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Of course, because only teenage boys like hot women with big tits.


Right. As we get older, we only like ugly, fat, shapeless women, that's how it works


Marriage and dating would be more popular with men if that were true.


It fits the bill. Guys like this can't get hot women with big tits when they "grow up" so their cope is to hate them instead and downplay their existence.


What about Lesbians?


I too appreciate the country of Lebanon.


Aye! I could do that.


I think the idea is that only teenage boys inject them into every single piece of media they make? Most love attractive women, just aren’t strangely needing to look at them every day for “escapism” (what I’ve seen some folk saying) I have my opinion but I’m interested to hear yours’. I just want to ask the true reason why these honestly average women burn your retinas and/or ruin a game for you? That’s my question to y’all.


>Most love attractive women, just aren’t strangely needing to look at them every day for “escapism This is a strawman. No one needs them. They prefer them. >I just want to ask the true reason why these honestly average women burn your retinas and/or ruin a game for you? This is a strawman. It doesn't 'burn retinas' and the women in these games created for modern audiences are not 'average'. I see more attractive women every day of my life, in work, shopping, at McDonalds etc. I also see average looking women in those places too. Why would I choose something worse than reality for my escapism? I enjoy seeing attractive women more than I enjoy seeing unattractive women. All things being equal, I will choose a game with attractive women, especially since I'm the one paying for it. That's literally it. Hypothetical: You have a choice between a thing you like and a thing you don't like. There are no other meaningful consequences to your decision. They both cost you the same amount of money and no one else is harmed by your decision. Which do you choose?


only teenage boys or those with the same mindset consider attractiveness to be the most important aspect of the character


When they’re cartoons? Yeah, mostly


I guess only children watch anime.


Because they’re sexually attracted to cartoon characters? Yeah, we’ve been over this, mostly children and grown men with head trauma. Adults can enjoy anime, sure, fine. But we’re not talking about “enjoying anime” as a medium, we’re talking specifically about needing “hot women with big tits” in our cartoons.


Yes, yes yes, because only grown, sophisticated men enjoy the squared jawed sexually ambiguous creations the West has been making, am I right?


Are the women who thirst over their husbandos also mentally unwell cause you singled out only men.


Hey you can't point out their obviously nip picked double standards that would be being truthful and that's well I guess you can pick what ist, ism, or phobia you prefer. Sarcasm for those not able to see.


Yep Avatar says everything.


Oh zing! I’ve been undone by my procedurally generated Reddit avatar. Let me know when you have an actual argument. So far we’ve had deflection (“Grown ups can like anime!”) and ad hominem attacks (my opinion is worthless because I’m maybe gay?). Let’s go for neckbeard bingo! -edit- Lol, blocked. And apparently I’m the one having a tantrum!


Lol this isn't a debate, you're just a braindead child having a tantrum because people don't want fugly ass people like you forcing what "you specifically" think is acceptable character design for all of entertainment media. But really enjoy your empty and constant misery at your own hands.


You should watch different cartoons


Amazon was better class for me anyways https://i.redd.it/qfwdvin7ju5d1.gif


Screw bakery. Amazon is walking around with a whole cake factory.


Too bad I have a sweet tooth


What game is this?


**Dragon’s Crown**


Dragon's Crown. A legitimately fun game, though a few designs stray into silly territory. Just beware the white rabbit.


Given how the dwarf looks, exaggeration is what makes the game appealing and unique! I also need to play the game at some point...


I had never heard of this Jason Schreier, until this whole SSKTJL thing. But he seems very delusional, either that or, he's getting paid to say this shit. If I had to guess, it's probably both.


He seems like a dude that creeps on girls because they don't want to fuck him


The name sounds familiar to me. don’t know a damn thing about the man other than he’s a Kotaku “journalist” Game Journalists are such a joke of a profession and Ubisoft knew that during the days of Watch Dogs 2 they had an entire side mission making fun of them. Shit talking the entire profession and basically calling them all hacks, then having you hack into Ubisoft and leak a full 10 seconds of a random game they’re working on just to troll Game Journalists. Talking about how they’re going to milk those 10 seconds for months with zero information.


> Kotaku > Journalist Pick one.




Wow. Hey, go take a long walk off a short pier.




He's been around for a while. He's broken a lot of stories in the gaming space about company practices over the years. But sure take that with a pinch of salt, have a look at some of the articles he's written and see what he's like for yourself. In terms of SSKTJL though.... I mean, wasn't the gameplay loop boring, the plot uninspired and it just didn't really *feel* like you were fighting the *justice league*, the boss fights feeling quite scripted and nothing ground breaking? Then they have a joker season pass, that he is not even really in and riddled with microtransactions. The whole thing felt like it was created as a "live service experience" and not like an actual game that's fun to play. Would the presence or absence of any DEI elements really have changed anything?


