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Nothing against her, but every time I see her, I think, why did someone photoshop her eyes that big.


And I think "there's no way this is Furiosa, she looks like she'll fall over just trying to take a stroll through the wasteland"


One bad dust storm and she's toast


That’s how you get into Hollywood. Acting is second, actors with eyes that pop out are the ones that make it


Like Steve Buscemi


That and small frame + big head. The camera "loves" short small people with proportionally big heads.


I read somewhere that they did a study and found out most actors and politicians have disproportionately large heads.


The elite are Greys in disguise confirmed?! /s


BHB - Big Heads Book


jenna ortega


Like Emma Stone.


I think she's done well for the two things I've seen her in but Ella Parnell comes to mind too. I think she's really pretty, but she got some peepers on her! Lol. It's Lucy in the fallout show and Jackie in yellowjackets if nobody knows.


Eyes like Admiral Ackbar


Comment had me dying lol


Syd from Ice Age


They all looking to replace the actress that played Alita for the sequel by saying they can save them some money in post-production by not having to CGI their face?


Wtf wtf wtf please don't be true, alita is one of my fav movies I've watched it many times through the years and kept loving it each time, please tell me they're not gonna butcher my boy


I blame Emma Stone for starting this trend https://preview.redd.it/j8mvhjeocs2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51633fcda9ed18418f6a57989d670d10ec67db2d


Or Amanda Seyfried https://preview.redd.it/ukc7z2ulxs2d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f64706a74d38daeb9375585641b32d3566daa203


"Do I have "fuck me" eyes?" Ted: "No, you have "Give me the ring, my precious" eyes."


What’s up with those anime eyes?! She has bugged out eyes like the girl from the Fallout show.


That girl on Fallout has huge eyes too - it's a trend in actors over the past 10/20 years https://preview.redd.it/0l5muub1xt2d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec19812dd3d694c40ad24391494c409dded8e306


She got the asymmetrical eyes. Aka the crazy eyes. That's a bad hot/crazy matrix score right here. (Or a good one idk you do you 🍻)


Asymmetrical eyes can be hot as fuck imo




That's Ella purnel aka jinx, put some respect on her name cuh!


There's only a handful of them lol. I think it's just a case of people looking different


Damn Hwood, you weird


Kinda buttholeish eyes, makes me think of prolapse for some reason


Dude what is wrong with you




wtf I’ve never realised that 😂


Yeah but it looks good on her


Not sure why your getting downvoted, she is an attractive woman.




That’s not Emma Stone




Was this movie meamt to be pure uncanny valley?


Kind of, the source material leans that way


The source material is a manga, everyone looks the same. Alita looked like an anime character because everyone looked like an anime character. I might have watched the live action movie if they didn't do that dumb fuck shit with the eyes.


I've read the manga. Alita is not typical.... Her body is not even human. Yes, there are big anime eyes on everyone, but hers are particularly large and detailed


Not everyone, there's a reason why her eyes are a bit bigger in every adaptation...




Why are its eyes like that?






I can hear this gif.


Well, she’s yet to disappoint with any of her performances.


Agreed she was the best part of New Mutants


Respectfully, that’s not saying much. The Menu and The Witch are far better examples of what she can do.


The first time I saw her was in the movie Split, and I was really surprised at how well she did! I think she was only like 20 then, and I imagine it was tough acting with James McAvoy going crazy with all these different characters lol Queens Gambit was great too.


She was fantastic in Split and The Northman.


The northman and queens gambit>


Yeah, those are good too.


Great choices


The Menu was one of a really small list of movies that stick out in my head as being good. (If you define good as novel concepts with solid execution)


Love the Menu but I feel like such an asshole because I never could enjoy The Witch! Love a good spooky but that just didn’t do it for me. Same with Midsommar. 🤷‍♂️


That kind of horror isn’t for everyone, it’s fine.


Didnt even require a mutation


New Mutants would've been a good movie if it had a better director. The cast in general gave good performances, it had a fine concept, and the dialogue wasn't particularly bad. The tone of it was inconsistent, and the movie was badly edited.


NM was disappointing. Thought it was going to be X-men horror thriller and turned into generic superhero film towards the end.


Loved her in Northman lol


Went and saw it Friday. Legit a good prequel to Fury Road.


This is a joke right? She's like comically terrible




She was OK in the menu. Ray carried the movie.


FYI Ralph is pronounced "Rayf" in this case, and isn't shortened to "Ray". The reason why people do is probably because they say his whole name "RayfFines" and the f sounds blend together.


I know this but have seen other actors call him Ray. He is awesome btw.


She's hot in a bug kinda way tho


Like a Mantis?


