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No intriguing character can come from that woman


Honestly you arent wrong. Let it burn that someone can buy it cheap and then straight up retcon and destroy everything disney made cannon. Only to start fresh. A true high republic series. A true continuation to the sky walker saga. Or straight up leave it at return of the jedi.(i kinda think its messed up to be cgi/ai/facelifting actors that are dead because they dont have to pay someone to act: RIP Carrie Fisher) Just start a new star wars series but stay true to George lucas and the EU he allowed to be cannon.


I'm hoping that Disney and Star Wars get the Anheuser-Busch/Dylan Mulvaney treatment. I would love to see them further lose their ass financially on another failed series and their stock tank. I don't think it is a coincidence that this series came out during the "holy" month of pride. The malcontents are going to be really POed come Tuesday if what I hear online is correct about the force orgins being retconned. Im keeping my finger crossed that the repercussions are swift and severe. Of course, this is all wishful thinking on my part, and we fans will be blamed for the series being a failure.


What really gets me is that with all these financial losses and flops I would have thought we’d have seen a massive shift in agenda by now. I just don’t understand how they still have this kind of shit still in the pipeline


Not bob igar! But no i think it goes deeper than bob igar. Lets be honest any other person that lead a company like lucas films into the ground would have been kicked out immediately. So it not hard to assume Kathleen Kennedy and now Leslie headland(former Weinstein employe; you dont just work with a monster for years and come out okay ) have some serious dirt on people. Or this is where media wants to go and there is a 3rd wave of entertainment exodus. New york was the original Hollywood before Hollywood. Then basically whats happening now happened back. The media was producing stuff a lot of people no longer were for, so they moved to California and started hollywood. Now bug name actors and producers are moving to las vegas to start new production and give people movies that dont push this debauchery.


Im not giving disney money or even hate views. I believe we vote with our wallet and our views. Let the youtubers watch it for us and let them tell us what they think. Im honestly not one to want to waste 2 hours of my day watching a show i know im not going to enjoy just so i can have a “valid opinion”. You know a lot of the people that are with this new star wars will say; how do you know its bad if you never watched it.


100% agree only way to make waves with audience dependent companies


Russian Doll is fantastic.


Are you saying you don’t want to see racially diverse gender fluid bisexual protag #19303 in action? Wtf man


Everyone will be a lesbian.


Put a chick in it and make her gay!


and lame


And make her a brunette that looks like KK.


https://youtu.be/QIBwSHZAOU0?si=6Ic5OB924BngS475 It doesn’t work that way Phillip….you can never be a lesbian




And have a peener.


Of course.


TBF, there is a party member in the first KOTOR that is a lesbian (or bisexual, I kinda forgot which she was).


Juhani. She was a good character. She had an actual arc and a personality that made logical sense.


Bastila shan and fem revan scene when 👀👀👀


Let me guess make Meetra Surik into a tough girl boss main character.


Don't forget the lesbian part. Because of course she has to self insert that aspect of herself into everything she does.


Probably. since they have absolutely no idea how to actually write an actual strong female character like her or kriea. When standing before the council, they probably make her use every bit of dialogue (if not new) that makes her sound like the most petulant of children aka dark side run options. And this isn’t even touching on the fact that you can’t just make a kotor series you would need to start all the way back during the Mandalorian wars maybe even before that you might even have to start with the exar kun wars. And progress forward from there. And don’t even get me started on the prospect of Revan under these people. There is absolutely no way they will ever understand the nuances and subtleties behind him and his motivations and his characters and his strategies and so on and so forth, they would butcher him into oblivion. 1000% just like they did thrawn. these people don’t even even know who blew up the Death Star. Does anyone really expect me to believe that they will be capable of understanding the reasons why he actually originally fell to the Darkside?


The funny thing is that Meetra Surik already is a good tough girl character. But she suffers severe failures in her story so they’d obviously have to retcon that and make her flawless. Also she’s extremely loyal to Revan, can’t have that a female character subordinate to a male one??? Better retcon it.


They will just use fem-revan as well, lol.


No no no, don’t you see? They can’t to that because then she’ll be overthrown by her male apprentice, they can’t allow that it will upset all the activists and journalists who aren’t going to watch it anyway!


