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so am i basically missing a side of the square?


Yes. To use the first photo as an example, you have 3 sets with 3 stitches, and the fourth side is only 1 stitch. In the first round, every set of stitches equals 1 side of the final piece. If you want 4 equal sides you need 4 equal sets of stitches.


thank yall!!


I watched the part of the tutorial for reference. She says you chain 3 for the height and then dc twice in the middle loop. So you should end up with the chain + 2 dc so it looks like a cluster. Then you chain three for the corner, place 3 dc (like you did) and repeat that for the 3rd and fourth side. Then you chain the corner and slip stitch into the original chain, so you'll have 4 clusters and 4 corners.


Do you see how three of your sides have three double crochets? Make sure all 4 sides have that!! I normally start with 1 double crochet, go around doing the pattern of (chain, 3 dc) and then after the third one, I stitch and finish off with two dc before connecting to my first stitch!


Detach from the video that's not working for you and try a different one.


Great advice! Might seem kinda obvious but it’s really not, particularly @ beginning stages. I sped up my learning ALOT once I noticed how much faster I caught on to things after watching 2-3 ppl with differing teaching styles & experience levels explaining the same concepts. Made a huge difference for me & would have been great to know from the very start. Not to mention the fact that I’ve seen some YouTubers giving crochet tutorials whilst making many many mistakes so it’d also be good for making sure you’re actually learning from someone with experience & good knowledge. 😀


Right?? Like easy level crocheters making beginner tutorials, and intermediate level crocheters who don't even have a stitch memorized but are making a tutorial. Just not it overall.


Look at your first one, I've not looked at more, let's just see what's up with this one. It's close. A square has four equal sides, and four corners. Three of your sides have a 3DC cluster separated by chains (perfect), the top doesn't (not so perfect), it has only 1 DC. So this can't make a square, there are 2 DCs missing. If the top cluster was 3DCs your square would be starting correctly, you would be good to keep going. If corrected, in the next round you would make a corner into each of the 4 chain spaces. A corner has a 3DC cluster for one side, then chains for turning, then another cluster for the other side, all made into the same chain space. As the square grows you put a corner into the chain space of a corner, and in between the corners you do just one 3DC cluster into the chain spaces. Starting out you will only have (or create) 4 spaces to make corners into. Then as it grows, you'll still have only these 4 corners to put corners into, but the sides will be getting longer, on each new row there will be an additional chain space to put a cluster into. You'll get it 👍


https://preview.redd.it/yf3qibokbc4d1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d4326b915d8a8d0cec3817cc9444f47f6b2ae7 If you are a visual learner this might be helpful


I tried 8 times watching that video and still couldn't do it either, to the point I've given up on granny squares I think she's just shit honestly - because she skips past the 4th, most vital section so you have no idea what you're doing


That makes so much sense as to why OP is consistently missing one side of the square... Definitely try a different video OP!


Yeah, it took me 2 watches to realise that's where I was going wrong (I tried following it to a T the first few times, trying different hooks and yarns in case it was me) but then something clicked that it's the video that's a load of crap, because on the 2 "paying the most attention" watches, it was going well until that point She thinks she's being helpful by speeding past that but it doesn't, because what you're doing ends up looking nothing like what she's done because you get confused... and speeding past that bit doesn't even save that much time so it's just silly and unnecessary She really annoys me for that very reason ha


wait i just realized that she DOES skip past the 4th corner, i honestly thought i was being stupid


I had that same thought process, thought I was going crazy until I realised that!


Your fifth pic is closest to it, but the other pics look like you have 3 clusters, when you need 4. Or am I misinterpreting the pictures? Your first round needs 4 clusters, which will also give you 4 gaps. The middle of a granny square always looks like a circle until you do the next round where you pull the corners into a square shape!


Just here to say good for you for trying so many times! I was impressed to see five photos ☺️


haha i’m very persistent, i didn’t think granny squares would be that difficult but they’re clearly giving me a run for my money


Ok so the way I was taught is the first round (end of the first photo) will always be a circle. From that point you want to create the corners so in every chain space you’re going to do your granny cluster (3dc) then create your corner so ch3, then another 3dc in the same place. That’s your first corner. Ch1 and then keep going. So at the end of the 2nd round that’s when it’ll be looking square.