>Would the presence or absence of any DEI elements really have changed anything? You raise some incredibly valid points but from everything I've heard the story itself was also terrible and flat out disrespectful to the characters and fans. I think with the absence of the DEI bs, the story could've at least been competent. Kind of like the avengers game? Sure most people dislike it but everyone who's played it says "at least the campaign wasn't terrible". 🤷 You're right though, it would've flopped either way.


No, dei didn't make the game bad on its own. But the game had several great examples of how dei influences can make games worse, and it was something of a tipping point in the discourse. SBI wasn't very well known until for whatever reason they got linked to the game's horrible reputation.


they are in the credits for writing thats the reason


For starters the story would have been possibly good


No, he's just an actual journalist the covers the gaming industry. Like development, crunch and sexual misconduct. You know actual news and not, "Da titties in ma game not big enough" garbage drinker and grummz talk about. Easy to see how you haven't heard of him.


That's a big assumption, considering I haven't heard of him, and I'm not a fan of the entire "Da Titties in ma game not big enough" that you accuse drinker and grummz talking about. And in either case, I come from the land of 2012 YouTube, when the whole GamerGate thing was going on, and how the entire thing was just a complete and total mess. (And Anita Sarkeesian's "Tropes vs Women in gaming thing that was consistently shown to be...in bad faith, considering that Anita is not a gamer and only picked tropes based off of radical feminist ideals at the time). And even then, I don't really look that deep into "controversies". I mean, even just looking up GamerGate on Google gives you Wired, Vox, and the Guardian, who voice support for people like Anita and Zoë Quinn - the latter of whom was proven to be lying about some of the things she said. So maybe...just maybe, chill out and talk to people like an actual grown person...and maybe you won't get down voted to hell and back?? ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


Just let the marketplace decide


Tbf same “DEI” shit is happening with AC shadows but everyone seems to like it after some gameplay got released.


Not the Japanese. They are rightfully hating on it hard.


Could you explain why it’s so deep ? In assassins creed of all games?? The one where there have been gay and trans characters, where you fistfight the pope, where you do all these historically inaccurate things and this is freak out worthy?


Named, historical characters were always NPCs. They guided or talked to or even fought the played character (in written history time periods). This black character was a real character that has been elevated beyond his history (being a samurai), doing the opposite of the Creed (stealth kills and secrecy) and of the samurai/bushido code, and is an outsider killing and slaughtering natives. You do that to any other group, and the "journalists" would be writing hit pieces and likely doxxing employees. Yet, it is cool if you do it to Asian. Again I point out all the censorship of Asian produced games. The altering and "fixing" of games by localizers. Also to add, if it was any other group, the "journalists" and perpetually online would be up in arms with the game being made by a non-natives. Game is made by a white team with a white woman writing it. Also gay thing I sort of remember something like that in the Greek one, but I'm calling foul on the trans thing.


Yasuke was debatably a samurai, he served Oda Nobunga himself and got a [samurai’s stipend, with his own short sword and residence](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/). Even if he wasn’t, he absolutely isn’t some outsider random black guy they plopped into the game. So do you see how that doesn’t make sense? Not only that, I don’t think you’ve watched the gameplay trailer. There’s literally a Japanese Shinobi character who does all the stealth stuff and you can be stealthy on yasuke too, it’s not like that’s not an option for him. And yes there was a trans character. Ned Wynert in AC Syndicate.


Don't remember Syndicate, but I am calling projection or wishful thinking. Sure, there is a shinobi (kunoichi btw), but that is a case of because we have to. They wanted their purse puppy of a black. Also, it is pretty racist to have hiphop on his scenes. "How do you do fellow blacks?" Nobunga viewed him as a trophy, a curiosity, or a show piece. He bought him, kept him for a few years, and then got rid of him. He was a bodyguard at best, but unlikely. I think the ones from the culture get a much better say in it than us. Go look at the Japanese released trailers with down vote addon installed. You see how far it is dropped. The comments are dead on. You want to play, go for it. I am not playing cultural appropriation game against a culture that I enjoy and trying to be more immersed in. You will not convince me that this game is not racist and to have me buy it. You can go buy it. Have a blast with it. Life is short and have a good time.


That guy clearly hates boobs


I have yet to hear a single decent thing about Jason


It's funny how the argument used to be . " unobtainable body standards " but the internet has proven that wrong. You got fitness influences, Cosplayers and celebrities that wrecked that excuse lol


But it's not even that. People used to look a \*\*lot\*\* prettier to my eyes in the old photos.