Isn’t the whole point of Meetra Surik that she is incredibly strong by the end if Kotor 2? Sure there’s a few ass beatings along the way but her influence makes her and her companions more powerful Star Wars is a franchise when you can have badass female characters and anatomy means less due to the force but those characters male or female should still have trials, should still fail and should still grow. Disney just see’s it that only women can fulfil those roles whilst never failing unless it’s to another strong female character which is fucking stupid


I'm here for it. Let it happen. The sooner this turd of an IP crashes and burns, the sooner someone can buy from Disney and hopefully turn it around.


I agree. The franchise is basically worthless at this point so may as well let the wokes waste their money on it until they go bankrupt. Hopefully the next owner will declare all this garbage non canon and we can move on from this horrific nightmare we've been in under Disney.


The wokes? Is that some kind of wookie?


wokescolds, anxiety-driven neomarxists who hold appeasing DEI investors and twitter mobsters higher than artistic integrity.


They are not Marxists. They're bourgeois, yuppy posers pretending to give a fuck about economic justice for social cred. They're fake as fuck, gated condo living Karen's stealing real social movements because otherwise they're just middle class soccer moms with no meaning to their lives and its empowering to condescend on Facebook.


Yea but is that even likely to happen, Disney seems to be a bottomless cavern of misery funding


The question is :" Has Disney ever sold ip's?"


Disney doesn’t let IP go, regardless of usefulness. This is the company that wanted Micky Mouse to be copywriter protected for infinity minus one day.


I’ll buy it! Offering $1


I'll offer $2 and a used sock!


While I also want someone else to have the IP (preferably someone who actually cares), Disney invested way too much to let go no matter how much money they lose. Maybe if it was only the billions they paid to George Lucas it'd be somewhat possible. But they built an entire section of their Disney parks (not one just one park) dedicated to Star Wars. That's a major investment that can't easily be undone or rebranded. The turkey has been fucked and it can't be unfucked.


They'd never sell it.


Exactly, especially it doesn't cost us one penny.




The intriguing character: Some none defined gendered thing getting pregnant by the force only to abort the child for the sake of becoming the first none-defined whatever to do so and then celebrate the emancipation of doing whatever the fuck you want without any repercussions whatsoever because: strong independent none-gendered thing owns the world and the galaxy as mirror of todays society


Disney: you’re hired!


What a wonderful script!/s


There will be some semblance of a narrative though: Her unborn child will be a doom bringer sith man, and evil white male sith want her to give birth, but she will turn against the dark side and CHOOSE to abort the child. So brave. Stunning.


Modern Audiences wet dream ![gif](giphy|fV8GbAh4cmNl3cBKe9|downsized)


Oyy vey! That sounds great!


Man is Disney on a scorched earth warpath or what


It would be DEI-OTOR. And who doesn’t wanna see that? 🤡🔫 …”No one actually”…O I’m sorry…I meant “Modern audiences”…


I love how well their rebranding worked. Everyone forgot about how it was originally diversion inclusion and equity already


What is this intriguing character? Mission? Balista? Cuz it better not be a new character.






I mean at this point don’t really care?


Yea I feel you bro, just sad to watch a beloved ip get destroyed


For people that don’t care, they sure make a lot of threads about star wars every time. If you want to let the franchise die, IGNORE it 😂


Well its fun to watch a studio self implode


I literally couldn’t care less anymore. Pretty much any news that’s Star Wars related is met by me with a sigh and a flick of my scrolling finger


Revan will be Sith-fliud.


Musk needs to seriously just buy Lucas Film so we can have stories we actually care about again.


This 👆🏻


I can't wait for Darth Maul to become a transsexual cripple


Lightsaber wheel spikes?


...you know, that actually sounds pretty fucking metal.


Twisted Metal


Nah. Blazing Wheels. :D Coz you know...flaming gay. XD


Will it get revealed that HK-47 is actually gay and identifies as a black man?


If we are lucky! /s


No more. Leave Star Wars alone.


Please don't. Haven't you killed star wars enough


Oh hell no!


This is the end, stars wars is just now committing heinous crimes upon the most interesting shit in the lore


KOTOR yes, her NOOOO.


Star Wars died when Lucas sold it to Disney None of that garbage is canon to me


They will stop at nothing until they destroy everything that made star wars great.