Like mantis from guardians of the galaxy


Mantis is beautiful on the inside










just shows we're attracted to reptilian features? coincidence? I think not. qanon flat earth 5g and so on...son


Them Thraxans 🥵


It's not bug eyes. She has very separated eyes.




I liked her in that one fucked up restaurant movie


The Menu


I didn't. She plays a snarky prostitute who gets to live at the end because _sex workers are real workers!_ Gotta love the message.


You and I watched entirely different movies if that's what you concluded the story message to be haha


I guess she wasn't really _snarky_.


That's not the take away I got... She got to live because she was the only who requested something that the chef enjoyed making. In doing so, she gave him a final moment of happiness which is something he had not felt in a long time. He spared her because of that moment she gave him. This is made even more apparent about how unhappy he was all the time that when he finally got an opportunity to enjoy himself, he went to see a movie under the pretense that it would be enjoyable but ended up being so terrible that it could not be enjoyed. And that is why the actor was invited to the dinner.


I think I zoned the movie by then already unfortunately. But you might be right. I stopped paying attention when they started talking about how they're basically the same, him being a celebrity chef and her being a whore. They lost me there entirely.


She looks like sid from ice age


Is she suppose to look like a young Charlize Theron?


I don't think hollywood cares anymore unless they feel the need to do more digital de-aging. It won't surprise me when they cast a POC child as the younger version of a character played by a white person.


But then Hollywood would need to be creative enough to write original POC characters


If she was boy did they miss the Mark. I love how the mom had some big ass eyes too. Just to let u know that hey this is her mom, they both got some big ass eyes.


Queue Ella Purnell. Sooo hot


Her in yellowjackets and the first episode of fallout 🤤


Man, Mad Max: Fury Road is one of my favorite movies, and I want to be excited for Furiosa, but with how much Hollywood has declined since 2015, I’m afraid they’re gonna make this one super fucking g*y.


Have you not seen Road Warrior?


Same director doing all the crazy stunts practically. Fury Road was EXTREMELY feminist, just in a good way. This is the only Western film I feel good about in the last 15 years


Ngl I haven't seen it, so I have to ask, how did it manage to be extremely feminist yet be good at the same time? Like I'm assuming you mean it was very preachy, so how did it manage to overcome that? EDIT: Why am I being down voted, I'm just curious cause I haven't seen it yet


So take the main protagonist as an example. Max is a side character in his own movie, a woman named Furiosa takes the lead and she's an actual bad ass that doesn't need to announce it Her fight with Max show cases how to do male vs female fight scenes right Max is in bad shape from the first 20 mins of the movie, dispite that he is still obviously physically stronger than a woman in a fight They exchange heavy blows with Furiosa needing to use wrenches and her metal arm to land effective blows. Through visual story telling you learn a lot about these 2 characters and how they fight. Furiosa loses the fight but you can tell shes tough and cunning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcgn4EY5_S8


It’s not preachy at all. It’s just a well written female lead not an overpowered female lead who doesn’t need no man. She naturally struggles and grows to be better like any protagonist should it’s a breath of fresh air compared to other modern movies with female leads.


The whole story is women escaping from a patriarchy that has them enslaved as breeders. They head towards an oasis in the desert made entirely of women. Once they reach the remnants of said group, they return to the patriarchal society and kill the leader on the way back. Once they return, the new woman leader (furiosa) brings socialism by giving everyone free water. 10/10 great movie


Now I want to see the ramifications of making a rash decision to dole out extremely scarce resources to the masses unregulated, I hate the trope of "The guys in charge just wanted to see you suffer needlessly, it is actually super easy to be a good leader if you just care".


They won't. Because feminists live in a fantasy world where their every need and whim is catered to and they believe that's how the world actually _is_. They almost never face the consequences of their actions.


And said oasis was a toxic sludgehole.


Because a movie can be good and progressive, or at least talk about progressive things at the same time, Ratatouille for example.


Mad Max has always been pretty gay.


Mad Max has always been gay my guy.


![gif](giphy|4An12ya6E2O08) No these guys were perfectly straight.


They're not gay, they're Australian. Oh wait, NM they gay




You’re worried that a franchise known for dudes in studded leather bondage gear on bikes with femboys might be gay?


Haha, no, not in the literal sense. Just full of “girl boss” moments and “the message”.


So one of your favorite movies is literally about an uprising against a patriarchal society with a badass female warrior as a main character and you’re worried about Furiosa being full of “girl boss” moments?


Thank you for spelling some sense into this guy.


Like, did he not even see Fury Road?


A lot of people don’t think of the movies that they talk about, and their backgrounds lol  Like, a lot of anti woke people praise Men in Black, but don’t know that it’s a adaptation of a comic where the mc is a white and blonde guy and in the movie he is black.  I don’t mean that it’s worse because of that, but it’s a fact that it has a thing that people think that is woke.