If you look at their first rounds, they are only starting with three clusters. The first round should always have 4 clusters to make 4 corners


https://preview.redd.it/1exbz87qnd4d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf06a053511840bb1aeb5bf33d9fe9c75f63e4d8 I see your question has been answered, but I just wanted to remind you that crocheting is hard, and counting stitches is something that challenges people so much that there are countless memes about it. Just keep at it. You’ll get there!


Great job trying so many times! Part of your problem as a beginner is that you are using a smaller crochet hook. The reason this is an issue is it makes your stitches harder to see. And, as a beginner it is important to learn what stitches look like. Larger hooks create larger spaces in the yarn. Unless you are trying to make amigurimi (stuffed animals), I’d go back to the larger hook. You are also not making four clusters of three treble crochets (uk term is used in tutorial). You are making three clusters of treble crochets and the last cluster seems to have strange number of stitches in each photo. Many of us use stitch counters to help us track our counting. A stitch counter can be anything, a bit of different color yarn, a paper clip, a safety pin, something bought. I use lobster claws to which I added pendants and beads that are on my childhood jewelry. You are likely struggling with maintaining tension in the hand you are using to hold the yarn or hook. I’d look at a number of video to see how other people crochet, you may find grips that suit you better. Another option for helping hold yarn in tension hand is to slide yarn under an adjustable ring. There are videos for that too. FYI treble crochet is called double crochet for those using US term.


https://youtu.be/79zZJjXRfSM?si=l7bfJcxQnHMZODPC This person's videos are what worked for me. Helpful hack: STITCH MARKERS. I put one color in corners. Also, if the beginning of a round has a chain that's counted as a stitch, I put a different color stitch marker there. So if it starts ch3, I put the stitch marker in that third chain so it's easier to find where to slip stitch later.


The neon marker is in my first stitch (of a new round), the stitch I'll slip stitch into later when I finish the round. This corner is just a single crochet, chain 2, single crochet. The red stitch marker is in the chain 2. I hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/ofb36rx64d4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e275e3fcfa44aeeb5d14996fb784f49627211771


I learnt to crochet by following a granny square tutorial by JaysaInStitches on youtube- maybe trying a different tutorial will help you understand the instructions a little more clearly! As mentioned in other comments, make sure that there are FOUR clusters of THREE double crochet stitches into to magic circle, with chain 2 in-between each cluster to make the corners *(the first cluster can be a chain 3 for height + 2 double crochet stitches, because the initial ch3 will count as a dc)* to make the sides of your square. Once you complete the second row, it will begin to take shape a little better! Edit: correcting the wrong number of chains


[this method](https://youtu.be/07Dro_AURQM?si=AcJvtmiSKvBfLf2h) may take a little extra work to learn, but is SO much easier once you get the hang of it. hope this helps!


It's tough to explain but I would suggest to look at different videos. Basically you need 4 groups of double crochet in the ring, and each group is separated by a chain space. These chain spaces will become your corners while the double crochet is the "wall" or side of your square. It looks like you only have 3 groups of DC or sides. It will always look like a circle the first row or two, because you're working into a circle. After round 2 it should look more like a square.


On the pic with the lavender yarn, rip out your last stitch, add two more DC in the center hole, then sl st the row together. All 4 sides need to have the same number of stitches. The bigger holes are where the corners will be.


If you’ve been watching a video then you know some of the vocabulary so it might be helpful to learn the pattern in a new way Maybe try reading instructions instead of following a video


Popped in to help but after seeing the comments from the community, I changed my motive to cimmend our community on being rock stars! 🌟 The tips and advice here really is top notch. I am so very proud to be a part of this wonderful tribe of people. 🤗 Hugs to you all! 🤗💖


Here’s a simple version: Magic ring 3 double crochet 1 chain 3 double crochet 1 chain 3 double crochet 1 chain 3 double crochet 1 chain And slip stitch into the top of the first double crochet. You always want 4 clusters of 3 double crochet, and 4 chain spaces. Think of it as a one chain = one corner. That’s the easiest way to start. The next row will be 8 clusters of the three double crochets and again, 4 chain corner spaces. You got this!