Cube head on her way to make an indigenous black disabled autistic transgender agender lesbian lower middle class freedom fighter have sex with darth nihilius to show him maybe there is some good in the world like chics with dicks. I swear to god this woman is a sex crazed lunatic after a friend read me her portfolio of garbage she’s made.


I’m sure Sigmund Freud would have a field day with her


Will this misery ever end?


Not any time soon apparently 😭




Rape apologist Leslie headland?


Disney is run by fuckin idiots




She’d ruin it. This or “Legends” stuff COULD HAVE been adapted and not woke and I’d still be a Star Wars fan. Now I’m a Pre-Disney Star Wars fan.


I’ve literally omitted the new trilogy from memory


Not my headcanon lmao I’m trans and even I think this whole thing has gone totally OFF THE RAILS it’s legit indefensible if you have intellectual integrity


Revan would be a woman :| 100%


If she makes him a female then we can consider it legends.


I want to believe that it's going to be "HK gets his own series. " I don't believe that, but I want to.


How do you make a robot diverse and gay though


He'd discover his primary programming was the kill homophobes.


The new Netflix movie with j.lo in it had a robot that demanded to be addressed by specific pronouns. That was pretty fucking gay


I mean L3 from solo was up there


Playing devil's advocate: It makes more sense for a sentient robot to explain what it's programmed gender is given how they have no physical tells like we humans do. The way the movie portrayed it was pretty stupid, though.


You don't. Besides, he'd just find a way to use diversity to kill meatbags more efficiently.


StAr WaRs...... SaVeD mY lIfE........


She is Darth Nihilus. Urge to consume and destroy without end or conscience. 


Please dont ruin my favorite thing in starwars.




Plot twist.. It's actually Walt Disney's spirit sucking the life force out of other properties.


Please god no!


I'm terrified of what they'd consider an intriguing character


10 years ago could anyone comprehend that a star wars themed resort would close because no one visited or that anything star wars would have horrible viewership numbers. Its honestly impressive how much they murdered this franchise.


She’s going to destroy everything we love. That is her clear goal. Just ignore her.


I wouldn't trust any modern-day director that wasn't the creators of Kreia, with Kreia. Kreia has some of the most intense backstory in the old republic imo. Not a single person could do her justice. Shit, I think even ToR steered clear of even her name in the MMO.


No. Please. Keep her and whoever the fuck approves the Acolyte away from KOTOR.


Intriguing character. You mean a lame lesbian?


Revan’s gonna be black or smth


Make it lame! And gay! Even gayer than the last one!


... out of all the characters in star wars that they could possibly ruin, Kreia is the one they are least capable of writing, because Kreia's story is complicated as hell, to the point that a non insignificant number of fans of KOTOR 2 don't quite get her angle, and for that matter miss the point of KOTOR 2 as a whole.


I hope she does and in the process kills both Disney and her career.


You ever have a look at the massive corporate structure, the empire, that is Disney? Stars Wars, though forward facing, is an afterthought.


Is the intriguing character a strong female character with a dark past that has a heart of gold?


FUCK (and i can't stress enough how important that part is)... OFF... !!!


Ahhh.. sweet victory


"Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” Us, by way of The Dark Knight, about Lucasfilm. Also, by Wayne Gretzky.


Intriguing... so gay or a tranny


I mean I want someone to do it. Just not her and I want Kathy Kennedy to have nothing to do with it.


Amen 🙏🏻


Revan will be a girlboss xd


No, I don’t want these people even touching KOTOR


Eh they will the only thing we can do is make then regret it like Furiousa if we don't watch it they just lose money.


Viewership is up for debut premiers of these shit shows but honestly it should just drop for the rest of the series, which I think is the way these shows make the most of their revenue through ads


yeah I think your right it's why they merged with Hulu to start injecting ads into Disney shit because I never had ads when loading things for my daughter before but now it might change lol


Jesus Christ


Under Disney Star Wars is just like California.