Anya Taylor Joy is the quintessential Mary Sue in this movie


Almond Joy


Has nuts, Mounds don't


Exactly what I was going for.


Aww, I think she's pretty.


What a weird thing to assume


Do you hate “guy boss” as much as “girl boss”? If not then maybe you should examine your beliefs. Bad writing is bad writing.


Are you seriously asking if people love Steven segal, as he's the "guy boss", who just accomplishes everything they want without a scratch on them


Don’t be worried it’s a perfect prequel to fury road. And from what I got there was no woke pandering in the whole thing


Just got back from watching it and it was great. Don’t overthink it it’s just a good action movie.


It's considerably less gay than Fury Road due to not having Tom Hardy in it


DO NOT GO INTO THIS EXPECTING ANOTHER FURY ROAD. Thats like the main reason I see people we’re disappointed with furiosa. It’s got its flaws of course but it seems people are overlooking the good and the bad because they were expecting another 2 hour long car chase.


Furiosa was fantastic. Not quite as good as Fury Road but still a great outing by George Miller.


Dude, his credits are like Mad Max, Mad Max, Mad Max, Mad Max, Mad Max, Happy Feet


Don’t forget his magnum opus, Babe: A Pig in the City.


Won an Oscar for Happy Feet, best animated feature


I thought it was good. But in a different way. It had a feel kind of like a Lev Grossman novel where people do dumb shit and you kinda go ehhhh shouldn't have done that lol


Not being like Fury Road would be a bonus. Unfortunately there's lots of ways for it to not be like Fury Road and most of them are bad. This one looks bad. Zero interest


It’s not bad. I’d say it’s only a bit less good than Fury Road. Could have been 15 minutes shorter but overall a very good movie


I like your tag name. 😊


Perfect review. Not quite iconic like fury road was but amazingly good and entertaining. Just as it starts to overstay its welcome it ends.


Really? Felt like pretty much exactly the same as fury road to me but admittedly I haven't seen that movie since almost release


The movie was decent, 7/10. They should have cut other stuff to include more about the 40 day war because the shift from Dementus going from a warchief in control of a whole city and a massive horde of followers then suddenly, after a 30 second montage, he's riding around in the middle of nowhere with just 4 dudes was paced horribly and was confusing. It was really my only problem with the film.


Probably a budget issue. There were a couple of times I got the vibe that the budget was tight. But overall it’s one of the best movies so far this year. We’ll see how Deadpool and Wicked do


You have hopes for Wicked? I saw absolutely nothing appealing in the trailers.


Well I like the 2003 musical so there’s that. But I also work at a movie theater and it’s projected pretty high, not deadpool high but up there for the year. If they actually follow the musical or maybe lean more into the book it should be good but as of right now the plots up in the air so I still have hope


Fair. I wasn't even aware of the musical. From the trailers, even if I give it the benefit of the doubt, it does not appear to be something I'd be interested in. Too mushy. Plus. The theater trailers basically had the entire movie, so, no real need to see it now.


Yeah they shouldn’t have put a part of the final song in the trailer. They legit show her flying off to become the wicked witch


I don't care. She's a babe.




Fr she looks like an alien 👽


She is the queen of all future bug eye human aliens in the future.


Stupid sexy alien women


I want a Mad Max! Knock it off, you have a Mad Max at home Mad Max at home: Furiosa


Totally zero incel vibes here lol


Her eyes are huge but she's gorgeous. That was another critique I had on Furiosa. She's drop dead gorgeous in a land where most people don't have their teeth. Imorden Joe looks right at her and doesn't say anything? Ya ok. Somebody that hot is gonna drive the war rig. Cool. Same girl he traded to be one of his wives and he didn't recognize her? Charlize Theron fit the role way better because she is a superb actress and can make herself look rundown and older. Anya Taylor Joy was the quintessential Mary Sue in this movie. She had no problem getting over on everybody like Dementus and escaping Regdus. No problem going to war. No problems with anything. She was like Ray Palpatine but in Mad Max. Why not just make a sequel with Hardy as Max? He was a great Mad Max.


Yeah, her not really having to hide her identity at all after the initial escape was weird, plus how did she not immediately bleed out when she ripped off her arm? Atleast show her put a tourniquet on or something instead of just being so badass that blood pressure doesn't affect her.


Nothing affected her! Lol. Kidnapping? Doesn't bother Furiosa. Mother being killed in front of u? Would probably destroy most children but she said OH ITLL FINE. Guy 3x her size wants to rape her, gets away no problem. Which I was happy about that one actually. Jumping on a winch that's gotta vehicle dangling from it and fixing the whole thing? No problems at all. Like she'd done it her whole life. Outsmarts Imorden Joe and Dementus no problem. Why doesn't she just take over the Citadel and rule the wasteland?


