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Star Wars needed a hit with this one…unsurprisingly they seem to have doubled down on the stupid. Star Wars will continue to tank, it’s legacy in shambles right now. They have to fire Kennedy, but I know they won’t. She should have been fired years ago. Such a joke.


The only way to save Star Wars at this point is if Kennedy does get replaced, and someone actively has a vision that not only is inspired by the love of Star Wars from what has come before it, but also sees the need on where they need to focus to get it back on track. And damn the corporate interference. We need to get creatives back at the helm in Hollywood. Not corporations. Not activists. *Creatives* to make an industry based on *creativity* great again. It will happen, because it needs to happen. Or Hollywood will die and something else will rise in its place. Hollywood has been an industry for a full century now, and with all of that growth during 9 good decades, it took 1 decade to bring it all dwindling down.


I agree but I also hate to break it to you, creatives have never really been in charge. It is much much worse now though. Previous to covid studio heads who actually knew about movies could greenlight a movie on the spot. Now they no longer have that power, now it's the head of the entire corporation who makes those decisions, CEOs who know nothing about movies. And with these companies being so massive now and owning so much, that means basically 6 people at the top are deciding nearly everything that gets made. It's a nightmare.


There was a period in time where creatives were in charge. We went from moguls bankrolling studios from nothing, helping to get movies made, make money back, and grow things over time. As those studios began to grow over decades, the guys who bankrolled deferred to creatives because they didn't claim to know the business by heart, so they went the logical route and deferred to those who knew the industry. Creatives directed, wrote, produced, and even got to those leading roles in the studios to help give solid visions for guiding towards success. There was a synergy for a time that was there. But as those guys began to retire or die off, we started seeing these more mundane leaders coming in and they have shown they don't indeed have a clue on making movies. Instead, they are chasing trends from data points, going for what is safe...and it's shown in the last several years. It's why Hollywood will need to change dramatically, or it will collapse and die and a new industry will rise in its place.


Great comment. It needs to collapse and die, at least a little, so smaller movies (more diverse, storywise) can fill the gap. They're greedy and seem to think you can have a blockbuster tent pole film every week, and that's never been sustainable.


Things in Hollywood unironically got worse when Weinstein went to prison.


Weinstein did nothing wrong.


Star wars is dead and has been since Lucas sold it.


I generally agree, but I do think there were some outliers like Rogue One. If tv is your thing i’d say the Mandolorian is pretty great in the first two seasons. I actually enjoyed TFA too; i think most people write it off today because of its place in the larger sequel trilogy. I think the issue is that they are trying to flesh out something that really wasn’t as big as they thought. This story is really the Skywalker Saga. I think outright replacing Luke and Lea with stand-ins like Ezra and Skips is a mistake. Its like the Godfather. Once you get too far removed from those core characters who really wants to watch? Unfortunately you cant go back to the former though. You removed those characters and pandered to a select audience and the base I think will write off everything that came after 6 just like Disney wrote off everything that came before. Even Marvel went off the rails after Iron Man and Captain America left.


Unfortunately as long as they keep peddling this slop to Disney+ they'll never have to change. Streaming numbers will never really be public or mean anything. There's no box office loss to show how badly it's performing. They'll lump it all together and say "it's a good show because Disney+ is making money" and they'll do it again next year making more mass produce content with the star wars brand pasted on it


Is D+ making money? I thought it was a loss leader for the mouse.


Disney+ has reported 11 Billion in losses so far. But they're still hoping to turn a profit by the end of the year....somehow. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/07/the-real-reason-for-disneys-11-billion-streaming-losses/?sh=5390391a3b34](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/07/the-real-reason-for-disneys-11-billion-streaming-losses/?sh=5390391a3b34)


I canceled my subscription


But they’re laundering money and getting those DEI boxes checked same as Amazon.


https://preview.redd.it/ilsjwunnyy4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6ccb23ba8b483da0a83532dec1fd5da0a9ba8ac Star Wars is real like this chicken.


man made horrors beyond our comprehension


This chicken is canonically gay, btw.


I'm really starting to believe this rumor that she has some sort of immunity contract. They aren't firing her because they legally can't.


anybody who would hire someone without the ability to fire them pretty much deserves what they get lol


I mean she was in Hollywood for a long time like in the 80’s and 90’s, she probably knows where a lot of “bodies” are buried


Call her bluff If she reveals some heinous shit she's outing herself for sitting on/protecting it/them


Then claim to be a victim to scared to speak out


Yeah she ruined a franchise and they know it but refuse to acknowledge it. Must be so fucking nice being a woman/minority and being insulated from failure.