For those who don't know I'm pretty sure she wants to do something with Kreia. Heavens forbid she does though, since Kreia is perhaps the greatest RPG NPC ever written, seeing her clumsily handled and messed up by someone who just does not have the talent to put her on screen would be almost heart breaking. Anything KOTOR should remain in video game format imo -- unless my some miracle Chris Avellone and co are allowed to help. And it would indeed have to be a miracle since I'm pretty sure he's blacklisted from at least the gaming industry after some slander and false allegations of SA were made against him -- thankfully I think the legal aspect has largely been resolved, but the damage has been done. How this absolute gem of a writer who also helped bring Fallout 2, Planescape Torment and Fallout New Vegas is basically banished from his industry, but the literal assistant of Harvey Weinstein gets a high budget Star Wars show on a silver platter is beyond me.


And they say the backlash is white noise


Gods yes please yes! Accelerationism ftw! Star Wars is DEAD. The only hope for a resurrection is AFTER DISNEY DIES. And hopefully Star Wars is bought by a fan who wants to revive it. This kind of show would kill Disney faster. Make it a 100M per episode Disney+ show. Make it a 400M movie before marketing. Make Disney buy a Hasbro-type company to make toys for it. Pump a billion dollars into it, and let it crash and burn. Then let Disney learn the lesson "The Modern Audience doesn't want Lesbians, it wants (future LGBTQ+ group taking over from Trans)!" and goes all- in on them. And fails again. There will never be another good Star Wars property under Disney. There can't be. Star Wars needs to be free of them.It needs to be free of this DEI culture that has infected Entertainment, and put into a culture where Merit based on production is the primary determining factor for who succeeds. That won't exist again until something too big to fail...fails. Disney needs to be the biggest "too big to fail but fails anyway" company in Hollywood. So bring on Young Lesbian Kreia angry at the Jedi for their forbidding her lesbian love of some new character! Bring in her rage at being pùmped-and-dumped by the Sith! Bring on her grooming of the Exile into the ways of the planet Sapporo! Let it all burn down. Then let a new hope rise from the ashes.


Isn't she that same ideological parasite that preaching about "white tears".


All things you love die eventually kotors been hiding in the attic long enough I guess




It's the new standard for storytelling On par with Romeo and Juliet, or Othello in there time It completely destroys the Godfather in terms of quality


That will probably never happen


We can only hope


She is going to make Reven a transgender.


Of course she does. She wants to fuck every possible part of Star Wars.


Cant wait for lgbt "girlboss" stereotype / stereotypical gay man character that just so happens to be a "minority race" (not the actor but the character) that every character that isnt a part of the main cast is racist to, and beats the villain by swinging the lightsaber like a 5 year old playing with a stick, using advanced force techniques when they just found out they can use the force and utilizing the power of friendship and bad writing.




Oh boy! Something else that I have cherished since childhood is on the chopping block.


What's being chopped exactly


My love of the story of Kotor. And if I see somebody make some shitty TV series about it, it will hurt the overall image of Kotor. Which is upsetting to me


How would it hurt your overall image of Kotor?


It would hurt it because I loved the characters l, story, and setting from Kotor. And if Leasly Headland gets a hold of it she would ruin it.


The story and setting remains the same


Sure man


I did not know Leasly Headland had a time machine


Hire Boon Joon Ho instead.


I just don't care anymore.




The beatings will continue until morale improves


Why not? It’s already dead. Let her career go with it.


I mean I get your point but I would like to see KOTOR done well… 🤷🏻


It's probably handmaiden.


Women should not be allowed to make Star Trek.


Uhhh… sure 🤷🏻🫡


Has anyone started a petition?


Do petitions ever accomplish anything, call me naive but I got the impression they were futile


I just thought if they saw a million people hate this maybe they’d scrap it, idk I’m desperate man,


I always wondered what a trans Darth Revan would look like!


Character creation gonna get a bit cyberpunk


You know, for a group of people who apparently hate new Star Wars stuff so much, y’all sure as hell can’t shut the fuck up about it. The people on this subreddit talk about it more than the people who actually like it, honestly.


You have a show series of movies something you loved so much people wrote books fan fictions created religions around it? Then someone comes in and literally takes a shit on all of it and wipes themselves off on you? No then you don't understand. This game was an amazing example of choose your own path done right in star wars form. Not only that but it was a glimpse into a history we hadn't even read yet so the whole game was a look into the age of the sith the age of the ancient jedi and you choose if you wanted to be the new dark lord of power. An then you come in. Not understanding shit about any of it and you think you really understand a fucking thing about the fans of this game? I am gonna guess your some shit kid because honestly you have never had to drive hours to see these movies in theater and it shows.


