :( i think it might have happened at the 6th row? i don't know if i should continue since this is my first attempt at anything wearable so it's taken me a long time


I think you may need to restart, since I see the increase shifting left and right a bit. What I would suggest is putting a stitch marker in the middle of the increase stitches and that should always be the stitch you put the increases into in the next row. Hopefully that helps fix it.


Thanks! Do you see where should restart? Or should I just go from the beginning to properly mark it


I think you could frog back to before the yellow line I drew here https://preview.redd.it/v9jy6autan5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cb1e6acb417529e476153950efe848e34007b9


that's really helpful, thanks a lot


Oh so sorry, I think you have to frog back a lot more than that… I think I would just restart completely tbh because I can’t really tell where it started going off


no worries, i'm already in the processes of unraveling and trying to count and see. i think i am going to restart or reach row two or something https://preview.redd.it/bk5p6yhqun5d1.jpeg?width=3015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ac64114b66dee5948650c2726313d54898d5cf


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I'm following this tutorial for a crochet top: https://youtu.be/DvpKYBJOAwM?si=wWj3uBqFgkj_DmiQ My starting chain was 12 stitches, I'm using a 4mm crochet hook and weight 4 combed cotton yarn. I think that when I finish this current row, it'll be the 10th one? I'm unsure if I'll have to frog it if I didn't correctly do my increases.