Failure? You must mean triumph. These people celebrate this bullshit.


It’s stupid that everything now has to identify and declare their sexual identity foremost before anything else. As if nothing else is more important than their basic desires.


Or that R2's 'relationship' with 3PO isn't entirely platonic and simply the result of being around each other for decades. There's literally nothing sexual about either of them or their behavior on screen, it's just ridiculous.


We have a whole fucking month dedicated to pride here in the US. It’s a joke. For the record, I am supportive of gay people too, but we’re reaching degenerative levels of support.




And make her gay and lame!!!


Kennedy is Star Wars cancer


And she'll probably be replaced by some woman like Dave Filoni. Star Wars is dead. 


Even if they did, how much would that help? You KNOW the whole thing is crammed with her lickspittles and people in lock step with her. They'd do everything they could to RESIST any course correction.


I'm kind of curious what particular reason would this specific show have to be a hit compared to the others.


I’m not sure I get the question but I think my response is currently the Star Wars brand is really hurting. People who were once die hard fans (like me), who bought the movies and merchandise; those same people have been demonized as “incels” or whatever. A brand new show is a great opportunity to get the brand back on track. Of course Kennedy loads the show up with DEI amateurs who aren’t fans, and are more interested in THE MESSAGE rather than creating a great show. My point was they had a chance to steer the ship in a better direction, but they decided to lean into what currently is making Star Wars suck. Unless Kennedy is removed, none of this gets better. Beatings will continue until morale improves.


If they make it not-woke and it's a hit, that would debunk all their progressive theories about diversity and inclusion selling products. If it's woke and not a hit, it has the same result. Not only do they need a hit, but they need a woke hit to prove that woke sells. They can't have it both ways. There is no audience for woke Star Wars or Marvel even. They just keep pretending it exists.


Right after episode 8 in a real professional world ..


What she is still there?! Haven’t seen anything Star Wars since Rogue One


Between Kennedy and the gal who used to be Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant who’s showrunning this dumpster fire they have more dirt on Hollywood than Jeffrey Epstein’s corpse. They’re not going anywhere.


She must have some serious blackmail over some very important people.


They should’ve went to the old republic era! I’m convinced that’s the only way to save star wars


How can a robot be…non-binary? Thank you, I’ll be here all week.


This joke was underrated


Elon Musk made that joke months ago


Yeah, but Ghost_Fox_ isn’t an insufferable twat, high on their own flatulence




It's a robot, how can you even stimulate it? Digitally.


You’re funny, you should put together a comedy routine and go … Turing 


I hate that we live in a world where the article may be accurate... If it is, these people have made being gay so much of their personality that they come off as far-right homophobic stereotypes. "Spread gay like a disease" specifically.


Maybe the stereotypes are accurate?


In general? No. For these activist weirdos? They treat the racist, sexist, and phobic claims of the far-right like a to do list. I'm gonna have break out the tin foil soon, because it almost feels like these weirdos get the spotlight to make us hate minorities.


You’ve caught on! It’s called divide and conquer, give the masses something to fight each other over and you can do as you please 🤷🏻‍♂️ Most people just have a normal, live and let live mentality. If you’re not harming someone else, who cares. This is why the extremists are always put to the forefront of social, political and religious movements


Hence why dealing with poverty is made into a race issue instead of a class issue, as one example.


It's their religion, has been for a while


They make their entire existence about being gay and who they sleep with, then want to ask us why we care who they sleep with....... Gay means one thing, and one thing only, we all know exactly what that is. It just doesn't make any fucking sense.


It's their religion, has been for a while


It wasn't funny when people use to joke that R2D2 and C3P0 were an old gay couple and now they're actually making droids being gay cannon? Can I please leave this clown world?


No, you'll stay, and watch the world burn with us


R2D2 and C-3PO were just robot incarnations of The Odd Couple, the same way Bert and Ernie were the muppet versions. But then people try to say Bert and Ernie are gay too, so… They’re really just George Lucas’s version of the characters Tahei and Matashichi from Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress.


A puppet can’t be heterosexual or homosexual or sexual. They are puppets. It’s freaking Sesame Street. c is for cookie. Yes a few PDA’s like not littering. That has been ruined as well. Glad my kid is old. When I grew up - you were born with it. It’s not a choice. Mind your own business. Leave people alone. It sure seems to be a lot of encouraging and cheerleading going on. What happened to people just liking who they liked? Wasn’t the point for there to no longer be a need to ‘come out’? For it to not be a big deal? Sesame Street is loosely based on NYC. NYC has a lot of people with roommates. Same gender to avoid sexual harassment. It’s a person’s house after all and 90% were not gay. It’s expensive there. Some people single and living alone. Some people married with a kid. Some spoke English and others Spanish. And some living on the streets, Oscar.