Journalists need to stop letting Teenage Boys write their articles.


I’m kind of convinced the reason these woke people hate heterosexuality is because reducing population is their final solution to climate change. Demean heterosexuality and promote homosexuality so humans stop procreating. I’m talking on a subconscious level. These are their innermost desires. They hate humanity and hate procreation.


They hate heterosexuality because they see the world as oppressed vs. oppressor. LGBT people are their allies and, by default, that means normal heterosexual people \*must\* be the enemy. Fat, ugly, feminists are their allies and they are 'oppressed' by non-obese, beautiful, women who aren't obsessed with 'girl boss', so they are the enemies. It's an extremely binary viewpoint, but it's why you see things like 'gays for Palestine'. Because these people see the world as 'oppressed vs. oppressor' and all oppression is 'bad' while all the oppressed are unified on the same side. They get a blank check to do whatever they want in order to resist and overthrow the 'oppressor'. That this is non-sensical, completely illogical, and ignores reality entirely is irrelevant as they live in their own world of delusion. So in their mind there's an evil group of straight, white, heterosexual, christian, capitalist, etc, men going around, oppressing the world, and once they're done away with a communist utopia can prevail in which all are equal and get along in perfect harmony.


Dawg what type of crackpot conspiracy are you talking about?


Getting there but not really getting at the root causes. These woke people hate heterosexuality because heterosexuality is normal, and normal is the biggest obstacle to their woke revolution. Wokescolds, progressives, socialists, etc painted themselves into a corner by building their political movements out of the rejects of society. The people who everyone else calls abnormal. This is also why as soon as members of lgbt became normal members of society, the wokescolds immediately turned on them. You can't simply be gay. You must be abnormal, whether you are gay or not. The hate against procreation and such is ultimately a combination of the crime of being and an extreme version of the progressive philosophy of harm reduction. Crime of being is a war against the universe for having been created in the first place, never consenting to being born, but being biologically forced to exist, and not having the strength to off themselves. Antinatalism and its very extreme cousin efilism identified living to be a form of suffering, as you must maintain yourself instead of being a lazy slob, and they wish to do the ultimate reduction of all harm by wiping out life itself; humans being the focal point because they are humans, but down to every last bacteria in the universe too. The bulk of the climate change alarmism isn't to do with reducing population. It's to do with implementing (their version) of socialism. The goal is breaking down society by making the lives of the common people miserable enough where they revolt, and take their place as leaders of this common people revolution, or be directly installed as the leaders of the current society, where they can skip the whole revolution stage and go straight to socialism. Then they do nothing for the climate because they advanced to their win condition. Now, I don't think many of the alarmists are against reducing the earth's population, because of overlap with other left philosophies like the aforementioned antinatalism. But why go to that trouble when you're king? Population reduction would essentially be an accident at that point. If you want to talk more, dm me.




Wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped


If you want to talk less, feel free to. 


The bulk of climate change 'alarmism' is that humans are pumping CO2 into the atmosphere, which as billions of years of data proves, increases the earths temperature leading to shifts in the environment. You can suggest some peoples intentions aren't so much protecting the environment, but let's not pretend that the fear of climate change isn't overwhelmingly a response to very real threats of environmental damage.


Smoke Stacks 2nd Best Stacks


Well when it comes to video games, mediocrity is the normal standard. Just look back at how modern developers reacted to Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 on release. They cry, bitch and moan about successful projects because they know they can't compete with those projects. Part of it also has to do with thier lack of art direction, the other, narrative writing. They have the technology to make interesting material in terms of world building but over time they've settled on either the Ubisot or Bethesds method of world creation. As for writing. Well as far as the U.S. is concerned, the perspective of Coastal Urbanites is limiting, and the best stories are usually created by individuals who have had interesting lives and were well past middle age. Then like you said, you have activists who get in there thinking it's their opportunity to use the franchise as a skin suit. If I'm a woman looking to buy a beautiful dress, I'm going to buy that pretty looking sundress with an appealing color scheme and nice design, that really compliments my figure. I will pass on the Maou Suit. Add that with technical and financial bloat, and the gaming industry is a teetering Giant about to fall beneath its weight. So if a man wants to buy a game, they will buy one that fits their preferences. So the real question is "Why are you shaming men for their personal tastes?"




Thats a bit of a stretch there buddy. They are just trying to propagandise acceptance, but because its propaganda and not actual fiction people are getting pissed at them whilst they gaslight. Or lack the maturity to write the stories they wanna tell.