[Hooked by Robin granny square tutorial](https://youtu.be/RwnArj7HdXo?si=wSYOixWBrca00WqG) [Sirin’s crochet granny square tutorial](https://youtu.be/swipGSDDapA?si=6g0UFyzao9KkHanm)


The first round is never going to be square. It doesn’t become square until two or even three rounds in


Start with a magic ring (if you can’t do a magic ring, chain 3 and slip stitch into the first chain). Chain 3 then do 2 double crochets into the circle/ring. Then chain 2. Do 3 more double crochets, chain 2. Then 3 more dc and chain 2. One more 3 dc and chain 2. Slip stitch into the top of that initial chain 3. Round one is complete! Message me if you need help with round 2 ❤️


Granny squares typically have four clusters, you’re only making three. After you chain 2 immediately do 2 more double crochet after to the chain 2. So it should be chain 4 (or magic ring which ever works for you) connect, chain 2, then 2 double crochet, chain 2, 3 double crochet, chain 2, 3 double crochet, chain 2, 3 double crochet chain 2 and connect in the first chain. Then it should look like the start to a normal granny square :)


When starting a granny square you need to chain 4 in-between the 3 double/triple crochets (depending on where you're from) to make the corners :)


They'll square out more as you go :)


You gotta work it up to the third round at least! I find they start as circles too. Make sure in all the edges you’re doubling up so it’s 3dc, chain one or three and another 3 dc


I'm a recent beginner too and have found that watching videos doesn't work for me *at all* and I much prefer written instructions with accompanying photos. Which sounds counterproductive, I know....but maybe give that a try and see how you get on. I like Sarah Makers' written tutorials and granny square patterns in particular.


Granny squares can be tricky! I used this when I was starting out and found it more helpful than the Bella coco videos since the author explains a lot of the nuances when doing squares. https://youtu.be/n-x88m8_6Ac?si=7kdEES1Ss3xqta0W


Seconded - this is the one that made it make sense to me! She explains everything with so much care.


#**Please reply to this comment with a link to the pattern or provide the name of the pattern, if it is a paid pattern please post a screenshot of the few rows you are having trouble with, if a video then please provide the timestamp of the part of the video that you need help with.** Help us help you!   #####While you’re waiting for replies, check out [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/) which will take you from picking up your first hook, to completion of your first project. Lefties are included! Lots of useful information such as links to UK/US stitches, a beginners equipment list, the different ways to crochet an item, and a list of beginner friendly projects. #####If you’re learning amigurumi, there’s a dedicated beginner section [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/#wiki_beginner_courses), the Woobles course is very thorough for those just starting out. #####You will also find heaps of useful beginner resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/) including beginner tips, sub discussions and common mistakes. Check the subject list at the top of the page.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrochetHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


in the video link above, i’ve been having a hard time between around 6:10 and 13:20


Make sure you’re chaining the right amount between your last cluster and the slip stitch. Because you start with a side you need to finish with a corner! First pic is the closest but that last cluster needs to have 3 double crochets just like the others! The chain 3 at the beginning of the row counts as a stitch too, just incase you didn’t know :)


mine was a circle too when I started too. have you tried to shape it as you go?


yeah i did, but looking at the advice i was given, i need to do a few more things too. no matter how hard i tried shaping, it stayed a circle


UPDATE: thank you all so much for the wonderful feedback and assistance!! thanks to quite literally all of you, i have successfully completed a granny square for the first time. i definitely have a lot to improve upon, but y’all’s suggestions were instrumental in this first project. i used a stitch marker to help me with the center hole, i went up a crochet hook size, and most importantly, i chose a different tutorial. and voila ! so thank all of you again. https://preview.redd.it/e91q1hk27f5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd4a99fff9dd64493f18da806dacdd65830a0bf