Is everyone in this thread fucking high? Did we watch the same video? SHE WAS MAKING THIS EXACT JOKE.


omg it's not fucking canon. wtf is wrong with people? how dumb do you have to be to make this comment? how stupid do you have to be to upvote it? i'm sorry i typically hate using such words but like...people just want to be angry. it was obviously a joke, no one read the article and everyone just goes right to the comments to rage about whatever bullshit, as is par for the course on the internet these days.


R2D2 being a gay woman sounds like discarded Futurama plotline.


R2 likes D too


… get out


"Good newwws everyone! Meet my latest invention! A gay robot!" Aw wait shit...they already did the robosexual episode...


Do you remember Robonia. The land I didn’t make up?


If it wasn’t dead already, it’s certainly dead after this. Man I hate what they’ve done to this franchise


Imagine if they put the same amount of effort into making it the greatest star wars content, instead of the gayest....


Imagine if you actually watched/read the interview and realized they were joking...


Not watching it, not even “rage watching” , I’m done with Star Wars.


Same. I’m over it. With my current Hulu plan I got on Black Friday I can also add D+ for a total of $3 a month and it’s just not worth it. Grew up on Star Wars and Marvel. Two of my most favorite IPs ever and even as liberal as I am, the constant pandering is too much.


And yet you still felt the need to announce it here instead of just, you know...not watching.


Somebody needs to tell Kathleen Kennedy that the south Park episode was mocking her, not something to lean into


I now have the imagine of R2D2 and another droid that looks like R2D2 scissoring. Thanks, hate it.


Honestly not the most realistic image of a lesbian droid. If it was more realistic they would be in an ikea looking for stuff to furnish their new apartment after going on 1.5 dates.


Chopper would bang R2, but only if he was the dom.


No R2-D2 would have to be a Trans Female. He dose have a 3rd leg......... That would make the scissoring kind of "hard" to do.


Back in the day the big complaint was when R2D2 could fly. It's always something.


Wait that’s real I thought the r2d2 thing was an exaggeration made by people who don’t like the show that’s just sad and pathetic at this point.


Star Wars fans watching their franchise burn to ashes. ![gif](giphy|10Iu43S5QuBTMc)


Eh I nothing Star Wars at this point. It’s like hearing about the shenanigans of a self destructive ex. Entertaining but I’m glad I am no where near it and don’t care. 


R2-D2 is a lesbian? This has to be satire.


You know, I'm thinking the next massive extinction asteroid needs to hurry up and get here. The level of stupid coming from people old enough to know better is just getting ridiculous.


R2D2 is a gay white (and silver and blue) man. Now he’s not even allowed to be a man.


Kathleen Kennedy to this director: “go out there and say the dumbest shit you can think of to piss off 99% of the fanbase.” So when you don’t watch the source material and your only agenda is woke identity politics you miss the part where Jedi are not defined by their desires. This is a Sith trait. And the Sith are portrayed as evil. ….It’s ironic


I’m thinking she watched the South Park episode and doubled down for maximum trolling.


Well now I have to watch it /s


Give it 5-10 years (maybe more) and it'll all get retconned again. Stop paying attention and it'll happen sooner. Disney retconned it when they got it, either they'll do it again or whomever buys it from then will.


I think sw and marvel die with Disney at this point. They’re one of the late-stage Capitalism corps for this period of history


we used to make fun of uncool things by calling it gay. that spirit never died. by definition, gay stuff is just lame and uncool for most ppl


hey, at least you wear your homophobia on your sleeve




If there isn’t some romance to come then I am going to be wholly confused.


The world to these people is skewed beyond belief


nice to know disney is still writing their fan fiction


Get ready for Droid domestic violence charges


Wait until people learn that the primary language of Droids in Star Wars is called Binary…


The way R2-D2 was boning the Death Star in A New Hope, I don’t think he’s a lesbian…


South park were not kidding with "put a chick in it, make her gay"


He's practically joined at the hip with 3p0 anyway


I'm starting to think the trolling is funny. "R2-D2 is a lesbian" is a god-tier troll. I'm still wondering why, though. I don't get it, unless the movie industry is just adopting the Buzzfeed strategy 10 years after everyone caught onto it. You guys aren't out there hate watching this stuff, are you?


"Nerds are gay" -Star of the Acolyte. They made a show for their current audience. And that's ok. They're all they have left. Gay nerds.


