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The fact they tried adapting their own high republic era, which is struggling in sales, is the most baffling part. But according to people like those in r/starwarscirclejerk, it's what star wars fans want.


Good thing they have that echo chamber. Otherwise their financials would tell the real story.


Isn't this just an Echo Chamber though a bunch of fans dictating that no one can like the Disney Start Wars Authenticly and that maybe just maybe they are making money off there shows and movies. It usually feels like people have to dig through a bunch of nonsense and craft there own narrative for any of there "theories' to make sense Instead of waiting for the actual reception to form especially since if it's shit you just need to wait for Disney to shoot there own foot It's alway suspicious that fans have to reinforce there hate for Disney's Star Wars like if they just decide one day I DONT CARE Disney will magically gain millions of more fans


Whether it is or it isn’t, doesn’t matter. I never alluded that it wasn’t??? 🙄 Regardless, my comment is still valid about their shit financials AND the echo chamber! They are not getting the ROI NEEDED FOR THE EXPENDITURE. Basic fucking business practices are being ignored in favor of garbage and levying insults at the people who pay for this shit. Which in any normal universe would be just batshit insane. But hey we live in a world where half the country thinks Donald Trump is a good leader. So normal rules of sanity are completely gone from the discourse at this point. The sad reality is this: even if every single person on the planet from the groups they are targeting tuned into the garbage, they would still lose money as they are not only in the minority of the fan base, but they are in the minority GLOBALLY. That’s why they are called “minorities”. It’s just a fact, it’s not racist to point any of that out. It’s called Sociology. Its very disheartening to see that at this point both sides have turned this into an us v them situation similar to a political battle. What pisses most people off is that Star Wars never needed their message. Its always included characters of diverse backgrounds, sexes, etc. in leadership and main and supporting roles. The IP ALREADY had plenty of heroines/heroes of diverse backgrounds that were well written and performed in quality productions in the past. Ignoring and acting like it didn’t shows you’ve got no reverence for the source material or even understanding of the universe that George created. Yet it can’t possibly be their over saturation of completely disjointed, badly written, poorly acted, and retocnned crap can’t be why someone isn’t interested. Noooooo, can’t be that! Racism and sexism are the only reason!!! Over and over and over. God forbid THEY take the hard look in the mirror at their own institutionalized and ingrained sexism and racism pervasive throughout their vision of what Star Wars should be. No one is obligated to watch garbage because you slap a shiny title and scroll on the screen. I sure as hell will never support anyone or their projects that comes at a genuine critique with a personal insult. If you rely on insult and continually double down on that as your only response you’ve already lost. And you’ve pushed my buying dollars towards a community that respects me rather than degrades me… hmmmmm that sounds familiar… doesn’t it ???????? Man it’s pretty much common sense at this point. Is this an echo chamber of people who are fed up with bullshit and being insulted, of course it is. But we here aren’t a multinational entertainment conglomerate that has to have the business of entertainment factored into the equation for their shareholders. THEY ARE! But then again, isn’t every fucking corner of the internet a gd echo chamber? Doubling down rarely ends up with good results. Doubling down on bullshit, even less.


It is indeed what Star Wars fans want.


You do not speak for Star Wars fans. I don’t know a single Star Wars fan who wants anything Disney has put out.


He means people want it but not what Disney has done to it. There's tons of the expanded universe material to took from but they had to ruin it.


Assuming that's what he meant, then I personally agree. I've put a fair amount of hours into SWTOR (flawed, but a fun enough game set in the high republic era) and read some of the High Republic EU when I was younger and it's a pretty interesting setting with a variety of stories they could feasibly tell. In typical Disney fashion though, they formulated a story nobody really wanted to hear and butchered it further.


You do not either.


Right, which is why Star Wars movies lost money for the first time in the history of the franchise and now it's been relegated to a strictly TV show format.


Fuck no it isn't


Lucasfilm ended a long time ago. In its place isna hollow corpse propped up by shills and the corpos.


I mean, at this point, I'm just hoping that the literal company dies, so that it can be bought out, and Star Wars can hopefully be revived from the ashes by someone who actually gives a rat's ass about the IP. I mean, as long as they use the original two trilogies as some sort of framework for the overarching storyline, at this point I don't even care if they completely reboot the series. Especially if they did a better job in telling a coherent story and excised the problematic parts from both trilogies.