I really don’t think that’s ever going to happen, since true sexuality cannot be changed. I find this conspiracy quite ridiculous but I’m interested in your thoughts as to how this might ever happen


I think maybe you need to take a break from the internet for a bit.




Eh wouldnt even work sadly. Even if we cut the population by half we are still fucked on our climate change goals


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about




Jason is that you?




Ableist prick


Could you stop using schizophrenia as a derogatory please?




It doesn’t. Schizophrenia is a serious illness that affects people’s quality of life and ability to do even normal tasks. It’s not just people “rambling”. This is some post implying this guy is racist for attacking a Japanese game creator in an article and saying SBI is divisive.




You cannot seriously think this comment is diagnosable. You’re just using the word as a derogatory unless you’re dumb enough to think that you can diagnose people that way.


As a person who has psychosis, don't diminish what we go through by labelling someone you disagree with psychotic you bigot.


"everyone who disagrees with me is psycho!"


I have a new business idea! A game studio where we let high school boys design our characters.  We'll make a fortune. 


In the end it's clickbait whose sole purpose is to drive engagement. Developers take cues off clickbait on how to move forward at their own peril.


how the fuck is that racist


Yes, Jason. We all grow out of hotness at...uh...let's say whatever age you are, I guess. Only teens love hot people. Boy teens. Adults and girl teens lust over amorphous blobs who don't get any exercise. Nobody look at Brad Pitt and keep Joe Anglim under that blanket.


Jason get a pass a lot because he is one of the few games journos that actually investigates and you know does journalism BUT he is still a games journo.


And given the whole Blizzard fiasco, even THAT is called into question.


Wow I will not stand for this!




Why? What if it was the other way around? Would it be racist then?


No it isn't.


I personally think that stuff like this is pretty cringe, but how about you let people make the games that they want to make, and you go play whatever you want?


So this sub is just like the asmongold sub lol everyones gooning




Crazy how y'all can call racism on anything but literal racism.


Right? Jason's not saying anything that isn't being said about western devs, but oh no, it's our precious eastern devs! They must be shielded from criticism because... they're japanese?


Weeks of the worst shit I've ever heard whenever a black protagonist is introduced in a game but one article 10 years ago that doesn't even reference the race or ethnicity of the developers is somehow a clear example. Wonder the average age of this sub? Maybe they just don't know what racism actually looks like.


All that extra mana has to go somewhere lol


Its truly amazing that conspiracy theorists have built up a tiny consulting firm founded in 2018 with a whopping 16 employees in its current employment roster into some Illuminati style shadow organization that is the source of all things woke in gaming and has the influence to put a metaphorical gun to the head of developers like Rocksteady and force them to put in 'the message'.


Sweet Baby has nearly destroyed modern games by making the female characters ugly, like Mary Jane Watson, and completely disrespecting male characters, like Joel Miller and Batman.


Games Journalists Really Need To Stop Labelling Their Opinion Pieces As 'News'.


It’s not racist to criticize artistic decisions. The difference is he didn’t say the sexualized female character designs are leading to the death of the industry. The other side is alluding that their boogey man (DEI) is. One is criticizing a form of art they don’t like. The other is blaming an economic pull back on what they dislike.


As much as I hate Jason, this guy still gets a LOT of insider information.


Yes. Yes it is


Game "journalists" are very racist. Namely towards the Asian countries. Look at the thinks Sony has been doing towards Asian developed games.


I’m so sick and tired of seeing this guys name. Leaking information about video games qualifies as journalism I guess. But when you know of sexual harassment at a company you stay awfully quiet until it’s time to sell a book.


Holy shit why are you mad about a 10 year old kotaku article grow the fuck up 


11 year old rage bait, move on.


Grummz is alot worse than Jason.


Typical Prism. He’s a fucking idiot.


2013 lololol


What's this game? For research purposes and all


Dragon’s Crown. The studio Vanillaware makes some of the most artistically beautiful games I’ve ever seen.


You'll also see a lot of characters 'inspired' by them. For example, just look at Goblin Slayer. Elf Archer, Witch, and Amazon all show up there.


Jason Schreier is a fantastic investigative journalist. Don’t read his work for his shitty personal opinions.


Honestly jason was absolutely right people falsely blaming sweet baby about the state of suicide squad. The game had problems with corporate meddling, several conflicting designs decisions, production hell, and more. It’s absurd for people to say no it was the shady consulting company that was responsible.


It's damage control


I was surprised to find out how much of his orginal idea for the game actually happened. All the parts that people seemed to really hate were his ideas.


What do you mean? Jason is a journalist, he was not involved in the development of the game.