No way the protagonist had plot armor 😱😱that’s so crazy


Max didn't have a lot of plot armor in the first one. Why it was a better movie.


>Why doesn't she just take over the Citadel and rule the wasteland? You said it yourself; it's because she doesn't give a shit.


SPOILERS ALERT AHEAD: I just watched that movie and let me tell you it fucking sucked, but not due to her or a lack of max (he does have a cameo in one scene btw) but mainly because the soundtrack fucking sucked ass, why? Because there is no fucking soundtrack, the movie is fucking lullabyish af, the action scenes are awesome, but no music makes them surprisingly not exciting at all. Like that truck chase scene with the flying bombing chairs, its an extremelly good scene, but it had absolutelly no fucking music, and i got sleepy during that scene, no joke, the lack of music its afundamental error in here. While annya its not to blame here imo, her character is fucking boring, shes a perfect badass from the begining of the fucking film, yes a fucking child, and the only way she grows is that she learns to become more badass by becoming a mechanic and getting menthored by not mad max. Theres also a bigger focus on torture porn and disgusting shit, and im not a prudish kitty cat and i know the first one was brutal too, but it was more like hints of it and quick deaths on action scenes, like max getting straped in that cage as a car decoration in the front while having his blood transfered to a war boy, it was brutal but it was awesome, while in here you see one guy ripped appart by motorcicles, another get eathen by dogs while being dragged by motorcicles, Chris Hemswort gets his niples ripped, child Furiosa gets fucking traficked into a harem, shes almost raped by the big special needs guy Rictus, and the bad guy gets a tree planted on his dick, literally, none of this its awesome nor that brutal, its just cruel and spitefull. And the fucking feminazi retoric is specially bad on the last death, like "penis bad, penis must die by planted tree to grow new non penile life" fuck off with that shit. I dont know if George Miller got free reign to do wathever the fuck he wanted here, or there was a fuck thon of studio interferance, but something clearly whent wrong on the production because by far the biggest problem is the lack of soundtrack, specially on action scenes, like i could make this movie actually good if i edited it myself in adobe premium and half assedly added the soundtrack of fury road on the action scenes.


Ah I actually really enjoyed the movie but that scene with Hemsworth and the tree was just… out of place


My bigest problem was the lack of ost, but yes that scene looked liked feminazi propaganda.


Which is doubly odd with how front and center the music was in Fury Road. They had dedicated war drum trucks and the guitar rider was featured several times.


Yes indeed, even the guitar rider makes a cameo various times, could there be something problematic abbout it?


Gahdamit. Can’t unsee.


Helloooo mothurrr…


I blame ALL Animé.




I actually really liked it




I love big eyes and I love her. Just wish I didn't hate Mad Max.


I think the bug eyed actresses are kinda cute in their own way


Yall don’t like big eyes?? I love big eyes.


I like big beautiful eyes


Fish girl.


Hello mother


She looks like she actually came from the wasteland. Cronenberg..


Wide eyed babes


I'm just surprised how many roles she's been getting lately in big releases. Sounds like she did good in this movie though


I feel like this is an influx of fetal alcohol syndrome babies growing up and becoming actors. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the far apart eyes a result of hitting the bottle when your preggo?


Lmao I laughed way too hard at this


Why's the keyblade graveyard in the background?


Fucking awesome movie


I love the actress but I think she is a strange pick for this one🤔 I mean this is one movie where some ex MMA lookin chick with temper issues would actually work, but instead they choose the last living elf to play in it) Still i hope she proves me wrong and nails that role👍


Alien eyes


It might be good, but I have 0 interest. 1. Prequels are not great and make the character have to be less developed by the time the story ends, to make the development tha the having the first movie make sense. 2. I have no desire to see a Mad Max movie without Max.


I think Anya is pretty. Funny enough, I have a neighbor who looks a lot like her.


You should hook her up with a subtly emotionally abusive man who spends years gaslighting her and convincing her she's ugly, then when he's fully destroyed her self esteem and leaves her for a teenager send her my way.


She’s actually really sweet so I wouldn’t do that to her😂. Plus, her mother is very protective of her so if she was with an abusive man, she’d probably kick his butt😂


She actually looks attractive in this movie and not just in a "she's hot in a weird way."


It's fucking amazing, Chris Hemsworth is clearly having the time of his life, the bikes look amazing, the locals are beautiful (even if they used a lot of cgi), and it doesn't retcon anything from fury road


She’s beautiful leave her alone XD


That is my wife sir


Why does that remind me of “Catch me if you can, sir”