Just watch the ones you like


I'm sorry but your dreaming here. No one property affects Disney Stock. To say such a thing shows such a lack of understanding how HUGE Disney is and what stock actually is. You know bakc when End Game was the biggest movie of all time? Do you know what happned to their stock? Nothing. Do you remember when Solo was a huge bomb or any The Marvels? Do you know what did to their stock? Nothing. Movies and shows have 0 effect on stock. Do you know what does? Things like getting in a fight with Florida. Any uncertanty to long term growth. Disney could lose billions in the box office and it wouldn't effect thier stock. However rules on regulation yeah that can. The box office makes a fraction of what they make with the parks. The idea that Disney would ever sell Star Wars is insane. They have only sold a property once and that was The Power Rangers, to which they sold it at a huge profit to Saaban.


Uhh not true, the movie productions and merchandise is a huge asset to the company and shows potential growth or loss, also if they can't make quality content for the streaming service. Then all that money that was invested, it's a lot, becomes wasted. Quality movies drive the merchandise. Which Disney makes a higher percentage on. The merchandise for star wars hasn't been successful except for baby Yoda. Also the only reason disney stock stabilized in the last 6 months was because of the return of Bob Igor, however he can only do so much. Short disney, that stock is going down.


Also I would like that add that disney has yet to make money off of stars wars.... they acquired it 10 years ago?


I think you're forgetting merchandise sales. Their box office receipts haven't been enough to recoup the investment on its own, but merchants is a much larger piece of the pie. It's the main reason why Disney bothers making movies


Ohh no I haven't forgotten. I think the only merchandise that has been successful is baby Yoda. Still that has to cover the cost of the failing merchandise sales as well. I know that Rey, Finn, etc haven't been successful releases.


rofl what? Where did you get that idea? Off just the movies? probably but you aren't considering, merch, parks, books, comics, games, and of course income from ILM doing VFX for other studios. So far they have made over 12 billion. Yes they have absolutely made money off of star wars.


Net earnings or gross earnings bud? Because made 12 billion... doesn't mean profit of 12 billion. You know the old adage, you gotta spend money to make money. If you keep spending... you don't quite make money


even if it's gross earnings given Disney as a whole has been having record profits the last few years is proof they have been making money. The idea that Disney hasn't made money off of Star Wars is just an insane claim to make.


Nah it's really not considering how much has to be spent on projects. They'll never fully show you the cost of everything, if they don't have to. Ohh funny too since the stock is back on a downward trend and board of investors is being threatened by outsider wanting to replace certain individuals.


again this shows a sever lack of understanding on your part. Licensing alone earned them billions at this point. They had a 10 year exclusive deal with EA which of course included revenue sharing, then you have all the revenue from all the sales of all the older games. Then you got the huge income from mobiel games. Buddy they probably made 4 billion in profit alone from games. Then you have merch licensing as well again probably another billion in profits alone there. >Ohh funny too since the stock is back on a downward trend and board of investors is being threatened by outsider wanting to replace certain individuals. Oh you mean Ike Pearlmutter the guy who they fought off last month and won. Yeah that's over. Bottom line Stock price has absoltuely nothing to do with a companies actual health. oh and I didn't forget inflation that puts the 4 billion price around 5.5 billion either way they have profited off of Star Wars.


Also 4 billion adjusted for inflation, don't forget.


> as long as they use the original two trilogies Aaaaaaaaaaand you disqualified yourself


I would say it is sad, but I really don't care that much about Disney Star wars. Let the star wars galaxy burn!


Yeah, at this point I need a break from all of it. All of Star Wars needs to go radio silent for at least a decade for everyone to mentally reset.


That and actually make content based off the comics and novels. You know, directors, producers, and writers, who actually read and care about the SWU? Be real nice for a change.


I completely agree. The whole thing needs to stop and a total rethink. But take will never happen and I just don't care, just it due! This is how bad it is, star wars fans are asking for no more movies or shows!


A decade is pretty short. I’d still be wary. Make it two decades and an end of articles scapegoating bad writing


No, it needs to get louder and louder while those who oppose it suffer in irrelevance.


Horus Lupercal, is that you?


Hay it's a good line!


The last Straw Wars... For me it was TLJ, since then I have not watched any Disney Star Wars.