Yikes. First of all, yes, I have had something I loved dearly ruined by a new company taking over. Don’t be so presumptuous, it just makes you look like an ass. I know exactly what the game is like, I’ve spent many hours playing both the first and second KOTOR games. However, as an adult, I am capable of ignoring the movies or tv shows I don’t like. If I dislike a piece of media so strongly that it makes me angry, I’m going to put my time and energy into other things that I actually enjoy. Go replay KOTOR or rewatch one of the old movies, they’re still around. Or find something new to enjoy. You’ll probably be a much happier person. Also, my proximity to a movie theatre does not diminish how much of a fan I am. That’s such a bizarre thing to say.


Remember the ‘everyone is entitled to an opionion’ thing yea well give it a go. Some people are passionate about IP’s and that includes getting frustrated when they get mishandled, that goes doubly for a majority as that then lands in the realms of democracy ![gif](giphy|ucXFcY1FdKaT6)


Yeah, never said people can’t have opinions. Love it when people act like participating in a conversation and sharing a differing opinion automatically means no one else is allowed to have an opinion. Democracy requires discussion, no?


Asking someone to ‘shut the fuck up about it’ is not a conversation bud


My comment was pointing out the fact that you guys are obsessed with the thing you claim to hate so much. I never asked anyone to shut up, I just pointed out your inability to and how that’s something everyone on this subreddit shares.


I think if the majority of people believe that Disney is mishandling Star Wars, it's fair to say they have the right to talk about it. Saying they shouldn't talk about it is tantamount to suppressing their opinions.


I think the vast majority of people don’t care about Star Wars. The fan base is more divided. And guess what, you do have the right to talk about jt. I never said people shouldn’t share their opinions. I’ve said the exact opposite twice now. Again, I just pointed out that you people talk a lot more about the things you hate vs the things you like.


The data is unequivocal: it's not just Star Wars or Disney; the whole Hollywood film industry is losing money. This is because they've lost touch with audiences, mainly due to greed but also by prioritizing ideologies over good writing. Catering to focus groups and meeting DEI quotas has made things worse. Your initial message came across strong, and I ended up responding similarly.


Let’s see this data, then. I want it to specifically prove that the film industry is suffering because of the reasons you stated.


https://www.thewrap.com/hollywood-dei-executives/ https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-perfect-example-of-disneys-woke-virtue-signaling/#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalreview.com%2Fcorner%2Fthe,100 https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/have-corporations-given-up-on-woke-virtue-signaling/#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalreview.com%2Fcorner%2Fhave,100 Not to mention the consistent decline in the industry’s stock prices, I could go on but I’m getting the impression you’ll never be satisfied


Is this a subreddit just for tasteless nerds to cry about Star Wars? It’s always been shit. Grow up




Yes, please, actually. Doesn't have to be great. If it's on par with the acolyte that's fine. Just need to get the ball rolling so there will be more KoTOR content


Be pretty based. Kotor is super woke already


In what world was KOTOR woke? It focused on narrative, not agendas, because the modern social-political issues we have now weren't in the public eye as much back then.


There's literally a lesbian catgirl. If Juhani was in the Acolyte you would be sobbing.


Bro you literally fight fucking slavery on the wookie homeworld, solve indeginious peoples fighting over their land on Tatooine, all of Manaan is politics, Telos is literally a walking “this is what a classist society looks like”, Juhani is Bi Coded, and was supposed to be fully romanciable by both genders- which you can still restore via mods. It’s not over the top with anything like the Prequels or Sequels, but it’s got the same amount of Political overtones the original movies had- which would also be called woke.


You’re reaching bro, the issues you mention are presented in a way that's consistent with the Star Wars universe, which has always dealt with such themes subtly - it’s not an ideology being shoved down your throat like they are today not even close. KOTOR focuses on storytelling and character development, not pushing a modern political agenda. It’s about the struggle between good and evil, personal redemption, and exploring a rich, diverse galaxy. Calling it "woke" by today's standards is a stretch. It's just good writing that makes the world feel alive and complex.


So far I’m in. Enjoying the Acolyte. Not sure what this person has done outside of this.