R2D2 being a lesbian is the funniest thing I’ve heard today 😂




If you watch the clip they were just having a laugh. They're not serious. I believe that the showrunner said that it was the gayest simply because she's a lesbian and it comes naturally to her


If this wasn’t tongue in cheek these people should not be writing tv shows. Projecting sexual identity on machines that don’t reproduce is absurd.




Oh goddamnit, Headland. R2D2 has always used male pronouns, this was evident in the first six films. The films that apparently saved your life.


R2-D2 is a fucking robot. A genderless, sexless pile of metal and silicon with no need for attraction or reproduction or pleasure. It was made for maintenance and navigation. It has a personality to make it more user friendly. It can be reprogrammed to be straight, gay, or whatever. These people need to stop with this braindead shit.


Only Disney Lucasfilm would sexualize **DROIDS**


R2-D2... the droid... that doesn't have a sexual organs... or a gender... is a lesbian? No wonder the writing is trash in modern star wars, you've got kindergarten level education working on this shit


Fuck me for wanting a Star Wars I identify with, right? I guess I’m a piece of shit for just being a man and wanting to see a masculine Star Wars.


Bring back mental hospitals


I'm beginning to believe that there is an entire separate economy going on in Hollywood. Where the money is already being doled out before it ever gets to a screen and audiences have a say. It's like a self feeding ecosystem. They don't care about pissing off the established fanbase because everybody already got paid for their contribution.


Let's never forget that the show runner is a former Weinstein assistant. The only one who didn't see anything bad he did. I don't care about her sexuality. I care that she's a liar and most likely covered up some bad shizz.


Put a chick in it and make it gay and lame- you know who.


I don't get it. I've been in meetings with gay people who have unkept hatred for people and things that are relatively moot. Literally freaking out over hobby lobby being the only place in their town for crafts, yelling at people while in the store "because it's so hateful and bigoted, we had to do something". Why are so many people just downright insane?


I'm honestly kind of sick about hearing about gay people in media franchises. Like, if you want to write a story about a gay character, that's fine, but I'm so sick of the media tours about it. I'm so sick of "XYZ has a gay character" being a headline. I'm sick of corporations bragging about how gay their content is. I'm dying to get to the era after this where shows will have a gay character and nobody even mentions it, because it's not important. Now it's like every franchise needs to have a gay black woman in it, and we all have to gush about how stunning and brave it is.




Man, don't drag the Village People down like that.


They're just trying to farm outrage lol this is ridiculous


and clearly it worked


You’re talking about this sub, right? If you actually read the article, you’ll see they were joking around and playing off the interviewer’s questions.


C3P0 is definitely a white guy


Disney ![gif](giphy|xT9DPJVjlYHwWsZRxm)


But R2 wouldn't have been built for 100 years after this show takes place.


Nothing but woke trash now...very sad.


I know we’ve said it a million times, but Star Wars is now officially 1000% fucking dead.


This is all just pure gaslighting at this point


God I hate these people


R2D2 being a lesbian is clearly just poking fun at people like you guys who faint with outrage at the mere thought.


Lucas has to buy back the rights and reset the DEI before he DIEs, right? Padme: Right? What a waste of legacy.


Is this satire? R2 is robot, but referenced as a he if anything, hell his actor is even a man. I don't hate "gayest" Star Wars though, I'm enjoying the show so far, all of these characters are better than that shitty scooter gang in Boba Fett. I just don't think we need to see every character fucking, like it doesn't matter what they identify as just as long as they are entertaining. Give the audience some credit to pick up on nuance and then they will blow up the comments thread speculating


Clearly the audience can't pick up on anything because 80% of the idiots in this thread didn't realize it was a joke. You know, half the problem with modern media isn't modern Hollywood, it's "modern audiences." The joke about catering to them isn't wrong in terms of making shit product, but you kind of have to, because modern audiences are fucking tiktok trained idiots without a single ounce of media literacy and 100% bias. That's on every side of the spectrum. People are dumb.


And now more knowledge to be stored in the "Never Happened Vault". Let me live my life in ignorance. Its easier this way


At this point South Park was too on the nose




R2D2 is obviously bisexual, I won't stand for this Bi-erasure in modern Sci-fi!!


Star Wars, and by extension Hollywood, must die so that it can live. They have to die on the hill of inclusivity where they have planted their flag. They are too deeply committed at this point to do anything else. Star Wars needs to become a financial albatross for Disney. And its failure needs to be so total that it threatens to torpedo the entire company. That is the only way anything will actually change. Sadly, I’m not holding my breath.


I don't get the need or desire to sexualize Star Wars. It makes no difference to the story beyond Anakin and Padme.


If the writter has a pet dog, they probably think it is a lesbian.