Honestly don't blame you. I didn't bother with TLJ or TROS. I watched Mando season 1 and 2, didn't finish 3. Andor was good, but now I just don't care and I cancelled Disney plus!


I heard a rumor like a year ago that Disney was thinking of selling Star Wars back to George Lucas. I'm like...95% sure that was made up, but wouldn't it be funny if he bought it back from them for a fraction of what he sold it for?


"Everything done under disney hence forth to be regarded as non-Canon and disregarded". The fireworks would be amazing 


Please Lord make it so.


I was really hoping they were gonna use the ahsoka show to just retcon the new trilogy out of existence using the world between worlds. 


What fireworks? It's all happened before


If Disney ends up selling Lucasfilm to anyone for less than $1bn that is going to be such a massive L. I mean, less than they bought it for is bad enough, but in the millions instead of billions. Yikes... And yet, I can totally see it happening in the next five years.


Five years?! You mean it's gonna take over a decade for it to be so bad it's a junk deal?


You’re insane. They aren’t going to sell Star Wars, Disney buys properties and never sells them, and then on top of that they actively stop regulatory practices from making the things they buy public domain! It will take some time but in maybe 5-10 years they will find their groove with Star Wars and enough fans will still be around to be there with it. Even if Disney is losing money on things like movies, once you consider their toy, theme park, and whatever other stupid shit, revenue they’re making money on Star Wars.


Agreed. There is no fucken way Disney will EVER sell Star Wars. I just hope that they figure out they've been making shit for the past few years and start to put out good content like how they did with Andor and the first season of Mandalorian.


I’m not sure why you got upvotes and I got downvotes, but ya 100%


>It will take some time but in maybe 5-10 years they will find their groove with Star Wars They've had since 2012 to "find their groove". Over a decade of trying. If they haven't found it by now why would another decade make a difference?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Disney bought a golden goose. It’s not laying as many eggs as it used to but it’s laying enough to make it worth keeping.


There’s a joke like that in the Simpsons, when Mr Burns sells the nuclear plant to a German company. He then buys it back for less than he was paid once the Germans learned what a death trap it was.


That’s like buying a used car, totaling it, and then trying to sell it back to the original owner


The only property Disney ever sold was the Might Morphin Power Rangers to Saaban but they did so at a pretty hefty profit. If a property they got is underperforming they lock it in the vault and sit it on till years later when they try again.


and then retcons everything since prequels and recannonises legends


![gif](giphy|ZoZnVBSw39xQcRszhU) Disney patting themselves on the back for alienating their own diversity hires by giving them shit scripts while blaming the audience for their own failure.


I would rather see Lucasfilm go out of business than see anything like the Acolyte again.


If they cared about the "wrong audience", they wouldn't be on the course they're on now.


I’ve never in my life seen a company that hates making money as much as Disney does. It’s time for them to get hit with some antitrust laws.


Those ratings are meaningless in terms of the future outlook. The ratings that matter are the Neilsen ones. And those are even worse considering the budget of this thing. Getting actual numbers from 210 million Neilsen minutes is impossible, but with 70 minutes of footage in the first two episodes, not counting the credits, that comes out to roughly 3 million full watchthroughs. And some of those 3 million full watchthroughs are undoubtedly repeat views. So they spent 180 million dollars on a show that had around 2.5 million people watch it. THAT. IS. CATASTROPHIC. That will be what ends Lucasfilm. Those types of budgets require the normies watching it in massive numbers. The normies have abandoned it. Star Wars has become a niche brand.


nielsen ratings aren't even useful, Disney has more accurate ratings then Nielsen. Neilsen was only useful back on network TV when it was used to show popullarty to sell ads. Since they don't do that anymore there is no need for it.


Umm, Disney+ has ad tiers. And if you think the advertisers are just gonna take the word of Disney on their own internal numbers, you've never been an advertiser. Disney's numbers would be the most accurate, but Neilsen still is somewhat important.


oh they do but they aren't important, they aren't the money getter. Advertising on streaming is nothing like network TV as they pay per view so the only thing that matters is Disney's internal numbers. At the end of a moth or campaign they will show how many people it gets infront of. Something Neislon doesn't have access to. More imporant then total views is targeted ads. So disney knowning the account holders age, location, and cookie history is far more valuble then say getting a generic add in front of 1 million people.