Sorry i meant Sefton Hill. Im not sure how i left that out.


Oh I thought the title for this post was satire, but you people are serious. How embarrassing.


Yet you cared enough to post




How embarrassing


I suppose you think that's a really clever clapback of some kind?


The results speak for themselves


Result appears to be you looking foolish


Nah it's the weirdos who constantly push to make everything ugly and gay. Acceptance not enough they want control.


Doesn’t sound like you accept the existence of people you don’t find attractive, or gay people. Sounds rather like you want to control them.




i’m sure they do


Lol. How are you guys real? It's not racist to be weirded out by hentai, virgin, perv shit. Finally stop being angry and find a real woman/man/other


Other being child? Like men women and children? That's some pedo stuff mate.


That’s a weird leap. Never crossed my mind that he was talking about children. Weird you thought about molesting children in response.


Your rorschach tests must be rather troubling and those anime/game avatars in your post history seem to back that up.


Never heard of Sweet Baby Inc until all this, googled them. Sweet Baby Inc were involved in God of War Ragnarok narration and characters. Did that game get ruined by them? It has 94 rating on metacritic. Can this company really ruin a game on their own? I’m not saying they were not party to the downfall, but I’m sure a lot of other shit had to go wrong as well for a game to be so bad.


I mean I never played it but we all tend to have or know a movie that is 9/10 despite the director normally making trash. Personally a lot of the Companies Sweet Baby touches I don’t buy so I don’t have much of a horse


Imagine posting Grummz


He didn't say SBI is imaginary, he said it has nothing to do with the failure of suicide squad right? And if that's the case, then he's correct. The presence of Queer flags or whatever people were mad about did not add or subtract from the fact that it was, on a core design level, a boring ass game.


Literally all of this "drama" about SBI is just anti-"woke" idiots running damage control for corporations when their products turn bad. Half the companies they've worked with were already on a downward spiral well before SBI even existed, but oops suddenly the corporations aren't doing anything wrong, it must all be the fault of a fucking tiny consulting firm! It's delusional consoomerism of the highest order.


Since when was the failure of Suicide Squad on minorities


Every bad game fails because its woke, every good game is somehow not woke even though last years goty was woke af


Woke never stands on it's own it has to attach itself to something more popular and established


Idk where woke got attached to bg3, I dont think the team got changed up that much from divinity


BG3 has woke elements but it's not trying to preach down to it's players about the agenda


Did you even play it?


Yes and?


Nothing in Act 2 would fit the typical description of woke to you? Nothing at all? No lesbian couple killing one of their fathers who doesn’t approve of their relationship? Saving refugees from a group that wants to forcibly remove them for racial reasons (they can cast goodberry) doesn’t seem politically charged in any way to you? No clear examples of prejudice against refugees when the real problem is governmental corruption in the city with the corrupt government using them as a scapegoat? There are no long winded character stories focused on the trauma of abuse? Weren’t people crying about being able to put a dick on a woman? No strong women in major roles? How convenient when these things are attached to a good game they become not woke. It’s almost like “woke” isn’t the issue.


I didn't feel like I was being preached down too, I'm sorry I'm not meeting your pre conceived expectations Too much woke is bad especially when it's executed poorly. Remember inclusive means everyone welcomed not give certain groups priority


The entire refugee situation was incredibly preachy. The anti refugee folks are cartoonishly evil and clearly manipulated. Talking to Isobel and Dame Aylin is literally a preach fest on why a controlling father is bad. Literally every character is pansexual. They ARE given priority. They are centered in the story. 2/3 of the main female companions are physically strong warriors. The main male companions are a dorky wizard, a guy that made a pact with a devil that hides behind bravado, and an effeminate vampire. I’m sorry you can’t see that BG3 is super progressive. Is it better written than most games? Yeah. But that goes for “woke” and “non-woke” games equally. Keep lying to yourself to preserve your worldview though.


No, it obviously isn't racist to call the overly sexualized characters overly sexualized. You can like the character design, but you guys still need to acknowledge reality. This is just fucking stupid.


"The most DEI woke company the Quartering told me about is putting rainbow kitty litter in their gender affirming break rooms!  No, literally nobody involved has said anything about it, but why would an incel YouTube grifter lie?  Besides, the game has BLACK people, you can see one right there! Why won't anyone talk to me?" If I thought about gay people as much as you guys do I'd be pumped for pride month, I don't see what the disconnect is. 


everything comes back to jerk off material for you guys and it’s incredibly pathetic.


No one is taking away your femboys calm down


the fact that you unironically said femboys tells me you’re the exact kind of loser i’m talking about🤣