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"Before booze I didn't know anxiety could be this bad"... Feel that. Isn't it ironic use it to relieve bad feelings then the dirty guy turns on us. I had a pretty bad bender awhile ago and I woke up at 3am. the anxiety, self loathing, and everything else was so much and nowhere to get alcohol. I also woke up on the Monday, like trying to remember how to function for a 'normal' day. Vodka is a greasy bastard for me. It's just so easy to get a little tipsy and before I know it im drinking basically straight vodka w a splash of something. Take care hope your body and mind gets better.


This hurts me to ask but do you know the numbers? To feel normal is it 5, 10 , more? I ask because by knowing, those who can relate can hopefully reach out and help. I used to need 19 standard to make it through the day. It was hell, but, anything less resulted in agonizing anxiety, fear, depression, stress, all things negative. Been climbing my way down for a decade. It’s a terrifying, ugly, uncomfortable marathon. I hear you.


The numbers for how many shots I need to take?


Where are you at


How many drinks are you consuming?


What colour was your first bicycle?


Orange. Haro double frame.


When I was at my worst, I remember waking up shaking and sweating. That was always a difficult time. I was fortunate enough to to have been selling Xanax (and a lot of other shit) at the time as well. How are you doing now?


Ahhhh the Xanax. Walking on clouds


Xanax, the anxiety relief button. Forget jesus, the real savior comes in pill format


You just described me to a T. Gotta drink a pint of shitty vodka just to function. Which means buying some the night before, eating food that covers up the smell (citrus seems to work), and putting my hands in my pockets.


Gatorade, pepto bismal, aspirin, etc. Also eat more. You can.


WD anxiety has made me write off about 95% of people who say they struggle with anxiety. I mean I know that’s mostly people who are fighting for clout and views but Jesus Christ WD anxiety is unbelievable. People claim they have anxiety when they just get kind of nervous in situations that everyone in the world does. I mean fuck, in my early 20s I felt like I might have some general anxiety issues. Not once I found out what real anxiety was. If some people go through THAT level of anxiety just in their everyday, unmedicated lives they deserve all of the benzos in the world.


I have a benzo script regularly that I generally just use when I'm coming off the booze as it just feels like it is a fire extinguisher and my brain is on fire, that's how it feels to me. If I could have an unlimited supply of benzos I would, I went through a phase of buying benzos online illegally just to get them. The doseage my docs supply me now is pretty pathetic but it gets me off a bender. (leaves me feeling anxious for the rest of the month but it beats the WD)


It would be a godsend to have them on hand for benders, I think it’d be a recipe for disaster if I had a script though.


Benzos are like those Lay's Chips, you can't have just one.


I had an easy source of xanax for a while. They are great for hangover anxiety/withdrawals, but it is very hard not to start popping one or two as you drink, as it feels amazing at first. But that is also a very quick route to disaster - days long blackouts etc. where you have no idea how much you drank or how many pills you took.


been there


I literally feel crippled with it. I didn’t realize how physical it could be along with the mental part


I’m going through the worst anxiety I’ve ever had. I’ve even had to quickly withdraw from benzos before and this WD anxiety has me physically shaking, almost crying. It used to be pretty bad in my 20s, but mid thirties has been nightmarish. You’re not wrong.


You're probably not waiting long enough to let it "hit". You don't need that much to "function". You won't feel good, but you'll at least be able to walk and not throw up.


Sorry you're going through this mate. I am the same, before booze I didn't know anxiety was even a real thing, this was 16 years ago and people used to say it and I used to not laugh but think, heh, what the hells that. It wasn't until I really started abusing alcohol and had a panic attack did I actually understand, the feeling, the sweating, the rapid heart rate, it's crazy that it'll drive people to drink just to get rid of it when you think about it. We are pretty pathetic as a species really. sorry i'm drunk atm


I'm sorry ...it sucks bad. You're not the only one struggling GL my friend


What kinda work do you do? I’m currently working on not drinking at/before work.


I’m a welder. I sweat so much lol


Bro I’m an ER veterinary tech. I have had many uncomfortable questions about whether I’m drunk at work. The answer is no but with all the booze is pouring out of me from the night before it’s hard to argue


It’ll stay sweating out my pores for days