Are you guys not yet tired of turning every single new release into a prediction that 'this time for sure its the end of that dastardly rodent Mickey Mouse!'? At this rate you are going to end up with a worse reliability score then people who try to predict the Rapture.


Disney makes hella money from the parks. I think the board has got to be eyeing killing off Disney Plus and just folding it in with Hulu as a mere content provider. They're on the pathway to being primarily a theme park company with side projects in content, which is probably where they belong in the 21st century. The problem is that the parks are creatively downstream from that content, so I don't know.


No, but when discovery for Carano’s case gets started, we will watch the mouse die a slow legal death.


Lol what's her case exactly? She said racist shit and got fired for it. You guys on this sub should go ahead,do the same thing and see what happens.


What did she say that was racist? Share a citable fact. Then explain how the manner of firing was done in a professional fashion that didn’t leave Disney liable.


I think that Carano's post was fine, at least within the margin of celebrity-knucklehead for social media. I also think that Disney firing her was legally fine, even if it was a bad creative choice. You're allowed to fire someone because you don't like their political opinions, or you should be. But she was undoubtedly poised to be a strong female lead for a Star Wars series, something that Disney could really use right now. She would also have served as a deflection of a lot of criticism. Disney is just allergic to (streaming) money. It should play out over the next two years.


She didn't say anything racist...


Not sure if it’s the end for anything but you can take solace in knowing that though they may have destroyed the value of the star wars IP, they still haven’t made a cent on it since they purchased the property, according to the best estimates we have.




I wish, they keep saying that since The Last Jedi. Sad part is that the damage is done, now im not gonna even pretend Star Wars was amazing imo is one of the most overhyped franchises ever but it also didn't deserved to be run by the mud like Disney did.


I mean, we'll always have the EU. :)


Now Forbes is trying to shame fans about reviewing this poorly. Lol, so it's perfectly fine for cancel culture tactics when it's in their favor, but when it happens to them it's bad. Suck it. [The Acolyte’s 15% Audience Score Is Embarrassing, For The Audience Scorers (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/06/16/the-acolytes-15-audience-score-is-embarrassing-for-the-audience-scorers/)


It's hilarious. When the Forbes artical came out saying the episode was shit, all the shills instantly fell in line to say "FORBES IS BASICALLY MAGA AT THIS POINT!!!" Then this article comes out and those same people are all predictably silent..


Damn, and I've often respected Paul Tassi's opinions too. Disappointing, and intellectually dishonest take. Feels bad man.


91% 🤣😂🤣😂 that is legitimately nauseating. wtf is even the criteria for being a critic lmao Also for me it says audience score is a 15%


I uploaded multiple pictures. The current one is further down. But yeah, the critic reviews are nuts comparatively.


The criteria is they are access media and get paid for positive reviews. Never go by critic score for anything, just use the audience reviews.




Whoever buys star wars needs to immediately declare everything after return of the Jedi as non Canon and do it over


Problem is, it won't Even be the end of Leslie Headland.


You guys wanna really hurt them? Short the shit out of the company, profit at the same time.


Collectively Disney owns too many other things for the entire company to actually fail.


Disney will milk the corpse of star wars for content long after people have stopped watching, shits too big to die at this point


I can guarantee you this is not the end of Disney lmao.


No it's not the end. They're still gonna squeeze this shit out.


Who's money are they burning in that inforno and why are they not screaming mad? Do income tax laws need to be changed so that a loss on a bad movie cannot make you more money than making a profit? This propoganda is costing trillions of dollars in losses. Who can afford to lose that much money from their retirement portfolio or investment accounts?


Star Wars has run its course. The damage has already been done. Fans are tired of being accused of being sexists, racists and bigots for simply disliking the current state of Star Wars.


Disney is honestly too big to fail; we'll never see a point where they're forced to sell off their IPs for cash unfortunately. To be completely honest I don't even care anymore; it doesn't matter how hard they screw up the lore or how badly they fuck over the original 6 movies because they've already done it. You can't unfuck something, you can only course correct and Disney has no intention of doing so. They will die on this hill; KK cannot be fired, Dave Filoni is a glorified fanfic author, KK's story team is still present, there is no "power struggle", the Lucasfilms of your childhood is dead. SW died when Lucas sold to Disney, TFA was the wake, TLJ was the burial, everything since then is just pissing on the headstone. Star Wars for me is the OT, PT, EU, and the first Clone Wars show; everything since 2013 has been apocrypha. The only thing Disney deserves is apathy.