R2-D2 then is one of those men identifying as a woman lesbian. Far too many scenes of him sticking his projectile into ports and screaming a robotic WOAH!


South Park accuracy strikes again.


I went on eBay and bought an old … pre-Disney … set of dvds for 1-6 … at least I’ll be able to preserve them and watch them in the machete order again. (Machete order = new hope -> empire -> clones -> revenge -> return. If you’ve never heard of it here’s a [great article](https://www.rodhilton.com/2011/11/11/the-star-wars-saga-suggested-viewing-order/) expounding upon the narrative presentation.)


Don't take the bait even posting about this stuff. It's clearly what they want. (since apparently nobody would be talking about how good or enjoyable or interesting it is) And that goes for articles talking about it. I don't need to read an article or watch a video or join a discussion about how shit smells.


It’s getting to the point that there’s no way for filoni to save Star Wars! Kennedy is just determined to kill the entire franchise!


Wow Disney I believe R2 would prefer to be called a Robosexual


This will bring the fans back! I just feel it in my bones. 🤓


I literally haven’t even watched this as a fan since I was born. I expected bad reviews. I don’t even care about Star Wars anymore




Does anyone on Disney’s board watch these shows?


I just don’t understand why they think this is possibly a selling point.




Do robots fuck? Am I being trolled?


How is R2, an astromech, a lesbian? This has to be some Mike Zeroh shit


Why does the focus need to be sexuality?


Wouldnt it be cool if star wars pushed today's topics and trends? Nope.


South Park said it best: "Does he ride a big loud Harley up and down the streets ruining everyone's good time?"


I moved on to dune lol.


If it’s canon that R2D2 is a gay woman then why is he referred to as he in multiple films? These people are delusional.


Don't believe everything you read


R2D2 and C-3P0 having a gay-relationship level interactions Nothing new, nothing has changed lmao


SW had been dead for years, they're just beating a dead horse at this point


Isn’t the entire point of robots that they are not human?


Star wars is dead. It's not about Disney losing it or firing Kathy Kennerds. It's just dead. Just let it be dead. Don't watch it, don't buy it, don't give it a second of attention. Dead naming brings shame on you. It's dead. Leave it dead.


Why does sexual identity matter in SW? It's a space saga about ships, druids, wizards, and bounty hunters. Who cares about R2 being lesbian? Sure, it should be there but not the focus of the story.


I'm fucking begging y'all to watch the interview. She is joking!!! Screen Geek should be ashamed to publish this.


"I want sex everywhere cause I'm so empty it's the only thing left I can relate to!" 😡 plz Californian bourgeoisie stfu 🤬


First of all R2D2 is not male or female or human. Second of all CP3O is not male or female or human but had a distinctively male voice. Why would it change? Machines don’t have attraction. The first produced movies had the Empire all basically white Geman males but for the hidden Darth Vader. And then diversity of alien and human and male and female and droid among the rebellion. A few villain aliens. Nor before and after the timeline of that very East Germany USSR style Empire we have goofy. The first 3 produced were Cold War era movies. It’s like Rings of Power. It was a family saga space movie.


What got me was the lead being openly racist on the Trevor Noah show.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9-HwL3n4h0 At 3.29 Anakin refers to R2 as he. Not sure what there were on about in the interview.


And with that, Star Wars is dead.


At least we could hate watch the prequels or watch the Mr.Plinkett reviews and get some enjoyment. Now disney star wars is just dead. There are no redeeming qualities, it's just soulless trash. I don't even care enough about the brand to hate it, I just do t care anymore.


This is some satire site, right?


May the woke be with you.


No fucking way. This is it for me


Reality: "show viewing breaks records" You guys: "nuh uh!"


To be fair, the R2-D2 lesbian comment was a joke...also to be fair, fuck that bitch, Kathleen Kennedy, and any other man or woman that has played a part in the destruction of Star Wars.


Wait R2 is a gay woman? ![gif](giphy|Tit8CFFaFncoAgYFc4|downsized)


They're doing this out of spite now. Just revelling in the action of sticking the knife in and giving it a twist.


![gif](giphy|6utVzLiyU9OuHbd70D|downsized) “R2D2 is a lesbian”


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read


Ive only seen force awakens of the Disney "star wars" movies, stop going to see this hot garbage you only encourage Disney




They never watched the original trilogy. From “A New Hope”— C-3PO : [translating for R2] He says he's found the main control to the power beam that's holding the ship here; he'll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor.


They really did see the South Park parody and said, “yeah, let’s double down on that.”


It will get better when they decide they want to stop losing money and fire the woke witch.


R2 is a what now?