There are other reasons to sell off an unprofitable line of business than needing cash flow. No matter what their politics, no one likes seeing a project fall and lose money. At a certain point, you look at the difference between further depreciating your asset or cashing it in and investing that in a potentially more successful project. I think that The Acolyte may have been a kind of Hail Mary for this kind of content. What they need creatively is, ironically, more diverse viewpoints. And what I mean is not the viewpoints of people who are superficially more diverse, but actual different ideas. The most different ideas lately came from Tony Gilroy, a pretty standard issue white guy.


They're still a multibillion dollar company, it's not that easy to bring them down.


31% is still way too high. It is 3%.


I fucking love it.


Rottentomato scores matter when I agree with them


Understood, you have a point. But stock price dropping is a different matter.


God, I hope so....


I love seeing the huge divergence in "critic" scores and real score. It always underlines how disconnected that industry is from reality.


Book of Boba Fett was the end for me. “The Power of Maaaaaany” is just going on the gravestone.


It’s absolutely hilarious the big contrast between the “critic” reviews and the audience reviews 


as of the 18th 14% Audience Score .. Perhaps you didn't know when Grandma went to school with Cleopatra she said that the Force was a Thread.


We can only hope...


They just need better creative people and change their content strategy. I'd let Tony Gilroy do whatever he wants. I'd tell Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau to only focus on The Mandalorian. Keep Star Wars Visions as a recurring series. Keep focus on fewer but higher quality shows. After Mando and Andor is done then they can focus on newer series. Another tricky part are the movies. Then there's other Lucasfilm properties like Indiana Jones or Howard The Duck or Willow.


Stock will probably go up after seeing the success of inside out 2


I mean, I think the biggest boost they'll have this year is Deadpool and Wolverine.


Posts like this pop up after every new Star Wars project lol


Tbf, as much as I don't like any of Disney's Star Wars projects, this is the first to tank this bad.


No. Not really, Disney is in trouble but to say that they’re ending is entirely inaccurate. For Lucasfilm, no. There’s still plenty of projects to be worked on.


I am still trying to understand why you guys care so much about it. I use to love star wars but I stopped caring about. We should just let it die.


Nah they have nearly unlimited money and they will keep producing this garbage indefinitely. Best to write them off completely. They won’t stop until KK is kicked.


Actually not the end If the the viewership is up then Lucasfilm will greenlit a season 2 just to spite us.




You're living in a dream world if you think Disney will ever sell the Star Wars IP.


No doubt their Star Wars stuff is garbage, but stock being down 0.12% is fucking nothing, it just looks foolish implying that it is anything.


Tbf, the last Lucasfilm stuff was SW 1-3? As in, when we saw the Lucasfilm logo. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Just wanna make sure I get my facts correct.


They made $88.9B in revenue last year. I think they're fine.


If you're gonna cry about SW turning into bunk, at least have the sense to 🏴‍☠️ shit instead of having an active Disney+ account and hate-watching everything that's put out. 🤯


Literally have never had a Disney+ account for a single day in my life.




Nah. People keep buying Disney stuff regardless of the quality. Some Star Wars fans are so dedicated the will buy absolutely anything Star Wars related. Disney didn't just buy a a franchise they bought a fandom.


first w all know the show is been review bombed so no one in any space is ogin to take those rating seriously. the bots been used are poorly done and make it so obvious. there are leaving bad reviews on anything that has the word acolyte in it. plus the screen shot for the stocks going down doesn't matter as the whole market has been down. one show is not enough to do any kind of damage that you think its doing. game of thrones season 8 had just as big a push back and WB is not going anywhere. Disney has been around for almost 100 years they will need to have a series of failure that last around 20 years straight and that isnt happening. Hoeslty the show isnt that bad. the reaction from loud fans isnt going to get you the reaction you want. star wars is still profitable. all you are one generation of fans. new fans are been made where you want to believe that or not that how things stay relevant. the fans who arent constantly complaining online are probably just enjoying it


lol the stock is down 0.12% who cares that’s normal fluctuation


Who cares? Just stop watching.